BHL - July 2024

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Life Lessons

We are adding some new faces to our team at Orchard Meadows Family Dental & Denture Clinic, making it easier than ever to schedule your next dentist appointment. With five dentists and seven dental hygienists, we are now the region’s largest dental practice. That size means you have less time to wait for your next appointment, but you will still get the same personalized care you expect from a small town dentist office. We will even give you a fresh baked cookie after your visit!

Call today and see how Orchard Meadows Family Dental & Denture Clinic is making your comfort, care and happiness our top priority.


Black Hills Lifestyle


Dear Readers,

In our continuing efforts to bring you the best of the Black Hills, we are happy to announce a new feature beginning this month. Dorothy Rosby has joined the Black Hills Lifestyle family.

Some of you may already be familiar with Dorothy as she has been a long-running columnist in the Rapid City area. This award-winning author is also a speaker, and syndicated columnist whose “observational humor” appears throughout the West and Midwest.

Dorothy can also be heard presenting her humorous essays on South Dakota Public Radio.

We are delighted to have this opportunity to bring Dorothy’s wonderful perspective and humor to you, our readers!

Warm regards, Black Hills Lifestyle Team

Account Executives

Kaylee Langseth 712-574-0618 |

Patty Stover 605-390-2617 |

Teresa Nestor 605-484-0918 |

graphic designers

Aaron Scott, Ashley Carrison, Makenzie Jorgenson

Melissa Chinn

team of writers

Dorothy Rosby, Maggie Jean Wince, Michaela Feldmann, Molly Barari, Natalie Frazier, Tom Gilmour


Henry Roy Photography


Margi Culhane 605-940-4724 |


Cory Johnson 605-951-3567 |


Kevin Culhane 605-661-8509 |

chief of operations

Hanna Michels 605-760-4269 |

Life Lessons with Michele Loobey-Gertsch

When Michele Loobey-Gertsch was part of Leadership South Dakota in 2022, the group did an activity where they had to bring a relic or object that provided insight into their character. Michele brought a zucchini from her garden. The zucchini symbolized Michele’s love for gardening—she plants vegetables and flowers— but it also represented a much deeper life lesson.

There was a bare spot in Michele’s yard, and she concluded it would be an excellent place to build a raised garden. Her son was going to build the garden, but it ultimately became a team effort.

It was moving along nicely when Michele realized as the final layers of bricks were being put into place it was not level. “My first thought was to call someone to re-do the project, and then I decided not to, because it was ok to be imperfect. The garden is my reminder that life is not perfect. What we do with challenges can help us grow if we look for the silver lining and a

Michele’s story begins on a farm in western South Dakota. Her mother, a petite woman named Cleo, ran the farm operation. Michele’s father, Larry, had a career with Social Security, and just like in today’s economy it took two incomes to cover expenses. Growing up on a farm, Michele said she learned to work hard, has a deep appreciation for the land, and values the simple things in life.

“I have a Ph.D. in life,”
Michele jokes. With all Michele has done over the years, we’d agree.

“The example my mom provided as I watched her manage our farming operation was priceless. One of the things my dad gave me was a

Work and fun day on Michele’s parents farm

love and appreciation for music. He also told me, ‘Michele, you can do anything you want in life,’ and I took that to heart.”

Neither of Michele’s parents held 4-year college degrees, but they both believed education was important. Michele grew up in a household where learning was always valued.

With an interest in helping people, Michele graduated from University of South Dakota with a Bachelor of Science degree in social work.

Michele says her mentors and employers helped shape and influence her personally and professionally. One of Michele’s first jobs was as a retail manager whose owner valued her work ethic and ability to solve problems. “He saw me as someone with potential, which is how I see every person,” she says.

Even though she’s an introvert at heart, Michele has consistently had jobs working with the public.

Back in the day, she owned a small business called The May Basket, which specialized in corporate and individual gifts. These included gift baskets, customized items, and other high-quality items. Owning a small business taught Michele more about herself, strengthening her skills and her resilience.

As she progressed in her career, she held a role in Monument Health’s Community Relations department, and the Monument Health Foundation. She is currently the Director of Advancement for the Black Hills Works Foundation.

Photos top to bottom: Michele sings in the community Easter cantata every year, Michele participating in church choir

In her position at Black Hills Works Foundation, Michele works with donors sponsors, and coordinates two major fund-raising events. “Black Hills Works serves 600 adults with disabilities, and our Foundation team has the opportunity to support the mission with the work we do in building awareness and raising resources that help the people supported to live life to their fullest potential.”

Michele is also involved in several boards. She serves on the Deadwood-Lead Economic Development Board, where she been a past board chair. She is on the advisory board for SD CEO, an organization that provides business knowledge and training for women. She also serves on the Greater Sturgis Life Care Foundation, which helps facilitate senior living programs and services, and the Association of Fundraising Professionals State Board.

