Research & Innovation Annual Report of Extramural Funding FY2019

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Fiscal Year


Annual Report

of extramural funding to support research, creativity, instruction, and service | July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019

Richelle Frabotta

Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

have held since 2011: dean of the Graduate School and associate provost for research. Going forward, the Graduate School and the office of Research & Innovation will be managed by two separate individuals, the Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School and the Vice President for Research and Innovation. In October, I was appointed as the inaugural Vice President for Research and Innovation. James T. Oris Vice President for Research & Innovation Distinguished Professor of Biology

I will remain in the role of Vice President until I retire, effective June 30, 2019. This will mark the end of my 34 years as a

Perspective of the Vice President

faculty member and administrator at Miami — my entire academic career. I have held many positions during these years, enjoyed personal and professional accomplishments,

FY2019 saw a continuation of the success

and received awards and recognition. But

Miami faculty and staff have in securing

my highest sense of accomplishment has

funding to support their research, scholar-

come from the success of my students and,

ship, and creative activity. For the second

for the past 11 years, my professional staff

year in a row, we exceeded $24 million in

and administrative colleagues. Miami has

extramural funding.

been a special place to work and have a life.

At the same time, FY2019 marks the beginning of a new era for Miami. Over the course of the last 12 months, Miami embarked on an aggressive strategic planning process that resulted in ambitious goals for graduate programs and research efforts. In recognition of the expanded

The place is a key component, but the people are what I will miss the most. I will leave behind a vibrant and growing research and innovation enterprise, and I will look back with pride that I was able to participate in such a wonderful organization.

Love and Honor,

importance of these operations, in September 2019, the university’s trustees approved a resolution submitted by Provost Jason Osborne to separate the two positions I



Annual Annual Report Report Fiscal Fiscal Year Year 2019 2019

FY2019 activity in context















FY16 FY17



$24.1M total funds received


total proposals submitted FY18 FY19 in millions

Totals shown throughout this report may not match exactly, due to rounding.

Mike Vanni (right)


Annual AnnualReport ReportFiscal FiscalYear Year2019 2019

Proposals awarded by division 2 1%

5 | 2% FSB 7 | 3% HC 17 6% OTHER 21 8%

CEC 26 10%

MC CCA $387K | 2%

$270K 1%

CEHS $1.0M | 4% FSB $1.1M | 5% CEC $1.3M | 5% HC $1.7M 7%

OTHER $2.6M 11%


CEHS 27 10%


RGS $3.0M 12%






Amity Noltemeyer

Proposals with multiple PIs from different divisions are credited to the division of the lead PI.

RGS 33 12%

MC Middletown Campus CCA College of Creative Arts FSB Farmer School of Business

CAS 128 48%

CAS $12.8M 53%

HC Hamilton Campus OTHER Other Offices CEC College of Engineering & Computing CEHS College of Education, Health, & Society RGS Research & Innovation + Graduate School CAS College of Arts & Science



Annual Annual Report Report Fiscal Fiscal Year Year 2019 2019

Funding received

Fellowship $245K 1% Instr uctio $1.9M n 8%

NEH $614K 6%

Federal Government $9.8M 41%

s ines Bus ustry d n I & M $3.1 13%

ent Stud ial nc Fina Aid $2.1M 9%

Edu cat $95 ion 3K 10% er th K O 86 $8 9%

As Fo soci un ati & da on No Ot tion s, n- her s, $3 Profi .6 t 15 M s %

y Energ K $526 5%

e ic rv M Se 2.6 $ 11%

es, Colleg ities, Univers rch a se & Re tions Institu $3.4M 14%

NSF $4.5M 46%

State of Ohio $3.5M 14%

NIH $2.3M 24%

Federal agency detail


Research $17.2M 71%

Other Government $245K 1%


Jason Shaiman

Source and purpose Associations, Foundations, & Other Non-Profits

Business & Industry

Colleges, Universities, & Research Institutions

Federal Government

State of Ohio

Other Government





























Student Financial Aid







Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Project highlights Our faculty and staff work hard to secure funding for projects that give students hands-on experience, contribute to our communities, and help fuel Ohio’s economy. Below are a few examples of the difference this funding made in FY2019.

Xin Wang (left)

Psychologist Cricket Meehan (CAS) and educational psychologist Amity Noltemeyer (CEHS) received nearly $700,000 from the Ohio Department of Education in support of two projects. One raises awareness of mental health needs among youth while implementing services to improve wellbeing of students and their families. The other works to improve school climate and reduce problem behaviors.

Sue Sepela (second from left)

Chemists Gary Lorigan and Rick Page (both CAS) were each awarded about $1.8 million over five years as part of NIH’s Maximizing Investigator’s Research Award (MIRA) program. These highly competitive awards support the PIs’ research programs: membrane protein channels that are directly related to heart disease in Lorigan’s case and protein quality control and antibiotic resistance in Page’s.


Microbiologists D.J. Ferguson (HC) and Xin Wang (CAS) received a $343,030 Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) grant from NSF to study microbes that produce the potent greenhouse gas methane. One goal of the research is to determine how these microbes use naturally occurring compounds found particularly in brackish and marine environments as a food source to produce methane.

Cricket Meehan (second from left)

Learning assistance staff member Sue Sepela (HC) received two U.S. Department of Education grants totalling $516,752. One grant supports the Regional Campuses’ Upward Bound program, which helps prepare low-income and first-generation high school students to pursue higher education. The other grant helps provide a comprehensive program of academic support to students on the Regional Campuses.

Rick Page (right)

Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Like Lokon (center)

Anthropologist Cameron Hay-Rollins (CAS) received $100,000 from Interact for Health for research on housing available to those recovering from opioid addiction in Greater Cincinnati. The project includes a baseline analysis of available recovery housing, building a searchable and update-able database of existing resources, and identifying perceived needs and opportunities to enhance support of people in recovery.

Gerontologist Like Lokon and Scripps Gerontology Center staff member Joan Fopma-Loy (both RGS) received more than $75,000 to support Opening Minds Through Art (OMA), an award-winning intergenerational art-making program for people with dementia. The program provides opportunities for creative self-expression and social engagement for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurocognitive disorders.

Cameron Hay-Rollins

Chemical and biomedical engineer Jason Berberich (CEC) received $177,800 from The Procter & Gamble Company for research on the enzyme lipase, which is commonly added to household cleaning products, including laundry detergent, to help break up grease and other fats. Berberich’s research aims to improve the stability of cold-active lipase in detergents at high temperatures. Jason Berberich

Myaamia Center director Daryl Baldwin (RGS) received $311,647 from the NEH in support of the Breath of Life indigenous language revitalization initiative. The initiative consists of a series of workshops for researchers from endangered language communities. The goal is to build capacity around methods in archives-based research for community-directed revitalization efforts. Daryl Baldwin


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Funding detail Total funding by organizational unit and principal investigator

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding


PI funding $12,730,959



Christopher Makaroff

The Ohio State University

Ohio LSAMP Consortium | $87,425


Stephen Wright

The Ohio State University

Ohio LSAMP Consortium | $59,951



Gifts-in-Kind-Arts & Science | $20,000




Cameron Hay-Rollins

Interact for Health

Opioid Recovery Housing Gap Analysis | $100,000

Cameron Hay-Rollins


Differientiating Enthesitis among Patients with Rheumatic Disease | $26,000


Cameron Hay-Rollins


Differientiating Enthesitis among Patients with Rheumatic Disease | $15,308


Cameron Hay-Rollins


Differientiating Enthesitis among Patients with Rheumatic Disease | $14,820





Michelle Boone

Animal Behavior Society

Understanding The Effects of Environmental Stressors on Parasite and Amphibian Behavior and Subsequent Infection Rates | $1,011

