(Marvel Super Heroes) MT2: The weird, weird west

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A. You step out into a windy August morning in 1945 and witness an atomic bomb explode over the distant town of Dresden. ANSWER: Dresden was never hit by an atomic bomb. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the cities destroyed by A-bombs in 1 945. B. The Gettysburg address scene, described above.

ANSWER: Lincoln's speech begins ! ' Fourscore and seven years ago today . . . "

C. You see William Shakespeare pen­ ning "A MIdsummer Night's Fancy" in Avon.

ANSWER: The title of the play is "A Midsummer Night's Dream." D . You see the Avengers rescue the original Union Jack, one the greatest heroes of the Second World War, from suspended animation. Union Jack quickly becomes the Avengers ' leader.

ANSWER: The Avengers actually rescued Captain America. E. Thrust into the Africa of early man, you witness a caveman bring down a tyrannosaur with a stone spear.

ANSWER: There were no dino­ saurs alive during the age of the cavemen. F. You see Jack Ruby lean out the window of the Texas Book Depository Building in Dal/as, Texas, and assas­ sinate President John F. Kennedy.

ANSWER: Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy. Jack Ruby killed Oswald. G. You see Thomas Alva Edison in his shop in Menlo Park fitting a thin iron filament into his latest invention, the electric lightbulb.

ANSWER: The secret to Edison's invention was the use of a tungsten filament. H . You are in a theater in 1938 watch­ ing Mickey Mouse in his first cartoon, "The Sorceror's Apprentice." ANSWER: Mickey's first appear­ ance was in "Steamboat Willie." I . You see King Richard sign the Mag­ na Carta in 1 2 1 5, granting certain rights to his subjects for the first time.

ANSWER: It was King John who signed the Magna Carta. I! the heroes are having problems moving around inside the creature, you can allow them to make Reason FEAT rolls to see if their characters recognize the historical inconsisten­ cies. The Intensity of the FEAT is Typical for events A-C, Good for events D-F, and Remarkable for events G-I. The Big Show-Down. Once the heroes finally reach the box marked "BRAIN," read the following text:

You find yourselves in a vast chamber filled with what appear to be gigantic fibrous neurons and axons. At the other end of the chamber, you see a group of shad­ owy figures milling around what appears to be a huge machine. No matter how the heroes attempt to approach the shadowy figures, they cannot do so undetected. Just before they get close enough to see clearly, the figures suddenly whirl around to face them. The six persons are wearing long black robes, the same sort of robes the heroes saw back at the Krozzar compound. Sud­ denly, Doctor Doom pulls back the hood of his robe to reveal his face. Whether the heroes have ever met Doctor Doom or not, he will not rec­ ognize them (remember, this is the Doctor Doom of 1 968).


Doom and his colleagues discov­ ered the location of the chronovore long ago. They have been here set­ ting up their equipment ever since. Only a few minor adjustments have yet to be completed. Once it is fin­ ished, the machine will give Doom complete control over the chronovore. Doom will then use this control to return the timestream to normal so he can blackmail its peo­ ples. If they do not agree to his demands, he will unleash the chronovore upon them once again.

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