1 minute read

On Dark Matter and the Spinal Column of the Universe

Science says that 85% of the universe is dark matter. The name “dark matter” can be misleading. It is not, in fact, some negative form of matter. It is called “dark” simply because science cannot define or find it. Scientists are basically just using a fancy term to say the universe is made of mostly stuff we can’t measure and don’t understand. What we do know is the universe would have collapsed upon itself under its own gravitational weight had dark matter not existed. So, science doesn’t argue that something is there; they just argue what it is.

To Birnbaum, this is no mystery but an expected result of the SuperFormula. The universe is required to be just as it is, growing – in both complexity and size. As this is a necessary path for the universe to follow, Q4P provides the fuel and reason for the existence of dark matter. Einstein himself predicted this “Cosmological Constant” in 1917. This constant, as Birnbaum states it, is Q4P. This makes Q4P itself, not gravity or entropy (chaos), the spinal column on which the universe is built.

As Birnbaum states in his own words,


“Q4P∞ choreographs the grand cosmic drama/trajectory which includes, among other components, exploding stars across the heavens → elements → life forms on earth → 21st Century humans and their ever-advancing consciousness.”