Catholic Pic March 2021

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Issue 198 March 2021

‘With the Church in prayer at home’

Prayers for the Holy Land


Father Ignatius Spencer CP declared Venerable

The renovation of the Cathedral’s Grand Organ

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contents Welcome

Issue 198 March 2021

At the end of this month we will begin our commemoration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Lord during Holy Week. We begin with Palm Sunday and the triumphant entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. As we remember those events in prayer let us also remember the people who live today in that land we call ‘Holy’. Our main feature reflects on the way in which the pandemic has changed the lives of Christians in that land and the suffering and hardship which it has caused in Gaza, one of the most densely populated areas in the world. May we remember them as we prepare for Holy Week.

‘With the Church in prayer at home’

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It was announced in February that Father Ignatius Spencer CP has been declared Venerable, just a few weeks after Sister Elizabeth Prout CP. They are buried alongside Blessed Dominic Barberi at the Shrine in Our Lady and Blessed Dominic, Sutton, St Helens. Let us pray for them and to them that one day they may be canonised. As we continue our Lenten journey let us pray that the signs of hope which we are beginning to see in our country and in the world may come to fruition.

From the Archbishop’s Desk In a recent television tribute to the late Victoria Wood a clip was shown of her performing at the Albert Hall. She remarked that she had asked for a set to be put up so that she would not have the grand organ towering over her. I understood how she felt because our family parish church at home has an instrument like the one in the Albert Hall. They were both designed and built by Henry Willis, popularly known as ‘Father Willis’ because he was founder of a dynasty of organ builders. Our Metropolitan Cathedral ‘s grand organ was not built by Willis but by J.W. Walker and Sons and is a similarly magnificent instrument which is now being restored. The Cathedral organ provides a backdrop to the services at which I preside and perhaps like Victoria Wood I sometimes find it intimidating even though at other moments it can be a comfort. As a young boy I was in awe of the magnificent organ which was played for Benediction and High Mass, and the organist would often continue after Mass with a piece by Bach. It was as though there was a giant asleep in the corner which when it awoke would roar and bring the church to life. Many years later when I was parish priest in the same church, I had the organ restored even though money was short. It seemed to me then as it does now that without an organ a Cathedral or large church loses its voice. As lockdown is relaxed, we the Church will have to find our voices again and announce the good news of Jesus Christ as loudly as our great church organs. Most Rev Malcolm McMahon OP Archbishop of Liverpool

Editor Peter Heneghan Editorial Catholic Pictorial Magazine Liverpool Archdiocesan Centre for Evangelisation, Croxteth Drive, Liverpool L17 1AA Tel: 0151 522 1007 Email: Picture credit Cover and Main Feature: © Mazur/

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Mass at the Church of the Holy Family, Gaza

Contents 4

Main Feature A shining light in need of our support


News From around the Archdiocese

15 Nugent Nugent Young Heroes Teaching our children about the importance of charity 16 The Renovation of the Grand Organ at the Metropolitan Cathedral 18 Profile Dr Lisa Oakley Building safer spaces 21 Animate Youth Ministry Finding focus through Lent 25 Sunday Reflections Liturgy and Life 26 Cathedral Record Drill and organised games: learning remotely in 1918

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27 Pic Extras Mums the word News from the KSC 28 Pic Life Playing the waiting game 30 Celebrating the Year of St Joseph

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A shining light in need of our support Canon Mark Madden explains why the Christian community in Gaza remain a source of hope and light and substance – even as their own survival becomes ever more at risk. Just over a year ago, Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, when talking about the Christian community in Gaza, said: ‘We are not a large number, but we are like salt... This salt gives food a new flavour, and that is our role as Christians. First, we must stay here and bring dynamism, dialogue, encounters and courage for the future to rebuild a society as strong as it was before, as we have always done in the past.’ The Patriarch is correct. Though small, the Christian Church in the Gaza Strip is a very powerful witness to everything we hold important about our faith and its members show an incredible heroism when practising the values of the Gospel – especially in the current situation of the pandemic. The group of international bishops commissioned by the Holy See to visit the Holy Land on behalf of the Pope and 4

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the Church could not hold their annual meeting in the Holy Land this year and so met virtually instead. Most years the bishops will briefly visit the Christian community in Gaza to show them that the Church does not forget them – after all, for them to be living witnesses to their faith in a very difficult society, the Church must offer all the support they need. Gaza is a strip of land some 25 miles long and between three and seven miles wide. It houses around two million people, making it one of the most densely populated regions in the world. Israel and Egypt have imposed a security blockade on the enclave since 2007. The World Bank says this has caused Gaza’s economy to collapse. Extreme poverty is visible, the unemployment rate is around 90 per cent and income per inhabitant is very low. Eighty per cent of the population are living below the poverty line and dependent on external aid.

‘Eighty per cent of the population are living below the poverty line and dependent on external aid’ In recent years, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) ceased all assistance to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. The previous American administration cut hundreds of millions of dollars of aid which has had a deadly effect on the already precarious lives of people in Gaza. The Christian community there numbers just over 1,000 and includes only 132 Roman Catholics yet this small population acts a shining light in the midst of darkness. The Christian presence in Gaza is characterised by the depth of its roots and is at the service of the entire community, regardless of religion or belief. This Christian presence is evident more than ever during the current situation with Covid. The first two Covid cases in Gaza were diagnosed in March 2020. Initially the spread of the virus was restricted to quarantine centres until August 2020, when a few cases were diagnosed in the community. As of mid-January, 47,000 cases had been reported and nearly 500 deaths registered, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. These numbers seem relatively small compared with other places, but owing to a very limited testing capacity the real figure is much higher. Before the pandemic the healthcare system in Gaza was on the point of collapsing because of a chronic shortage of medicines, supplies, spare parts and poor general maintenance. The provision of basic services in Gaza is a key humanitarian concern. Hygiene and health conditions are extremely poor, with no good drinking water or heating – all of which undermines basic services already depleted by the 14-year blockade, recurrent hostilities and restrictions of supplies coming through the border. Many Gazans cannot even afford food

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Mass at Holy Family Church Gaza supplements to strengthen their depleted immune system. Thirteen hospitals, including a Christian-run hospital, serve the Gaza population but have just 100 ICU beds between them. At the start of the pandemic two hospitals, containing 500 beds in total, were designated for Covid patients and with the virus spreading there are no beds available to treat patients. The vast majority of people who desperately need hospital treatment are cared for at home by family and medical teams visiting as much as possible with the consequence of the virus spreading among those carers. Some families of more than 10 people live in two-bedroom apartments with infected family members. This is where the Christian community proves itself to be ‘salt and light’ in their society. Caritas Jerusalem, part of the Caritas Catholic family of relief and development agencies, is working tirelessly to fill the gap where the healthcare system in Gaza cannot manage. Created by the Church in the 1950s, Caritas works to show ‘love between all peoples’ regardless of religion or belief. Recently, Pope Francis said that ‘a Church without charity does not exist’ and Caritas is fulfilling this mission in an almost impossible situation by serving the most vulnerable. The Caritas teams in Gaza have accompanied people through

bombings, hunger and humanitarian tragedy and are now at the forefront in supporting those affected by the pandemic. Since the first report of Covid in Gaza, Caritas’s emergency teams of doctors and nurses have carried out almost 5,000 visits to homes and have cared for over 10,000 individuals infected with the virus, who have all received in-home health assessments and medical care. Caritas Jerusalem have also contacted by telephone around 22,000 people in quarantine to offer advice and support. The work of these medical teams is not limited to people suffering with Covid as they also provide essential primary medical care services to those in mandatory quarantine. Caritas Jerusalem’s efforts are accompanied by those of the Church, demonstrated by Pope Francis’ donation of 2,500 Covid-testing kits to be used in Gaza. Increasing difficulties Christians in Gaza are crying out for help to preserve their faith and community in an increasing difficult situation. For Christmas 2020, Hamas, the ruling political party in Gaza, decided to ‘limit interaction’ with Christmas celebrations, drawing sharp criticism from Christians both locally and around the world. This

meant that non-Christians were forbidden to join in any Christmas celebrations or even wish their Christian neighbours a ‘Happy Christmas.’ A Christian journalist living in Gaza says: ‘We set an example for the world in not having any sectarian problems. Muslims and Christians in this region have always got on. Muslims join our Christmas festivities and we take part in Eid. Now the authorities want to stop this and divide us. Our Muslim friends can’t even wish us “Merry Christmas” anymore. As Christians we just want life to continue as normal.’ Around 50 per cent of the Christian young people there have no job opportunities, making many of them desperate to leave Gaza and settle elsewhere. In most years the Israeli authorities grant permits to allow the Christian community to leave Gaza to celebrate Christmas and Easter with family in other parts of Palestine; most never return home to Gaza. The stark reality is that if this migration continues, there will be no Christians left in Gaza within the next 10 years. The Catholic Church is trying to find ways to keep the young people in the community by providing a good education and creating job opportunities to support them and their future families. Indeed the role of the Catholic school is seen within the Holy Land as a means to justice and peace.

