The Rich Man's Mind

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uncomfortable truths we have to accept. The world is not only filled with men with heart’s of good but men with hearts of evil. In this world we will have to battle and defeat them without mercy. In business you will enter not an honorable society but a brutal field of battle, where some of the fighters will use dirty and underhanded means. Consider a man who opened a food store and was soon approached by a competitor at his door step trying to intimidate him, questioning like a detective who was the owner, did they have a fitness certificate? This was a sign the business was viable and a threat. That is how business truly is. Like the Spartan boy learning to be a warrior, you will have to face the circling wolf and be a warrior verbally, legally, physically and strategically. You will either return from the field of battle

a business success or not at all. Verbally you shout back, physically you punch back, and legally as well as strategically you think and think again and outsmart the enemy, yes they are your enemies! Don’t delude yourself in to thinking that all your competitors will come against you simply by doing better with their resources and improving their offerings. Consider an airline that entered a new market protected by a national airline with no desire to compete with others fairly. Rather, the national airline lobbied the government and attacked the legal basis of the new operator. The new operator foolishly had not made sure that every paper that should be filed had been filed and that every weakness had been detected and protected from exploitation. They were found legally

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