Midwest Leak Magazine Issue 109Q 365 Entrepreneur Quarantine Edition

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A Note from the guest creative director: Co Co Michelle What’s Poppin’ My name is Courtni andHow I go by I am a freelance publicist within the entertainment Peace! areCoco youMichelle. all feeling? industry. Most people what I do, but just know I do it! I miss have you no so idea much!

As a publicist I work for my clients day-in and day-out. One of my favorite sayings is, “this train stops for no one. So either you’re on or you’re left behind.” My intent is to always put someone on, because together we win. Issa Rae once said, “that you grow with the people beside you, because the people in front of you only work moving forward and it’s no reason to work with the people behind you.” This stuck with me because the way I see it, we all want to eat and it’s enough to share. But, it’s about whose really putting that work in to be sitting at the table with you. So that’s my job to make sure the people around me eat and that they grow to be the best versions of themselves. I was so excited when Le’Deana made the post about Midwest Leak’s issue 109Q Quarantine Edition, because it was my time to do what I love best, network! Being able to connect people and share the stories of those who help us smile on a daily basis- rather through balloon sculptures, empowerment IG live talks, music, housing projects, and/or improv shows for example. So if you remember nothing at all, remember that Coco got yo back! The community comes first, because it takes a village to raise a child. I want our children to see our faces and understand they can be whatever they want to be and that being behind the scenes is just as fun. Follow me on IG/Twitter @Co_Co_Michelle or email me at Coco.Michelle1417@gmail.com lets talk about your brands future and how we can connect you!

Shauna Burnett, Epic Ultra Lounge Tell us about who you are and what led you to get into this business. I am Shauna Burnett, Owner of Epic Ultra Lounge. got in this business to bring the city of Indianapolis an intimate feel of quality night life events, live entertainment, and amazing food. How were you affected by the pandemic? My team and I have been faced with not being able to open our doors to our customers and all the income challenges that come with being a small business during this pandemic. We have had to ask ourselves the hard questions. Do we shut down and close our doors? Do we find a way to persevere? We chose the latter and we fought to stay open. In what ways did you find yourself getting creative as a result of COVID-19? After realizing this shutdown would last a little longer I found myself not sleeping constantly thinking of ways to create something positive for my customers and the community along with keeping the Epic brand alive. Two weeks into the quarantine I started Epic Live curbside. Every week we have artists, musicians, and DJ’s live curbside while our customers wait on their delicious food from our kitchen. We partnered with Temica Key the owner of Key Karaoke to host the curbside event. This has been a huge success and we are still going strong with live performances booked weekly. How are you encouraging the community to get out and vote for the Presidential Primaries? I am encouraging our community to get out and vote for a leader that has plans to include African-Americans in the economic growth and rebuild of the country. I am also promoting by example and action for us to to uplift each other by support and spending our money with one another to insure that we not only survive but are successful once this pandemic is over. What will you tell your grand children when they asked you what you remember most about the Coronavirus pandemic? I will tell my grandchildren that this time of the corona virus was another traumatic time that we as a people had to endure it didn’t break us. What can people do to show their support to what you’re doing? They can continue to support by making Epic part of their dining-out during the week and we will continue to make it a satisfying choice. We would like to thank the city for your continuous support we couldn’t do this without you. Where can we find you online? FB: Epic Ultra Lounge IG: @Epic.indy

Tia Scott, Mother’s Earth

Can you tell us about who you are, what you do and why? My name is Tia Scott and I am the owner of Mothers Earth and the creator of the holistic oral care line, Down to Earth Tooth Dirt. I am allergic to toothpaste, so I actually created my very first product, Down to Earth Tooth Dirt, out of a need for myself. How are you holding up during the pandemic? I have actually been doing really great in spite of everything that’s been going on. I have had time to really focus on some new projects and businesses that I had been baby stepping. Mothers Earth has also moved locations and we are expanding our product lines in lieu of our 2 year website anniversary on Juneteenth, so I honestly cannot complain. I’ve been extremely busy working on developing our new space for Mothers Earth and Manifest Your Destiny, building my new businesses, keeping up with the demand of our products and pumping out marketing material via social media and email marketing. I have actually been a lot busier since all of this happened, ironically. What ways are you practicing self-care? What advice do you give to those who may be affected during this time? I have always loved plants, but since this has happened, I have found that creating a routine and developing a relationship with my plants has been a way for me to innately take care of myself. Shopping for, caring for and nurturing my plants has been a form of therapy for me during this time of cleansing. Watching them grow and prosper no matter what’s going on outside of their own personal environment has given me a different perspective on the current circumstances of the world and encourangement to keep growing. How are you encouraging the community to get out and vote for the Presidential Primaries? Electoral College will have the last say as to who the president is. What I do think is extremely important is to vote locally. Find out who’s running in your area, find out the issues your community faces and get involved, especially with our youth. Yes, who becomes president matters, but not as much as who’s running the communities we live in. I have personally not spoken directly to my community about voting, but I have personally worked in my community and others to assist with the personal needs of our people. I will continue encouraging our communities to be a village overall.