Michelle Boone

Hamilton County Park District

Predicting Amphibian Disease Across an Urban to Rural Gradient: Does a Robust Food Web Buffer Amphibians from Pathogens? | $8,648


Michelle Boone

Hamilton County Park District

Predicting Amphibian Disease Across an Urban to Rural Gradient: Does a Robust Food Web Buffer Amphibians from Pathogens? | $1,677


Michelle Boone

Ohio Biological Survey

Between A Corn Field and A Suburb: How Do changes In Land Use Impact Amphibians on Exurban Landscapes? | $500

Katia Del Rio-Tsonis

National Institutes of Health

On Determinants of Lens Regeneration | $361,250


Katia Del Rio-Tsonis

National Institutes of Health

RPE Reprogramming | $361,250


Katia Del Rio-Tsonis

National Science Foundation

Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP): Jared Tangeman | $27,600


Melany Fisk

Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

LTER: Long-Term Ecological Research at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest | $32,000


Maria Gonzalez

National Science Foundation

LTREB Renewal: Response of a Reservoir Ecosystem to Declining Subsides of Nutrients and Detritus | $7,795

Chun Liang

National Institutes of Health

RPE Reprogramming | $361,250

Richard Moore

University of Illinois

Genomic Mechanisms of Domesticating a Y Chromosome in Papaya | $24,139

Julia Robinson

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

Sowing SEEDS II (Science, Environmental Education, Discovery, and Synthesis) | $39,234

Prevent Blindness America

Development of a High-Throughput Screening Strategy to Identify Factors that Can Reprogram Human Retinal Pigmented Epithelium to Neural Retina | $5,000

Michael Robinson



$2,572 $108,375 $24,139 $39,234


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding

Michael Robinson

Sigma Xi

CRISPR/Cas9 Edited H uman Stem Cells Triple Transgenic Line to Model for Neural Retina Reprogramming from the RPE | $2,500

Paul Schaeffer

The Wildlife Society

Activity and Movement of Free-Living Box Turtles Are Largely Independent of Ambient and Thermal Conditions | $350

Haifei Shi

Ohio University

Apolipoprotein AIV-Induced Thermogenesis Via Sympathetic Activity | $23,968

Yoshinori Tomoyasu

SUNY - Buffalo

Regulatory Element Discovery in Sequenced Insect Species | $120,000

Michael Vanni

National Science Foundation

LTREB Renewal: Response of a Reservoir Ecosystem to Declining Subsides of Nutrients and Detritus | $7,795


University of Michigan

Digitization TCN: Collaborative Research: The Pteridological Collections Consortium: An Integrative Approach to Pteridophyte Diversity Over the Last 420 Million Years | $4,044


Lacawac Sanctuary Foundation Inc

Investigating Algal Responses, Including Community Assembly and Toxin Presence, to Changes in Nutrient, Light and Temperature Differences, Accelerated by Increasing Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) | $2,500


National Science Foundation

Collaborative Research: LTREB: Will increases in Dissolved Organic Matter Accelerate a Shift in Trophic Status Through Anoxia-driven Positive Feedbacks in an Oligotrophic Lake? | $24,885


BIOLOGY continued

Michael Vincent

Craig Williamson

Craig Williamson



$350 $23,968 $120,000


Susan Hershberger

Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center

WE ENGAGE | $54,294

Susan Hershberger

Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center

GAP WE Engage | $32,177


$54,294 $32,177 $4,174,100

Stacey Bretz

National Science Foundation

IGE: Professional and Identity Development in Graduate School: Bringing Transformative Practices in PD to Doctoral Students in Chemistry & Psychology | $433,997

Michael Crowder

University of Texas at Austin

Developing Metallo-Beata-Lactamase Inhibitors | $17,706


Neil Danielson

US Environmental Protection Agency

Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorinated Hydrocarbon Anion Exchange Resins for the Extraction of Perfluorinated Chemicals | $14,999


Ann Hagerman

Colorado State University

Unlocking Microbial Condensed Tannin Resistance Mechanisms: Scaling from Enzymes to Biomes | $74,591


Ann Hagerman

Mondelez International

Tannins: Principles and Applications | $2,500


Christopher Hartley

National Science Foundation

Dynamic Control and Self-Assembly of Ortho-Phenylene Foldamers | $470,000


Christopher Hartley

US Department of Energy

Dissipative Assembly of Carboxylic Acid Anhydrides for Nonequilibrium Systems Chemistry | $222,000



Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding

CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY continued Michael Kennedy

BASF Corporation

Sample Analysis | $431,302


Dominik Konkolewicz

National Science Foundation

REU Site: Research Experience for Undergradates in Chemistry and Biochemistry at Miami University | $340,733


Dominik Konkolewicz

National Science Foundation

CAREER: Dynamic Polymer Materials with Advanced Polymer Architecture and Carbon Nanotube Reinforcements | $120,000

Dominik Konkolewicz

National Science Foundation

Chemistry Early Career Investigator Workshop | $80,901

Dominik Konkolewicz

US Army

Protein-Polymer Bioconjugate Structures Measured by Magnetic Resonance | $60,000


Gary Lorigan

National Institute of General Medical Science

EPR Spectroscopic Studies of Membrane Proteins | $361,250


Gary Lorigan

National Science Foundation

Investigating Membrane Proteins with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | $450,000

Gary Lorigan

The Ohio State University

Structure and Genesis of Tau Aggregates | $58,205


Richard Page

Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center

Structural Comparison of the Klebsiella Pneumoniae Carbapenemase, KPC-2 and its D179 Variant Interactions with Imipenem, Relebactam, and Ceftazidime; Can We Explain the Mechanism of Resistance? | $53,938


Richard Page

National Institutes of Health

Triage Mechanisms for Directing Protein Refolding and Degradation | $359,327

Richard Page

University of Texas at Austin

Developing Metallo-Beata-Lactamase Inhibitors | $17,706

Richard Page

US Army

Protein-Polymer Bioconjugate Structures Measured by Magnetic Resonance | $60,000


Amanda Smith

National Science Foundation

REU Site: Research Experience for Undergradates in Chemistry and Biochemistry at Miami University | $340,733


Andre Sommer


Yearly Summary: Research in the Molecular Microspectroscopy Lab (MML) | $7,100

Richard Taylor

Celsus Laboratories Inc

Spectral Studies of Complex Carbohydrates | $85,128

Richard Taylor

Celsus Laboratories Inc

A Strategy for Preparing Conjugates of Complex Carbohydrates | $29,688

David Tierney

University of Texas at Austin

Developing Metallo-Beata-Lactamase Inhibitors | $17,706

National Science Foundation

Design Research on the Teaching and learning of Conceptual Understanding in High School Chemistry Though the Use of Dynamic Visualizations of Physical and Chemical Changes | $719,020


National Science Foundation

IGE: Professional and Identity Development in Graduate School: Bringing Transformative Practices in PD to Doctoral Students in Chemistry & Psychology | $433,997


W W Norton & Co.

