TT 2018: Year in Review

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December 20 18



Ted Celebr ates 80th Bir thday In Style With Fr iends and Family

UN Foundation Celebr ates 20 Year s, Honor s Ted and Annan

NTI Launches Innovative Nuclear Secur ity Tr acking Resource

2018 Turner Foundation Board Retreat I n June, the Tur ner Foundation held its annual educational retreat at the Flying D Ranch in Montana. Dur ing the retreat, the Tur ner Foundation Board of Director s approved 30 gr ants totaling $2.4 million to conser ve land to protect and restore biodiver sity, catalyze the tr ansition to a clean ener gy economy, protect and restore water resources for people in nature, and grow the movement of environmental stewards. Ted?s oldest gr andchild, John Ruther ford Seydel, came on board as a director of the Tur ner Foundation to join his mother, aunts, uncles and gr andfather in a multi- gener ational effor t. The foundation board and staff also had face time lear ning from some for mer and cur rent gr antees: Yellowstone to Yukon Initiative, National Wildlife Feder ation, Gallatin Valley Land Tr ust, Theodore Roosevelt Conser vation Par tner ship, Greening Youth Foundation, and Captain Planet Foundation. The retreat concluded with remarks by Montana Gover nor Steve Bullock, a champion for conser vation.

Photo (Back Row L - R): John R. Seydel, Beau Tur ner, Jennie Tur ner Garlington, Ted, Laur a Tur ner Seydel, Rhett Tur ner, Teddy Tur ner, Hope Garlington, Riley Elizabeth Tur ner, Peek Garlington IV; (Front Row L- R): Jane Gr ayson Garlington, Haven McCoy Garlington, Sar a Bailey Garlington, Anna Garlington and Selden Tur ner

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T3G Begins New J unior Retreat Tradition Pr ior to the Tur ner Foundation retreat, the Tur ner Third Gener ation (T3G) Junior Board convened in and around Glacier National Park for a histor ic fir st: a retreat of their own. Dur ing the retreat, T3G worked hard improving tr ails with the Montana Conser vation Cor ps, lear ned about exper iential education progr ams by the Glacier Institute, and exper ienced fir st- hand the Wildlife Conser vation Society?s bison restor ation effor ts on the Blackfeet Reser vation funded by the Tur ner Foundation. The retreat concluded when T3G made funding decisions on their fir st round of gr ants following their guiding pr inciples as a board which are to:

· Continue the legacy of the family through the voice of the third gener ation; · Promote youth engagement and environmental stewardship through exper iential lear ning; and · Help foster a deeper connection between the foundation and the proper ties to secure the future of the foundation for gener ations to come. In a recent inter view with Mission Magazine, founder and chair man Ted Tur ner thought of the per fect words to highlight how the family legacy of caretaking for the planet was nur tured in the third gener ation through many educational exper iences and seeds ? star ting in early childhood. ?I think it was impor tant for them to witness my philanthropic work at young ages to see what kind of impact can be made not just by giving money to cer tain causes but by really championing these causes and utilizing your voice. They?ve had front row seats to the great work that?s been done through my five foundations, and I think that ignited a fire in each of them to make a difference.?

Photo (Back Row L- R): Kr istine Lohr Wither spoon, Tar yn Sher man, John R. Seydel, Riley Elizabeth Tur ner, Rober t E. Tur ner V, Vasser Seydel; (Front Row L- R): Anna Garlington and Judy Adler

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UN Foundation at 20 Year M ar k In October, the United Nations Foundation hosted the 2018 Global Leader ship Dinner in New York to recognize leader s who addressing the world?s most pressing issues and in tandem, celebr ated the UN Foundation?s 20th anniver sar y. In honor of this momentous occasion, the Foundation honored its Founder and Co- Chair Ted Tur ner for his enor mous impact over the last two decades. Other leader s honored at the event included: -


UN peacekeeper s, for 70 year s of ser vice and sacr ifice to advance peace; Aviva, for business leader ship on the Sustainable Development Goals; The Little x Little campaign from Common Ground and Google, for inspir ing youth action on the Sustainable Development Goals; Senator s Jeanne Shaheen (D- NH) and John Boozman (R- AR), for bipar tisan leader ship on global development and humanitar ian issues and on global health issues, especially the fight against malar ia, respectively; And Nawal Al- Maghafi, BBC Cor respondent, recognized with the Leo Nevas Human Rights award for her groundbreaking repor ting on Yemen. Photo: (L- R) UNF Deputy CEO Elizabeth Cousens, UNF Board Member s Valer ie Amos, Judge Hisashi Owada, Senator Tim Wir th, UNF President & CEO Kathy Calvin, Ted, UNF Board Member s Gro Harlem Br undtland and Hans Vestber g, and Laur a and Ruther ford Seydel

Notable among the remarks was that of musician Bono, co- founder of ONE, who provided a special video message for the event in which he said: ?By its ver y design, the UN was created to do what no countr y could do alone. Its pur pose was peace, protection of our planet, and all of us on it. The UN Foundation has become the UN?s str ategic par tner since that time ? connecting the UN to activists like myself, individuals, businesses, philanthropists that when working together can and must dr ive progress on some of the biggest challenges of our time, from climate change to child mar r iage. Have we ever needed this more than now? I don?t think so.?