FB: Down to Earth Tooth Dirt FB: Manifest Your Destiny IG: @Down2EarthToothDirt www.MothersEarth.co

What will you tell your grand children about the Coronavirus pandemic? I will tell my grandbabies that this pandemic was a blessing and a curse. Some lost their lives and some gained theirs. This brought a lot of us closer together and exposed who was for themselves. It showed us more than some of us will ever have the capacity to understand and it definitely made me look at life, people and business in a whole different light.

Brittany Ayers, House of Colors

For those who don’t know you, tell us about who you are and what you do? I’m Brittany Ayers, owner of House of Color Event Productions, LLC. Our mission at House of Color is to create lifetime memories with a pop of color through balloon decor. With balloon decor you not only transform but enhance your events. From kids birthday parties, baby showers, themed parties, weddings, and so much more. Every balloon design is custom made to suit ALL YOUR needs. What got you into your field? I got my start doing fashion shows in college and immediately fell in love with event production! I graduated with an accounting degree, but didn’t have the passion for it any longer. The event planning industry won my heart because it’s not work, it’s my passion. How are you holding up during the pandemic? Well I just enrolled and school so I’m keeping myself busy. Plus I have a 3yr daughter and there’s really no down time to be sad with her around. What ways are you keeping busy, staying creative and still pushing your brand? In this industry you continually have to adapt to change and trends. The pandemic stopped a lot of plans but moments in our lives didn’t. So, I’ve created a no contact delivery package for my clients. Making it easier to still celebrate lifetime memories during these hard times. Remaining focused on the mission to why I started being creative and pushing the brand even harder. In our community, we all know that mental health is a subject that is often shied away. What advice do you give to those who may be affected during this time? Honestly, just breathe. Take life one day at a time. Learn to let go of the things you cannot control or change. 2020 has been a crazy and unexpected year, what is your silver lining thus far? I have had so many opportunities this year to work and showcase my craft. I am truly blessed. This time has helped me really sit down and plan my next moves thoroughly. 2020 is a very special year for House of Color. Just wait. Tell us about your plans once the state opens up. I plan on celebrating my 5th anniversary with House of Color. I’m having a week-long campaign. I’ll be dropping rainbows around the city for encouragement and hope. Where can we find you online? Houseofcolorevents.com @houseofcolor

The Lab

For those who don’t know you, tell us about who you are and what you do? We are The Lab Indy! We are a production studio that offers recording sessions in our state of the art music studios, a photography shooting room, a podcast studio, drome lessons, and so much more! We are located off E 56th street, next to Meijer. Are you open for business at the moment? As of right now, we are only booking private sessions. We understand that this virus is very serious. Most times, people like to create a vibe in the studio, however to protect us and you, we are asking that there are no more than 5 people in the studio. What ways are you keeping busy, staying creative and still pushing your brand during the pandemic? This pandemic is unfortunate. But, if you really took the time to reflect on where you want to be in the next coming months, I think this was a perfect time to sit down and regroup. Everyone was moving so fast, that they may not have thought plans through thoroughly. We were hosting the Mo3 concert, but that was cancelled due to Covid-19. We are looking to reschedule once we are cleared for take-off and we feel like we are now ready to offer even more than before. We just had a contest called, Quarantine- Vocals of Indy, where we were able to give a lucky winner, voted by the people $250 dollars. Shoutout to our winner Eddie Dean. To The Lab, the community is important. Whatever we do, we do it in the name of the community. During this time, I think we can all agree that self-care is extremely crucial. What ways are you practicing self-care? Having a moment to breathe and think is always good. One of our engineers came to the studio and rewired everything and just made it really shine. That helped him keep his mind clear. People are in the house all day with no where to go. Which is why we still offer private sessions, because the creativity can die at an idle stage. Don’t let boredom take away who you are as a creative. Being able to help people stay creative and excited, that’s what makes us feel sane.


What advice do you give about mental health to those who may be affected during this time? Whenever someone mentions therapy in our community, especially to black men, there is always an excuse as to why we don’t need help. When in reality, we do. We think we self-help ourselves to get past a situation, but really it’s just hidden trauma. That’s not doing anything for anyone. We don’t always have to talk to a stranger, but when going through something, the best thing to do is talk. Talk out your pain. Talk out your frustrations. People are losing their jobs left and right. We are not okay. It is okay to say that you’re not oaky. It doesn’t make you weak. Ultimately, it makes you stronger.



SKYPP, Artist Songwriter / Producer For those who don’t know you, tell us about who you are and what you do? My name is Skypp, formerly known as Lil Skypp. I’m an artist, songwriter and record producer from the eastside of Indy. Creator of hip-hop’s longest ran freestyle series, #SkyppSaturdays. Also an iTunes top-40 charting artist.

What’s the most creative innovation you’ve seen come out of the quarantine? The “Versuz” series that Swizz and Timbaland have created. I think that’s something that could go on for years. Even in a live show setting. Just a dope idea overall and excellent execution! I love how it’s boosting people’s catalogs. Just pure dopeness.

What got you into your field? My first dream was basketball but after a while I realized that being a career choice for me was far fetched. The next thing big thing was rap for me. All I knew was what surrounded me. Music and sports was my only getaways from my reality. Cliche, but true.

How are you encouraging the community to get out and vote for the Presidential Primaries? I’m encouraging the black community to withhold their votes. Make the nation respect our power and influence! There’s strength in numbers and we have numbers! Make them recognize and acknowledge our value and well-being!