Additionally, Michele is a board member for Big Brothers Big Sisters, and she is involved in Elevate Rapid City’s mentorship program. When it comes to community involvement, she especially enjoys being a mentor and helping others make meaningful connections—whether it’s for women who are starting their careers or for kids that need inspiration.

With her church, the First Presbyterian Church in Sturgis, Michele ran a high school youth group. She even hosted “College Nights” at her house, where students would develop academic resumes and apply for

college and scholarships. Helping these students achieve the goals was truly meaningful.

“I like to have a pulse on youth. I learn so much from them,” says Michele. “Someday, I hope just one of the kids I’ve mentored will do something that inspires someone else. We often don’t get to see how we impact an individual, but that shouldn’t stop us from doing good,” says Michele. Michele’s greatest hope is that she can always give back to others, and that she can consistently stay involved in the community. She thoroughly enjoys taking the time to invest in people—explaining that it’s a learning experience for everyone involved.

“During Leadership South Dakota, one of the speakers, a business leader and a woman of influence said you should have three mentors in your life. One should be younger than you, one should be around your age, and one should be older than you. It’s important to be around all ages and to learn from them. This stuck with me because I always want life to be fresh. You do that by keeping all the generations in your life.

At the end of the day, Michele lives by the Golden Rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated. She has learned throughout life that it is important to be live one day at a time, embrace the moments you are given, and don’t be afraid to tackle the challenges as the come along with grace and resilience.

With a wise smile, Michele says, “I didn’t realize at the time that the uneven garden would serve as a visual and gentle reminder that some of the best gifts in my life have come from unexpected places and people.”

5 fun facts about Michele

She is a mom of two adult sons who live and work in the Black Hills area.

She starts each day with a devotion to stay focused on her values.

She’s an animal lover who has provided a home to several furry friends that have chosen her.

She has a special relationship with music.

She plays piano and enjoys seeing plays, concerts, and dance—anything artistic.

To recharge, she goes to her mountain cabin with no electricity and no running water. She enjoys hiking, spending time in nature, and completely unplugging from devices.

Photos left to right: Michele and her sons; Leadership South Dakota; Reach Out Signers





While it was once customary for the bride’s family to pick up the wedding tab, times have certainly changed. These days, parents, on average, cover 52% of the budget while couples take on the remaining 48 percent, according to a recent report from The Knot. Even though it can feel more equitable to share the financial load, both parties are still shelling out a big chunk of cash for the big day: The average total cost of a wedding has increased slightly: from $29,000 in 2023 to $33,000 this year.

Bankrolling such a large-scale event invites big emotions—and sometimes even bigger expectations. So before you dive into the planning, learn more about how you can contribute to your child’s dream wedding without straining your relationship—or your finances.


The first and biggest step to a smooth wedding planning process is being upfront about how much you can contribute. While you should consider letting your child and partner use that money however they choose (perhaps even for non-wedding expenses like the honeymoon or a down payment for a home), you could also define how you want those funds used.

Just be sure that you’re clear from the beginning if you’d like your contributions to be used in a particular way so that you can avoid potential conflicts during the planning process. And if there’s anything you’re not comfortable paying for, say so upfront. That way, you can avoid any surprises when it comes time to put down deposits or pay bills.


A big potential point of contention for couples and their parents is who gets to attend the wedding—and

who doesn’t. Avoid guest list conflicts by discussing the size and scope of the wedding along with the budget, especially since adding more guests after planning is already under way can add unexpected costs.

If you would like to include extended relatives or family friends—but your child and their partner aren’t on board with that—consider hosting an engagement party before the wedding so that you can include these guests without compromising what your child and their partner envision for their big day. (Do let these guests know that the couple intends to have a smaller wedding since, traditionally, engagement party guests are invited to the big day.)

You can also work with the couple to set clear guest list boundaries that you can all agree on, such as how many extra guests each set of parents may invite or how to limit the list of extended family (perhaps to first cousins only).

There are plenty of online tools that can help everyone involved in planning stay organized and maintain transparency throughout the planning process.


Unless you, your child or their partner is a professional event planner, it’s a good idea to hire outside help to assist with the logistics. (And many venues will require that you retain at least a day-of coordinator anyway). While hiring a pro will take a chunk of your budget, this person can help you stay on-track money-wise and make thoughtful suggestions for saving cash along the way by helping you decide what details really matter.

A wedding planner can also lend an objective outsider’s perspective. While it’s not the only option for getting outside input, hiring a wedding planner can be helpful with decision making, especially in the face of inevitable differences in opinion.

Working with your financial advisor can also be a good third party to involve, especially if wedding planning marks the first time that your family is discussing financial issues together.

Enlisting a professional who can mediate a money discussion can not only help prevent tensions or misunderstandings but also provide needed perspective on how this event fits into your broader financial plan.


