K2 Second Term

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Hello everyone! Welcome to a festive new term. The first term of school has gone by quickly. The children are working hard and learning much. For the second term of school, our theme will be “Festivals around the World”. This term activities are planned to help children become familiar with festivals and holidays that are celebrated in different countries. Some examples are Hinamatsuri (Japan), Thanksgiving (USA), Holy (India), Lantern (Korea), Karapan Sapi (Indonesia), Venezian mask (Italy), Dragon boat (China). I hope you have enjoyedthe opportunity of learning through your child’s eyes. We’ve had a great first term and I know this second term will be even better. Tc. Joice and Tc.IA

THEME OF THE TERM : Festivals Around the World We live in a world full of people whose heritage, culture and feature are diverse. This is the beauty of our planet which we occupy. We are different but we all work together to make it a better place. We all work together in government, education, the private workforce and so many other place s to bring about modern day civilization. We are each other’s neighbors and we share the same planet, which is one aspect that we all have in common. We are such a diverse group of people all working and living together. The quicker your children have a grip on dealing with others who are different, the better for their future. This theme goal is to help our children achieve more skills at adopting and learning from another culture or heritage.


Term 2 2015 Montessori Math : Clock hal fpast, tens and ones units, addition board Cultural : Terminology cards, botany puzzles, continents Sensorial : Sound boxes, geometric solids, touch fabrics Language : Pink series, blue series and sight words Practical Life : Cutting exercise, dressing frame

Festivals around the world Term Plan Week 1: What is festivals Week 2: festivals around the world Week 3: Hinamatsuri—Japan Week 4: Thanksgiving—USA Week 5: Holy Week 6: Lantern—Korea Week 7: Karapan Sapi— Indonesia Week 8: Venezian mask—Italy Week 9: Chinese Drago Boat—china Week 10: Review

Indoor Activities for Kids – besides TV 1.

Read a book

2. Write a book — Even if your kids aren’t writing fluently yet, they can still compose literature on their own. Create a collection of blank books, and let your kids illustrate a story. Later, you can write the words for them as they dictate them to you, or they can sound out the words phonetically and write the story on their own. These books will make great keepsakes later. 3. Act out a book — Does your child have a perennial favorite book? Have her act it out — the plot may take a unique turn, all her own. 4. Supply some cardboard boxes — If you haven’t recently moved or purchased a new appliance, go to your local grocery store and see if they have any cardboard boxes you could take off their hands. Bring a few home, and let your child’s imagination take over. They might build a castle, take off on a spaceship, or go sailing to a new world. 5. Perform a puppet show or play — Hopefully you have a collection of hand-me-down clothes and thrift store finds in a dress-up box for your kids. They can use these to create costumes for a play, with you as the audience. Or they can let their stuffed animals star as puppets, and hide behind the couch for a dramatic reenactment starring their pretend friends. 6.Help with chores — Many younger kids think it’s a blast to help Mom with the chores — but even if they don’t think it’s fun, It’s good for them to do the chores anyway. It teaches kids that running the house is a family effort, and that life involves work (and things we don’t always enjoy doing). 7. Go on a treasure hunt — Think of some unusual spots around your house, or plant some treasures in rooms and on shelves (in an age-appropriate location, of course). Then make a list of objects, and have your child go on a treasure hunt. If they can’t yet read, draw a sketch of the hidden item.

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