How are you holding up during the pandemic? I’m blessed to be thriving during this pandemic. Thanks to my creativity and hunger. I’ve had a couple days where being alone got to me but overall things have been great! I knew going into this situation that I had to stay active or I’d go insane. That drove me to new heights and those new heights drove to another level of my grind. What ways are you keeping busy, staying creative and still pushing your brand? I ended up creating a new freestyle series called #Quarantine16s. I release 3-4 freestyles every week of the lockdown with any accompanying TikTok style video. It’s helped me to get back to the old Skypp and improve my pen game. It’s been fun and time consuming. Exactly what I needed because I’ve had nothing but time. What ways are you practicing self-care? My thing is to stay active. They say an idle mind is the devil’s playground. The times I got discouraged or down was when I lacked inspiration. When I’m not working during this pandemic, I’m depressed. It’s just a depressing times all. I’ve been out of work for about 2 months and away from my loved ones. It’s tough. I’m grateful to have an outlet! Pick up a hobby. Read, play video games, workout, paint etc. Just don’t dwell on what’s going on so much. Stay active and clean.

What will you tell your grandchildren when they asked you what you remember most about the Coronavirus pandemic? I’d just want them to understand the importance of mental health. There’s not much we can do about the things going on around us but there’s always something we can do about what’s going on within us. When you have your mind right you can withstand anything life throws at you. Worry about what you control and keep yourself and your loved ones in a healthy state of mind. This life will drag you to your knees if you let it. The pandemic was a fragile time for the world but life is full of adversity and mystery. Take care of you! What can people do to show their support to what you’re doing? I just ask that people stay connected in contact with me. I’m very accessible and love building relationships with my supporters. I’m always up to something so there’s always something to support. Once you give me your attention. I’ll be sure to keep it! Where can we find you on social media? Do you have a website? My website is officialskypp.com and my social media tag is @Skypp317!

SHANE SHEPHERD, B4UFALL Inc. / B.H.O.A. / Hard Part publishing For those who don’t know you, tell us about who you are and what you do? I am Shane Shepherd. A community advocate, Mentor, life coach, community builder, serial entrepreneur and someone who wants to see the Black community prosper and progress. I will do whatever needs to be done to make that manifest. What services does your organization povide? Youth and adult life coaching, managing non profit organizations, consulting nonprofit capacity building, grant writing, community engagement, success coaching, and business consulting. What got you into your field? What got me into this field was struggle, poverty, and all of the despair it reigns on my people. How are you holding up during the pandemic? During this pandemic, I am actually doing well for myself, brands and community. I was properly prepared to spring into action because of my adherence to spirit and living by faith and not sight. My experience in Federal prison had me ahead of the curve in so many ways as this Covid-19 situation hit because it’s an exact replica of the society that federal prison is. That is the training model for the society out here now post Covid and I lived and breathed it for 12 years. When I heard the rhetoric coming from mass media, it reminded me so much of the announcements of the institution, that my institutionalization actually became an asset as opposed to a liability out here; if that make sense. What is the most creative innovation within your own projects that occurred during the quarantine? The most creative innovation I have seen come out of this quarantine, would be B4UFALL’s residential living facility for YOUTH that have fallen further into the gap as a result of this pandemic. The ones

whose home life got further exposed by this pandemic. We have been able to open a 12 bed facility independently owned and operated. That is a blessing out of chaos. How are you encouraging the community to get out and vote for the Presidential Primaries? I’m not and I won’t.... What will you tell your grand children when they asked you what you remember most about the Coronavirus pandemic? If and when my grandchildren ask me about what I remember about the corona virus: I will tell them how it exposed the rest of the world to how black people been living since the inception of America; through systematic oppression, denial of basic human rights and dignities. The rest of the world reacted to the conditions by which black people have been living under all along. “Covid19= Welcome to the African experience in black in America.” -Shane Shepherd What can people do to show their support to what you’re doing? To show your support you can commit to a reoccurring monthly Pledge to keep our residential group home independent. Log onto our website for more information on giving, volunteering, helping, donating and much more. Where can we find you online? facebook.com/shane.shepherd.98284 facebook.com/pg/b4ufall/about/ @bighomiesofamerica @hardpartpublishing @hardpartzulu

Zero the Composer For those who don’t know you, tell us about who you are and what you do? My name is ZeroThaComposer/bka Zero. I’m a music producer, music composer, and musician. What ways are you keeping busy, staying creative and still pushing your brand? I’m still having sessions, but virtually through Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype. I’ve also been able to develop more photos and video shoots to show my craft while building my brand and attracting a bigger audience. 2020 has turned a lot of things upside down. What is your silver lining thus far? I am still working on so many projects it’s crazy. The pandemic didn’t slow me down. It made me go so much harder! I’ve been making moves, ones I can’t really disclose just yet. But, I swear when it drop, just know “Zero a Foo Wit It”! Tell us about your plans once the state opens up. Continue to take trips with family and friends! My birthday just passed and I want more than a quarantine in the house party! I’m ready to celebrate. But, more importantly, just continue to work hard and build my brand up. Where can we find you on social media? Do you have a website? The website is being revamped but updates coming soon. But, you can find me on Instagram: @zero_tha_composer Facebook: Isaiah Darty

