Poets for Ayotzinapa

Page 36

22 where will the children play before they sign up to the schools of the resistance and prepare their Yucatecan Molotovs of petrol and poems, in the midst of delirium and pillage? 23 I’m talking shit, I’m miriam, saúl, eréndira, I am everyone and I am bones and I am free and boat and roof and I am, sometimes I am, sometimes… 24 it was 10 when I closed the car door, before I let death take me for a stroll, he wanted to show me something, I hardly remember it… 25 who am I? where am I? how long have I been here? 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32… I’m alone and that’s fine, I have in my hand a torch of black light… I am on foot in front of the river that runs ceaselessly, I am alone and that’s fine 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40… in the country of tragedies that are hard to count, I put on my shoes and I snap in one tug my shoelaces, pain and rage fuse in the longing to kill

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