1 minute read

The Unique Life Epoch

As always, we will test these Life Epochs to ensure they meet Complexification criteria.

Did it create something fundamentally new? Yes. At each stage, the Life Epochs added something new – plants that could self-replicate, animals with locomotion and minds, and humans with sentience and the ability to reason.

Did it change the level of complexity in the universe in a

profound way? Yes. Plants were able to, under their own power, spread across the planet. Animals were able to move about the earth, hunt intelligently and have rudimentary thoughts. Humans, the pinnacle of life, added the ability to reason and think, giving them the ability to actively change and control the world around them.

The Unique Life Epoch

There are several factors that make the Life Epoch unique. Certainly, it is the ability to procreate, whether it is the seed from a tree or humans having a child. This is something embedded in Q4P that has finally made an appearance in the universe, crossing the boundary from Birnbaum's Cosmic Womb of Potential into the universe of reality and matter.


But, as we will see, the existence of humanity makes a shift in how we must look at the universe. All the previous epochs were solely about matter and energy - things we can measure and quantify. Humanity adds a unique problem to a universe we can usually use physics and chemistry to study. It adds something intangible, something we cannot see or measure directly, but that still is very real and exists. It introduces the idea of thought itself. While physics starts to break down at this point, as we shall see, Birnbaum’s Potentialism maintains its course and continues to inform and guide us and help us understand the world around us.