DJDJ For those who don’t know you, tell us about who you are and what you do? I’m DJDJ. I’m a DJ & graphic designer. What inspired your career path? I Played drums and loved to draw as a kid, which turned into DJing and graphic design. How are you holding up during the pandemic? I’ve been doing lots of mixtapes and live DJ sets. Other than that I’ve been staying to myself, praying for those affected and getting plenty of rest. What can people do to show their support to what you’re doing? Promoting during my DJ sets is appreciated. Come shop with me at Indy’s Connect - 4433 N. Franklin Road in Indianapolis. Or download my mixes! How can people connect with you? fb - djdj ig- @1djdj greatestdjspodcast.com

365 Entrepreneur by: Stephanie “Loyalty” Bell


Never off the clock When you run your own shit Bosses don’t quit Even in a quarantine It’s called improvise your Dream There is a way around everything ADAPT. Based off need Entrepreneurs do this naturally 365 I will do more than just survive I will do more than just live I will feel alive... I will breathe...I will not live in fear I will continue to create That is the entrepreneur way It’s often more work than just punching a clock The sacrifices are limitless Yet so are the rewards Whose keeping score The people closest to you be the ones furthest away It’s too often strangers offer more support 365 I will do more than just survive I will do more than just live I will continue to create that is the entrepreneur’s way.

DJ Yungen How did you get into entertainment? I’ve always been a music head. I played the saxophone, drums, and keyboard growing up but I was a party promoter before I was a DJ at the age of 17. One day the DJ we booked for an event quit half way into the event. I was big mad (laughs) but I downloaded the DJ software the next day on my laptop and taught myself how to DJ from youtube videos. I’ve DJ’d every event since. How are you holding up during the pandemic? As good as I am going to be honestly (laughs). It drove me crazy at first not being able to really go outside or being able to DJ because it took away my income. Luckily I have saved up for a rainy day- and it has been pouring out here! What ways are you keeping busy, staying creative and still pushing your brand? I try to go live at least once or twice a week and DJ for my supporters to keep my name out there during this time. I was able to DJ for the Urban Fetes DJ Marathon, where chosen djs all over the country were on a schedule to do a live DJ set on Facebook then lead the viewers to the next DJ on the list. It was dope! I gained new followers and friends from it. I also have been able to DJ at Epic Lounge curbside for customers that pull up and wait for their food orders to be brought out to them. Which was a good time to link with supporters and still practice social distancing. Instagram: @Djyungen317 Facebook: Djyungen Snapchat: Djyungen317

Kiddo, Fresh N Mobile For those who don’t know you, tell us about who you are and what you do? My name is Kasi Patterson, I’m 28 years old, born and raised in Indianapolis, IN. I’m better known as “Chef Kill Everything” & I am the owner of Kasi’s Fresh & Mobile LLC. I was inspired to pursue cooking as a career my junior year of high school once I became the top student in my culinary class. This position awarded me the opportunity to study under the head Chef of a local country club. What ways are you keeping busy, staying creative and still pushing your brand? I have been taking advantage of my social media platforms at this time, posting new content such as: “Killa Cookies” & “Salmon Sliders” to keep people interested in something fresh. I am very blessed during this time, especially by being able to continue working as an essential employee as well. What’s the most creative innovation you’ve seen come out of the quarantine? I think that people have been very creative with their mask designs as well as finding new ways to still link up while maintaining a safe distance (drive by birthday celebrations). What will you tell your grand children when they asked you what you remember most about the Coronavirus pandemic? I will tell my grandchildren that I remember realizing how serious the pandemic was once I saw all the food & toilet paper in the grocery Store was gone!! How do we stay connected? Join my Facebook group: Kasi’s Fresh and Mobile Add my Facebook page: Kasi’s Fresh & Mobile Follow my IG: Freshandmobile.

Justin Bland, Made Man Improv Who is Justin Bland? I’m a creative dreamer and ironically my name is Justin Bland- crazy thing is Justin Bland means “creative dreamer” in Hebrew. (Laughs) Not really, but for the sake of this interview, we’ll act like it does. I’m known by my stage name, J. Bland Made Man and I’m known as being the creator and host of The Made Man Improv Show. A comedy based variety show that is composed of comedy sketches, on the spot improv games, a lot of crowd interaction, and whatever else happens while we’re vibing out. How have you been impacted by the COVID-19 quarantine? I thought being quarantined during the pandemic was going to give me a huge burst of creativity, but that definitely was not the case. Honestly, most days I struggled to be happy. Being on stage has become therapeutic for me and being stripped of that has taken a toll on me. I feel like I’ve gotten a lot better mentally but at first it was super tough. Overall it’s given me a brand new sense of appreciation for the things I’ve become used too. I never take things for granted. I am now learning that this time has given me more of a reason to be thankful for my platform, gifts, friends, and supporters. I’m just super grateful. What ways are you keeping busy, staying creative and still pushing your brand? I try to keep in contact with some of my supporters on a personal level just to show them I genuinely care about them outside of the show. It actually keeps them engaged and excited for what is to come once life opens back up. I really haven’t been “pushing the brand” during this time. I feel the time will come for that, but right now I just want to make sure all my people are doing good, which includes their physical, mental , or financial being. I know some people can do better in these types of situations opposed to others. During this time, I think we can all agree that self-care is extremely crucial. What ways are you practicing self-care? Self care looks different depending on the person. For me, movies are ALWAYS my go to. Netflix and Hulu have been my besties during this process. I don’t like to force myself to work even when I feel like I should be productive because then I’ll end up producing crap. Instead, I do things that will help my creative process down the line. For me that’s diving into a great film. Film is my life, my peace, and my happiness. A lot of people forget I’m a filmmaker before anything, but I’ll remind them soon enough.