While many couples continue to follow the more traditional wedding format—ceremony, cocktail hour, a formal meal—your child may want to forgo


A financial advisor can be a really helpful resource as you put together a monthly budget and financial plan. A Northwestern Mutual financial advisor can help you define what’s important to you and build a plan that helps you get what you want. It all starts with a good financial plan. Your monthly budget can then help keep your financial plan on track.

some traditions, such as having flowers on tables and a champagne toast. Weddings today, especially in our post-pandemic era, don’t always look the same as they did in the past. In 2024, couples are more likely to focus on the experience of the wedding itself rather than on what they may consider to be antiquated constraints.

Do your best to show your support and generosity by reserving judgment if the couple makes a choice you don’t agree with—even if that choice ends up not working out as expected. In the end, the wedding should reflect the tastes and sensibilities of your child and their partner, for better or for worse.

If there is a detail that really matters to you, you can, of course, express your opinion. But choose your battles wisely since you can’t expect to choose—or even have a say in—every single aspect of your child’s wedding.


It’s easy to get emotional, and even heated, in the throes of wedding planning, especially when your money is funding the event. But ultimately, the big day belongs to the happy couple—no matter who is paying. Reminding your child that you’re footing the bill will only foster resentment and have them regret your involvement, which is likely the opposite of what you want.

Remember, you’ve already had your turn to plan a wedding. This celebration is your child’s chance to have that experience. Allow them to create the wedding of their dreams by showing support, not overstepping.

909 Saint Joseph Street Suite 202

Rapid City, SD 57701


We’ve always believed that dining should be a social occasion, a time when friends, family, and coworkers can enjoy great conversation over a great meal.

We believe in supporting our local artisans and staying connected to our Black Hills community. At a time when the area is growing and expanding, we’re striving to keep the flavor of the region alive.

Inspired by the history of this area, both the aesthetics of the building and the diversity of the menu are true to our local roots, something no nationwide franchise can duplicate. Certainly, there are other steakhouses out there, but none like ours.



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My wife recently underwent CryoSculpting at CoolCRYO, and the results have been nothing short of impressive! The staff at CoolCRYO exhibited a high level of professionalism, ensuring my wife felt comfortable and wellinformed throughout the entire process. Their expertise and guidance made a significant difference in her overall experience.

The facility was clean, welcoming, and provided a calming environment for the procedure. The staff took the time to address any concerns my wife had, making her feel at ease and confident in her decision to choose CoolCRYO.

What stood out the most was the effectiveness of the technology used by CoolCRYO. The results were noticeable sooner than expected, and my wife couldn’t be happier with the outcome. It’s clear that CoolCRYO goes above and beyond to deliver exceptional service.

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into Darkness

After being passed the baton from KSLT, LifeLight Communications reminds the Rapid City community that the Hills Alive is still Alive!

LifeLight Communications out of Sioux Falls brings their focus-driven evangelism to East River every year with their annual LifeLight Music Festival and also hosts LifeLight UP City Fest based out of Marquette, MI. Hills Alive, the beloved Rapid City staple, will be another opportunity for LifeLight to embody their mission of “Taking the church outside the walls,” and helping to bring the state together through the gospel and ministry.

The free, family-friendly event will unite multiple generations to connect through faith. The 2024 event is set for July 20-21 at Memorial Park in Rapid City and has a little something for everyone when it comes to finding God. From speakers to well-known Christian musical artists and action sports, there is a wide variety of outlets in hopes of touching the widest variety of individuals.

“If music is the universal language, then it makes sense that LifeLight would use this tool to reach people’s hearts as we proclaim the name of Jesus,” Josh Brewer, LifeLight CEO and Evangelist says. “At LifeLight, we want to give everyone a chance to say yes to Jesus.”

Those attending the LifeLight Hills Alive Music Festival 2024 can expect vendors, merchandise areas, performances from award-winning artists, a robust kids’ area, and more. But, in totality, the presentation of the gospel is the utmost important aspect of LifeLight Festivals.

LifeLight also looks forward to bridging the gap and pulling both sides of the state together through their East and West River festivals. Counties in between Rapid City and Sioux Falls can look forward to the “Light Into Darkness Tour,” further bringing the state together as founders Alan and Vicki Greene lead the tour through 66 South Dakota counties.

“This tour is far more than a series of events — it’s a focused-driven evangelism initiative. LifeLight’s mission is clear, and as we journey from county to county, our aim is to ignite a spark of faith in every soul we encounter, bringing light into the darkest corners of people’s lives,” Jon Setzer, LifeLight COO and Evangelist explains. “Our vision extends

beyond the immediate proclamation of the Gospel. We are here to create awareness of LifeLight’s enduring mission and vision — to be a beacon of hope, a source of inspiration, and a catalyst for positive change in communities across South Dakota and beyond.”