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(cont'd from previous page) Topping off the event was a special tr ibute to for mer UN Secretar y- Gener al and UN Foundation Board Member Kofi Annan, who passed away in August 2018, dur ing which he was honored as the Champion for Global Change. Congr atulations to the UN Foundation and to Ted and his fellow honorees.


Photo: On October 22, Ted Tur ner came to the UN Foundation headquar ter s office in Washington, D.C. to celebr ate the Foundation?s 20th anniver sar y. Foundation staff thanked Ted for his generosity and vision.

N TI I ntr oduces Pr emier Tr acking Tool In September 2018, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) released its 2018 Nuclear Secur ity Index, a premier resource and tool for tr acking progress on how well countr ies secure some of the world?s deadliest mater ials (highly enr iched ur anium and plutonium that can be used to build nuclear weapons), as well as ensur ing the secur ity of nuclear facilities, which, if sabotaged, could release dangerous levels of r adiation. This fir st- of- its kind index tr acks countr y- level progress and encour ages gover nments to take actions to protect and build confidence in the secur ity of their mater ials and facilities. Initially launched in 2012, the NTI Index,

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prepared with the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), has sparked inter national discussions and most impor tantly, encour aged gover nments to take actions to reduce r isks. For the fir st time, NTI is introducing an exciting new competition related to the index. NTI will fund innovative new ways to use the NTI Index data to improve under standing of and spur action about how nuclear mater ials and facilities are secured around the world. NTI is seeking new ideas, such as new data analysis, cur r icula, infogr aphics, apps, games, or other new tools and research. Check out all the infogr aphics and infor mation about the competition at www.ntiindex.or g.

TED TURN ER EXPEDI TI ON S SET TO REBRAN D Ted Tur ner Expeditions (TTX) is excited to announce its new name - Ted Tur ner Reser ves - effective Januar y 2019! As the company evolved and the the br and stor y was redefined, the TTX team discovered that, with this new direction, lay an oppor tunity to achieve its mission of ?connecting people with nature?, and to elabor ate upon the br and's impact, dr iven by Ted?s vision, on Tur ner lands and wildlife while deliver ing an unfor gettable guest exper ience on Ver mejo, Ladder and Ar mendar is Ranches and at Sier r a Gr ande Lodge and Spa. Reserve is defined as ?an area where animals and plants are protected and that has few buildings or homes,? which reflects the exper ience on these proper ties. Reserve conjures images of nature in its most protected state and conveys a sense of exclusivity, a r are exper ience, and subtly implies our br and's focus on conser vation effor ts and the impor tance of these protected lands in our br and?s identity. The name also speaks to an exper ience to which most tr aveler s would consider and connect. This new name and fully- realized br and identity will attr act year- round guests - including adventure seeker s, "wanderluster s," nature enthusiasts, families and luxur y tr aveler s - to the br and who want to exper ience pur poseful tr avel at this scale. Check in with TTX after the new year for more updates (including the launch of its exciting new websites) as it relates to the new br and!

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Jeremy Buchanan has been promoted to Vice President of Risk Management and Administr ation. In his new role, Jeremy will over see Human Resources, Recr uitment and Tr aining, and Payroll, while continuing to provide suppor t to the Easter n Proper ties and the Tur ner Building (in Atlanta) and provide Risk Management ser vices, as he has done since joining TEI in 2008. In May, Doug Lindauer joined Ted Tur ner Expeditions as the VP of Sales and Marketing. Previous to TTX, Doug held var ious roles at Tur ner Broadcasting over a 24- year per iod, most recently ser ving as Senior VP of Client Relations & Str ategy for Tur ner Network Sales, a Tur ner company. Fittingly, Doug br ings with him a deep passion for tr avel and outdoor adventure, having visited over 56 countr ies and all 50 U.S. states! Welcome aboard, Doug!