In our community, we all know that mental health is a subject that is often shied away. What advice do you give to those who may be affected during this time? I would suggest that you find something that brings you joy and cling to it. I also would say don’t overwhelm yourself with whatever it is you’re dealing with. A lot of the time we can worry ourselves with today and tomorrow’s problems, when we should be using that time to breathe, relax, and strategically plan how we’re going to get through. Take things one day at a time and prepare to never give up. If you walk through that storm long enough you’ll eventually start to see and feel that sunlight. What are your thoughts on 2020 so far? It really just shined the light on the fact that life is short and that every second of everyday should be cherished. I’m just extremely grateful on a whole new level. From losing childhood heroes like Kobe and friends I grew up with like Tre Hiser, it just shows that no one is exempt from death and while we’re living we should love hard and serve our purpose just like both of them. Tell us about your plans once the state opens up. Once everything is back up and running, I don’t plan on being out like that. I’d rather be safe than sorry. I do have some tricks up my sleeve with the show though. I know people will need those laughs and that release, and we as the performers will too. As of now that first show back is scheduled for August 1st. With all the uncertainty going on, we’re just hoping and praying we can actually have it. If not, I’m prepared with a plan b to get this entertainment out to the people one way or another. Where can we find you on social media? Do you have a website? I’m actually terrible when it comes to this part of marketing so if that is your field and you just so happened to be reading this, LINK UP AND HELP A BRUTHA OUT! We do have social media pages on Facebook and Instagram: Made Man Improv Academy. Also, my Facebook is Justin Bland, and Instagram is @jblandmademan.

Aseisah Barton, Delightful Treats Delight us with the story of Delightful Treats! My name is Aseisah Barton. I am the proud owner and operator of Delightful Treats LLC. I make desserts from scratch including but not limited to cakes, pies, cobblers, and cheesecakes. I loved watching Food Network and baking competitions as a kid. I knew I would always end up baking. I have been taking this time to come up with new ideas and recipes for the summer. I try to change my menu with the seasons. I’m hoping everyone will enjoy the new treats that will be released soon. What are some creative ways you have seen other coping with the pandemic? I saw my close friend and business partner make yard art with her event planning business Art Haus Balloon Company LLC. I thought things were hard for me but with parties canceled her business was at a stand still. I am very proud of my friend for making sure her business stayed afloat during this time. How can people still support your business and place orders? The community could support Delightful Treats by telling someone about me, leaving a recommendation on my social media pages if you have tried my desserts, and placing orders. I understand the virus has slowed down or stopped events but these things could still be celebrated with your family at home. Contact info? My Facebook is Delightful Treats LLC and my Instagram is @delightfultreatsllc.

First Call Residential Living Could you introduce yourself and your business to our readers? My name is Ashley Holman. I am the owner of First Call Residential Living. We care for intellectually challenged adults with behaviors through the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services. I have loved helping people all my life and worked as a CNA/HHA for 11 years of my life. I worked at Robin Run Village for 7 years touching every job responsibility and department during that time. I worked my last two years there working as a wellness coordinator helping the company get accredited through the state to provide hands on care. Returning from my honeymoon I found out that I had no job because helping them get accredited required a RN. I was already in school to receive my nursing degree, however the company chose not to wait for me to finish. I knew I could no longer let anyone else decide my paycheck or destiny at that very moment. How are you holding up during the pandemic? I have had my highs and lows as its already hard enough to keep yourself sane during this time. I am responsible for ensuring that over 102 people stay healthy and safe during this time. I stay busy by waking up every morning with a prayer and a thank you to my lord and savior for allowing me another day and the strength to provide for my clients, staff and family. I have ensured that every location has proper PPE such as mask, face shields, gloves, bleach, Cavi-Wipes, hand sanitizer etc. I have offered $100.00 a day in the month of April to all front-line staff and I have also given a Covid-Relief bonus to all employees which was $200/Part-Time and $300/ Full-Time to ensure my staff knew they were appreciated. I have also used Facebook to do random giveaways of $500.00 or more by creating a virtual talent show ran by my company, covid-19 help to those that had confirmed cases, help with bills, groceries etc. during this time to victims that lost employment or had confirmed cases all provided from First Call Residential Living to keep my brand going. www.firstcallrl.com