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry | $6,212

Ellen Yezierski

Ellen Yezierski

$120,000 $80,901


$359,327 $5,843

$7,100 $85,128 $29,688 $5,843


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding


PI funding $172,794

Yu-Fang Cho

Cornell University

The Afterlives of the Nuclear Pacific | $41,750

Beth Rimer

National Writing Project

2018-2019 Year 2 i3 Scale-Up C3WP Advanced Institute for Upper Elementary | $86,000


Beth Rimer

National Writing Project

Agreement # BRimer-NWP 2016 | $25,039


Beth Rimer

National Writing Project

Agreement # BRimer-NWP 2016 | $20,005





Bartosz Grudzinski

Miami Conservancy District

Does a State Park with a Recreational Reservoir Provide Meaningful Water Quality Improvements Within an Agriculturally Dominated Watershed in SW Ohio? | $38,556

Jessica McCarty-Kern

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Global and South Asia Fuel Loads from Open Burning, 2005-2017 | $5,624

Jessica McCarty-Kern

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Land-Cover/Land-Use Change in Southern Vietnam Through the Lenses of Conflict, Religion, and Politics, 1980s to Present | $132,927


Jessica McCarty-Kern

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Land-Cover/Land-Use Change in Southern Vietnam Through the Lenses of Conflict, Religion, and Politics, 1980s to Present | $29,950


Jessica McCarty-Kern

National Institute of Aerospace

FIRE Chem: Fueled from Below: Linking Fire, Fuels and Weather of the Atmosphere | $42,405


William Renwick

National Science Foundation

LTREB Renewal: Response of a Reservoir Ecosystem to Declining Subsides of Nutrients and Detritus | $7,795


Stanley Toops

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Land-Cover/Land-Use Change in Southern Vietnam Through the Lenses of Conflict, Religion, and Politics, 1980s to Present | $132,927


Stanley Toops

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Land-Cover/Land-Use Change in Southern Vietnam Through the Lenses of Conflict, Religion, and Politics, 1980s to Present | $29,950






Michael Brudzinski

Ohio Dept of Natural Resources

2018 Ohio Rocks! Grant to Sutton Chiorini | $2,000

Michael Brudzinski

US Geological Survey

Investigating Relationships between Hydraulic Fracture Injection Parameters and Induced Seismicity | $71,978

Brian Currie

LMKR Resources

Industry Geophysical Software for Teaching and Research | $948,751

Brian Currie

US Geological Survey

Investigating Relationships between Hydraulic Fracture Injection Parameters and Induced Seismicity | $71,978


Hailiang Dong

National Science Foundation

Collaborative Research: The Role of Phyllosilicate Minerals in Mediating the Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition | $24,824


Jonathan Levy

Butler County Storm Water District

Butler County Stream Team | $15,381


Claire McLeod

Geological Society of America

Crustal Xenoliths and their Zircons: Insights into Continental Crustal Growth at the Andean Margin | $5,000


Claire McLeod

National Science Foundation

GP-EXTRA: Advancing Undergraduate Geosciences through Integrated Training Experiences (AUGITE) | $333,703

$2,000 $35,989 $948,751


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding


University of Houston

The Search for Nebular Heterogeneity and the Compositions of Terrestrial Planetary Materials Using Nd, Sm and Os Isotopes | $26,523

Elisabeth Widom

National Science Foundation

From Cones to Clusters: Evolution of a Monogenetic Volcanic Field | $305,000

Raisa Energy LLC

Petroleum Geology Research Fund | $600

$26,523 $305,000 $600



John Jeep


Max Kade Foundation Inc

Intensive German Summer | $14,000


Institute for Training and Development

$199,504 USDOS-ITD Albarran | $199,504


$199,504 $220,010

National Endowment for Humanities

Miami University Humanities Center NEH Challenge Grant Application | $125,010


Gulf Coast Community Foundation Incorporated

NEH Humanities Center Challenge Grant Account | $50,000


Gulf Coast Community Foundation Incorporated

NEH Humanities Center Challenge Grant Account | $25,000


Schwab Charitable Fund

NEH Humanities Center Challenge Grant Account | $10,000


The Brynne & Robert Coletti Fund

NEH Humanities Center Challenge Grant Account | $10,000


Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Institute of Food Fund | $1,500




$1,500 $69,758

Jonathan Levy

AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc.

Operation of the US EPA Dry Deposition Network Station at Miami University | $4,758


Lori Libby

Ohio Public Works Commission

OPWC Infrastructure Financing Program: District #10 Public Works Integrating Committee | $65,000


Tao Jiang

National Science Foundation

Extremal Problems for Graphs and Hypergraphs | $66,224


Paul Larson

National Science Foundation

Large Cardinals and Absoluteness | $50,686






Xiao-Wen Cheng

The Ohio State University

Determining Market Potential of Human Viral Pathogens Direct Detection Systems | $15,000

Natosha Finley

US Department of Agriculture

Using NMR Metabolomics to Examine the Role of Anaerobic Soil Disinfection inPromoting Disease Resistance in Vegetable Crops | $50,000

Andor Kiss

Science Exchange Inc.

Outside Contract Work/ CBFG | $3,877


Andor Kiss

Science Exchange Inc.

Outside Contract Work/ CBFG | $3,697


Rachael Morgan-Kiss

University of Colorado Boulder

LTER: Ecosystem Response to Amplified Landscape Connectivity in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica | $50,942


Rachael Morgan-Kiss

University of Colorado Boulder

LTER: Ecosystem Response to Amplified Landscape Connectivity in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica | $50,942


$15,000 $50,000

Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding

Rachael Morgan-Kiss

US Department of Energy

Regulation of sustained Cyclic Electron Flow (CEF) in the photopsychrophile Chlamydomonas sp. UWO241 | $304,179

Xin Wang

National Science Foundation

RUI: Methanogenesis from Quaternary Amines | $343,030


Xin Wang

US Department of Energy

Regulation of sustained Cyclic Electron Flow (CEF) in the photopsychrophile Chlamydomonas sp. UWO241 | $304,179


Timothy Wilson

National Institute Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Regulation of Type-I Interferon by SLAMF9 | $433,500




$433,500 $172,006

Samir Bali

US Army

Noise-enabled High-efficiency Cold Atom Nano-ratchets | $59,989


Burcin Bayram

National Science Foundation

Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Study of Diatomic Molecular Sodium | $82,694


Burcin Bayram

National Science Foundation

Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Study of Diatomic Molecular Sodium | $27,283


University of New Mexico

William B. Herrmannsfeldt Undergraduate Research Fund in Physics | $2,040




Hannah Chapman

Institute for Humane Studies

Knowledge of and Support for Democracy | $800

Ann Wainscott

Smith Richardson Foundation, Inc.