Through the work being done on this tour, LifeLight seeks to cultivate engagement opportunities. LifeLight invites individuals to not only hear the Good News but to actively participate in the ongoing work of spreading God’s love through volunteerism, outreach initiatives, or simply sharing their stories of transformation. Globally, LifeLight hopes to create and host eight similar festivals around the globe. Expanding their message and mission beyond South Dakota is on their radar.

“We have a somewhat unique model of widespread evangelism outreach through these festivals,” Brewer

says. “Having the two largest family-friendly, free events in the state means we can come together and be the church and show who we are as the state of South Dakota.”

Brewer adds that LifeLight Hills Alive wouldn’t be possible without the commitments from sponsors, ministry partners, and the dedication of those who volunteer and give their heart to helping the festival come alive.

“Their selflessness not only amplifies LifeLight’s reach but also embodies the spirit of community care. Without their tireless support, LifeLight’s mission wouldn’t shine as brightly, showcasing the profound significance of volunteerism in making a tangible difference in people’s lives. It takes a small army to put on the festival,” Brewer shares.


Saturday, July 20th

12:00 pm – Fountain Springs Worship

1:00 pm – Renee

2:00 pm – Social Club Misfits

3:45 pm – Stephen Stanley

5:00 pm – The Afters

6:30 pm – Unspoken

8:00 pm – Jon Setzer

8:30 pm – Danny Gokey

Sunday, July 21st

12:00 pm – Caleb & John


1:00 pm – Stunt Dudes (Preview)

1:15 pm – Z8 Team Panel & Giveaways

1:25 pm – As I Am

1:55 pm – Skateboarders

2:15 pm – Speaker: Derick Unrein

2:45 pm – Stunt Dudes

3:15 pm – Break/Meet-n-Greet


3:35 pm – Stunt Dudes (Preview)

3:50 pm – Z8 Team Panel & Giveaways

4:00 pm – As I Am

4:30 pm – Skateboarders

4:50 pm – Speaker: Derick Unrein

5:20 pm – Stunt Dudes

5:50 pm – Close/Meet-n-Greet

1:00 pm – Bryan Olesen & VOTA

2:15 pm – Peter Furler & Phil Joel

2:45 pm – Terrian

5:15 pm – Jordan St. Cyr

7:00 pm – Jon Reddick

8:00 pm – Josh Brewer

8:30 pm – We the Kingdom

All times are approximate and subject to change.

The Dakota Sky Stone Difference


Nestled in the heart of historic Deadwood and Wall, South Dakota lies a hidden gem for turquoise enthusiasts; Dakota Sky Stone. This unique, family-owned jewelry store offers more than just exquisite pieces; it also provides a journey into the rich heritage and artistry of Native American Culture.

Demand for turquoise has changed and evolved throughout the years. With more than thirty different types of turquoise, the possibilities for artistry and beauty are really endless. Throughout that evolution Dakota Sky Stone has remained dedicated to their mission of bringing high quality turquoise to the Black Hills and available to everyone who may want to take part in its beauty.

“The Turquoise is changing by people’s demand because the most common used to be sleeping beauty turquoise,” Jim Tice explains. “Then, they started finding other mines and deciding turquoise didn’t need to be just blue, as long as it tests as a turquoise stone.”

Dakota Sky Stone elevates the turquoise industry, truly setting itself apart with their commitment to authenticity and quality. Every member of the family can recall a recent expedition to a turquoise mine across Nevada or Arizona. The Tice family is a part of every step along the way, making the process of shopping with them easy from their family to yours.

The Sunnyside mine located near the town of Tuscarora, Nevada is especially special to the Dakota Sky Stone Family.

Throughout their travels there to mine stones they were fortunate enough to know the owner of the mine, and were given the opportunity to buy all of the remaining stones from the mine.

The process of creating a piece of jewelry is deeply rooted in tradition and out of respect for every member of the Tice family.

“If we were not involved with what we do, in meeting with the artists and becoming family with these people, I wouldn’t be doing what I am doing,” Nettie Tice shares.

The bond is strong from a lifetime of traveling to the reservations, meeting and developing relationships and trust with artists, hand picking and curating the stones that resonate with them, to learning the spiritual meanings and symbolism behind each specific stone they select.

“The stone has to speak to you,” Annie Tice-Poseley explains. “It has to spark your interest and it kind of chooses you more than you choose it.”

According to Nettie, that dedication to authenticity and quality is reflected in the knowledge they have been afforded throughout the years that they share with their customers every day. She added that someone selling a quality piece knows the details about how it was created.

That is what makes Dakota Sky Stone stand out. They were there, they heard the story and they are ready to share it with you in your own piece of the culture. Nettie encourages anyone seeking turquoise to ask questions and learn as much as possible about the piece, which helps to assure its quality.

“I guarantee every piece in this store and if it breaks you can bring it back and we will repair it. This family is passionate about what they sell,” Nettie shares. “Trust your jeweler and ask them about the piece. Ask them what kind of turquoise it is and who made it, and if they can’t answer that, they probably don’t know what they are selling.”