Aaliyah Brown, Arm Kandy LLC Tell us about yourself and your business! My name is Aaliyah Brown. I am the owner and operator of Arm Kandy LLC. Arm Kandy is a trendy handbag company that provides handbags, backpacks, wallets, and minor accessories. AK started as an online boutique. I started a handbag company because I have a handbag fetish. I always loved carrying designer handbags, but at an affordable cost. Those were rare so I started my own handbag company. Now, I attend vending events to sell my products as well. We have a retail suite that will be opened this Summer! The Kandy Shop is located at 6100 N Keystone Avenue Suite 459, Indianapolis, IN 46220. How are you holding up during the pandemic? Arm Kandy is holding up well during the pandemic. COVID 19 did inhibit many vending events that were booked. The pandemic has affected sales, but it has helped me improve my business. The down time has allowed creativity, new content, consistent social media posts, and marketing. I read business books to stay motivated. I like to brainstorm to stay innovative as well. Preparing The Kandy Shop for its grand opening has also kept me busy. What will you tell your grand children when they asked you what you remember most about the Coronavirus pandemic? If I have grandchildren, I will tell them how our culture came together during this time even when we had stay at home orders. During this pandemic, I can honestly say we have spent our money in our own communities. We also came together for the senseless killings of our kind. Always stand up for what you believe in! www.shoparmkandy.com @armkandyllc

Brandi Bennett, Go Off Sis Go Off Sis!!! Go Off Sis, LLC Is a lifestyle brand created and founded by Brandi Bennett. Go Off Sis, LLC prides itself in specializing in the edification of women to “Go Off” and take their dreams and aspirations to the next level. Go Off Sis focuses on the empowerment and achievements of Women in all aspects of life. The vision for Go Off Sis is “to strive for constant elevation. My passion is truly connecting with women and creating new relationships that push and challenge ladies to the next level. I was driven by the joy of helping others reach goals and for them to feel good about themselves in all aspects of their life. What impact has quarantine had on your business? The annual Sister Social was originally planned for July which we have had to push back due to COVID 19. But one of the ways I am staying engaged is by holding IG lives with my Sister for our monthly “Sister Talk”. This is a really great way to touch base with other individuals and truly talk about, “all things live” I love interacting with people so it’s fun to me!! My silver lining in all of this madness is truly gratitude, oftentimes we get so caught up in wanting more but this season has truly allowed me to be grateful for all that I have. So my silver lining is gratitude and “stillness” allow God and creative ideas to talk to me. @gooffsis_ a @gooffbrandi gooffsisllc.com

Fitness Baddies in Action Tell us about who you are and what you do! We are the Fitness Baddies in Action! It is two of us that run the business. Our name is Tamika Jacks and Tasha Bailey. We offer weight loss products. We have waist trainers, waist beads, sweat bands, detox tea, butt lifters, sweat cream, and much more! We are currently located downtown 55 S State Avenue Suite 329. We also offer sauna wraps and will have have personal training sessions soon. What difference has the pandemic made in your business? This pandemic has given us time to be able to work on our website, do research, better our email marketing, get orders out faster, and its been a great learning experience. When change happens around you you learn to adapt to the change. Although we can’t have our store fully open, we have still been able to have some pickups. We are still shipping out orders daily. We are excited to be able to still make sales during this pandemic and we have actually have been doing super great, better than any other month in sales. What ways are you practicing self-care? What advice do you give to those who may be affected during this time? We are practicing self care by taking advantage of this down time to spend more time with our family. We have been able to cook more, clean more, get things done that we have put off. We have also been able to relax more, enjoy the now and not stress so much about the things we can’t control. The best advice I can give to those who have been affected in to remain positive, nothing happens to you it happens for you. This time is great to be able to take time to yourself and get to know you better. Sit down and come up with your winning game plan. In life change happens and you can set yourself up to be able to weather any storm. You got this just don’t give up, its always a rainbow after the storm.

What’s the most creative innovation you’ve seen come out of the quarantine? The most creative innovation we have saw is the bomb hair stylists! They have been making videos and tutorials to help us stay pretty at this crazy time. A lot of stylists have been making some amazing wigs to help keep us together and they made the videos to show us exactly how to install the wigs. That meant a lot to me since I love having my hair done. There are also some amazing makeup artists that have been giving out tutorials also! I love how well they adapted to the change! What will you tell your grandchildren when they asked you what you remember most about the Coronavirus pandemic? I will tell my kids that change happens you can’t prevent change. All you can do is adapt to change. The pandemic had us all worried at first. Then I realized we just needed to adjust to the change. When you stay focused and keep faith the sky is the limit. There will always be road blocks along the way just don’t give up. The virus created a lot of millionaires. We stayed positive and continued to focus on our goals and the turnout was amazing for us. We made more than we ever have during this pandemic. What can people do to show their support to what you’re doing? They can share our posts on social media, tell a friend, buy our products, sign up for our email list on our website (fitnessbaddiesinaction.com),and continue to just keep our name out here. We appreciate every opportunity we get to get our brand out here. We really love when our Baddies take pictures in our products and give us great reviews. FB: Fitness Baddies in Action IG: @Fitness_baddies_inaction_ Fitnessbaddiesinaction.com use discount code BADDIE and take 10% off your whole purchase!