Understanding the Iraqi Religious Sector: A Guide for Policymakers | $60,000


$800 $60,000 $3,230,176

National Science Foundation

Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP): Akanksha Das | $27,600

Amanda Diekman

National Science Foundation

IGE: Professional and Identity Development in Graduate School: Bringing Transformative Practices in PD to Doctoral Students in Chemistry & Psychology | $433,997


Erin Eakin

Ohio Department of Mental Health

Systems of Care Summit: Ohio, The Heart of it All | $42,000


Paul Flaspohler

Interact for Health

Evaluation of CARE in Schools | $35,000


Paul Flaspohler

The Wandersman Center

Evaluation of MSA Prevention Support System | $50,000


Jennifer Green

Central Clinic

Central Clinic Behavioral Health Clinical Traineeship-Green 2019-20 | $9,610

Jennifer Green

Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center

Children's Hospital Traineeships (Center ADHD & LEND) | $16,000


Jennifer Green

Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center

Children's Hospital Traineeships (Center ADHD & LEND) | $9,981


Jennifer Green

Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center

Center for ADHD Clinical Traineeship Green 2018-19 | $4,020


Jennifer Green

Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center - CCHMC

Center for ADHD-Fredrick Traineeship | $4,020


Jennifer Green

Community Mental Health Center

CMHC Traineeship- Green 2019-20 | $18,755


Jennifer Green

Lindner Center of Hope

Lindner Center of Hope Traineeship-Green 2019-20 | $26,000

Elise Clerkin




Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding

Jennifer Green

Oxford Community Foundation

Oxford Community Foundation- SBMH Green 2019-20 | $26,500

Jennifer Green

Rite of Passage, Inc.

Hillcrest/ROP Summer Consultation Green | $1,569

Jennifer Green

The Haven at College

The Haven Traineeship- Green 2019-20 | $13,000

Yvette Harris

Butler County Mental Health Board

Research Partner for Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program (COAP) | $40,000

Yvette Harris

Urban Appalachian Community Coalition

The Relationship Between Parental Technology Use and Children's Development in a Sample of Appalachian Families | $250

Joseph Johnson

Sonalysts, Inc.

A Software Toolkit for Predicting the Neural Signatures of Cognitive States (Phase I) | $59,999


Elizabeth Kiel Luebbe

National Institutes of Health

Transactional Neurobiological Influences on Parent-Child Kindergarten Adjustment | $447,121


Elizabeth Kiel Luebbe

National Institutes of Health

Parenting, Physiological Reactivity, and Neural Markers of Anxiety in Kindergarteners | $23,367


Elizabeth Kiel Luebbe

National Institutes of Health

Parenting, Physiological Reactivity, and Neural Markers of Anxiety in Kindergarteners | $246

Aaron Luebbe

National Institutes of Health

Transactional Neurobiological Influences on Parent-Child Kindergarten Adjustment | $447,121


Aaron Luebbe

National Science Foundation

Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP): Feven Asresehei Ogbaselase | $27,600


Allen McConnell

Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center

Human Animal Interaction to Promote Recovery Following Pediatric Brain Injury | $7,001


Dawna Meehan

Butler Co. Board of Commissioners

SAMHSA-Butler County Commissioners Meehan/ Intorcio | $212,448


Dawna Meehan

Butler County Educational Service Center

Butler County Parent Project Evaluation | $6,000


Dawna Meehan

Butler County Mental Health Board

Research Partner for Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program (COAP) | $40,000

Dawna Meehan

Ohio Department of Mental Health

Hosting 2018 OPEC Conference | $2,000

Dawna Meehan

Ohio Dept of Education

Making Ohio AWARE: Building Statewide Mental Health First Aid Capacity | $550,107

Dawna Meehan

Ohio Dept of Education

Positive Transformations for Ohio Schools: Building Statewide Positive Supports | $135,389


Vaishali Raval

University of Nebraska Omaha

Extending the Christ-Miami Partnership: Training in Social Innovation to Address Global Health and Economic Disparities | $99,846


Debora Robison

Butler Co. Board of Commissioners

SAMHSA-Butler County Commissioners Meehan/ Intorcio | $212,448


April Smith

Florida State University

Reconnecting: Improving Interoception to Reduce Suicidal Ideation and Behavior | $952,758


April Smith

Florida State University

Characterizing the Dynamics of Acute Suicidal Affective Disturbance: A Between-Subjects and Intra-Individual Network Approach | $588,636


April Smith

National Science Foundation

Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP): Shelby Ortiz | $27,600


PSYCHOLOGY continued $26,500 $1,569 $13,000 $20,000 $250


$20,000 $2,000 $275,054

Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding

Robin Thomas

National Institutes of Health

Transactional Neurobiological Influences on Parent-Child Kindergarten Adjustment | $447,121


Robin Thomas

Sonalysts, Inc.

A Software Toolkit for Predicting the Neural Signatures of Cognitive States (Phase I) | $59,999


PSYCHOLOGY continued



Susan Brehm

Maple Knoll Communities, Inc.

Speech Pathology and Audiology Services at the Knolls of Oxford | $495


Susan Brehm

Maple Knoll Communities, Inc.

Speech Pathology and Audiology Services at the Knolls of Oxford | $330


Susan Brehm

Maple Knoll Communities, Inc.

Speech Pathology and Audiology Services at the Knolls of Oxford | $125


Susan Brehm

Maple Knoll Communities, Inc.

Speech Pathology and Audiology Services at the Knolls of Oxford | $115


Susan Brehm

Maple Knoll Communities, Inc.

Speech Pathology and Audiology Services at the Knolls of Oxford | $115


Susan Brehm

Maple Knoll Communities, Inc.

Speech Pathology and Audiology Services at the Knolls of Oxford | $60


Sarah Heimkreiter

McGuyffey Montessori School

Speech and Hearing Services - McGuffey Montessori | $340


Sarah Heimkreiter

Ross County Board of Developmental Disabilities

Speech Service for Ross County Board of Developmental Disabilities | $646


Arnold Olszewski

American Speech-Language Hearing Assn

Advancing Academic-Research Careers Olszewski | $5,000


$5,000 $116,419

A. John Bailer

American Statistical Association

ASA-Miami U Sponsorship Agreement for Stats+Stories, a Podcast / Webcast that Addresses the Story Behind the Statistics and the Statistics Behind the Stories | $12,500


A. John Bailer

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Risk Assessment Research, Analysis and Review | $29,399


A. John Bailer

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

NIOSH Data Analyses conducted by STA 660 Class | $2,800


Thomas Fisher

MTD Products

MTD CADS Project | $10,137


Karsten Maurer

Air Force Research Laboratory

Utility Functions for Uncovering Unknown Unknowns | $9,797


Jing Zhang

Procter and Gamble Company

Industry-Sponsored GA - Alisha Rajbhandari | $27,160


Jing Zhang

Procter and Gamble Company

Industry-Sponsored GA - Erika Rasnick | $27,160




ART MUSEUM Jason Shaiman

$5,000 Samuel H. Kress Foundation

Illuminating the Past: Utilitarian Ceramics of the Ancient World Symposium | $5,000


$5,000 $30,000

Armstrong Interactive Media Studies Operations and Projects-Expendable | $2,500


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding


Armstrong Interactive Media Studies Operations and Projects-Expendable | $2,500

Schwab Charitable Fund

Matt and Traci Golis ESports Fund | $10,000


Schwab Charitable Fund

Armstrong Interactive Media Studies FundExpendable | $5,000


Walsh University

Armstrong Interactive Media Studies Fund | $5,000


Wessol LLC

Armstrong Interactive Media Studies Fund | $5,000


William E. Schmidt Foundation

Schmidt Youth Vocal Music Competition Fund | $150,000


William E. Schmidt Foundation

Schmidt Youth Vocal Music Competition Fund | $100,000


William E. Schmidt Foundation

Schmidt Youth Vocal Music Competition Fund | $50,000


William E. Schmidt Foundation

Schmidt Youth Vocal Music Competition Fund | $25,000







Patti Liberatore

Arts Midwest

2019-20 Arts Midwest Touring Fund | $3,040


Patti Liberatore

Arts Midwest

2018-19 Arts Midwest Touring Fund | $2,700


Patti Liberatore

Ohio Arts Council

Ohio Arts Council Sustainability | $21,729





$60 Hamilton Community Foundation

Miami Holiday Project | $2,000


$60 $38,800

Suzanne Klatt

Talawanda Public Schools

Mindfulness and Contemplative Practices Program for Counselors | $2,300

Suzanne Klatt

Warren County Educational Service Center

Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness Based Intervention | $28,500


