2 minute read

A Universe Greater Than Its Parts

ponder the complexity of the universe? From a plant?! Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?

Looking back, we can view the steps that arose to bring about humanity. But, in the middle of those steps, how could anyone possibly foresee the next?

That is where we are now. We know the great, cosmic supercomputer will require more horsepower at some point and will create something new to assist in its endless quest, but what form that will take is unknowable. Maybe we will learn to travel the stars. Maybe we will learn to talk to one another with only a thought. All we can do is guess right now. All we know for sure is when the next event happens, things will be much more complex than they are now.

A Universe Greater Than Its Parts

So, we’ve peeked under the hood at how quantum mechanics works a bit. What are our big takeaways?

1. The universe is more than just a pile of energy, space, and matter. It stores and calculates information. When we see the universe as a computer, we can suddenly see it is extremely hard at work and not nearly done with whatever it is doing. 67

2. Quantum mechanics lets us see Potentialism actually at work. It constantly happens all around us. When Potential increases, we can actually see atoms grow in size in sudden increments. Likewise, it can get smaller in increments, releasing stored up energy.

3. Quantum mechanics lets us see the part of Potentialism that exists in the physical universe, but there is more than we can see at work. What we see is when Potential builds within the Cosmic Womb enough to “poke its head” into existence and change things around us.

Additionally, we see that even the exhaust of this computing, called entropy, serves a vital part in the universe as a whole because it is part of the universal supercomputer. As Lloyd has proven, entropy creates information. You would hardly call a hard drive filled with information waste. So, the results of entropy can be seen as the information storage of the universe, not just wasted exhaust.

Also, remember that the Cosmic Womb is infinite, so the idea there is some fixed amount of energy in the universe is not actually true. Creation can always happen when need. Once we reach the next Complexification event, the universe will be in entirely new territory once again, and we’ll have to rethink the particulars of how it works.


So, rest assured, if it seems the universe is headed towards some particular path, all past evidence says that the state our universe is in now is temporary and will change again. This makes guessing too far into the future based on the universe’s current state meaningless. Moreover, everything in existence serves a distinct, useful purpose working for Q4P and the

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