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Gaza City

‘Without the Catholic Church, Gaza would be a lot worse than it is’ 6

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One such initiative is the St Thomas Aquinas Centre, established in 2018 in response to the international bishops’ visit and through the generous donations of local and international benefactors, including the English and Welsh Lieutenancy of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. This centre provides various educational courses including job creation skills, English, Computer Science and personnel management, all designed to support their career development in a Christian environment. Work experience is found for each student and most have been given full-time jobs once their courses have finished. The centre works with international partners to give students experience of other languages and cultures – especially important given that the vast majority of young people cannot travel outside Gaza. Through this enterprise their dignity is strengthened and they gain a sense of value and worth. Without the Catholic Church, Gaza would be a lot worse than it is. Church institutions such as Caritas, the

Christian hospital, the Catholic parish, the priests and the various religious orders help bring hope into a hopeless situation. Even so, the Christian presence is fighting for survival. They need people to fight with them to maintain their existence in an increasing difficult existence. Patriarch Pizzaballa described the Christian community as ‘salt and light’ because of the faithful witness to the Gospel they show daily through their love and care to everyone, but the Christian presence is very unstable and we are asked not to forget them. Patriarch Pizzaballa adds: ‘I don't know what the future of Gaza will be. Certainly, this situation is shameful and cannot continue for long. I believe that these people have the right to a normal life. My wish for the Christian community is not to give up. Never. Not to allow a renouncing attitude, which at times is a temptation for us, but to prevail in the face of all the difficulties. I wish them to continue to have plans for the future – for their

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feature lives, for their communities, for their country. So, keep dreaming because if you do not dream, you cannot make your dreams come true.’

Remember our Christian brothers and sisters in Gaza in your prayers this Lent and Easter as they continue to be salt and light to all in their community.

Why Gaza holds a special place in my heart By Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Kelly One example of the humour of God is the way the Spirit has expected me to accept responsibilities demanding long journeys by plane. My carbon footprint is a disgrace. And I am almost pathological about flying. Yet it is also strange how some places claim a generous space in memory, mind and heart. Latin America did that to me. It’s as if you never quite return home. And Gaza, the Gaza described by Mark, abides in the centre of my life. The reason is very specific: every line that Mark shares makes me thank God who has blessed me and will bless everyone with hearts open to the challenge, the judgement, the inspiration encountered in the joy and the creativity of our sisters and brothers of the Holy Family Parish in Gaza. Pope Francis insists that to become wise, to become graciously selfless, to find the secret of creative loving, our teachers are the very people whom we seek to nourish in body, mind and spirit. And since God listens to the cry, the wisdom of the poor, we had better do the same.

Gaza City

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News diary If you’ve got any news from your parish that you’d like featured e-mail us with the details at:

World Day of Prayer for Grandparents and the Elderly Following the Angelus on Sunday 31 January Pope Francis announced the institution of a World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which will take place each year on the fourth Sunday in July, close to the Feast of St Joachim and St Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. (26 July) The Holy Father said, ‘on 2 February, we will celebrate the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, when Simeon and Anna, both elderly, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, recognised Jesus as the Messiah. The Holy Spirit still stirs up thoughts and words of wisdom in the

elderly today: their voice is precious because it sings the praises of God and safeguards the roots of peoples. They remind us that old age is a gift and that grandparents are the link between generations, passing on the experience of life and faith to the young. Grandparents are often forgotten and we forget this wealth of preserving roots and passing on. ‘This is why, I have decided to establish World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which will be held throughout the Church every year on the fourth Sunday of July, close to the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, Jesus’ “grandparents”. It is

important for grandparents to meet their grandchildren and for grandchildren to meet their grandparents, because — as the prophet Joel says — grandparents, before their grandchildren, will dream, and have illusions (great desires), and young people, taking strength from their grandparents, will go forward and prophesy. And 2 February is indeed the feast of the encounter between grandparents and their grandchildren.’

Ash Wednesday call to reject nuclear weapons Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, and is a time for repentance, remorse, and a change of heart. Christians in Liverpool again held what has now become their annual event to express remorse for our government’s decision to renew and retain the Trident nuclear weapon system, and to support the call of Pope Francis and other Church leaders to reject the use or possession of nuclear weapons altogether. As the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) entered into legal force in January 2021, such weapons are now illegal. The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales and Scotland issued a joint statement, calling on the UK ’to forsake it’s nuclear arsenal’ and use the savings ’to alleviate the suffering of the poorest and most vulnerable members of our society, for the Common Good of all peoples’. The event is organised by Liverpool members of Pax Christi, the International Catholic Peace Movement founded in 1945 to work for peace, reconciliation and the non-violent settlement of differences by negotiation, mutual respect, tolerance and compromise.


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In view of the Covid pandemic, the size of the event was much reduced, the small number of participants did not walk in procession through the city centre as in previous years, but stood masked and

safely distanced and carrying placards, in the piazza in front of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, as churchgoers arrived at and left midday Mass.

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news diary

Father Ignatius Spencer CP declared ‘Venerable’ Father Ignatius Spencer CP, who is buried alongside Blessed Dominic Barberi and the Venerable Elizabeth Prout at St Anne and Blessed Dominic, Sutton, and is an ancestor of both Winston Churchill and Diana, Princess of Wales, has been declared ‘Venerable’ by Pope Francis. Archbishop Malcolm says, ‘It was with great happiness that I heard the news on 20 February 2021 that Father Ignatius Spencer CP was declared by the catholic Church as having lived a life of heroic virtue and may now be called ‘venerable’. To get this news so soon after the very recent declaration of Sister Elizabeth Prout CP as ‘venerable’ is a remarkable grace to the Passionist Order and to the archdiocese. These two Victorian Catholics are as relevant to the mission of the church today as they were in their lifetimes. They show us how to reach out beyond ourselves and respond to suffering due to poverty and deprivation. My prayer is that the shrine at St. Anne’s, Sutton which harbours the mortal remains of three great Passionists, Blessed Dominic Barberi, Venerable Elizabeth Prout and the now Venerable Ignatius Spencer, will increase as a centre of devotion and prayer in the archdiocese. All three of these great disciples loved the poor and worked tirelessly for their bodily and spiritual wellbeing. ‘Venerable Ignatius, who had left behind a life of privilege, devoted himself tirelessly to visiting the poor, giving food and all his personal possessions to those in need. His preaching and writings showed him to be a true disciple of Jesus and in his daily life he lived out the passion of our Lord in heroic fashion. His life of service is a true example to his living relatives, Prince William and Prince Harry, and is to be emulated by us all.’

Father Ignatius Spencer (1799-1864) was born into one of the wealthiest and most influential families in England. Educated at Eton and Trinity Cambridge, he was ordained an Anglican priest, with the strong probability that eventually he would be made a Bishop in the Church of 10

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England. However, close examination of the early history of the Church led him to decide to enter the Roman Catholic Church in 1830, with the loss of an annual income of £3,000. His journey of faith was very similar to that of his contemporary St John Henry Newman. After a course of studies in Rome he was ordained in 1832, and returned to work in England, initially in the Black Country. Any spare time he had after his parish work, was spent working for Christian unity, in particular begging for prayers to fulfil the prayer of Jesus: ‘That they may be one.’ In 1847 he entered the Passionist

Religious Order and was professed by Blessed Dominic at the first Passionist Monastery in England at Aston Hall near Stone in Staffordshire. He spent many years giving missions in England and Ireland and spent several months at a time traversing Europe begging for prayers for Christian unity. Central to his preaching was the need for each individual to be personally converted before they could look to converting others. After Dominic’s death he succeeded him as the Superior of the Order in this country and died at Carstairs Junction, Lanarkshire, on 1 October 1864 while Rector of Sutton Monastery.

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news diary First Ash Wednesday at St Oscar Romero With the amalgamation of the parishes of Our Lady Star of the Sea and St Thomas of Canterbury, Seaforth and Waterloo along with St Edmund of Canterbury, Waterloo, the new parish of St Oscar Romero began the Season of Lent for the first time with the distribution of ashes. A new patron for the parishes in north Liverpool was needed when the amalgamation took place at the beginning of Advent. Despite being eight centuries and ministering hundreds of miles apart, St Thomas of Canterbury and St Oscar Romero are profoundly linked. Both bishops were martyred by their political leaders for speaking truth to power and St Thomas a Becket’s successor, Robert Runcie (who grew up just down the road from the newly named parish), was installed as Archbishop within hours of the martyrdom of St Oscar Romero. Parish Priest, Father Dominic Curran, says, ‘Romero was a true successor to the Apostles, following in the footsteps of so many faithful, brave preachers of truth, such as Saints Edmund and Thomas of Canterbury. As such the Patronage of Saint Oscar Romero will enrich and challenge our community to serve God’s Mission in our communities of Seaforth and Waterloo’. The North West of England has a long history of martyrs, such as Saints Edmund Arrowsmith and Ambrose Barlow, witnessing to their faith and ultimately costing their lives. The Archdiocese of Liverpool’s links to St Oscar Romero stretch back to when he was still alive, and the cathedral now houses a bust and relics of the saint. Parishioner Annette Bolger says, ‘the new name of the Parish of Saint Oscar Romero is brilliant because he was such a caring man and I hope it inspires the parishioners to follow his example.’

Sunday 21 March 2021 – Census Day Sunday 21 March 2021 is Census Day. The census is a survey that happens every 10 years and is a comprehensive survey and snapshot of housing and the population. It has been carried out every decade since 1801, with the exception of 1941. It gives a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales and local councils; charities and many other organisations use census information to decide how to spend billions of pounds on services every year. To make sure this money is spent where it is most needed, it’s important that the census counts everyone. Information from the digital-first census will help decide how services are planned and funded in our local areas. This could mean things like doctors’ surgeries, housing, community groups, infrastructure or new bus routes. Paper questionnaires are available on request and there will be lots of ways in which people can get safe, confidential help to fill it in

Between 3 and 13 March every household will receive a pack telling them to join in and how to do it. From 22 March reminder letters will start arriving and field officers will visit houses which are still to respond. The last day to complete your questionnaire online or order a paper questionnaire is 4 May 2021. By taking part and encouraging others to do the same, you will help make sure you and your community get the services you need. A spokesperson for the Office of National Statistics which runs the census says, ‘We know that building positive relationships with communities and charities means more people will see the benefits of the census and decide to take part. We also understand that no one knows your community better than you. We need your help to raise awareness of the census in your community and encourage people to fill in their questionnaire.’

