New Boundaries Six March 1981

Page 47


fear the results of the true and intensifying economic crisis the New Africans, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and Native People are suffering. The imperialists are also aware that these peoples' leaders have grown more united and clearer on the necessity of reconquering their land while the imperialists need it more than ever as security against oil difficulties in countries they control less tightly. In short, the home front is tenser.

The U.S. government has always participated in non-official attacks on the oppressed within U.S. borders.

The Klan's consistent

good connections with the FBI are well-documented from the Civil

Rights movement to the present.

Bill Wilkinson, head of a major

national Klan, has admitted he passed information to the FBI.3 This means the FBI in turn influences Klan activity. It also obviously directs the oppressive activities and military-style armament of police and prison guards and the court system that allows white vigilantes to murder and go free.

During the Civil Rights period the U.S. government directed FBI-

Klan murders of Blacks and their supporters while officially trying to end Jim Crow.

At present it supports white involvement in oppression

more openly and more whites are "getting involved."

This involvement

in armed national oppression at home is analogous to volunteering to fight for U.S. imperialism abroad.

However, the anti-war movement

around this type of war is small.


Most white Americans have had little exposure to the idea of breaking up present U.S. boundaries and are unaware of the movements supporting this plan.

When presented with correct ideas on the above

very few will consider them.

The chauvinism of our people is so all-

pervasive, especially concerning internal colonies, that, if one didn't know better, it would seem genetic rather than environmental.

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