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Metro Connects

Service Quality Investments

loading and circulation. Access for people who walk, bike, or roll to the station will be prioritized. Shelters and waiting areas will provide lighting, customer information, and protection from weather. Passenger facility designs that prioritize safety and security will help passengers feel safe and comfortable while waiting for a bus or train. Transit centers could be spaces for residential, commercial, and community activities, creating a friendly, equitable, and welcoming atmosphere for customers. Combinations of many uses at transit centers will strengthen transit-oriented communities. The result will be efficient use of available land, reduced car trips, integration of transit with neighborhoods, and strengthened businesses. Metro will need improved facilities at transfer locations to support the proposed 2050 service network. Figure 23 shows anticipated major transit center boardings, including Link and some bus rapid transit stations. New or improved transfer locations will be needed at existing and future Sound Transit light rail stations, stops with significant ridership growth, and other key transfer points and transit centers in the system. Metro and Sound Transit will continue working together to provide passenger facilities that are appropriately sized for the anticipated passenger and bus volumes at light rail stations.

What will it take? 

Build an extensive system of well-designed and safe passenger stops, stations, and transit centers. Make sure transit facilities are comfortable and easy to use by keeping design guidelines up to date and employing lessons learned from Metro’s passenger facility best practice study and community input.

Design facilities that make connections from other modes easy and comfortable, working with partners for shared facilities. Coordinate with Sound Transit and other partners extensively and early in the design process for light rail and bus rapid transit facilities. Ensure their design makes transferring quick and easy. Incorporate principles of universal design, accessibility, equity, sustainability, and engagement into the design process.

Coordinate with cities and private partners to ensure facility locations are consistent with land-use plans and designed to help integrate different transportation services. Consider partnering with private, governmental, or nonprofit property owners in transit facility development, helping reduce the costs of land acquisition, construction, and permitting while creating opportunities to meet community development desires.

In 2019, six major transit centers—four Link stations in downtown Seattle plus Capitol Hill and University of Washington—have 10,000 or more daily boardings. Westlake Station has the most boardings—28,000 per day. In 2050, as many as 30 transit hubs across the county could have more than 10,000 boardings. Smaller stops and stations around the county could also see more riders.

King County Metro Long Range Plan


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