Nearer the time, you will receive more information. You can also find out more at

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news diary

Penwortham’s distanced stations

Throughout the Season of Lent, devotion to the Stations of the Cross would normally take place as we remember the suffering and death of Jesus. Lockdown is currently preventing services in churches, but staff and pupils at St Teresa’s Primary School in Penwortham, have set up an alternative Stations of the Cross. Laminated posters depicting the 14 Stations of the Cross,

coloured in by year six children, with descriptions of each station. These have been set up socially distanced, on the railings surrounding St Teresa’s Church car park allowing parishioners to recall and meditate on the specific events leading up to the crucifixion. A Stations of the Cross service booklet is also available to use, enabling parishioners to take part in their own quiet reflective worship.

The Synod in March by Father Philip Inch – Synod Moderator March 2021 sees another very important step on our Synod journey. Before I tell you about that let me share with you some of the things that have been happening since the February ‘Catholic Pic’. • The Pastoral Plan Group met for 3 days of zoom meetings. At the end of the 3 days the task was to go away and research pastoral plans from across the world and see what we can learn from others. They will gather again in April to share the fruits of their research. The meeting in February was certainly full of energy and life. It was great to be with people from around the Archdiocese and from all over the country who are willing to share their own experiences to help us as an Archdiocese. 12

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• We have been working hard to prepare a book of reflections to go with the next stage of the Synod journey. We have been very blessed to have the expertise of Bill Huebsch to help us in this. This book will be launched after the March meeting of Synod Members. • On Friday 12th or Saturday 13th March all the Synod Members will meet on a zoom meeting so that they can receive the results of the discernment of proposals. You will remember that in December all the Synod Members received the 120 proposals and the 45 affirmations and were asked to indicate which of these they felt most drawn to. The huge amount of data that came from this exercise has now been looked at and further discerned and at the March meeting we will be able to present to the Synod members – and to all of the Archdiocese – the results. I

would love to tell you about them now – but that wouldn’t be right. You will have to ask your Synod Member or wait until the April Pic. • If you don’t know who your Synod member is try to find out (almost every priest is a Synod member.) • Please continue to pray for the work of the Synod. Our patron is St John Henry Newman so please ask his intercession.

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news diary

Hospice invites supporters to take on abseil challenge St Joseph’s Hospice is on the lookout for anyone who would like to take on an adrenaline-fueled challenge in the heart of Liverpool this summer. On Saturday 17 July, a team of hospice supporters will abseil 150ft down the great west door of Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral to raise funds for the hospice. One of this year’s participants will be Angela Lund from Fazakerley who has signed up to pay tribute to her dad Albie Smart. Albie passed away at the hospice in 2019 and Angela wants to take on the challenge to say thank you to all the hospice staff who looked after him and her whole family during what was a very difficult time. Angela said: ‘Since my dad died, we have all been locked away in our homes staring at the same four walls so I felt this would be the perfect way emerge from lockdown and take me out of my comfort zone.’ Angela’s whole family have been supporters of the hospice since the 1980s when Albie used to visit a good friend at the hospice. Ever since, they have held raffles and social events and sold Christmas and Easter toys to raise money. When the hospice launched its lottery in 2001, Albie became its first lottery canvasser, which he continued for 15 years. Over the years, Albie raised over an incredible £50,000 for the hospice. Angela continued: ‘We were so relieved that dad manage to spend his final days at the hospice. He was only there for a few days but the love and care we all received at that time was incredible and so I want to take on this challenge to say thank you.’ Maxine Armstrong, head of fundraising and lottery at St. Joseph’s Hospice, said: “Supporters like Angela and her family contribute so much to the hospice and it just shows the impact the hospice has on people’s lives.

Places for the Liverpool Cathedral Abseil are very limited so early booking is advised. Registration costs £60 and the minimum sponsorship required is £150. To register, please contact the fundraising team on 0151 932 6044 or email To support Angela you can donate at her Just Giving page at:

Whats On March 2021 Irenaeus ‘Come back to me’ Reflections on the Book of Hosea (on Zoom) For a link contact No charge but donations gratefully received. Saturday 6 March from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm ‘Caught in the Father’s arms’ Spend a day in silent retreat at home. Take time to reflect on your life and be in the presence of God. The day will consist of two short inputs – one in the morning and a second in early afternoon, with a time of sharing and prayer at the end of the day. 10.00 am – 10.45 am and 2.00 pm – 2.30 pm Shared sessions 5.00 pm Closing sharing and prayer All sessions on Zoon for a link contact No charge but donations gratefully received. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday - 1, 2, 3 April

Dying and rising with Christ Father Chris Thomas will lead three days of reflection for Holy Week. The Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst Christian Leadership Formation Programme for those in Lower Sixth who want to make a difference. Three residential modules – 26-30 July 2021; 23-25 October 2021; 9-12 April 2022. Workshops on statesmanship, public policy making and public debate within a framework of prayer, social time and team building activities. Information and application pack: Email: A Journey of Salvation Moments in Salvation history. 7.30 pm online on Thursdays: 11 March ‘Signs of Passion Pam Moon 25 March ‘The Life to come’ Sister Emanuela Edwards Details and registration: Email:

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news diary Merseyside Priest and Parishioners do the Cafod Walk for Water challenge Fundraisers from Formby have raised £1,265 and counting to help people across the world have access to clean, safe water for their daily needs. From Wednesday 17 February to Saturday 3 April, a group of supporters from Our Lady of Compassion, Formby will be walking 10,000 steps a day every day for the 40 days of Lent to raise money for some of the world’s most fragile countries. The group includes parish priest Father John Walsh, Deacons Joe and John, and a number of parishioners from Our Lady of Compassion, St Jerome’s, and St. Anne’s churches in Formby, will be taking on the challenge individually or as part of their household unit or bubble. The money raised throughout the Lenten season will contribute to the work of overseas development charity, Cafod, by helping communities access water, as well as providing appropriate tools and training to maintain this vital life source. Dympna Edwards, a Formby parishioner doing the Walk for Water challenge with her son Martin said, ‘we are so blessed that we have water on tap in the UK; each step we take on the Walk for Water challenge brings safe water to more people through the generous support for the great work of Cafod’. Sharing how much the challenge makes us think about our perspective on water, Father John says: ‘It is so easy to take something as essential as water for granted. The Walk for Water initiative helps to remind us of how fortunate we are and invites us to be generous with our brothers and sisters who are facing these challenges.’ Siobhan Farnell, Community Participation Coordinator for Cafod in Liverpool, said: ‘During this time of great uncertainty it is truly inspiring to see Father John and members of his parish responding in support to our brothers and sisters overseas’. To support Our Lady of Compassion Parish with its challenge, donate online at:


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An economy without human trafficking By Terry Philips Co-Chair of Archdiocese of Liverpool J and P Commission To mark the feast day of St Josephine Bakhita (8 February) a Sudanese victim of slavery, Liverpool South Pastoral Area J&P organised a Zoom event on Tuesday 9 February joining the International Day of Prayer for victims of human trafficking: ‘An Economy without Human Trafficking.’ Sister Imelda, a Loreto sister and president of Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation (RENATE), spoke from Albania where she has worked preventing trafficking and was the founder president of the NGO - Mary Ward Loreto. She began by examining the growth of neoliberalism over the last 40 years and the consequent creation of a world in which the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. She focussed on the lives hidden behind the ready availability of cheap goods

Supporting women in Albania

and services produced by those working without breaks or payment in sweat shops or on farms, as well as the reality behind the lives of women forced into the sex trade, or those forced to give body parts. The second speaker, Julia Bayton, is an outreach worker at Refugee Women Connect, working in the Liverpool City Region with women asylum seekers, some of whom have been victims of trafficking. She described the work of RWC’s anti-trafficking project, helping women, many of whom had fled persecution or forced marriages, sometimes paying to escape but finding themselves enslaved and sometimes moved from country to country. They face particular difficulties in revealing their plight and seeking justice. A recording of the talk which included a quiz, practical advice on what we can do, and two short films is available on the Liverpool J&P Archdiocesan website:

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Normandie Wragg Chief Executive Nugent

Independent review of children’s social care These are extraordinary times. The Covid-19 pandemic continues to have a profound effect on countless lives across Merseyside. We know we will feel the social and economic consequences of the pandemic for years to come. Here at Nugent, we have mustered an extraordinary response to the pandemic to ensure that we can continue to deliver the essential services that so many within our community rely on. This has proved no mean feat in the wake of a decrease in philanthropic support and a sharp rise in requests for our support. Our first priority has and always will be the welfare and wellbeing of children who may be marginalised, vulnerable and families who are at risk. To paraphrase a recent Ofsted observation of our education services, Nugent is a

place where children and young people are ‘loved fiercely’. The pandemic continues to compound and amplify the immeasurable challenges faced by many children and it is with this in mind that I am pleased to share with you that the Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson, has launched a ‘once-in-a-generation’ independent review of children’s social care, which aims to raise the bar for children who are vulnerable across the country. The government states that this review will ‘reshape how children interact with the care system, looking at the process from referral through to becoming looked after. It will address major challenges such as the increase in numbers of looked after children, the inconsistencies in children’s social care practice,

outcomes across the country, and the failure of the system to provide enough stable homes for children.’ As a board member of the Independent Children’s Homes Association (ICHA), I look forward to ensuring that the voices and experiences of the children and young people who are receiving our support – as well as the staff charged with their care - are heard as part of this process. Nugent has a significant role to play in helping to shape the care system. As a charity, we do not worry about making a profit but we do worry about making a difference – this allows us to innovate, collaborate and develop new approaches to care that can be shared with our public and private sector counterparts. I will endeavour to keep you appraised on the independent review of children’s social care and Nugent’s involvement. Innovation and collaboration are more important now than ever before and all members of our community have a role to play in this regard. From neighbourly acts of kindness to charitable donations, I hope Nugent can continue to rely on your continued interest and involvement in our good work.

