1 minute read

The Grand Theory

When we put these three pieces together (Q4P, C+, and E+), we get an overall look at the Grand Unifying Theory Birnbaum presents.

1. The universe is inherently full of energy, Q4P or Potential.

2. It has an inherent wealth of energy by weight of its own Potential to become something beyond what it is.

3. Birnbaum's Extraordinariation (E+) provides the “pull” that makes a path for this Potential to play out and express itself.

4. This playing out of the draw to E+ occurs in the universe in the way of Complexification.

As a metaphysical force, Birnbaum's Q4Pisn’t something that is always tangible. However, we observe it by the force it exerts on the universe. As we’ll see, once we know what is driving things, the mark it has on the world becomes more apparent.

However, that is not to say we cannot see it working directly at times. Quantum physics is the most obvious. As we’ll see in later chapters, quantum physics tends to give us a rare peek under the hood, if you will, into watching actual Potentialism at work.


Be it basic quantum entanglement, the quantum eraser experiment, or even quantum computing – Potentialism arises again and again in these studies as objective solutions to otherwise baffling dilemmas in modern physics.

As we will see, where classic physics fails and stumbles, Potentialism not only can handle these complex issues but seems custom-made to solve them. This is even more amazing since Potentialism is older than some of the science issues it can solve. However, this is also good news. Unlike some scientific theories, like string theory, which were custom-tailored to try and answer older scientific dilemmas – such is not the case with Potentialism. That it so readily and easily addresses these modern scientific issues thus leads stronger credence to its correctness.