In July, Tur ner Enter pr ises (TEI) welcomed Tiffany Miller, who replaces Payroll Manager Dolly Moses in Januar y 2019 upon her retirement. Tiffany has 14 year s of payroll exper ience, is a Cer tified Payroll Professional, a Professional in Human Resources and has exper ience with ADP and with HCM system conver sions.. Welcome aboard, Tiffany!

The Tur ner Foundation (TFI) is pleased to announce the newest member of its team: Troy Ettel. Troy is TFI's new progr am officer managing the gr antmaking por tfolio related to wildlife, biodiver sity and land conser vation. Troy for merly ser ved as Director of the Longleaf Pine Progr am for The Nature Conser vancy (TNC), Director of Conser vation and Stewardship for the New Jer sey Audubon Society, and State Or nithologist for the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Welcome, Troy!

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This year, Ted's Montana Gr ill (TMG) rolled out new br anded videos which showcase the TMG far m to table exper ience, including stunning footage of Ted's Flying D Ranch in Montana! Visit TMG's YouTube channel to view the new video por tfolio!

TMG was voted BEST BURGER in Jezebel Magazine's 2018 Best of Atlanta! Way to go, Ted's!

Childhood hunger is a problem we KNOW how to solve. Ted's Montana Gr ill helped connect kids to 1.5 million meals dur ing Dine Out this year ! #Hungercantwait

McGinley Ranch, NE and Deer Cr eek Ranch, NE- - Over 100 students and staff of Gordon- Rushville High School attended the Mental Management Tr aining, suppor ted in par t by funds from the Tur ner Ranches Community Youth Development Initiative (TRCYDI), a Tur ner Foundation progr am, in Gordon, NE!

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On November 17th, Ted, sur rounded by his loving family, close fr iends, and colleagues, old and new, celebr ated his 80th bir thday with an intimate, yet glamorous, fete at the St. Regis hotel in Atlanta. The evening, which Ted called the 'sweetest' of his life, included dinner, dancing, hear twar ming toasts by those who know him best, and a stunning photo and video montage produced by Rhett Tur ner and Greg Pope, which beautifully tells the stor y of Ted's life thus far. The par ty was properly capped off with vocal per for mances of "My Old Kentucky Home" and "Home on the Range" by Ted, himself! Among the par ty guests were for mer U.S. Vice President and fellow environmental advocate Al Gore, Senator Sam Nunn, veter an jour nalists Wolf Blitzer and Judy Woodr uff, actress and for mer wife Jane Fonda, UN Ambassador Andrew Young and for mer Atlanta Br aves Manager Bobby Cox, among many other s. When asked by the Atlanta Jour nal- Constitution, who covered the event, how he hopes to be remembered, Ted replied: "I want to be remembered as a good per son who tr ied to make the world a better place...I'm still working on it. I think it is a little better." Cheer s to you, Ted! Thank you for all that you've done and continue to do to make this world a much better place for us all.

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2018 CAPTAIN PLANET GALA The Captain Planet Foundation held its annual Benefit Gala on December 7th in Atlanta at the Intercontinental Hotel Buckhead, r aising over $500,000 in suppor t of CPF progr ams.

Ted with Adr ian Grenier

Actor, filmmaker and environmentalist Adr ian Gr enier , best- known for his lead role in the HBO ser ies "Entour age." received this year 's Superhero for Ear th Award for his dedication to ocean health. Rev. Dr. Ger ald Durley, a student leader in the 1960's civil r ights movement, pastor emer itus of Providence Missionar y Baptist Church in Atlanta, and environmental justice activist, received the Exemplar Award.

Teenage environmentalists Robbie Bond, Dyson Chee, Coda Chr istopher son, Chloe Mei Espinosa, and Steff McDer mott received Young Superhero for Ear th Awards. CNN anchor Chr isti Paul emceed. Gala co- chair s were Pamela Atkins & Roy Neill. Other "big name" attendees included actor/comedian Chr is Tucker , among other s. Gala guests mingled with celebr ities and civic leader s, enjoyed live musical enter tainment, bid on stellar live and silent auction items featur ing one- of- a- kind tr ips and eco- luxur y exper iences, and enjoyed a cocktail reception and three- cour se dinner.

Photo (L- R): Rev. Durley, Captain Planet, Ted and Laur a Tur ner Seydel

Congr atulations, CPF, on another outstanding gala!

Thank you, ever yone, for another incredible year ! Ph i l l i p Ev an s, VP & Chief Communications Officer E: Ph i l l i p.Ev an s@TedTur n er .com P: 40 4.522.5260

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Bal dw i n Ch am bl ess M anager, Corporate Communications E: Bal dw i n .Ch am bl ess@TedTur n er .com P: 40 4.522.3139

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