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This doesn’t happen gradually, like turning up the volume on a television. Instead, energy keeps getting added with no visible effect until suddenly, the shell changes in an instant. In short, it builds up Potential until it reaches critical mass and change suddenly occurs.

This is because the same rules bind quantum mechanics and Q4P. This is no surprise, as quantum mechanics is actually a part of Q4P. It is the part that exists in the physical universe. Think of the universe like a swimming pool and Q4P as a beach ball floating in it. The part of the ball that is underwater is what we call quantum physics. It’s still part of the ball, but we can only see part of it – the part that is under the water.

The Universe IS Infinite Quest for Potential in Tangible Form

As Birnbaum tells us, “Infinite Quest for Potential drives the universe. The universe IS Infinite Quest for Potential in tangible form.” What Birnbaum means in this statement is that Q4P drives the entirety of the universe. The universe is purpose-built to grow in complexity and seek Extraordinariation.


What this also means is that, in a very literal way, the universe itself is not only driven but made up directly of Q4P. As we have just seen, this is expressed in the existence of quantum mechanics. In every atom in the entire universe lives Potential, Q4P, the ability to grow in complexity and energy.

Science often tries to tell us that there are the micro and macro universes, and they are fundamentally different and distinct. It is often said that while quantum mechanics rules the universe on the small scale, there are entirely different sciences that rule things on the larger scale – like the world we see every day and the planets and stars.

However, this flies in the face of the obvious. The macro universe is built one atom at a time, regardless of how large or complex a system is, and each of those atoms follows the laws of Potentialism. Indeed, they must because every atom IS Q4P in physical form.