The stones may be the first thing to speak to the Tice family in the process of jewelry making, but Annie adds that a number of different aspects can really speak to someone looking at a final piece. Whether it is the intricacy of the silverwork, the color of the stones, or the webbing or matrix found throughout a piece of turquoise, there are many aspects to selecting the perfect piece.

In addition to turquoise, you can find other hand-picked stones such as bumble bee jasper or even shell pieces like spiny oyster. Dakota Sky Stone stays connected making sure these pieces equal the high quality of the stones they select from within the mines they visit.

The extensive process and radiant passion present at Dakota Sky Stone helps to ensure each selection isn’t only visually stunning, but also carries a story and a piece of cultural significance.

According to Navajo culture, turquoise is a stone known for soul and bodily protection branching back to the Navajo wearing it for protection in wars. It is said that if your turquoise pieces ended up holding small cracks, that that stone was picked for you and took a blow for you.

Something Nettie says she believes to be deeply true as she has seen that significance in her own life. This collaboration and respect for the culture guarantees that heritage and spirituality is at the forefront of everything Dakota Sky Stone produces and sells.

“We do our research so our customers can always rest assured things are 100% authentic,” Annie adds. “When customers come in here no one ever has to worry. The stones are the highest quality we can find, and so is our artistry.”

Sunnyside Turquoise

• Found in the Sunnyside mine in northern Nevada

• Sunnyside turquoise is extremely hard and contains bright blue ripples against a darker host rock

Kingman Turquoise:

• Found in Kingman, Arizona.

• Kingman turquoise can range from pale to dark blue, and sometimes includes shades of green. The color is determined by the copper and iron in the stone, with copper creating a blue tone and iron creating green hue

• Matrices can be white, light brown, or black

Royston Turquoise:

• Found in the Royston Mining District, Nevada

• Royston turquoise can be two-toned, with both light and dark green or blue

• Known for heavy matrix dark brown to gold in color

Finding Art in Everyday

Art often conjures up images of grand museums or expensive oil paintings. But what if I told you that art surrounds us every day? From towering monuments to quirky roadside attractions, let’s embark on a treasure hunt to find the artistic gems that enrich our daily lives.

Architectural Adventures

Crazy Horse Memorial: This awe-inspiring monument isn’t just a sculpture; it’s a testament to artistic dedication. Since 1948 the granite mountainside has been transformed slowly with the spirit of the Lakota.

Chapel in the Hills: Nestled amongst the pines, this intricate replica of a Norwegian stave church is a masterpiece of wood carving. Take a moment to appreciate the craftsmanship and serene atmosphere.

Rapid City Rundown: Downtown Rapid City is a beautiful blend of eras. Art Deco facades on historic buildings like the Alex Johnson Hotel stand proudly next to modern glass structures, showcasing the city’s evolution. Don’t miss the City of Presidents, where lifesize bronze sculptures add a touch of grandeur.

Think of these monuments as the Black Hills’ unique art exhibit. Each one tells a story and adds its artistic style to our community.

Graphic Design Gems

We all know them – the colorful, hand-painted Wall Drug billboards lining our highways. These iconic signs are more than just advertising; they’re a piece of South Dakota history.

These billboards have bold colors, playful fonts, and whimsical illustrations that are a testament to a bygone era, yet remain strangely effective. They evoke a sense of nostalgia for simpler times when road trips were adventures. But don’t underestimate their power! The strategic placement and handpainted charm make them impossible to ignore, subtly reminding travelers (and Rapid City locals alike) about this roadside treasure.

Sharpening Your Artistic Eye

Slow Down and Look: Take a moment to truly see the world around you. Notice the details, textures, and colors you might otherwise miss.

Question Your Choices: Why are you drawn to a particular building or object? What design elements make it stand out to you?

Explore Different Styles: Expose yourself to various art forms, from classical paintings to contemporary installations. This will broaden your understanding of the art world around you.

By being mindful of the artistic elements around us, we can find beauty in the ordinary and transform Rapid City and the Black Hills into a giant art gallery, waiting to be explored. So open your eyes, engage your senses, and discover the hidden treasures around you!

Dahl Arts Center

@DahlArtsCenter (605)394-4101 713 7th Street Rapid City, SD 57701

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You’re cruising through the Needles highway and notice your car is feeling warmer than it should -even though your A/C is turned on high. It could be that your air conditioning unit is in need of a “recharge.”

If you suspect it is just not cooling like it was when it was new, have it checked by a professional before all the refrigerant and oil leak out completely. Tyrrell Tires, Rapid City is here to help.

Your car’s air conditioning unit system is cooled by a refrigerant that circulates through a closed system to create cold air. So if it’s a closed system, that means it should never leak? Or be in need of service?