Suzanne Klatt

Warren County Educational Service Center

Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness Based Intervention | $8,000





Sarah Woodruff

Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Evaluation of Cleveland Clinic Transition Bridge Program | $20,141


Sarah Woodruff

Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Evaluation of Cleveland Clinic Transition Bridge Program | $13,000


Sarah Woodruff

Cornell University

Evaluation of the Center for Bright Beams | $24,896


Sarah Woodruff

Cornell University

Evaluation of the Center for Bright Beams | $388

Sarah Woodruff

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Evaluation of the Ohio Mathematics Modeling and Reasoning Course Pilot | $25,000


Sarah Woodruff

Ohio Dept of Health

Ohio Equity Institute Evaluation and Technical Assistance | $155,000


Sarah Woodruff

Ohio Dept of Health

Ohio Equity Institute Evaluation and Technical Assistance | $6,500



Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding

DISCOVERY CENTER continued Sarah Woodruff

SUNY - Buffalo

Evaluation of Biology with X-Ray Lasers | $110,750


Sarah Woodruff

University of Cincinnati

NSF ITEST Strategies: Trans-disciplinary Education in Biology and Engineering Technology | $59,988




Kristy Brann

Hamilton County Educational Service Center

Hamilton County ESC/Miami University School Psychology Case Management Program | $14,970


Amity Noltemeyer

Butler County Educational Service Center

Evaluation of the Butler County Success Program (2017-2018) | $18,000


Amity Noltemeyer

Hamilton County Educational Service Center

Hamilton County ESC/Miami University School Psychology Case Management Program | $14,970


Amity Noltemeyer

Ohio Dept of Education

Making Ohio AWARE: Building Statewide Mental Health First Aid Capacity | $550,107

Amity Noltemeyer

Ohio Dept of Education

Positive Transformations for Ohio Schools: Building Statewide Positive Supports | $135,389


$275,054 $67,695 $27,700

Veronica Barrios

Butler County Educational Service Center

Evaluation of the Butler County Success Program (2017-2018) | $18,000


Kevin Bush

Butler County Educational Service Center

Evaluation of the Butler County Success Program (2017-2018) | $18,000


Richelle Frabotta

AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland

Workshop for the AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland | $850


Richelle Frabotta

BIOS Corporation

Conference Presenter at The Gathering | $3,620


Richelle Frabotta

Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities

Half-day ethics Training: Across, Through, Over and Beyond: Working with Trans Identified Individuals and Families Where They Are Even on the Tough Stuff | $475


Richelle Frabotta

The Academy for Direct Support Professionals

Training for The Academy for Direct Support Professionals | $500


Richelle Frabotta

The Academy for Direct Support Professionals

Training for The Academy for Direct Support Professionals | $375


Karleah Harris

Butler County Educational Service Center

Evaluation of the Butler County Kinship Navigator Program | $4,600


Anthony James

Butler County Educational Service Center

Evaluation of the Butler County Success Program (2017-2018) | $18,000


Anthony James

Butler County Educational Service Center

Evaluation of the Butler County Kinship Navigator Program | $4,600




Paul Branscum

Ardmore Institute of Health

Developing and Validating an Instrument to Evaluate Behavioral Antecedents Tailored to the Full Plate Living Weight Loss Program | $49,852

Brody Ruihley

Schwab Charitable Fund

Golis Expendable Fund in Support of Gaming and Giving Research | $10,000

Brody Ruihley

How I Decide Foundation

GM Genius: Consumer Profile | $1,600


Anita Sackenheim

Hamilton Community Foundation

Miami Holiday Project | $2,000


Anita Sackenheim

Henny Penny Corporation

Miami Holiday Project | $5,000


$49,852 $10,000

Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding

KINESIOLOGY AND HEALTH continued Philip Smith


Improving Precision Medicine for Smoking Cessation: Examining Variability in Clinical Trial Treatment Response | $49,315


$49,315 $375

W.E. Smith Family Charitable Trust

Exhibit Panels for Completion of Master of Arts Degree in History | $375


$375 $79,600

Sheri Leafgren

Cincinnati Public Schools

Vision 2020 Douglass - Instructional Services | $24,600


Lena Lee

PNC Foundation

Low Income Preschool Enhancement (LIPE) Project in Butler County: Miami Partnership with Community | $45,000


Tammy Schwartz

Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund

Hastedt-Fenger Family Urban Teaching Suppport Fund Expendable | $5,000


Tammy Schwartz

Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund

Hastedt-Fenger Family Urban Teaching Support Fund | $5,000





$31,500 Butler Rural Electric

CEC Student Capstone Projects | $2,500

Grain Processing Corporation

Gifts In Kind-College of Engineering and Computing | $14,000


Worldpay Incorporated

College of Engineering and Computing | $10,000


Worldpay Incorporated

CEC Student Capstone Projects | $5,000



$5,000 $314,010

Catherine Almquist

US Environmental Protection Agency

UV-LED Photocatalytic Process for Fuel Vapor Emissions Control | $14,863

Catherine Almquist

US Environmental Protection Agency

Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorinated Hydrocarbon Anion Exchange Resins for the Extraction of Perfluorinated Chemicals | $14,999

Jason Berberich

Procter and Gamble Company

Stability and Catalytic Properties of Crosslinked Cold-Active Lipase | $177,880

Jason Berberich

US Environmental Protection Agency

Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorinated Hydrocarbon Anion Exchange Resins for the Extraction of Perfluorinated Chemicals | $14,999


D. Steven Keller

Georgia- Pacific Corporation

Developing Mapping Methods for Creped Papers: Imaging the Local Absorption of Liquids and Development of 3D Structural Analysis | $62,641


Lei Kerr

Dayton Area Graduate Studies Institute

Nanoindentation and Local Mechanical Properties Study of Honeycomb Structured TiO2 Nanotube | $44,126


Georgia Pacific Corp.

Chemical, Paper and Biomedical Engineering | $7,000



$14,863 $3,750 $177,880


James Kiper

The Ohio State University

Ohio LSAMP Consortium | $87,425


James Kiper

The Ohio State University

Ohio LSAMP Consortium | $59,951


Dhananjai Rao

Department of Homeland Security

Foresight: Predicting and Preventing Emergent Epidemics in Humans and Livestock | $30,000


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding


National Science Foundation

CRII: SHF: Towards a Cognizant Virtual Software Modeling Assistant using Model Clones | $161,861

Douglas Troy

National Academy of Sciences

Student Business Model Competition Playoffs in conjunction with the 2019 Global Grand Challenges Summit. | $2,500


$161,861 $2,500 $346,215

Chi-Hao Cheng

Dayton Area Graduate Studies Institute

Goal-Driven Cognitive Algorithmic Processing for EW | $26,691


Chi-Hao Cheng

MacAulay-Brown, Inc.

Behavioral Modeling for Ambiguous and Unknown Radar Emitter Identification Using Stochastic Grammars | $21,000


Chi-Hao Cheng

MacAulay-Brown, Inc.