Nugent Young Heroes Teaching our children about the importance of charity In Jesus' teachings, our relationship with our fellow men, women and children is inseparable from our relationship with God. Love of God and love of our neighbours are two aspects of the same calling: ‘A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’ (NIV, John 13:34-35) As part of their schooling, children and young people across our Archdiocese are actively encouraged to engage with the wider community and to enjoy the immeasurable benefit of making a positive contribution to society as a whole. As the social welfare arm of the Archdiocese of Liverpool, Nugent continues to work alongside schools within the Archdiocese to help build a foundation of charitable giving for our children and show them that their actions, no matter how small, can make a real difference. The origins of Nugent’s fundraising appeals stem from the notion of children supporting children. Our Million Pennies Appeal dates back to the 1850s and our Good Shepherd Appeal originates from the early 1900s. Many schools, both primary and secondary, still take part in these fundraising appeals today. This year, as part of our 140th anniversary, we are launching a new, annualised fundraising programme specifically designed for schoolchildren – Nugent Young Heroes. Nugent Young Heroes will invite children to do what they can to help others. They will be able to take part in up to four themed

appeals. Children who can demonstrate that they have really gone over and above to make a difference to others and/or fundraise significantly to help Nugent change lives will receive a special Nugent Young Heroes Award. Our four themed fundraising appeals for this year, as part of our Nugent Young Heroes programme, are: 1. The Nugent Good Shepherd Appeal. 1 - 26 March 2021 2. School’s Out for Summer. 26 July 27 August 2021 3. Nugent Million Pennies Appeal. 1 September – 26 November 2021 4. Advent in Action. 29 November – 23 December 2021 The theme for this year’s Good Shepherd Appeal is ‘The Feeding of the Five Thousand’, taken from the Gospel of John (John 6:1-14). In this Bible story, Jesus fed five thousand people with two fish and five loaves. This miracle is symbolic, as it reminds us that we can use our many gifts and talents for the good and help of others, just as many schoolchildren do during Lent to help raise funds for our appeal. Our hope is that if a young hero approaches you in the name of Nugent, you will be able support them in whatever way you can, as Nugent is here to care, educate, protect and inspire those in need, and have been doing for 140 years. If you would like your children or school to take part in the Nugent Young Heroes programme then please contact Nugent's Community Fundraiser, Fran D’Arcy by emailing or by calling 0151 261 2000.

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Renovation of the Grand Organ of L been played by some of the world’s most famous organists, including Flor Peeters, Jeanne Demessieux and Olivier Latry, and has featured on numerous CDs and DVDs.

By Dr Christopher McElroy Director of Music, Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral The Grand Organ of Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral, with its four manuals, 88 speaking stops and 4,565 pipes, is undergoing its first significant renovation since it was installed in 1967, when the cathedral was consecrated and opened for worship. During the last 54 years, the organ has been heard on TV and radio by millions and in person by many more, including the Queen and Pope John Paul II. It has


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The organ’s primary role, however, has been to enhance the daily services of the cathedral, fulfilling the mandate of Vatican II, which stated that ‘(the) pipe organ is to be held in high esteem, for it is the traditional musical instrument which adds a wonderful splendour to the Church’s ceremonies and powerfully lifts up man’s mind to God and to higher things’. Capable of providing gentle aid to prayer or a brassy fanfare for a civic procession, it can accompany anything from a solo chorister to an orchestra and a congregation of thousands. Completed in 1967 by the English organ builders J W Walker and Sons of Ruislip, the Metropolitan Cathedral organ is recognised as one of the finest examples of classical organ building of the period and is listed Grade I in the British Institute of Organ Studies Listing Scheme. Its distinctive feature is the dramatic pipework façade, which was designed by the

cathedral architect, Sir Fredrick Gibberd, who arranged an assortment of zinc and wooden pipes with brass trumpets en chamade (mounted horizontally) to contrast strikingly with the surrounding concrete pillars. Just as the profile of the cathedral makes its impact on the Liverpool landscape, so the organ makes its impact visually as one enters the building. The renovation, anticipated for completion in autumn 2022, will be carried out by Harrison & Harrison Ltd of Durham, one of the leading organ builders in the UK, also responsible in recent years for restoration work in the cathedrals of Salisbury, Edinburgh and Lincoln, major work at King’s College, Cambridge, the Royal Festival Hall and Westminster Abbey, and new or rebuilt instruments in Canterbury Cathedral and York Minster. Each one of the 4,565 pipes of the Metropolitan Cathedral organ will be removed, cleaned and restored. The wind system, which has been slowly failing, will be replaced and the electrical components of the organ will be updated

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Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral to meet current regulatory requirements. The renovation is primarily being undertaken with the aim of ensuring good mechanical function and safe access for maintenance in the long term, coupled with great care to retain the fine voicing and original tonal qualities of the organ. Canon Anthony O’Brien, the Dean of the Metropolitan Cathedral, stated, ‘The Metropolitan Cathedral is a unique building in this country, with many striking and original features. But above all, it is a place of worship and devotion. The organ plays an important role on a daily basis in cathedral life and it is our duty, after over 50 years of service, to ensure that the organ will continue to serve our congregation, and the wider city, for the next 50 years.’ The musical tradition at the Metropolitan Cathedral is largely the legacy of brothers Philip Duffy (Master of the Music 19661996) and Terence Duffy (Organist 19631993). Today, the cathedral has around 60 boy and girl choristers, 14 adult professional singers, a junior choir and a youth choir, all of whom are regularly accompanied by the organ in offering praise and worship to God. In recent years the cathedral has begun an organ school, with young people receiving lessons on the cathedral organ, and in turn sharing their talents with their parishes and schools. School groups visiting the cathedral regularly

enjoy organ demonstrations. For Terence Duffy, who as Cathedral Organist for thirty years played for many of the great occasions since the cathedral was opened, the renovation is a long-held desire: ‘The Walker organ was designed as an integral element of the new cathedral, and it was an honour to have played the instrument on an almost daily basis for over thirty years. This renovation is overdue and will restore the organ to be worthy of the cathedral and its liturgy.’ Dr John Rowntree, Organ Consultant for the project, comments that the renovation, which respects the remarkable artistic qualities of the instrument, and in

particular the voicing of Denis Thurlow (arguably the most distinguished English voicer of the period), coupled with ensuring reliable functioning and safe access for maintenance, ‘will indeed lift the hearts and minds of future generations coming to the cathedral’. Andrew Reid, Managing Director of Harrison & Harrison Ltd, the company which will carry out the project, said, ‘It is an honour for our firm to have the opportunity to renovate the inspirational organ of Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral. The organ is an important instrument of its style and period, and one firmly in harmony with its setting; it is rare to find both cathedral and organ dating from the mid-20th century on such a scale. We expect this work, especially the provision of a new wind system, to rejuvenate it.’ A major fundraising campaign to support the project will be launched in the near future, and donations towards the initial costs are warmly invited. Full details are available on the cathedral website, and regular updates on the progress of the renovation will be provided by both the cathedral and the organ builders on social media.

‘Each one of the 4,565 pipes of the Metropolitan Cathedral organ will be removed, cleaned and restored’ Catholic Pictorial


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profile How do you define spiritual abuse? It is a question that Dr Lisa Oakley has long pondered – and which she has just asked clergy from the Archdiocese of Liverpool. Lisa, an associate professor in Applied Psychology at the University of Chester, posed the question during an online training day for priests from this diocese on 5 February (with a second following on 5 March). Spiritual abuse, and its impact, was a central focus of the session, organised as part of the Synod process, and so too a reflection on healthy Christian cultures. First, that definition of spiritual abuse. ‘The terminology is to some extent still controversial,’ she explains. ‘In terms of a definition, I’d suggest it’s a form of psychological or emotional abuse but really it’s coercive control within a religious context. Spiritual abuse can exist on its own or it might be part of other forms of abuse that people are experiencing.’ For Lisa, who grew up in the Church of England, her interest in this subject sprang from a personal experience of ‘coercive control’. As a Social Sciences graduate and chartered psychologist, she sought answers through research. ‘I read books that were mainly published in the States talking about this thing called “spiritual abuse” that I’d never heard of but what they were talking about was very similar to what I’d experienced and so as an academic, I set about researching that area. ‘The response has been quite overwhelming in terms of people telling their stories and one of the greatest privileges I have is working with survivors. I’m always incredibly grateful for people who tell their stories because that’s emotionally hugely costly and we need to get much better at supporting survivors and recognising the expertise they bring.’ In 2009 Lisa completed a


