1 minute read

'come into being'?

Could our profound and extraordinary universe not have 'come into being'?

Potentialism tells us this is not possible. According to the SuperFormula, Complexification events are not only unavoidable, but will always continue to recur.

Simply put, the state of the universe will maintain stability until it is no longer gaining significantly in complexity. Certainly, the universe we live in has been stable for a long time. But it hasn’t always been in the same state it is now. Even the rules of physics used to be different in the early part of the universe after the Big Bang.

In fact, several C+ events have occurred quite recently, when you think on a galactic time scale. Keep in mind, humans have existed for some 200,000 years to 6,000,000 years (depending on whether we’re talking the earliest version of man or what we consider “modern man”). This may seem a long time, but the universe is some 13.8 billion years old. That means humans have only existed for about 0.002% of the time the universe has.

So far, the more recent C+ events have been confined to bringing something new into existence like different types of life. But this is simply the efficiency of Potentialism at work. There is absolutely no reason to believe the laws of the universe 273