2 minute read

Chronology - Summary

Birnbaum has laid out, in Chronology, a simple timeline of the cosmos, from its Eternal Origins to present day. He separates the entirety of cosmic evolution into one eternal dynamic, two births, (first, Q4P from out of Eternal Potential, and second, the Big Bang from out of ZERO) and three realms.

The first realm is the Embryonic Metaphysical Realm. At the Eternal Origins of existence, there existed nothing but Eternal Potential itself. As we discussed, this was solely the very literal idea that something could exist. Potential reigned supreme, as nothing else existed. And, while the universe has become considerably more crowded, Potential still reigns supreme as we’ve seen its continued mark on the physical universe to this day.

Some eons later though, triggered by Birnbaum's Retrocausal Pulse, also called Birnbaum's Cosmic Leveraged-Buyout, Eternal Potential gave birth to Q4P itself - the great Cosmic Driver. This represented the first birth, that of the Metaphysical Realm.

This proved to be an insufficient state of cosmic complexity though. Q4P could only run its course so far trying to realize the fullness of Birnbaum's SuperFormula Q4P > C+ > E+.


So, after countless eons of building tension, Q4P would “split zero”, causing the Big Bang, and birthing our current universe. Birnbaum calls this, our current universe, the Hybrid: Metaphysical/Physical Realm.

We refer to the current universe as hybrid because, as we have seen, it is not truly separate from the metaphysical realm and the Cosmic Womb.

Indeed, as we have seen regarding Dark Matter, there is more energy in the universe tied to the metaphysical than not. Q4P stands, as it were, with one foot in each world – the physical and the metaphysical. This is necessary, as modern science states that without this energy the physical universe could not survive and support itself. Thus, the current physical universe relies on Q4P itself to keep it from collapsing under its own gravitational weight – Q4P endlessly bolstering physical reality and pushing it to expand and grow in ever greater complexity towards its endless goal towards Extraordinariation.

The astute reader may wonder if Extraordinariation is ever possible to achieve. We will investigate that in coming chapters – what that might be and if it could ever be realized. [hint: Birnbaum feels that it is a GOAL /horizon, never to actually be realized.]


First though, we’ll examine the current state of metaphysics, cosmology, and other cosmological models. We’ll discuss how these possibly dovetail into the Potentialism model and which are simply incompatible and provably false.


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