Uo final

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1. What inspired you for this campaign? 2. What inspires you about Urban? -or- What do you like most about Urban? 3. How do you think social media is changing the landscape of the fashion industry?

1. The minimal yet cozy feel that Urban Outfitters home represents inspired us to do this campaign. Everyone in the group can relate to this aesthetic and looked forward to creating an autumnal urban home. 2. We really love how Urban Outfitters specially curates the products that they offer, and how they tailor to young creative individuals. We also are inspired by how urban highlights artistic and unique designers and companies. 3. Social Media has had a big influence in the fashion industry especially in how brands are marketed. Social media has also had an influence in how retailers in the fashion industry function. Many retailers have begun to sell on platforms like instagram, and have caused for the development of things like see now by now.

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