Behavioral Modeling for Ambiguous and Unknown Radar Emitter Identification Using Stochastic Grammars | $14,000


Dmitriy Garmatyuk

Dayton Area Graduate Studies Institute

Performance Analysis of a Dual-Use Secure RadarComm System in NLOS Environments | $23,000


Qihou Zhou

National Science Foundation

Incoherent Scatter Radar Study of the F1 Region Composition, Coupling, Dynamics and Energetics | $261,524



$200,000 College of Engineering and Computing Lockheed Martin Leadership Institute | $200,000


$200,000 $146,134

Muhammad Jahan

Nazarbayev University

Multi-scale Investigation of the Machining Behavior of Non-conductive Ceramics Using Electro Discharge Machining | $5,200


Muhammad Jahan

Nazarbayev University

Multi-Scale Investigation of the Machining Behavior of Non-Conductive Ceramics Using Electro-Discharge Machining | $2,000


Jeong-Hoi Koo

Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine (KIOM)

Developing a Volumetric Blood-flow Waveform Simulator for Photoplethysmography Sensor Evaluations | $17,592


Karl Reiff

Air Force Research Laboratory

Manufacturing Workshop for AFRL/ManTech at WPAFB | $23,400


Kumar Singh

University of Cincinnati

Investigating The Effects of High Frequencies and Damping on | $5,000


Andrew Sommers

ShedRain Corporation

Wind Tunnel Testing of ShedRain Product Samples | $1,000


Andrew Sommers

ShedRain Corporation

Wind Tunnel Testing of ShedRain Product Samples | $1,000


Andrew Sommers

Totes Isotoner

Product Testing for Totes-Isotoner | $1,000


Andrew Sommers

Universal Techology Corporation

Research and Development of Advanced Propulsion-Driven Technologies | $5,092


Andrew Sommers

Universal Techology Corporation

Research and Development of Advanced Propulsion-Driven Technologies | $2,545


Andrew Sommers

University of Otago, New Zealand

Superhydrophobic Lenses - Merging Water Droplets for Fast Surface Ejection, Preventing Ice-Formation | $77,260


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding


PI funding $146,134

James VanKuren

Universal Techology Corporation

Research and Development of Advanced Propulsion-Driven Technologies | $5,092


James VanKuren

Universal Techology Corporation

Research and Development of Advanced Propulsion-Driven Technologies | $2,545


James VanKuren

Universal Techology Corporation

Research and Development of Advanced Propulsion-Driven Technologies | $2,545


Swagelok Foundation

MME Student Capstone Projects | $2,500





$623,349 Charitable Flex Fund

KPMG Support Fund | $3,500


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $10,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $9,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $6,246


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $5,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $5,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $5,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $3,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $3,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $2,500


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $2,500


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $2,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $2,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $2,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $1,250


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $1,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $1,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $1,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $1,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $1,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $1,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $1,000


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $500


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $500


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $500


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $500


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $500


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $300


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $250


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $250


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $250


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $250


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $250


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $250


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding

ACCOUNTANCY continued Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $250


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $250


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $100


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $100


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $100


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $100


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $100


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $75


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $50


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $50


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $50


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $50


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $50


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $50


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $50


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $50


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $50


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $25


Ernst & Young Foundation

EY Support Fund | $25


Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

EY Support Fund | $3,000

Greater Saint Louis Community Foundation

Jeff and Sandy VonDeylen Family Trust Accountancy Technology Support Fund | $500,000

KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $7,000


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $6,000


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $5,000


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $4,000


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $3,000


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $3,000


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $2,000


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $833


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $400


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $300


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $200


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $200


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $167


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $167


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $167


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $167


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $150


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $120


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $100


$3,000 $500,000

Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding

ACCOUNTANCY continued KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $100


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $100


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $100


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $100


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $73


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $73


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $40


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $30


KPMG Foundation

KPMG Support Fund | $20


KPMG Gives - Donor Site

KPMG Support Fund | $200


KPMG Gives - Donor Site

KPMG Support Fund | $200


KPMG Gives - Donor Site

KPMG Support Fund | $75


KPMG Gives - Donor Site

KPMG Support Fund | $40


KPMG Gives - Donor Site

KPMG Support Fund | $40


KPMG Gives - Donor Site

KPMG Support Fund | $40



KPMG Support Fund | $743



KPMG Support Fund | $73



EY Support Fund | $40


PricewaterhouseCoopers Charitable Foundation Incorporated

EY Support Fund | $100


United Way of Central Ohio

EY Support Fund | $9,000

United Way of Greater Atlanta

EY Support Fund | $500

United Way of Greater Atlanta

EY Support Fund | $83


United Way of Greater Atlanta

EY Support Fund | $83


United Way of Greater Atlanta

EY Support Fund | $83


United Way of Greater Atlanta

EY Support Fund | $83


United Way of Greater Atlanta

EY Support Fund | $83


United Way of Greater Atlanta

EY Support Fund | $83


United Way of Greater Atlanta

EY Support Fund | $83


United Way of Greater Atlanta

EY Support Fund | $83


United Way of Greater Atlanta

EY Support Fund | $83


United Way of Greater Atlanta

EY Support Fund | $73


$9,000 $500

Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding


PI funding $82,197

Indiana University (Bloomington)

IUBRC Measuring Entrepreneurship in Southwest Ohio | $15,393

Fifth Third Bancorp (HQ)

Farmer School of Business First Year Integrated Core Support Fund | $25,000

Kroger Co.

Cincinnati Immersion Week Fund | $3,000


Luxottica Retail

Cincinnati Immersion Week Fund | $3,000


National Christian Foundation California

Leading the Integration of Faith and Entrepreneurship (L.I.F.E.) | $25,000

National Standard Parts Associates Incorporated

Albert C. Graf Entrepreneurship Innovation Fund | $2,000


National Standard Parts Associates Incorporated

Albert C. Graf Entrepreneurship Innovation Fund | $1,000


North American Properties

Cincinnati Immersion Week Fund | $3,000


Procter & Gamble Company

Cincinnati Immersion Week Fund | $2,500


Robeson Family Benefit Fund

Kyle and Phyllis E. Robeson Fund for Entrepreneurship | $10,000


$7,697 $25,000


$10,000 $251,344

Lady Farmer

MTD Products

MTD CADS Project | $10,137


Lindsey Holden


CADS CareSource Student Project | $13,620


Allstate Insurance Company

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $25,000


Charter Communications

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $1,000


Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $25,000


Express Scripts Inc

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $25,000


Fifth Third Bancorp (HQ)

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $25,000


Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $10,000


Kroger Co.

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $25,000


Nationwide Insurance

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $25,000


Nationwide Insurance

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $12,500


Nationwide Insurance

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $12,500


Textron Aviation

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $1,000


Worldpay Incorporated

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $25,000


Worldpay Incorporated

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $25,000


Worldpay Incorporated

Center for Analytics and Data Science Gift Fund | $5,000


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding


PI funding $17,500

Duke Energy Foundation

Center for Business Excellence-Duke Energy Case Competition | $15,000

Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund

Center for Business Excellence Sponsored Student Fellows Initiative | $1,250


Towers Watson

Center for Business Excellence Sponsored Student Fellows Initiative | $1,250





Gregory Niemesh

Indiana University (Bloomington)

IUBRC Measuring Entrepreneurship in Southwest Ohio | $15,393

Analisa Packham


CADS CareSource Student Project | $13,620


$3,848 $6,810 $8,530

Robert Leonard

University of Cincinnati

Predicting Changes in Driving Safety Performance on an Individualized Level Under Naturalistic Driving Conditions | $4,682


Fadel Megahed

Indiana University (Bloomington)

IUBRC Measuring Entrepreneurship in Southwest Ohio | $15,393




Scott Friend

Sales Education Foundation

Salesperson Failing Fast | $5,000

Arthur Jack

Textron Aviation, Inc.

