Chicago divorce lawyers can help with spousal support

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Chicago Divorce Lawyers Can Help with Spousal Support Child support payments are generally a given in any marriage dissolution in which minor children are involved. However, spousal support is something else entirely. Once called alimony, spousal support remains a hotly contested issue on both sides of the fence. Chicago divorce lawyers can help you understand your obligations and what to expect in the way of spousal support, and will also ensure that any support arrangement is fair and equitable for both parties.

What Is Spousal Support? This type of support comes in the form of financial payments made to a spouse after a divorce decree has been granted. Generally, these payments are made to the spouse who is losing income or suffering a drastic change of living circumstances due to the divorce. Chicago divorce lawyers stipulate that there are four types of support the judge might order. These include:

Periodic Maintenance Periodic maintenance, or rehabilitative maintenance, is a short-term form of spousal support designed to provide financial assistance until the other spouse has had a chance to regain their financial footing.

Permanent Maintenance According to Chicago divorce lawyers, permanent maintenance is usually granted to spouses who are unable to support themselves at all after a divorce, due to physical/medical conditions, age and other factors.

Maintenance in Gross This is a lump sum payment or a series of payments that will add up to a specific amount (the gross of the support order).

Temporary Maintenance According to Chicago divorce lawyers, temporary maintenance is granted to a spouse who requires financial assistance before the divorce is fully in place. As you can see, there are numerous areas here that require the knowledge and experience of a divorce attorney. You cannot afford to go it alone – make sure you have the right attorney on your side.

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