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Dr Lisa Oakley Building safer spaces - by Simon Hart PhD on ‘experiences of spiritual abuse within the Christian faith in the UK’ and then embarked on a piece of research called the ‘Church experience survey’ exploring questions of coercion and control. Today she chairs the National Working Group on Child Abuse Linked to Faith or Belief and also works on projects with Thirtyone:eight, an independent Christian safeguarding charity. On the question of a healthy Christian culture, she regards safeguarding as ‘central to the ministry of the Church’ and considers it vital that ‘everyone is valued and nurtured’ – at every level. ‘In a healthy culture, the idea is that leaders are nurturing and

that we nurture our leaders.’ She describes the response she received from the Liverpool clergy as ‘thoughtful and reflective’, adding: ‘It was an absolute joy to do that day and work alongside people who were open to reflection. In some ways the timing was important as it has come post-IICSA [the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse] and was a time for people to reflect on what has gone before, recognise the harm and abuse experienced and think about improving prevention and response in the future.’ A lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University for 25 years, Lisa moved to Chester

in 2018 and is grateful for the support for her work from the School of Psychology as well as colleagues in the department of Theology and Religious Studies at the university, which will stage an online conference on spiritual abuse on 4-5 September. ‘Whatever you call this, these behaviours are there and not just in Christian context,’ she continues. ‘I’m now working with others from different faith contexts. People have experienced it and harm has been done so it’s right and proper we talk about it and address it. Part of that is how do we create healthy cultures for the future where people will flourish and thrive.’

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Peter Woods appointed High Sheriff

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family life

How to get your Catholic Pic In normal times you would pick up your Catholic Pic at Mass but in the current crisis some churches remain closed as the necessary government restrictions are followed. There is still a print copy of the magazine available and some parishes are able to distribute them through their volunteers, but this is not always possible. If you wish to receive your copy of the Pic through the post short term subscriptions are now available. The magazine is, of course, free but the costs of postage and packing have to be covered, so inevitably there has to be a charge. Subscriptions are available as follows:


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£9 for 3 issues (3 month subscription) £18 for 6 issues (6 month subscription) £36 for 12 issues (annual subscription) To take out a subscription please email Kim O’Brien at or call 0151 709 7567.

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youth ministry

Finding focus through Lent Kelsea Curran, Animate Youth Ministries team member, ponders the possibilities that Lent provides for gaining a fresh sense of purpose amid the latest lockdown. We are coming up to Easter, a time of new life and sacrifice. The sacrifice being the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, the sacrificial lamb. The new life being His resurrection. In the days leading up to Easter, people may give something up (the sacrifice), or do something different (the new). The Lenten period lasts 40 days, imitating Jesus when He went into the desert and resisted temptation for 40 days and 40 nights. Forty days and 40 nights … it seems like a long time, right? But let’s just take a moment and think. This time last year we were just about to enter our first national lockdown, nearly 365 days ago. To me, it feels like much longer ago than that. Perhaps because our focus has been completely centred on Covid-19, our attention has been diverted from our previous everyday lives to our ‘new normal’, protecting ourselves and others. This has stopped many of us from celebrating Christmas, New Year, and perhaps even a birthday or two with our friends and families. This Lent we can change our focus

once again, by giving something up, by trying to do something to better ourselves or by helping others. Using our time in a positive way and in a better frame of mind (perhaps even doing something that we enjoy) will not only help ourselves in these strange times but will make the time go by faster. After all, time flies when you are having fun. So, 40 days and 40 nights may not seem as long if we are doing things that we enjoy, with an end in sight – the sad yet joyous occasion of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Of course, this Lenten period will undoubtedly be different from a ‘normal’ Lent due to restrictions. Last year we were unable to celebrate Easter, which was very strange for me personally. As an altar server Easter is one of, if not the, busiest times of the liturgical year. Starting on the Wednesday of Holy Week we celebrate the Chrism Mass, a Mass that is well attended and something that we all look forward to. Mass usually starts at 7pm but of course last year, 7pm came and went without any of us being able to serve

or even be in the Metropolitan Cathedral at all. Messages were sent between servers over Holy Week expressing the feeling of emptiness that we all felt. Since then, we have fortunately been able to serve on occasion. In December we had a full team of altar servers for the Christmas Day Masses, and it was so nice to be back. Now, although we still have restrictions, we can have a couple of servers at Mass. This gives me hope that we could potentially serve the Holy Week Masses as a full team, bringing a bit of normality at this strange time.

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education news

Meet Ms Hussain – the region’s Teacher of the Year The Academy of St Francis Assisi’s (ASFA), Ms Suaad Hussain, has been crowned the Teacher of the Year at the Educate Awards. Teacher of RE, Ms Hussain, has been at ASFA since 2014 and was nominated by the academy’s Senior Assistant Headteacher, Mrs Andrea St John. The nomination detailed how Ms Hussain is ‘an inspiring and unique RE teacher who is dedicated to making a difference to the students at The Academy of St Francis of Assisi and even when times get tough, she has remained truly loyal to her students.’ Ms Hussain is the leader of the school’s Debate Mate programme. Debate Mate aims to tackle educational disadvantage in some of Britain’s most deprived communities and supports the young people of today to find their voices, so that they can become the leaders of tomorrow. Through Ms Hussain’s determination and dedication, the academy has over 60 pupils attending Debate Mate every week. In 2019, she led her team to the ultimate success when ASFA won the Regional Debate League for the second time and debated as ultimate finalists in the National Debate Mate Cup at the Houses of Parliament, finishing as runners up - the highest place a northern school has ever achieved. Ms Hussain went to Liverpool John Moores University and initially wanted to develop a career in the media. She said: “I considered teaching as a teenager but when I started university, the appeal of working in the media industry was far too exciting. During my Masters - Politics and the Mass Media, I gained a qualification in radio editing and so when I finished, I volunteered as a journalist with BBC Radio Merseyside and Juice FM (now Capital FM). “At the same time, I was volunteering at a school, just something to add to my CV, I had thought. I was there for six months when they offered me a job as a Learning Support Assistant, and by then, my passion for media had diminished; working behind a desk, interviewing people on the street had become boring. I even shocked myself that working in education was far too exciting than working at prestigious place like the BBC.


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I found that working with young people can have an impact on their future and this was far more rewarding.” Whilst Ms Hussain was a Learning Support Assistant, she received advice from one teacher that has always stuck with her. Ms Hussain explained: “They said to me “Once you sit in a lesson and you think that you could have taught that lesson differently, that’s your moment to apply to become a teacher”. It wasn’t long after that I applied.” Her inspiration came from her own teacher, Mrs Byrne. when she was at secondary school. Ms Hussain said: “She

would always find time for us. Her door was always open, break, lunch and after school. It was a lovely and calm environment in her room, radio was always playing on low, her choice in the day which if I can remember was BBC Radio 2, and then after school she would let us have our station on, which was 96.7 Radio City. Even the pupils who would give other teachers a hard time would mellow out and just work in art; I remember we always felt like we had some meaningful conversations. I always hoped that I could emulate her.” Ms Hussain found out she was nominated

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education news in the Teacher of the Year category back in November 2020. She was then named winner of the highly-coveted award during the Educate Awards Live broadcast on YouTube. She said: “I was in complete shock when Simon ‘Rossie’ Ross, said my name! I just couldn’t believe it.” Speaking about what her win means to her, she said: “It means many things. Firstly, that this wasn’t a recognition of just my input, but it was recognizing all the years of when I first started the debate club ad hoc with a handful of members and how it flourished across the school and the city each year. “If it wasn’t for the pupils in my very first session of debate club, I wouldn’t be the teacher that I am today. I remember my colleague and I in awe of what we’d just witnessed. I had no training, just found a few things on the internet, but it was sheer raw talent from our pupils that I knew I needed to do more for them. Debating is traditionally an ‘upper-class

‘She would always find time for us. Her door was always open, break, lunch and after school’ white man's sport’ to put it frankly, and over the years, I was able to recruit pupils from all race and creeds. Working with Debate Mate over the years have made debating accessible to all race and class. Ms Hussain, continued: “Secondly, as an ethnic minority, second generation immigrant, I hope that I give hope to minorities in the UK that you can be recognised for the hard work you put in. I don’t think many realise the challenges that we face in our day to day lives.” In her thank you speech during the ceremony, she dedicated the award to a

former pupil. Ms Hussain said: “I had to honour Fionna Gallardo as it was only right. Fionna and her twin sister Fiorella (Cambridge student - also a Debate Mate alumni) had joined the academy in October 2014, a few weeks after I started. They had come from Colombia and didn’t exactly have a good start to their life in the UK. They spoke highly of life in Colombia and often talked about the extra-curricular activities that they used to do. I just felt that as an adult, who they confided in, I could show them that school could be a place for them to enjoy. “Fionna, was passionate, intelligent and had the best sense of humour, she had a quick wit which would flow in her speeches. It was her group that won our very first award - Debate Mates Liverpool Regional Competition 2016. Fionna would always be found in my room, during breaks, lunch, after school. She worked on her art, while I marked books and planned lessons. I tried to be the Mrs Byrne for her.”