Strategy Works - Fall 2018 - Textron Aviation, Inc. | $35,000


Michael McCarthy

Interface, Inc.

Highwire Brand Studio - Spring 2018 | $25,000



$25,000 Thomas Page Center for Entrepreneurship Expendable Fund | $25,000


$25,000 $1,697,412



Ohio Department of Higher Education

$50,000 Miami University Adult Learner Short-Term Certificate Scholarships | $50,000


$50,000 $522,335

David Berg

Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

Conservation Genomics of Lampsilis Rafinesqueana (Fresh Water Mussel) (Arkansas) | $20,540


David Berg

Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

Conservation Genomics of Lampsilis Rafinesqueana (Fresh Water Mussel) (Arkansas) | $11,460


David Berg

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish

Conservation Biology of New Mexico Aquatic Invertebrates | $69,105


David Berg

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC)

Conservation Genomics of Lampsilis Rafinesqueana (Fresh Water Mussel) (OKLAHOMA) | $16,000


David Berg

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC)

Conservation Genomics of Lampsilis Rafinesqueana (Fresh Water Mussel) (OKLAHOMA) | $16,000


David Berg

Missouri Department of Conservation

Conservation Genomics of Lampsilis Rafinesqueana (Fresh Water Mussel) - Missouri | $32,000


David Berg

Texas A&M University

Thermal Tolerance of Popenaias Popeii (Texas Hornshell) From the Rio Grande, Texas | $14,076


David Berg

US Fish and Wildlife Service

Conservation Genetics of the Orange-Foot Pimpleback (Plethobasus Cooperianus) | $1,500


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES continued Donald Ferguson

National Science Foundation

RUI: Methanogenesis from Quaternary Amines | $343,030

Donald Ferguson

The Ohio State University

Alternative Routes of Gut Microbial Methylamine Metabolism That May Limit Trimethylamine N-oxide, a Trigger for Atherosclerosis | $67,230


$274,424 $67,230 $388,570

Reza Abrisham Baf

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Development of a Robotic Manufacturing and Assembly System for Training and Research on Cloud Manufacturing | $325,000

Mert Bal


Agreement between FMB LLC and Miami University | $8,570

Mert Bal

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Development of a Robotic Manufacturing and Assembly System for Training and Research on Cloud Manufacturing | $325,000


LCNB National Bank

Department of Engineering Technology | $55,000



W.E. Smith Family Charitable Trust


$5,000 Industrial Strength Bluegrass, Ohio's Bluegrass Heritage | $5,000

LIBRARY Krista McDonald


$5,000 $1,303

W.E. Smith Family Charitable Trust

Miami Periodicals Digitization Project | $6,514


$1,303 $194,452

Mark Krekeler

National Science Foundation

GP-EXTRA: Advancing Undergraduate Geosciences through Integrated Training Experiences (AUGITE) | $333,703

Mark Krekeler

National Science Foundation

Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP): Lonnie Flett | $27,600


$166,852 $27,600 $535,752

Suesann Sepela

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Miami University CLASS | $19,000


Suesann Sepela

US Department of Education

ED Sepela Upward Bound | $274,616


Suesann Sepela

US Department of Education

Miami University Regional Campuses Student Support Services Program | $242,136





$187,207 University of Georgia

Collaborative Research: Probing the Metabolic and Electrical Interactions of Cable Bacteria in Anoxic Sediments | $187,207


$187,207 $80,000

LCNB National Bank

Department of Engineering Technology | $55,000


LCNB National Bank

Fleck Fund-CCI Engineering Technology | $25,000




Bernard Au

Middletown Community Foundation

Perk-Up Middletown | $2,000


Roscoe Wilson

Middletown Community Foundation

Perk-Up Middletown | $2,000


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

LIBRARY John Burke

$1,303 W.E. Smith Family Charitable Trust

Miami Periodicals Digitization Project | $6,514


$14,500 Scioto County Area Foundation

Summer Scholars Program | $14,500


Vote Everywhere | $1,000

US Dept of Justice

OVW Reducing Campus SIV | $299,992

Oxford Community Foundation Oxford Police Department

$149,996 $815

Miami Cares Resources Food Pantry | $815


$1,000 $149,996


$14,500 $1,000

DEAN OF STUDENTS Gabrielle Dralle

$1,303 $2,607,351


Leigh Ackerman

PI funding

$815 $4,000

OVI Countywide Task Force | $4,000


$4,000 $102,831

Patricia McNab

Kutol Products

Kutol Lean Manufacturing - 5S Training | $1,350


Jacqueline Rioja Velarde

Oxford Community Foundation

UniDiversity Latin American and Caribbean Festival | $1,500


Cheryl Young

Office of Chinese Language Council International

Confucius Institute at Miami to Create Chinese Language and Cultural Opportunities | $49,981

Cheryl Young

Office of Chinese Language Council International

Confucius Classroom | $30,000


Cheryl Young

Office of Chinese Language Council International

Confucius Institute at Miami to Create Chinese Language and Cultural Opportunities | $20,000





Elizabeth Bath

National Collegiate Athletic Association

NCAA Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund | $287,032


Elizabeth Bath

National Collegiate Athletic Association

NCAA Academic Enhancement Fund | $136,806


Elizabeth Bath

National Collegiate Athletic Association

NCAA Special Assistance Fund | $44,357


$44,357 $1,654,698

Heather Bechtol

Scioto County Area Foundation

The Scioto County Area Foundation | $47,000


Brent Shock

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Ohio College Opportunity Act | $789,013


Brent Shock

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Ohio College Opportunity Act | $744,652


Brent Shock

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Ohio College Opportunity Act | $54,432


Brent Shock

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Ohio College Opportunity Act | $7,788


Brent Shock

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Ohio College Opportunity Act | $5,250


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding


Ohio Department of Higher Education

Ohio College Opportunity Act | $4,313

Brent Shock

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Ohio College Opportunity Act | $750


Brent Shock

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Ohio College Opportunity Act | $750


Brent Shock

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Ohio College Opportunity Act | $750



US Dept of Justice

$149,996 OVW Reducing Campus SIV | $299,992


$149,996 $40,000

American Endowment Foundation

Bernard B. Rinella, Jr. Learning Assistance Center | $30,000


McGraw Foundation

Bernard B. Rinella, Jr. Learning Assistance Center | $10,000




BankAmerica Foundation

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $500



M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $952


Columbus Foundation

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $1,000


Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta Inc.

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $1,000


Dayton Foundation Depository Incorporated

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $1,000


Dayton Foundation Depository Incorporated

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $1,000


Elizabeth Wakeman Henderson Charitable Foundation

Hardy Eshbaugh Ash Tree Project | $2,500


Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $1,000


Greater Cincinnati Foundation

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $1,000


Marsh And McLennan Companies Incorporated

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $300

Pistell Family Foundation

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $1,000


The E. Kenneth and Esther Marie Hatton Foundation

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $1,000


Touchton Family Revocable Trust

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $1,084


Touchton Family Revocable Trust

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $1,076


TRIO Foundation

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $1,000


Unilever United States Inc.