Then your A/C system is refilled completely with fresh refrigerant. Since an A/C recharge is often necessary due to low refrigerant from a leak, a professional technician will also do specialized leak diagnostics using dyes and specialized equipment to find the source of the leak. If you do indeed have a leak, the repair is often relatively inexpensive to repair.

It is best to have any recharging and problem diagnosis done by a professional You can rest assured, no matter what type of A/C service your car needs, you can trust the mechanics at Tyrrell Tires to help. With training in all types of cars and systems, their mechanics are equipped to diagnose any necessary repairs and carry out any maintenance service. Schedule your appointment today.

For any service-related questions or to make an appointment, stop in or call (605) 791-2922. You can also send a message on Facebook or Instagram. Or visit to learn more.

Scott Tyrell & Autumn Garcia (owners)

SHRED to or not to

I’m pretty sure anyone who tries to snoop through my old diaries will be put off by my penmanship. It takes a real effort to read my handwriting—even for me.

And if that doesn’t stop them, I figure boredom will. I’ve been journaling since I was a teenager and my life since then has been like a series of baseball games: brief episodes of excitement separated by long periods of monotony. Anybody going through the play-byplay will have to look for a long time to find anything exciting and I like to think they’ll lose interest by then.

But just in case I’m wrong I decided that I should do something with my diaries—or journals as I prefer to call them. It sounds more sophisticated. And you know me—I’m nothing if not sophisticated.

A friend told me she’s instructed her children to destroy her journals after she dies—and without reading them first. She’s convinced they’ll do as she asks. I don’t know her kids, but I figure if they heed her instructions, they’re angelic, illiterate or both.

was born and the time he graduated from high school I kept a journal specifically for him. He won’t have to read all of my old diaries to gain from my wisdom. I was able to fit it all into one little book. And it’s not even full.

After hearing my friends’ plans for their journals, I came up with an entirely different one for mine: I’m going to donate them to my alma mater. Not really, and not just because they wouldn’t want them.

The truth is I’ve started shredding them. I read one and tear out the sections I can’t bear to part with. Then I shred the rest of it quicker than you can say, “What wisdom?”

At times, reading my old diaries has been entertaining. Other times it’s been embarrassing. It’s always been enlightening. On the one hand it’s good to know I’ve made some progress since I was a teenager. On the other hand, reading about my youth and beyond has relieved me of any notion that younger generations are less clever than mine was at their age.

Maybe I’m projecting. Knowing yourself well is one of the benefits of keeping a journal. And I know myself well enough to know that if I were a member of my friend’s family, I’d start reading her journals shortly after I got home from her funeral. I certainly don’t expect other people to be better behaved than I am, though they often are.

Other friends have told me that they actually want their children to read what they’ve written. They hope to share the wisdom they’ve gained over a lifetime with the ones they love and they don’t understand why I wouldn’t want to do the same. Obviously they haven’t read my journals. At least I hope they haven’t.

It’s shocking to me now, but there was a time I did think I’d want my son to read my journals someday. That was before I started reading them myself.

That doesn’t mean I’m not passing on any of my hardearned life lessons to him though. Between the time he

I can only stand to read one or two journals before I have to put them aside and read something else. And I live in fear I’ll be struck by lightning before I get them all shredded. I’m not keen on dying anyway, but the realization that there are decades of my venting, opining and haranguing just waiting to be read by my family has given me the will to live at least long enough to get it all disposed of. The fact that I continue to keep a journal even as I’m destroying old ones should guarantee me a very long life.

Those who’ve never kept a diary may wonder why anyone would spend years doing all that work just to destroy it all. I know it’s counterintuitive, but for me the point of keeping a journal isn’t necessarily to read it later. Among other benefits, journaling lessens anxiety, enhances self-awareness, reduces stress and improves writing skills. And it’s inexpensive. All you need is a notebook and a pen. Oh. And a shredder.

Dorothy Rosby is finding shredding her journals nearly as therapeutic as writing in them—as long as she keeps her fingers out of the shredder.


As far as the eye can see prairie grass sways in the breeze creating a mesmerizing dance of green, enveloped by all of the beauty and wonder that the Black Hills has to offer. Shortgrass Resort has become a haven for those wishing to escape the fast-paced hustle culture and rediscover themselves in nature.

Owners Dr. Rachel MK Headley, and Jared “Cappie” Capp saw the potential to bring a high-end, yet nature-forward experience to those who visit their resort. They strive to bring the best of the best of South Dakota including the surroundings, the food, the experiences and of course the exceptional hospitality. Their shared love for nature, sustainability, connection and more has driven them to craft a remarkable stay for anyone and everyone looking for a true Black Hills experience.

Born and raised in Spearfish, South Dakota, Cappie’s love for building and design began at a young age, by helping his grandfather and father when he was just 13. After high school graduation, he joined the United States Air Force. Through his travels, he saw and reflected on real life examples of natural building.

