Science project

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Michael Hill

One of these simple machines is the “Lever”, now you might see the picture and wonder what is actually a lever? Well the definition of a lever is any rigid rod or type of plank that pivots, or rotates, about a point. However, Mr. Leroux’s (La-Rue) defines it as anything you can hold in your hand. It can be anything such as a light switch, a quarter, a phone and it also includes objects such as a wheel barrel. The point about which the lever pivots is called a fulcrum. The objects in the pictures are levers because you can hold them in your hand. The marker and the remote would be classified as 3rd class levers because they are close to your hands, the input force would be in the middle and the fulcrum would be at the end. The game case is a lever because you can hold it in your hand.

The next simple machine is the inclined plane--a flat, sloped surface. Mr.Leroux defines it as anything that goes from a low point to a high point. An inclined plane can be a slanted tabled leg, a ramp that goes up to a truck, a latter, or a slide. The pictures below are inclined planes because they are flat, slanted, surfaces and go from a high point to a low point and vice versa. The table, eraser, and the keyboard flap are inclined planes because they are flat and slanted. An inclined plane can decrease to do but it can also increase the distance you have to go.

the amount of work you need

Another simple machine is a wedge. A wedge is basically a moving inclined plane. My science teacher Mr. Leroux’s definition of a wedge is an object that can go into something else. If you are wondering what they are, well like every other simple machine you use them almost every day. Examples of wedges include: a knives your teeth, even a pin (which you should never use to stab anything or anyone). Wedges make work easier by cutting things or tearing into bits. For example, the knife on the left makes it easier to cut different foods. And your teeth are also wedges because when you put something into your mouth you bite down and your teeth go INTO your food. The pin is a wedge because it can go into things.

Another simple machine is the screw, which you are probably already familiar with. A screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder or post. Mr. Leroux also stated that a screw is anything that has indentations on it. Types of screws can vary widely such as screws, light bulbs, and can openers. These objects all have indentations on them. Screws make work easier by holding things together. All the pictures below are screws only because they have indentations in them.

Another simple machine is a wheel and axle, which consists of two circular objects of different sizes that are attached in such a way that they will rotate together. Mr. Leroux’s definition of a wheel and axle is anything with 2 circles that turn with each other. Wheel and axles can be things such as doorknobs, a steering wheel, tire, a water spigot, and a Ferris wheel. The pictures below are examples of wheel and axles because it has two circles that turn with each other. Wheel and axles make work easier by helping us to move thing easier. The pictures below are inclined planes because they each have two circles in them that rotate with each other.

The final simple machine is the pulley. Mr. Leroux defines a pulley as anything that has a rope, cord, cable, etc. There are two types of pulleys: fixed and moveable. A fixed pulley is when you pull a rope, cord, or cable down to make something go up. A moveable pulley when you attach a cord or rope to an object you are lifting. Pulleys can be objects such as a window blind, a flagpole, and a ship’s sail. The objects in the pictures below are fixed pulleys because when you pull down on the string it makes something else go up. The cord phone cord below is a pulley because it is made of cord and can be used as a pulley. They also make work easier because they help you decrease the amount of force you use to lift something up.

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