Presentation Plan on a Map Sigapore

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Michiel Postma, founder of Plan on a Map (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

CHALLENGE; FINDING A NEW WAY OF DOING MARKETING CONSULTANCY For the last five years I’ve worked closely with marketing managers of some of the bigger corporations in The Netherlands. I noticed two challenges when helping organisations to adopt new marketing trends;

Firstly, when clients want to get going on a new

project, they don’t always know what they want. This can cause unfortunate changes and delays

during the project. Secondly, clients usually need

to adopt new ideas internally, which can be a real

challenge. In the past six moths I created a solution.

SOLUTION; OUR MAPS “So you start here, follow steps, brainstorm, stick post-its and when you’re done you’ve got a social media strategy? I’d like to do that with my agency, it looks like fun!” Our startup Plan on a Map licences game like maps that are used to develop plans on specific marketing challenges.

Creating a online strategy, a plan to increase customer loyalty or a social media strategy are examples of different maps.

Maps are used during workshops by marketing consultants

to create plans in collaboration with their clients. By doing so, run time decreases dramatically, better ideas are generated

and support for the new project is created at an early stage.

Up; we have developed several custom map earlier this year for Dutch clients.

JULY 2ND - 13TH Michiel Postma represents Plan on a Map in Singapore from Monday July 2nd till Friday the 13th of July. He is here to connect with independent consultants and agencies to get feedback and talk about the possibilities of working together. Please let Michiel know if you’re interested in scheduling a meeting.

Contact details Michiel Postma, founder of Plan on a Map

Schedule a meeting by sending your mail to

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