Asia Ellis,

Mental Health Coordinator Tell us about your path to and role as a mental health coordinator. My name is Asia Ellis. I am a Naptown native. I graduated from Kentucky State University with a bachelor’s degree in social work and graduated from University Of Louisville with my master’s degree in social work. I am a mental health coordinator. I assist families with connecting to resources that they need in order to continue to live a happy and healthy life mentally, physically and emotionally. I also have a non-profit No Limits Mental Health Inc. which is geared towards increasing the overall mental health of those within our communities through events, social media posting, video post cast and we plan to launch a YouTube in the near future. My goal is to not only assist people in increasing and maintaining their over mental health, but to increase positivity and strength in all areas of life no matter if it’s mentally, physically, relationships or even financially. I also have a published book on Amazon titled “Momology”. This book is geared towards assisting mothers with postpartum and getting back to their healthy self mentally, physically and emotionally with daily exercises, meal prep and motivational excerpts that can all be done in the community or the comfort of your own home. Why mental health? I worked my way through college as a mental health tech on a psych unit as well as a behavioral health assistant working with adults who have mental disorders. These two employment opportunities opened my eyes to the serious need of mental health and selfcare around me. I started to explore our communities and noticed people in need and I knew that I had to do something about it. I also had some experiences in my personal life where my own self-care and mental health was at an all-time low, I took time to nurture my mental and threw myself into self-care in order to pull myself out of that dark space. I knew that I had help those around me do that same. How are you holding up during the pandemic? Social distancing started off cool and calm for me because I got to chill at home with my daughter but then I slowly realized how staying at home with her while also working from home full time was a bit stressful. There have been days that I have had no energy and I would just lay around and eat all day and did not want to do anything, I wouldn’t get dressed for the day or anything. I had to really have a pep talk with myself and say “nope, you still have goals that you are going to accomplish we just have to find different ways to get them done now”. So, each day I set my alarm to get up and I have been getting up to exercise, meal prep and I have tried my best to follow a strict schedule so that I can work, take care of my daughter and also have time for myself during the day. Some days my schedule does not work at all but I just tell myself “one day at a time” and I now understand that anything I did not get to the day before will be there waiting for me the next day. What ways are you keeping busy, staying creative and still pushing your brand? I have started doing “Self-Care Sundays” on my Instagram live where I bring on different people and topics for us to discuss as it relates to everyday life and mental health. I have also taken the time to take my website down and use this time to revamp and really plan instead of throwing my thoughts and money out there without a serious plan or platform. Self-Care is so IMPORTANT I cannot not stress this enough. I have to plan it into my day so that I make sure that I take some time for myself. I have been exercising, doing facials, hair treatments and some days nothing at all and I mean nothing literally sitting in silence in peaceful thoughts just to regroup. What is your advice about therapy? I would say do not be afraid to seek help. That help could be just talking to family or friends. Asking someone to watch your child just for an hour, asking someone for financial help or even pursuing telehealth therapy. We all are going to experience or are currently experiencing different stressors during this time but is very important that we understand that it is okay to not be okay and that we have to utilize the people and resources around us in our times of need. If you are struggling mentally the best thing you can do is get out of your own head ! when I say this I simply mean talk it out, get your thoughts out because when we sit inside of our head we tend to dwell on anxious thoughts, past trauma, depression, sadness and the list goes on and on but the best thing that we can do for ourselves is to get those thoughts out through conversation. You could even start with journaling and then bring someone in on your thoughts and feelings when you are ready but do not go through the motions alone. IT IS OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY ! Contact Asia Ellis at nolimitsmh@yahoo.com

Instagram: @_Adanya

K&K Electrical Who makes up K&K Electrical? Kamal: My name is Kamal Thomas and I started this business with my good friend Kris Kris: And I am Kris Hutchison- I’m the good friend. Together we own K & K Electrical Services. Kamal: I have been working in the electrical field for about 6 years. And Kris has pretty much been doing this his entire life. I knew we would be a great team. We have worked together for 5 years and been in business together for 2 years and counting. What got you into your field? Kris: I entered the field after college. It wasn’t the exact way I planned it out, but it worked out and I wouldn’t change a thing. I love what I do and many people can’t say that! Kamal: My story is a little different than that. I entered the field after I was laid off from doing insurance. I told myself I needed to find a career and not just a job. So here I am, doing what I love and working for myself. How are you holding up during the pandemic? Kamal: Personally not a whole lot has changed for us. The field we work in is considered an essential need. It’s nice to know my wife and kids have been home safe and we are doing well. In our field really it’s about the quality of work. We try to provide the highest quality for a reasonable price. With that being said, the brand continuously pushes through with word of mouth. This is always the best marketing method, because anyone can write a review. Kris: We are still in business. The money doesn’t stop and neither do those bills. My wife and kids are also home safe and that’s what matters most. Their safety and that I am able to provide for them. If anything, this pandemic has taught me that family and business are all it’s about. Everything else can stop, but as long as I have those two things going, I’m good. Facebook: K & K Electrical Service, LLC

Nicky Neptune, Artist Tell us about your entrepreneurial endeavors currently! My name is Nicky Neptune I’m from Chicago, Illinois. I’ve lived in Indianapolis for 7 years. I’m a Independent Rap Artist, Owner of Valid Collection Company, Curator, Model, Director! Has COVID-19 changed anything with your business? I am working even harder! Quarantine won’t stop the dream! I’m staying educated and following mask and cleaning guidelines! I have consistent studio sessions, vocal classes, photoshoots for the brand, videos for upcoming projects, networking with other artists and creatives! What is something creative that came out of the time in quarantine for your brand? Will Garth (komputer luv) and I collaborated with other models in the city for the launch of Valid Collection Brand with 3 PhotoShoot Parties! How can people support what you’re doing? Support my brand Valid Collection Company, share My Videos, request my songs on radio, stream my music, and support my events! How can people get and stay connected with you? Nicky Neptune Everywhere! Website Coming Soon! @Nicky_Neptune @valid_collection @validpromotions