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $500

Walden Wealth Partners LLC

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $1,000

YourCause LLC

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle | $500




$500 $1,000 $500 $3,908

W.E. Smith Family Charitable Trust

Miami Periodicals Digitization Project | $6,514


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding

UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES continued William Modrow

W.E. Smith Family Charitable Trust

Miami Periodicals Digitization Project | $6,514


$1,954 $2,950,761 $268,499

James Oris

Kettering Foundation

Miami University Technology Validation and Startup Fund | $100,000


James Oris

Procter and Gamble Company

The LAB @MiamiOH. IMS Capstone to Develop P&G Technology | $50,000


National Science Foundation

IGE: Professional and Identity Development in Graduate School: Bringing Transformative Practices in PD to Doctoral Students in Chemistry & Psychology | $433,997


Thomas R. and Ann L. Hayden Family Foundation

Zimmerman Fund | $10,000

Rose Marie Ward


$10,000 $907,116

Daryl Baldwin

Miami Tribe of Oklahoma

Myaamia Center Fund | $96,307


Daryl Baldwin

Miami Tribe of Oklahoma

Myaamia Center Fund | $96,307


Daryl Baldwin

Miami Tribe of Oklahoma

Myaamia Center Fund | $96,307


Daryl Baldwin

Miami Tribe of Oklahoma

Myaamia Center Fund | $83,631


Daryl Baldwin

Miami Tribe of Oklahoma

Myaamiaataweenki: Preparing Language Teachers in the Neepwaankiita Certificate Program | $23,410


Daryl Baldwin

Miami Tribe of Oklahoma

Myaamiaataweenki: Preparing Language Teachers in the Neepwaankiita Certificate Program | $22,506


Daryl Baldwin

National Endowment for Humanities

Breath of Life 2.0: Creating a 'Second Breath' for Indigenous Language Revitalization | $311,641


Daryl Baldwin

National Endowment for Humanities

aacimwahkionkonci 'A Land of Stories' A Web-based GIS Learning Tool for Myaamia Geospatial Data | $177,007


$177,007 $1,775,146

Robert Applebaum

Aetna Life Insurance Company

Impact of Partnership between Area Agencies on Aging and Aetna Better Health of Ohio on Medicaid Dual Eligible Members | $40,000

Robert Applebaum

Ohio Department of Aging

Tracking Long-Term Services Use in Ohio: July 2017 - June 2019 | $124,700


Robert Applebaum

The Retirement Research Foundation

Enhancing Caring Communities: Strategies to Help Locally Funded Senior Service Programs Better Support Caregivers | $195,508


John Bowblis

Georgetown University

Quality, Private-Pay Price, and Consumer's Demand for Nursing Home Care | $24,306


John Bowblis

University of Minnesota

Multi-Level Approach to Improve Quality of Life for Minority Nursing Home Residents | $45,236


Phyllis Cummins

Institute of Education Sciences

A Mixed-Methods Study of Middle-Aged and Older Adults: Lifelong Learning, Skill Proficiencies, and Employment in the U.S. and Selected OECD Countries | $436,677

Kathryn de Medeiros

University of Maryland Baltimore County

Aging at Home Alone with Alzheimer's and Related Dementia | $33,540




Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding


Cedar Village

Opening Minds Through Art (OMA): An Art Program for People with Dementia | $43,476

Joan Fopma-Loy

Woodland Country Manor

Opening Minds through Art (OMA): An Intergenerational Art Program for People with Dementia | $1,000

Jennifer Heston

MemoryLane Care Services

Creating a Dementia-Capable Community in Northwest Ohio through the Expansion of Supports and Services | $157,977


Jennifer Heston

The Retirement Research Foundation

Enhancing Caring Communities: Strategies to Help Locally Funded Senior Service Programs Better Support Caregivers | $195,508


Suzanne Kunkel

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Information and Planning: Understanding the Capacity of the Aging Network | $66,461


Suzanne Kunkel

Yale University

Linking Health Care and Social Services for Older Adults: Area Agencies on Aging as Key Partners | $40,964


Suzanne Kunkel

Yale University

Linking Health Care and Social Services for Older Adults: Area Agencies on Aging as Key Partners | $35,018


Elizabeth Lokon

Cedar Village

Opening Minds through Art (OMA): An Art Program for People with Dementia | $30,433

Elizabeth Lokon

Kappa Kappa Gamma

Opening Minds through Art (OMA): An Intergenerational Art Program for People with Dementia | $1,500


Elizabeth Lokon

Thomas and Sally Henderson Foundation

OMA - Opening Minds Through Art | $1,500


Elizabeth Lokon


OMA - Opening Minds Through Art | $12


Elizabeth Lokon


OMA - Opening Minds Through Art | $12


Elizabeth Lokon


OMA - Opening Minds Through Art | $8


Elizabeth Lokon


OMA - Opening Minds Through Art | $8


Elizabeth Lokon


OMA - Opening Minds Through Art | $8


Elizabeth Lokon


OMA - Opening Minds Through Art | $8


Elizabeth Lokon


OMA - Opening Minds Through Art | $8


Elizabeth Lokon


OMA - Opening Minds Through Art | $4


Elizabeth Lokon


OMA - Opening Minds Through Art | $4


Elizabeth Lokon


OMA - Opening Minds Through Art | $4


Elizabeth Lokon


OMA - Opening Minds Through Art | $2


Elizabeth Lokon

Woodland Country Manor

Opening Minds through Art (OMA): An Intergenerational Art Program for People with Dementia | $1,000

Ian Nelson

Ohio Department of Aging

Tracking Long-Term Services Use in Ohio: July 2017 - June 2019 | $124,700


Jane Straker

Ohio Department of Aging

2018 Ohio Nursing Home and RCF Satisfaction Surveys | $212,511


Jane Straker

Ohio Department of Aging

Person-Centered Staff Engagement Project | $17,134

Janardan Subedi

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Genetic Epidemiology of Ocular Health and Disease | $121,562

$43,476 $1,000



$17,134 $121,562

Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Principal investigator


Project title | total project funding

PI funding

SCRIPPS GERONTOLOGY CENTER continued Janardan Subedi


Telomere Length Dynamics in Relation to Changes in Adiposity and Metabolic Risk | $144,565


Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019

Our team James T. Oris, PhD Vice President for Research & Innovation

Joyce Fernandes, PhD Director of Undergraduate Research

Anne P. Schauer, MA Director of Research & Sponsored Programs

Martha E. Weber, MS Coordinator of Undergraduate Research

Heather Beattey Johnston, MA Associate Director of Research Communications

Jens Mueller, PhD Senior Research Computing Specialist

Amy Hurley Cooper Assistant Director of Proposal Development

Jon Patton, PhD Senior Research Computing Specialist

Lisa Dankovich Director of University External Relations

Greg Reese, PhD Senior Research Computing Specialist

Neal H. Sullivan, PhD Director of Research Ethics & Integrity

Vanessa Gordon Assistant to the Vice President

Jennifer Sutton, MPA Associate Director of Research Ethics & Integrity

Connect with us 501 East High Street, 102 Roudebush Hall, Oxford, OH 45056 513-529-1760 | OARS | MiamiOH.OARS


Miami University: Equal opportunity in education and employment


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