1 minute read

The Molecular Scale

The Molecular Scale

Moving on to the molecular scale, things start to get a bit more normal in terms of what you would expect. As far as the Push and Pull go, atoms bond together to form molecules largely based on electrons. Some atoms fit together naturally, like puzzle pieces. This is because atoms seek their highest Potential state of having a perfect distribution of electrons. When two atoms happen to have the perfect configuration of electrons to complement and complete each other, they connect and share their electrons to reach that perfect state.

On another level, molecules exhibit Push and Pull based on pH levels. You are probably aware of acids, those substances that can melt steel in high concentrations. As Potential tells us, there is always an opposite of what exists. In the case of acids, they are called basis. You may know bases by the word that describes them. Instead of being acidic, they are called alkaline. We can show they are opposites because, when mixed together, they actually cancel each other out. This is the foundation of a good deal of chemistry, as many experiments routinely call for reaching a point where the base and acid completely cancel each other out – this procedure is called titration.

As to identifying spirals at this level, this did not happen instantly at the molecular level. But remember, Potential is a 72

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