St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School recognised for its commitment St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School has successfully completed a comprehensive remote education training programme demonstrating its commitment to providing highquality remote education, keeping children and young people safe online and supporting pupil wellbeing. The Voluntary Aided school – has been named a Certified school and received a National Online Safety Safe Remote Education Accreditation for its successful approach towards safeguarding children and supporting pupil wellbeing during remote teaching and learning. National Online Safety is a multi-award-winning digital training provider with extensive resources in online safety, developed in line with the Department of Education’s statutory requirements. Its CPD accredited courses and educational resources support UK schools in educating the whole school community in online

safety– including all school staff, senior leaders, teachers and parents – on how to make the internet a safer place for children. James Southworth, co-founder at National Online Safety, said: “Congratulations to everyone at St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School on achieving their National Online Safety Safe Remote Education Accreditation. By completing our training programme, the school has shown its strong commitment to implementing the most effective approach to delivering remote education. “It can be increasingly difficult for schools to keep up with DfE expectations surrounding remote education to ensure both children and staff follow the necessary safeguarding protocols and know how to spot any potential wellbeing issues. We’ve armed schools with the knowledge they need to understand their responsibilities and how best to react to any problems.” Catherine Twist, Headteacher at St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School said: “We couldn’t be prouder with receiving this accreditation. As a whole school community, we have worked tirelessly to make sure our young people feel safe and happy whilst online and in particular during their Lockdown Learning. We really could not have done this without the continuous help and support from all our parents, carers and wider community.” Parent of St Cuthbert’s, who has children in Years 7 and 10, Tara Hewitt said: “It’s been a huge eyeopener to me, as someone who thought they were clued up on things such as apps, games and websites that my children were accessing. “I would like to thank St Cuthbert’s for keeping us up to date with what we can do as parents to keep our young people safe online as well as educating them on the signs and what they can do to keep themselves safe.” Any schools that would like to discuss their online safety provision or would like access to up to date online safety learning resources, are encouraged to contact National Online Safety on 0800 368 8061.

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education news

Painting a picture of inspiration Art students from Bellerive FCJ Catholic College in Liverpool have been extremely busy during this latest period of remote learning. Their hard work and talent has inspired us all at the college. Right is an outstanding piece of art work from Ava in Year 7, inspired by cubism and the work of Paul Cezanne. You can keep up to date with art at Bellerive via Instagram (artbellerivefcj) and Twitter (@BelleriveF

Six Catholic schools honoured at the Educate Awards Six outstanding Catholic schools were triumphant, on Friday 29 January, after winning at the Educate Awards. • Ellesmere Port Catholic High School won the WOW Recognition Award • St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School won the Outstanding Commitment to the Environment Award • The Academy of St Francis of Assisi won The Communication Award and teacher of RE, Miss Suaad Hussain won the Teacher of the Year Award • The Barlow RC High School won the SEND Provision Award • The De La Salle Academy won The Community Partnership Award The ceremony, in partnership with Copyrite Systems and Ricoh, took place virtually and was streamed on YouTube, due to the current coronavirus restrictions in place. The Educate Awards would have normally been held at the Liverpool Cathedral in November 2020. Presented by broadcaster Simon ‘Rossie’ Ross, the live ceremony connected with judges and sponsors, via Zoom, who revealed the winning schools. The event then crossed live to the individuals from the winning schools to find out their reaction in real time. Each of the 21 awards focus on different aspects of school life, including careers and enterprise, STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths)


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subjects, SEND (special educational needs and disabilities), as well as sport, the arts and mental health and wellbeing. Inspiring individuals are also recognised through the Teacher of the Year Award, School Support Star of the Year Award, and the latest category to be introduced, the School Governor of the Year Award. Kim O’Brien, founder of the Educate Awards, said: “A huge congratulations to all the winning Catholic schools! I would also like to say a big well done to the runners-up, those who were shortlisted and everyone who took the time to enter last year. You should all be very proud of yourselves! “It has been really tough for those working in schools and we are so pleased that we have managed to find a way to shine a spotlight on the hard work and dedication

that goes on inside and outside of school. We hope this has given a much-needed lift to those in education, given the incredibly challenging times we are going through at the moment.” Kim added: “2021 is the tenth year of the Educate Awards and we are very excited to start planning an extra special event!” Associate sponsors of the Educate awards include: All About STEM, Angel Solutions, CareersInc, CER, CPMM Media Group, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust, LSSP, Satis Education, SupplyWell and Winstanley College. The Educate Awards ceremony can be viewed at: 4&

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sunday reflections On a liturgical note It is now one year since many of us were first introduced to the name Coronavirus and learned of the impact which it would have – and continues to have – on our daily living and interaction. We are called upon to celebrate another Lent and quite possibly another Easter under the restrictions of Covid. What differences have you noticed? One of the immediate impacts on us here in Rome is that the custom of the English-speaking community gathering for the Station Masses has been suspended. The Lenten Station Mass is an opportunity to gather each day in a different church of Rome for an earlymorning Mass – it recalls how the Bishop of Rome would gather with his people in different parts of the city to encourage them in the observance of a good Lent. We all need that encouragement in these days, particularly as many of us may feel that we have been living a year-long Lenten journey, with an enforced ‘fasting’ from the company of those we love and a constant background sense of uncertainty, stress and worry. On gathering together (and its importance), this is something which many of us have experienced only in a mediated or online community in these past months. We sometimes hear

Sunday thoughts Lent has never been my favourite season. As a boy in the junior seminary at Upholland, this extra layer of austerity on top of the already chill winter made me shudder. But there was one oasis of cheer: the feast of Saint Joseph on 19 March. Joseph was patron saint of the college, a full-blown feast. St Joseph’s Day was one of three wine days in the year, the others being Founder’s Day on 28 October and Christmas Day. At lunchtime, after our pudding, the priests on the staff came into the school refectory and poured each of us a small glass of dessert wine. One had the impression that the priests themselves had been fortified with a few glasses of their own before they made their entrance. And to reinforce the uniqueness of the occasion we had cake for tea – another treat. When I heard of Pope Francis’s

Canon Philip Gillespie

people refer to this as a ‘virtual’ community but I have a suspicion that using the word ‘virtual’ makes it seem less than real and, therefore, of only limited importance. It is a bit like the phrase ‘social distancing’ – is it that we want to be distanced from society or from the social element of our lives, or really that what we actually mean is to be physically distanced? We are not dealing with ’virtual’ individuals but with real flesh-andblood people, even if we are connected remotely and do not find ourselves physically in the same place or building. There is, however, something profoundly real about that which unites us – the action and inspiration of the Holy Spirit who is, in the words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, ‘the sap of the Father’s vine which bears fruit on its branches’ (#1108). Give thanks this Lent for those who have helped support you in The Faith over these months … and if you have internet access, look at the Roman Stational Churches this Lent and also – as the Holy Father asks us to do each Sunday at the end of the Midday Angelus – don’t forget to pray for Him and indeed for all our Bishops!

Mgr John Devine OBE

devotion to the ‘Sleeping St Joseph’ I was already well disposed. Pope Francis has this to say: ‘I have a great love for St Joseph because he is a man of silence and strength. On my table I have a statue of St Joseph sleeping. Even when he is asleep, he is taking care of the Church. Yes, we know that he can do that. So when I have a problem, a difficulty, I write a little note and I put it underneath St Joseph so that he can dream about it. In other words, I tell him: pray for this problem.’ I take things a stage further than the Pope. St Joseph sleeps on top of my iPhone as it is charging overnight. He takes care of the day’s emails, messages and phone calls. Pope Francis has declared 2021 as the ‘Year of St Joseph’. Does this mean I can have wine and cake every day?

Weekly Reflections are on the Archdiocesan website at

Be poor in spirit I loved my brother Paul very much, but he was a hardheaded businessman who only saw things in terms of balance sheets. His reason for living was to be a material success. It was only when he had cancer that his preconceived ideas were challenged, and he had to slowly let them go. The day he died I was speaking to him on the telephone. He told me that our mum, dead many years, had been to see him the day before. He told me she had got the bus from Belle Vale to the Philippines and it had only taken an hour. ‘If you’re quick,’ he said, ‘you could be in Manila before dusk.’ I promised him that I would look into it. Then, with a flash of clarity, he said to me, ‘You know, I have really changed. Money doesn’t seem to matter like it used to. I just want to meet God now.’ I think Paul had fallen into grace, and it changed his life. It took illness to help him see that he couldn’t control his life and that he wouldn’t live for ever and he died deeply at peace. I love the beatitudes and I think they can be a valuable source for reflection during Lent. I particularly love the first, ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit’. The poor in spirit were the materially poor but also those who recognised that they were needy and helpless without God. The phrase also implies a receptivity and openness to God. Richard Rohr writes: ‘To be poor in spirit means an inner emptiness and humility.’ How many of us are really open and receptive to God? Are we attuned to the gift of the moment we live in, where the spirit makes known the inner thoughts of God? Are we willing to let go of our control needs? You see, the opposite of someone who is poor in spirit is someone who is always in control and who is self-reliant and sees vulnerability and openness to others and to God as weak and feeble. In our western, leftbrained world, where everything is about being in control of our own destiny, it is terribly hard to be poor in spirit. Our whole way of living is orientated towards the maxim of success which means we are all encouraged to be authors of our own destiny. To be poor in spirit calls for a deep and radical conversion where the spirit enables us to let go of our need to be in control of our own lives and fall into grace, that place of expansive, all-encompassing living where everything is gift. Lent is a time to let go and become aware of the spirit stripping us so that we can find life. Father Chris Thomas

