Hole Notes October 2017

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Incident Response Plan or Release Response Planning 2017

What would you do if you had a release or incident at your facility? By pre-planning and practicing for a release or incident you will be better equipped to handle a spill or emergency.

What is an incident?

An incident is an event where a threat or actual agricultural chemical (pesticide and/or fertilizer) spill may adversely impact the environment or threaten public safety.

Leak from application equipment

Spill in shop/storage area



What to do if an incident or release occurs:

Under state law, anyone who has control of, custody of, or responsibility for an agricultural chemical is considered to be a responsible party and must notify the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) immediately when an incident involving that agricultural chemical occurs. Notify the MDA of an incident as soon as possible by calling the 24-hour Minnesota Duty Officer at 1-800-422-0798. One of the MDA’s on-call staff will promptly call you back to explain what steps to take to minimize the impact of the release. Generally, these will include the following STARR actions:

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