Pa 253 final exam answers

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PA 253 Final Exam Answers

PA 253 Final Exam Answers

Question 1.

Lawyers cannot split fees for legal services with non-lawyers.

Question 2.

Legal professionals should not disclose adverse case law when writing legal briefs.

Question 3.

Sarah has just been made a member of the bar and is going to open her own law office. You will be her first employee! What advice can you give her about professional liability insurance.

Question 4.

Paralegals are expected to follow the same ethical rules as attorneys.

Question 5.

The elements of a professional negligence claim include:

Question 6.

Paralegals are permitted to:

Question 7.

Which of the following constitutes unethical solicitation?

Question 8. While at the district attorney's office, Paralegal Fritz worked on the prosecution of thousands of cases. Fritz feels trapped in that job. Even though he would like to move into the defense side for a law firm where he could find higher salaries, he's staying put because he knows that he would raise conflict issues at all of the local firms. As Fritz's friend, you advise him to stay put at the D.A.'s office because the conflict problem cannot be solved and the benefits are better where he is anyway.

Question 9.

Paralegals are permitted to draft legal pleadings.

Question 10.

Non-licensed persons can never represent clients before administrative agencies.

Question 11.

A lawyer will often be disqualified from a case if the case is substantially related to a prior representation in which the attorney represented the other side of the dispute.

Question 12.

The duty of confidentiality covers all information relating to the representation of the client, regardless of the source.

Question 13.

The client's consent always cures a conflict of interest.

Question 14.

Client Morrie confessed to Paralegal Beverly that he lied on an answer to interrogatories. Beverly reported the lie to her supervising attorney and wrote a memorandum to the file about it, as well. When Morrie later sues Beverly's law firm for malpractice, the firm‌‌..:

Question 15.

The unauthorized practice of law includes activities:

Question 16.

"Subornation of perjury" refers to:

Question 17. result in:

Disciplinary action for unethical behavior by attorneys may

Question 18.

An attorney cannot:

Question 19. In bad economic times, law firms that handle bankruptcies are typically very busy. Paralegal Andrew, who is unemployed, offers the following during his interview: "I know a lot of people who need financial help right now. I could probably bring in 100 clients just by networking my friends." Andrew

Question 20.

Attorneys are under no obligation to cooperate with the opposing side in a case.

Question 21.

Clara Client has just been presented with a standard representation agreement by the law firm of Yatz & Berger. Clara's first language is German. Although she speaks and reads everyday English quite well, the legal terms in the contract confuse her. Yatz & Berger should

Question 22.

Attorneys can be held responsible for the errors of their paralegals.

Question 23.

The First Amendment of the Constitution offers no protection for attorney advertising.

Question 24.

Claudio wants to apply to change his student Visa to a work permit Visa. He goes to the ABC Legal Clinic but there are no lawyers there - only paralegals. Claudio is okay with that because he can fill out the form without help. However, when he

gets to the blank that says “Middle Name” he doesn’t know what to do. Claudio doesn’t have a middle name. When he asks a paralegal at the ABC Legal Clinic what to do with this blank, the paralegal

Question 25. Sandy Glastor (Paralegal) has joined his family for Thanksgiving. Sandy’s grandfather asks a general question (to everyone sitting at the table) about writing a holographic will on letterhead stationery. (Grandfather’s question is whether the printed part of the stationery invalidates the will because the will is not written entirely in the testator’s handwriting.) Sandy takes Grandfather’s question as a hypothetical and responds to it along with everyone else at the table throwing in their opinions. Later that night, Grandfather rewrites his holographic will on a blank piece of paper based on Sandy’s reply to the question. Which of the following is true?

Question 26.

Legal professionals owe complete loyalty and good faith to clients at every stage of the representation.

Question 27.

Moral character cannot be considered when determining whether or not a person can be licensed to practice law.

Question 28. paralegal

The State of Eufouria is considering a “title scheme� for

regulation. An accurate translation of that is:

Question 29.

Because paralegals are generally not licensed, they are not required to adhere to the duty of confidentiality.

Question 30. NOT include:

The sanctions available to a state ethics board generally do

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