2 minute read

Chronology - 12.00

"In physical cosmology and astronomy, dark energy [Q4P∞] is an unknown form of energy which is hypothesized to permeate all of space, tending to accelerate the expansion of the universe." [Wiki / Dark Energy / Oct 22, 2017]

[ So, the Cosmological Constant = lambda = /\ = (simple) dark energy = a salient & manifest derivative of Q4P∞ ]

see also inter-related scientific discussions - the Fifth Force.... Quintessence

YES / By ~2019 - thirty-one years after Summa I elements of the scientific community are inching closer to Q4P∞

Birnbaum does take a moment at Chronology 12.00 to note that 20 years into our new century, scientists are finally starting to acknowledge the existence of the immaterial. They’ve accepted that Dark Energy, while currently unfindable, is nonetheless real and permeates all space in the universe.

Again, I will take a moment to remind readers that Dark Energy is not some force that is somehow “opposite” normal energy, it


is simply a fancy, scientific term for an energy physics cannot explain. It is called Dark because its nature is unknown to physical science.

Science has repeatedly failed to quantify and explain Dark Energy because it is not based in physical science, but instead a manifestation of Q4P itself piercing through into our physical universe from the metaphysical. Think of it as trying to explain an iceberg when you can’t see below the water. You can’t truly understand what it is if you think the tiny portion that is visible above the water is the entirety of it. How does it stay upright? Why does it have enough force to sink ships? Metaphysics is all that occurs “behind the scenes”, beneath the water line.

Fortunately, quantum physics is even ever-inching closer to discovering more indirect evidence of what some scientific discussions have referred to as a Fifth Force called Quintessence, a word which harkens back to the “essential part” of something’s being.

Physics has finally started to look beyond the forbidden veil of the metaphysical as science has exhausted itself looking for something it can never find fully in the physical universe. The 21st Century has been a welcome coming of age for science as it has finally started looking past the purely physical realm in search of further answers it will never find there.


As Birnbaum rightly points out, it has been thirty-one years since Summa I laid out the definitive answer to the nature of quintessence – it is Q4P. But as establishment science grudgingly inch closer to the reality that has always been, Birnbaum graciously applauds and welcomes them – for the sake of humanity and our claiming of our rightful place at the spear-tip of the universe’s continuing journey towards Birnbaum’s Extraordinariation (E+).