#45 – Course Conditions – Fall 2019

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Stick) probably had the greatest influence on me, instilling within me to always push to be better, think outside the box, and create a family environment in the workplace.


DO YOU DEVOTE TO NONAGRONOMIC GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT? It’s probably 50-50, depending on the time of the year. I would love to have an admin (administrative assistant) 20 to 30 hours a week, but unfortunately this is not in the cards at the moment.


THE ROLE OF AN ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT? It’s the most important job. They are another set of eyes and are the key to instilling the goals and philosophy. I have always believed multiple sets of “eyes” are better than one.

You need great assistants and others for those eyes, for kicking around ideas and brainstorming and then helping you get the staff to carry out your plans. I am fortunate here at Harbor Shores to have two great assistants, Matt Vollrath the lead assistant and Evan Rhodes. We have worked side-by-side kicking around ideas, pushing each other to be better, and more efficient. Hopefully, I can be positive influence on them and help assist them reach their goals.

every year – at least a little bit. To embrace that concept, that philosophy, you have to have equipment dialed in to pull it off. A good mechanic is crucial for this.


18 WHAT IS YOUR OPINION OF THE ROLE OF THE GOLF COURSE MECHANIC OR TECHNICIAN? A mechanic is vital. At a golf course your two biggest assets are equipment and staff. The equipment goes out every day. Our philosophy is attention to detail and every day pushing things to get better each and

OR INTERESTING STORY FROM WORK THAT YOU CAN SHARE? There are always funny moments. Working with one of our Youth Build program kids named Calvin comes to mind. We were back-filling drainage ditches and we get to this catch basin area. I tell Calvin we will need to hand shovel the rest. He drops his shovel, drops to his knees and grabs dirt with his hands. I had to smile. I told him I had to admire that he listened to me and responded verbatim, but I meant with the shovel.

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Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association | www.migcsa.org

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