He has since created his own business, “Pangea Design Group” using practical sustainability in a

number of projects throughout the Black Hills and beyond. Cappie’s building projects have also been featured on two episodes of “Building Off the Grid” and he now hosts his own show “Building Outside the Lines,” with his teenage stepdaughter Alex, which is currently filming its second season for the Magnolia Network

Rachel has a rich background in science, advocacy and much more. She grew up on her family’s farm in Brookings County where her love for the South Dakota’s prairies, skies and people truly blossomed. With their passions colliding and a piece of land that has been in Cappie’s life for a while, the pair knew that their vision was possible.

Candace Gutstafson-GM, Dr. Rachel Headley, M.K. Schuelke, Executive Concierge
Jared “Cappie” Capp

“This land was owned by a family friend,” Cappie explains. “He owned this place for a long time and when he passed, we bought it from his estate and we just love the land. We’ve loved it for a long time.”

With the exception of the aqueduct that runs through the land and its past as sugar-beet country, the 52-acre piece of heaven is relatively untouched providing guests a pristine retreat, more removed from the typical bustling crowds of summer tourism in the Black Hills.

“What I love about this spot is the fact it hasn’t been modified and torn up by infrastructure,” Cappie says.

After attending a glamping conference, full of different types of tents and housing options, Rachel and Cappie fell in love with their unique style of tent.

“We chose the tent style about two years ago,” Cappie adds. “They don’t feel like a tent but we wanted to get away from cabin typical lodge feel. We wanted to be modern with a throwback to our roots; it felt like a nice compromise between unique and really special while still having an elevated experience.”

Shortgrass offers a truly elevated adult-only, all-inclusive experience that caters to both nature lovers and those who prefer more refined comforts. Set against the backdrop of the stunning Black Hills, the resort seamlessly blends local charm with luxurious amenities and high-end, exclusive experiences.

Shortgrass also provides a new venue in the region for an intimate gathering of 50 or less. Rachel envisions sophisticated weddings, corporate events, and hosted retreats.

You can find relaxation in traveling the property in your provided golf cart to find a serene spot to read or meditate. Take advantage of Shortgrass’ wellness center as well as an onsite sauna, or take the time to find a free activity that makes your experience worthwhile. From reading to relaxation, there is something for everyone.

Rachel says that one of their biggest goals in creating the resort was to keep true to the love of the land that drew them in the first place. The guests they have hosted serve as inspiration as their vision continues to grow.

“It is really the people who stay with us. Whenever we have people here it is so special to share this with them and share our experience of South Dakota,” Rachel reflects. “It’s a fun way to show our hospitality and South Dakota’s warm heart.”

As for add on experiences, guests at Shortgrass can take part in local and exclusive tours and excursions arranged by the staff in partnership with other local tour companies allowing their guests to take in the vast knowledge of the region.

“Some of these things come with your stay and some are a little extra, but we are committed either way to providing whatever our guests may need,” Rachel says.

A highlight of the Shortgrass experience is Meander, the onsite restaurant and bar that provides a curated, meticulously thoughtful fine dining experience to the guests who stay with the resort. The namesake is ode to the river that meanders through the property, and the meals reflect creativity, uniqueness and local ingredients to once again elevate the experience at Shortgrass.

Whether it is a perfectly seared steak, or finely crafted appetizers, you can rest assured that you are being served a fresh, nutritious meal that is as good for you as it is beautiful. Dinner at Meander is an expertly crafted multicourse meal while lunch and breakfast are a bit more on the casual side. The Meander restaurant offers a different meal every day.

“Kyle has a perfect talent in the kitchen for us as he is very experienced in a wide variety of different kinds of foods,” Rachel explains. “He moved to Spearfish a few years ago and we are so lucky to have him.”

The intimate bar setting is staffed by knowledgeable bartender Alex Spiekermeier, who takes immense pride in his craft creating drinks from homemade syrups, salts and bitters he makes himself, a testament to his skills.

“With all the different types of drinks, the history behind them to the type of ice he uses,” Rachel says. “You will have a second-to-none experience.”

Personal concierges ensure that any information regarding allergies or food intolerances are passed along to Meander to make sure that every guest is able to take part in daily meals that are included with their stay.

Cappie and Rachel have lofty goals of expanding and evolving the offerings at the resort, some of which include a greenhouse and garden in order to elevate the dining experience by keeping their ingredients as local as possible.

Rachel adds that they look forward to using their future greenhouse for lessons on gardening and medicinal herbs. They hope to create experiences and offerings that enrich knowledge and history of the area, and they are making plans to roll out a future program schedule for other events as well.

The team at Shortgrass resort is radiantly passionate about the surrounding area and the magical atmosphere that nature here can provide. “Everyone has different skills to bring to the table,” Rachel shares. “Cappie and I are the owners, but we want to make sure everyone feels like their area is theirs to own, and we’re so excited to have that group of people be the team that welcomes our guests.”