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Drill and organised games: learning remotely in 1918 By Neil Sayer, Archdiocesan Archivist They say there’s a global pandemic once a century. The Spanish flu was rampant at the end of the First World War, and by some accounts killed more people even than the industrialised slaughter on the Western Front. As our schools now prepare to return to normal opening, welcoming all pupils and waving goodbye to remote learning, what do their records show of the pandemic of 1918-1919? How did they cope last time around? Schools were required to keep log books, recording trivial incidents such as playground accidents as well as the visits of government inspectors, staff changes and other day-to-day happenings. Only a few have been deposited with the Archdiocesan Archives, but those for St Alexander’s in Bootle are probably representative of all the schools in our area. Logging the return to school after the summer holidays of 1918, there seems little indication of the looming crisis. Pupils’ attendance is fairly normal, so it comes as a surprise to find on October 4th that the schools are to be closed. As Miss Green, Headmistress of the Girls’ School noted on that day, ‘Received notice from Medical Doctor of Health for City, all Schools to be closed as from this morning until further notice owing to the prevalence of the Influenza Epidemic.’ This closure lasted a month. Even when they reopened it was on a ‘Half shift method’: ‘This means that no more than half the children the school has got accommodation for should be present at each meeting.’ As often as possible, both boys and girls were sent to Derby Park playground for ‘Drill and Organised Games’. The girls often went on nature walks around the country lanes of Walton, and on one occasion two classes had an outing on the Overhead Railway from Pier Head to Seaforth to view the docks and ships in the Mersey – ‘An essay to be written on same tomorrow.’ Attendances were low by this stage: ‘Influenza cases very numerous’, noted Miss Green of a pandemic that on this occasion seemed to target the very young and the very old, and those weakened by 26

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Cathedral Record Canon Anthony O’Brien – Cathedral Dean Our Lenten journey continues through March right through to the start of Holy Week. At the same time there are some very cautious signs that there will be some small steps being taken in relaxing the current restrictions from the end of the month.

years of war and hardship. Even without the interruptions caused by holidays to celebrate the end of the war, it proved impossible to follow a normal curriculum. Staff absences made things more difficult: Miss McGrath was away for a month, and even Miss Green herself was off for a week in November with influenza. The Christmas holidays could not come soon enough, and in fact the Infants’ Department closed a week early. The new year brought little relief. Reopening in January, Miss Green recorded ‘260 children present out of 534’. The Headmaster of the Boys’ School, Mr McLoughlin, was concerned about the long-term effects of the epidemic: ‘All the classes of the school are not as well advanced as they were at this time last year due of course to the broken period since last August 1918.’ Changes were required in the final examinations. Miss Guy returned to teach the boys after 10 weeks of sickness: ‘She is almost quite recovered from the Influenza attack which seems to have left her rather nervous and shaky’. In a way we have become familiar with through our own repeated lockdowns, on 27th February Miss Green ‘Received orders from Education Office that School had to be closed by order of Medical Authority owing to prevalence of Influenza Epidemic.’ Another month of closure seemed to do the trick. The log books are back to normal by Easter 1919. Here’s hoping.

So hopefully we will be journeying in both body and Spirit to renewal and signs of new life throughout the Easter season. But our journey through this important time of Lent comes first. One of the key elements of our reflection and prayer during this time at the Cathedral concerns what we will need to do differently following the experiences we have had and the lessons that we have learnt. This last year has raised some questions and taught us lessons which may lead to changes in our behaviour as individuals and as a church community. We have livestreamed our Sunday Mass at 11.00 am throughout the last year moving from a private setting within the Blessed Sacrament Chapel to a congregational celebration within the main Cathedral, when this became possible. Quite how we can make the blessing of the Palms, which takes place outside on Palm Sunday (28th March) accessible to our viewing congregation is presenting us with a technical problem that we may not be able to resolve. We also will not be able to have the large congregation of parishioners from across the Diocese for the Mass of Chrism on 31st March. It is looking likely that there will just be a representative group of clergy who will be invited by the Archbishop to attend this with the service livestreamed. There are weekly Lenten reflections and Stations of the Cross available from the Cathedral which can be accessed from our website.

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Mums the Word On 21 January this year Pope Francis declared that Mother Elizabeth Prout was to be proclaimed ‘Venerable’, the third of the five steps leading to sainthood. Mother Elizabeth was born in Shrewsbury in 1820 and was baptised into the Anglican faith. After hearing the teachings of Dominic Barberi, a missionary priest, she converted to Catholicism and devoted the rest of her life to the service of the crucified Christ. She was drawn to work in the slums of Manchester, which were described by Marx and Engels as the worst in England, where cholera and typhoid were rife. There she set up schools for poor children and organised classes to teach skills to destitute women which would help them to earn a living. Likeminded women joined her but she encountered hostility from some of the clergy. Other priests supported her. One was Father Ignatius Spencer, son of the second Earl Spencer (ancestor of Princess Diana) who was also a convert to Catholicism, and who subsequently joined the Passionist Order. He gave her great encouragement. Mother Elizabeth suffered from ill health for much of her life. Eventually her Order was recognised by the Pope and was named the Congregation of the Sisters of the Cross and Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. She took the name Mother Mary Joseph of Jesus. She died at the age of 43 on 11 January 1864. Blessed Dominic Barberi, Fr Ignatius Spencer and Mother Elizabeth are buried here in our own diocese in the shrine at St Anne and Blessed Dominic in Sutton, St Helens. If Mother Elizabeth is raised to sainthood she will become the first female English saint since Elizabethan times. So, ladies, let us join in the prayers for the miracles which will lead to her canonisation. I know that some foundations have visited the shrine. I will certainly be heading there when lockdown is over. May the Lord bless us. Madelaine McDonald, media officer

A century of service News from the Liverpool Province of the Knights of St Columba One hundred years and counting for Liverpool Knights As readers will have noticed, we have been making regular reference over the last year or so to the foundation of the Knights of St Columba more than 100 years ago. It was on 13 October 1919 that the first meeting took place in Glasgow and from there the order spread rapidly to other areas of the country. Liverpool was the first location outside Scotland to have a council, or branch, and it is interesting to recall how that came about. In July 1920, the Catholic Congress was held in Liverpool and the Knights’ board of directors took the opportunity to address the congress at St George’s Hall to publicise the aims and objectives of the order with the possibility of creating a council in the Liverpool area. As a consequence, the first council in England was established here on 7 November 1920. This was Council 9, which exists to the present day. The first meeting took place in St Mary’s School on Highfield Street, the oldest parish in Liverpool founded by the Benedictines in 1707. The board of directors came down from

Glasgow to install the first members, many of whom would later form the Irish Nationalist Party on Liverpool City Council. One of the members was David Logan who became MP for the Liverpool Scotland Division and who was later Father of the House, and who died in 1964 at the age of 94. Many further councils were subsequently established across the whole of Merseyside and further afield and are beginning to celebrate their own centenaries – including Liverpool province and, of course, Council 9 which is presently in its centenary year. In recognition of Liverpool being the first area in England to establish a council and province of the KSC, the board of directors – who normally hold their annual conference in Glasgow – have decided to honour Liverpool by holding it here later in the year, subject to a lifting of the Covid-19 restrictions. Further details will be provided as they become available. Websites: Email:

‘To experience Lent with love means caring for those who suffer or feel abandoned and fearful because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In these days of deep uncertainty about the future, let us keep in mind the Lord’s word to his Servant, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you” (Is 43:1). In our charity, may we speak words of reassurance and help others to realise that God loves them as sons and daughters.’ Pope Francis – Message for Lent 2021

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PIC Life Playing the waiting game By Moira Billinge Have you ever dared calculate the number of hours you have spent – or wasted – waiting for something to happen? For that matter, have you ever compiled a list of the occasions when you have waited for good or bad news, for traffic lights to change colour or for a supermarket cashier to finish dealing with the person in front of you? What about the times when someone promises to ‘phone back in a couple of minutes’ and leaves you waiting for several hours or even days before returning the call? The endless and exasperating list which constitutes the average ‘waiting game’ only serves to prove that we humans have a remarkable, if understandable, intolerance when it comes to coping with delay. Major businesses seem to think that the

customer is at their service rather than the other way around. Take, for instance, the apparently straightforward task of engaging a workman for some simple maintenance task. First of all, there is the initial phone call. A computerised system apparently guarantees greater efficiency: the customer is directed to the correct extension and is saved the bother of waiting around… except that an electronic voice issues its instruction to press 1, 2, 3 or any other number programmed into the computer. After you have finished hearing the guidelines once, how often have you forgotten the options and have to listen to them all over again? Be it an engineer, plumber, electrician or whoever else, the promise is often that he or she will arrive between certain specified times, arranged for the company’s convenience rather than the

customer who must set aside those hours ‘just in case’ – with ear tuned to the doorbell and phone, and deaf to all other sounds. Forget about doing anything useful like using the vacuum cleaner or the washing machine. Don’t even consider hanging laundry on the line because that will be the very moment that they will arrive and you will not hear the doorbell… and don’t, whatever you do, go to the bathroom. That is a guarantee that the workman will come, realise you are ‘unavailable’ and go away having deposited a calling card through the letterbox. You must then arrange another appointment and begin the process all over again, forfeiting another tranche of your life which you will never ever get back – and perhaps losing the will to live in the middle of the whole frustrating process. Have you ever noticed just how often radio and daytime television feature doorbells and telephones? Just try waiting around for the real-life version and relaxing while you wait! Is it any surprise that when the workman finally arrives, you welcome them like a long-lost friend, to a rolledout red carpet, a cup of tea, cakes, sandwiches, and, on completion of the job, undying gratitude and inclusion in your will when you update it? Lord, teach me to be patient – with life, with people, and with myself. Please help me to be more understanding when waiting for others to do things at their pace and not mine and make me forever grateful for all that you have given to me. Amen.

