Living Feng Shui

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Living contemporary FEng Shui magazine magazineSummer month 20XX 2013

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The Final Word


n my life I have often felt alone. Seldom lonely, but often alone. This, despite being surrounded by my loving husband, children, family and friends.

I have looked longingly at those who seem to be effortlessly lifted up by others, supported, guided - and wished that I felt that way more often. Particularly guided. Partly this situation is of my own making. I have always been highly independent, a control freak perhaps. It is my nature. I seldom ask for help. In this I’m sure I am not unique. However, the idea of creating space requires not only that we clear something old and unwanted out, but also that we are receptive, that we are open enough to allow something new to come in.

around me, in some cases from people I had never met. I had to clear out my desire for control and independence and create some space to receive. I want to sincerely thank, from the deepest place in my heart all of the people who contributed to this issue. They all stepped up to the challenge of speaking to a theme which is somewhat outside of their special fields of expertise. They did it with beauty, grace and integrity. Many went out of their way to let me know that they were indeed supporting me in this endeavour, that I was not alone. I am forever grateful. ~ Mia

Feng Shui is an ancient art and much of it’s philosophy can be understood through the 64 Trigrams of the I Ching, the Book of Changes. A trigram is basically a simple three lined diagram, made up of yin and yang lines. Yang lines are solid, yin lines are broken. Yang is strong, solid and outgoing. Yin is soft, open and inward moving. Though much of what we value in Western society is yang, it is yin, the receptive, which is most powerful of all. In order to breathe life into this magazine, I had to step way out of my comfort zone. It was necessary for me to reach out to others and ask for help. In some cases from the wonderful and talented community

I’d like to offer a special word of thanks to a woman have never met. The vast majority of the images in this issue were created by Cornelia Kopp. She shares her images through the creative commons under the name AlicePopkorn. They uplift me, and her willingness to create something of beauty and then share it freely is a true inspiration.

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