Know the importance of marble countertops and get a different look for your home

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Know the Importance of Marble Countertops And Get a Different Look For Your Home Article Written By : Marble & Granite Surfaces Marble is made of limestone, which is processed with heat and pressure to give it a crystalline structure. Marble is exclusive and is found in every house, these days. They are applied as flooring in every room or as kitchen countertop. They give the surrounding a shiny and an exquisite look. If taken proper care they can keep shining forever.

There are two types of marble worktops including marble slabs and marble tiles. They both give the same look but the former is more expensive than the latter. Marble countertops are suggested majorly for restaurants and food businesses because it impresses people and clients. Nowadays, homeowners also prefer marble countertops to impress friends and family. Although, people think granite is much more durable than any other stone but marble has its own benefits

Marble is softer and can be cut into many fancy designs.

Marble has brightest white colour. It fits in any coloured background.

Because of its cool temperature nothing sticks on it even when you knead dough.

It does not crack or break when you keep any hot utensil on it directly.

It lasts long and is durable, so all you have to do is clean it with water and detergent.

When you search online or at the local store there are endless options. What matters most is durability and usage. If you get confused then take help from professionals. It is better to shop around to get the best deals rather than buying from the first store you visit. Marbles come in different colours and shades which can make your house look clean and shiny.

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