Kierra Jackson, Tanay’s Temptations What is the name of your brand? Tanay’s Temptations. It is a line of all natural body lotions. What are your hours of operations? 24/7. What inspired you to take the step from idea to business? My 5 children inspired me to start my business. Also, I received the advice to jump out on faith. That was key. I believe faith without works is dead. It’s important to believe in yourself and put in the time to produce a product that is worth selling and that will make your customers happy! What is the hardest part about being a business owner? Balancing work, taking care of my kids, and pushing through negativity at times. Are you offering any specials currently? Yes! I am delivering to people in the Indianapolis area with a buy one get one half off special! How can people contact you to place orders? Kierra Jackson 317-724-0931 kierrajackson7414@gmail.com

Carl Thomas, Indiana Pride of Color For those who don’t know you, tell us about who you are and what you do? My name is Carl Thomas; I work on the Special Education team at Kideze Academy, I also am the president of Indiana Pride of Color. What got you into your field? My passion for helping kids who can’t advocate for themselves. How are you holding up during the pandemic? It’s a little challenging running a non-profit; and being a teacher via an online platform. But I’ve been holding up pretty great overall seeing as this may be our new norm for a while. What ways are you keeping busy, staying creative and still pushing your brand? I’m keeping busy by doing virtual workshops about mental health; financial literacy for the community through Indiana Pride of Color regardless of sexual orientation, religion, or color. What ways are you practicing self-care? What advice do you give to those who may be affected during this time? I am taking this time to get to know myself better by reading more, taking the time to check on family and friends more, praying more. My advice would be to not be so hard on yourself, this is something new for everyone so just be open to change and always look at the positive. How can people connect with you and support your organization? Facebook: Carl Thomas IG: @cthomas74 People can go on social media and like Indiana Pride of Color facebook page. People can go on social media and like Indiana Pride of Color facebook page. Since the pandemic fundraising has been hard. Donations are also welcome.

Sweet J’s Shoetique For those who don’t know you, tell us about who you are and what you do? I am owner and operator of Sweet J’s Shoetique LLC, an online shoe boutique. I provide unique shoes for my Shoetique. I was inspired by the love I had for heels and styles. I happened to land into this business by researching shoes I actually wanted to buy from boutiques, but wasn’t ready to make that commitment. How are you holding up during the pandemic? I’m doing actually great during this pandemic, it’s life as usual for me besides the places that are closed, I would frequent like the gym, other than that I’m well! I’ve still been doing what I do best, providing the best and uniqueness to my boutique for purchase. I’m naturally a person of routine, so I have been able to maintain a routine to push my brand. What ways are you practicing self-care? What advice do you give to those who may be affected during this time? I continue to take care of myself, I’m not a person who invades personal space even before the pandemic. So being mindful is what I tend to do. For those affected, I suggest those take good care of their body so in return it can take care of you. What’s the most creative innovation you’ve seen come out of the quarantine? Epic lounge creativity with curbside pick up while still having entertainment outside the building. What can people do to show their support to what you’re doing? They can visit my website at Www.sweetjsshoetique.com, they can share my page, they can tune into TCKPodcast which is a podcast I currently sponsor streams from all platforms. My Facebook business page is Sweet J’s Shoetique and Instagram @sweetjsshoetique.

Montana King Tell us about the many hats you wear! Montana Fitzpatrick: Ceo/Founder of the Montana King Foundation, Author & Ceo/Founder of JUG City Apparel. I currently mentor the youth throughout Indianapolis, Indiana and speak at IPS schools. I have invested into my foundation with creating a program to help those with non-violent crimes incarcerated come home early. My clothing line JUG City Apparel which JUG stands for “Just Up Grinding” is a motivational line to help give confidence to those providing for their families may it be working a job or being an entrepreneur. I just released my book “Crossroads to Redemption” which is a biography of my life being a young black male raised by a single mother. One that had to learn the hard way of growing up dealing with death, betrayal and confusion while going in and out the criminal system. One that found his way out after meeting someone special and having children and now is creating change in the community not by words, but by action. How are you holding up during the pandemic? I’m in the healthcare field at the hospital. I do transportation for ER and other facilities, so it has it days of taking a toll on me by being on the frontline. But to be part of putting smiles on others face that feel like giving up puts me in a good place because it’s like I’m being a big help not just in the community but also in this pandemic. What motivates you to keep going? I stay pushing by the support my wife and children give me which plays a big part in every move I make. If I’m not enjoying the laughter with them I’m most likely working on my second book and documentary film “Inside Man.” It will be about being hands on with young black men that grew up with no father figure. It tells what can we can we do as a community to give that hope back of being successful and making better choices in life. Facebook : Montana Fitzpatrick Instagram: @_MontanaKing_ jugcityapparel.weebly.com/

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