Worth a visit - Oxford Reflecting on pilgrimages we have made before breathes life and vigour into our spiritual journeys, writes Lucy Oliver. It is a few years since I last visited a number of places in Oxford linked to Saint John Henry Newman’s life and vocation, but that pilgrimage is still wonderful to recollect. The Oxford Oratory, also known as the Catholic Church of St Aloysius Gonzaga, brings a touch of French Gothic to Woodstock Road. Built in 1875, it was first served by the Jesuits. Today, a shrine in honour of Newman reminds parishioners and pilgrims of his role in the Oxford Movement. After he had set out to revitalise the Anglican Church, Newman’s theology and prayer brought him to Catholicism. While it cost him his friends and teaching post at Oxford University, the community he established at Littlemore allowed him to dedicate his life to prayer. It was here that Newman was received into full communion with the Church by Blessed Dominic Barberi, an Italian missionary priest. Pilgrims to the College at Littlemore, just outside the city centre, can visit the Newman library and


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the chapel for private prayer (and in normal times for Mass and Adoration). Contact 01865 779 743 for information on opening times.

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With the Prime Minister announcing the vaccine is doing its job then maybe it’s the LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL We all need to start thinking about bringing our cars back to a reliable and safe standard. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE MOTORIST AND CAR BUYERS? HERE IS WHAT SARBKAR Garage in Speke thinks YOUR LOCAL CAR REPAIR GARAGE • Most garages are already open for business but April 12 will be the official opening • Call your local garage now if you require service or repair work • Some garages will offer a free lights, levels and tyre pressure check on your car - just ask • Car showrooms also open for business April 12 • Remember when visiting a garage - Keep your distance and follow COVID 19 rules • Responsible garages will disinfect your keys and cling film seats and steering wheel on arrival • Before you drive CHECK car insurance, MOT and road tax is all valid • Before you drive check Battery, Lights, Levels and Tyre Pressures (BLLTP) • If you have a problem with your car and worried about the expense, then ask the garage for help! • Most garages are now operating a free collection and delivery service to keep you safe • DO NOT rush into buying a car - ask your garage for advice! • Do you buy PETROL-DIESEL or ELECTRIC CAR - have a really good think about this SEE OUR BRAND-NEW WEBSITE just launched this month!

Please call Tony Standish 07774 463 549 Sarbkar local garage for any help or advice

Tony Standish is the owner and manager of Sarbkar NW Ltd situated in Speke, and regular attendee of St Charles RC Church. Readers may remember Tony from his work with the light and peace where Tony’s contribution included administration and helping to push wheelchairs at Lourdes.

Are you seeking a challenge? Can you play a pivotal role in delivering educational excellence in schools powered by a distinctive Christian ethos? If so, then we would welcome an application from you for the post of Liverpool Archdiocesan Director of Education. The Archdiocese is seeking to recruit a Director of Education, who, under the governance of the Trustees, the oversight of the Episcopal Vicar for Education, and the management of the Chief Operating Officer will lead on the development and implementation of strategic plans for education (and other relevant areas), ensure our schools receive excellent support, manage a committed and professional Education Department, and contribute to the wider mission of the Church. • The role is full time, 35 hours per week (Monday – Friday, 9.00am- 5.00pm), with the ability to work flexibly as per the needs of the business. • We are offering a competitive salary and pension package with 38 days holiday plus a range of other benefits. • This post is subject to an enhanced DBS check. • A full information pack regarding this role and details of how to apply are available on our website at Closing date: 12 noon on Tuesday 30 March 2021. Interviews to be held Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 April 2021.

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Year of St Joseph

Triptych by Stephen Foster in St Joseph’s Chapel of the Metropolitan Cathedral

On Friday 19 March we will celebrate the Solemnity of St Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and one of the patrons of our archdiocese. 8 December last year marked the 150th anniversary of the declaration of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church by Blessed Pope Pius IX and to celebrate the anniversary, Pope Francis proclaimed a special ‘Year of St Joseph,’ beginning on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 2020 and extending to the same feast this year. Pope Francis proclaimed the year in his Apostolic Letter, ‘Patris Corde’ (‘With a Father’s Heart’) in which he reflects on the life of St Joseph but first shares personal reflections in light of the pandemic saying: ‘I would like to share some personal reflections on this extraordinary figure, so close to our own human experience. For, as Jesus says, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Mt 12:34). My desire to do so increased during these months of pandemic, when we experienced, amid the crisis, how “our lives are woven together and sustained by ordinary people, people often overlooked. People who do not appear in newspaper and magazine headlines, or on the latest television show, yet in these very days are surely shaping the decisive events of our history. Doctors, nurses, storekeepers and supermarket workers, cleaning personnel, caregivers, transport workers, men and women working to provide essential services and public safety, volunteers, priests, men and women religious, and so very many others. They understood that no one is saved alone… How many people daily exercise patience and offer hope, taking care to spread not panic, but shared responsibility. How many fathers, mothers, grandparents and teachers are showing our children, in small everyday ways, how to accept and deal with a crisis by 30

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adjusting their routines, looking ahead and encouraging the practice of prayer. How many are praying, making sacrifices and interceding for the good of all”. (Meditation in the Time of Pandemic 27 March 2020) Each of us can discover in Joseph – the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence – an intercessor, a support and a guide in times of trouble. Saint Joseph reminds us that those who appear hidden or in the shadows can play an incomparable role in the history of salvation. A word of recognition and of gratitude is due to them all.’ The Holy Father continues by speaking of St Joseph as a ‘beloved father’ who was ‘at the service of the entire plan of salvation’. He speaks of his devotion to the Holy Family and of the ways in which he ‘has always been venerated as a father by the Christian people’ and how ‘as the spouse of Mary of Nazareth, Saint Joseph stands at the crossroads between the Old and New Testaments’. Pope Francis then turns to St Joseph as a ‘tender and loving father’, one in whom Jesus saw ‘the tender love of God’. He also speaks of God being at work in St Joseph and in our lives too. The third part of the Apostolic Letter looks at St Joseph as an obedient father and his obedience to God in the dreams he received after the Annunciation and before the flight into Egypt, and then to Nazareth. Pope Francis quotes Pope St John Paul II saying, ‘Saint Joseph was called by God to serve the person and mission of Jesus directly through the exercise of his fatherhood’ and that in this way, ‘he cooperated in the fullness of time in the great mystery of salvation and is truly a minister of salvation’. Joseph was an ‘accepting father’ who accepted Mary unconditionally trusting in the angel’s words. ‘Often in life, things happen whose meaning we do not

understand. Our first reaction is frequently one of disappointment and rebellion. Joseph set aside his own ideas in order to accept the course of events and, mysterious as they seemed, to embrace them, take responsibility for them and make them part of his own history.’ St Joseph displayed ‘creative courage’ in protecting the Holy Family which Pope Francis says gives an example for our world today: ‘The Holy Family had to face concrete problems like every other family, like so many of our migrant brothers and sisters who, today too, risk their lives to escape misfortune and hunger. In this regard, I consider Saint Joseph the special patron of all those forced to leave their native lands because of war, hatred, persecution and poverty.’ The familiar image of St Joseph the Worker emphasises the ‘need to appreciate the importance of dignified work, of which Saint Joseph is an exemplary patron…Let us implore Saint Joseph the Worker to help us find ways to express our firm conviction that no young person, no person at all, no family should be without work!’ The nature of ‘fatherhood’ is examined by Pope Francis – ‘In every exercise of our fatherhood, we should always keep in mind that it has nothing to do with possession but is rather a “sign” pointing to a greater fatherhood.’ Pope Francis concludes the Apostolic Letter with a prayer to St Joseph: Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To you God entrusted his only Son; in you Mary placed her trust; with you Christ became man. Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life. Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage, and defend us from every evil. Amen.

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Catholic Pic Tours The Catholic Pic announces two special pilgrimages for readers for 2021, in association with Northern Star Travel No deposit required to reserve your place!

Poland in the Footsteps of St Pope John Paul II & St Faustina 9 days £949 departing from Liverpool May 2021: dates to be confirmed 2 night’s dinner, bed & breakfast Warsaw 1 night dinner, bed & breakfast Czestochowa 5 nights dinner, bed & breakfast Krakow Warsaw • Niepokalanow • Swinice Warckie • Czestochowa • Wadowice • Krakow Zakopane • Auschwitz • Lagiewniki (Divine Mercy) • Wieliczka On this journey, we will follow in the footsteps of three great Polish saints - St John Paul, St Maximilian Kolbe and St Faustina, the Apostle of Divine Mercy - as we embrace the culture of the Polish people.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 8 days £1350.00 departing from Manchester Departure: October 4th 2021 4 nights half board 4* Hotel Bethlehem 3 nights half board 4* Hotel Tiberias. Tel Aviv • Caesarea • Stella Maris • Nazareth • Cana • Tiberias • Sea of Galilee • Jordan River Mt Tabor • Jerusalem • Ein Karem • Bethlehem • Qumran • Jericho • Dead Sea • Mt of Olives Mt Zion • Holy Sepulchre • Capernaum Guiding in the Holy Land with a licensed Christian Guide.

Sea of Galilee

Gardens of Gethsamane, Jerusalem

For more information about what the trips include and the full itinerary please either email: or telephone Barbara on 0151 733 5492 Catholic Pictorial


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