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Darwin v. Birnbaum

4. The origin of life is clearly laid out in Potentialism as the product of a Complexification event and is a natural part of universal evolution.

5. Humankind has a central place in evolution because it is guided not by survival but an inherent desire to grow in complexity. Being able to survive was just a necessary steppingstone before higher goals could be achieved.

As life and the universe itself continue on its inexorable march towards E+, things evolve to be more perfect, complex forms of themselves. Those that do not eventually finish their part in the SuperFormula and make way for something new.

Darwin v. Birnbaum

Thus, Birnbaum, with a Metaphysically bullet-proof and directional universe, stands alone as the primal nightmare of the Hard-Line Atheist/Randomness cohort centered in Great Britain’s academia – not coincidentally the spawning ground of Darwin's Random Mutation/Natural Selection theory. Potentialism destroys their core theory. They are…. done. Alas, Darwinism's key plank of Random Mutation/Natural Selection is the collateral damage (an unintended, but extraordinary, consequence of the Birnbaum theory).


Birnbaum's Potentialism genie is out-of-the-bottle; and that explosive IDEA - cannot be put back in the bottle. Birnbaum knows it; the Brits know it. Thus, 10,000+ British academics alone are (futilely) massed against Birnbaum. After sundry criminal gambits to undermine Birnbaum, it is the Brits who are on academic life support. The Birnbaum theory thrives.

This is a high-stakes battle - and there is no love lost here.