The team is dedicated to making sure every guest departs with a memorable stay and many more stories to tell. Rachel and Cappie are the heart and soul behind the resort, and both believe that their team, and their dedication, is what makes guests’ experience so rewarding.

Executive Chef Kyle Smith & Alex Spiekermeier, Mixologist

A perfect blend of elegance and investment potential.

Nestled on nearly 3 acres in tranquil Shirt Tail Gulch, this 6-bedroom, 6.5-bathroom home offers luxury living just minutes from the historic town of Deadwood. Enjoy stunning Black Hills views from the master suite, gourmet kitchen, and two-story great room. Upstairs, find a spacious living room and two large bedrooms, both with ensuites. The lower level features a family room, two more ensuite bedrooms, and a deck with a hot tub. An oversized three-car garage includes a bunkhouse, adding extra versatility. Currently used as a nightly rental, this property is a perfect blend of elegance and investment potential. Don’t miss the opportunity to own this exceptional home!

A modern textured vase with lush silk botanicals not only adds beauty but is an excellent maintenance free alternative to any space.

Discover an incredible selection of ultra realistic faux flowers and bring a splash of color anywhere you desire.

Unique combinations of faux botanicals in an earthy woven basket is the perfect nod to nature and style.

Bring a sense of calm tranquil aesthetic into your home by selecting one of these luxe potted plants that are real to the eye and full of rich texture.

Downsizing to a High End Condo

It’s the Scottsdale of South Dakota and retirees from all over the country are quickly making their way to Spearfish. And soon, they’ll have a new area of town to call home.

Located on the northeast side of Spearfish, just north of the Walmart, on Foxglove Court, a new development for Top Shelf Construction is about to break ground.

“Our main goal is to give people a place to live and downsize from having a three or four-thousand squarefoot home,” says Chandler Kubas, owner and CEO of TopShelf Construction.

32 condos will sit on this property with a mixture of walkout basements and patio homes.

“The patio homes right now, they are going to be about 1,850 square feet. We do not have the walkout basement plans done yet, but we are going to try and keep those between the 2,000 and 2,200 square foot range.”

The patio condos will feature two bed, two and a half baths with an unfinished basement that can be used for storage.

“Some of them are going to be modern with monotruss roof lines and some are going to be standard

ranch style roof lines. We will be in charge of the HOA there, so we can do whatever colors and designs that we want to choose.”

Another positive of the HOA…

“We will be doing all of the mowing in the development,” says Kubas. “If you’re not there in the wintertime, we remove the snow. If you’re not there in the summertime, we make sure everything is maintained so you can come and go as you please.”

On the exterior, Kubas says they’re sticking with the mountain and cabin vibes – using a lot of grays and blacks, white and black stone and some rusted steel accents.

“We really believe in that partnership experience with our homeowners. So, while we may have the condos designed, we will work with them if they want to customize the colors or if they have a specific design for the interior.”

While they don’t have the interior of the homes designed just yet, they’re focusing on a higher end look, incorporating wood ceilings in the main area of the home to keep with the cabin feeling.

“The views are just beautiful here too – I mean, it’s part of the Black Hills,” says Kubas. “The views face to the north and there are a bunch of trees and a big valley behind it. You have some pretty high-end homes back there. It’s really the perfect location.” Whether you’re looking for those views of the Black Hills while

on the five-mile running path or looking to take the fiveminute golf-cart ride to the course, it’s not hard to get anywhere here.

“This place is so centrally located. There are three exits in Spearfish, and this is off the middle exit. So, whether it’s restaurants, Walmart or the golf course, they’re all within a couple minutes of these condos.”

Kubas says a lot of people moving to Spearfish are coming from higher end markets like California.

“It’s very important to cater to those people because that’s who we see fit for these condos. They’re going to be on the higher end – think mid sixes. So, it’s good for the community to have these types of people moving here. We need them here for the city to grow because Spearfish has a lot to offer.”

Another great option for these homeowners – Top Shelf will allow short-term rentals here like Airbnb or Vrbo.

“It’s just the perfect location from Deadwood or Terry Peak. Some people are also looking for this as their second home or are looking to purchase a home for some extra income.”

Looking for another reason to choose a Top Shelf home? Their customers are their priority and they offer discounted interest rates.

“We offer a two percent discounted interest rate. It’s qualified as a two month buy down. So, the first year you would have a 2% decrease in interest rates. The following year you would have a one percent decrease in interest rates and then the third year it would go back to prime. Our thought process is that interest rates are hopefully going to decline in the coming years. We also offer refinance options at no cost to the homeowner.”

Or constantly keeping you up to date on the progress.

“We have an app we use called builder trend. It’s updated on the daily. You can see exactly what’s happening, when it’s happening and the status of your home. We have not seen that from any other builder in the Black Hills to that extent.”

Kubas says if everything goes to plan, they hope to start breaking ground in August and hope to have the 32 condos build out in 24 months.

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