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Metro Connects

Service Quality Investments

Introduce technology to support real-time parking information, dynamic trip planning, parking monitoring and enforcement, and parking reservations and sales

Facilitate community and third-party uses of park-and-ride lots at times when parking is underutilized by transit riders

Increase access to transit using creative and multi-modal solutions 

Expand capacity through leased parking, shared parking, and restriping existing lots to create more spaces

Convert existing parking lots into multimodal mobility hubs, providing access to more modes and the potential for community and commercial uses

Deliver access to new parking Compared to other access investments, construction of permanent parking is more expensive for the ridership it generates and can limit future development in key locations. This will be a lower priority strategy. As Metro considers providing access to new parking, it will emphasize delivering permanent parking capacity through partnerships and transit-oriented developments (TODs), rather than through constructing standalone facilities. Metro will coordinate with affected jurisdictions and consider costs and needs, local partnerships, opportunities to deliver in conjunction with TODs, the service network, and other options for accessing transit. Metro will seek to leverage any parking investments to increase equitable development, bringing more riders close to great transit service. For more information See Technical Report B. Metro Connects – Service Network for more detail on connections to transit.

King County Metro Long Range Plan


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