10 Things a Personal Journey

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it’s because he cares deeply about my welfare and wants me to experience His best. This holds true for all of those who love Him. I see His hand as He continues to be meticulous about maturing me, arranging me, rearranging me, training me, tuning me, purging me, pruning me, and growing me. I desire to be what He is calling me to be. I’d like to unpack the process—my amazing growing experience—of learning to hear and obey the voice of God. He invited me and spoke to me through books, songs, movies, dreams and visions, various people, situations and circumstances, the Bible, weather, nature, prayer, words, numbers, time, and meditative silence. In the process I became a lover of words. You will find words with their definitions, with Merriam-Webster Dictionary (online) as reference resource, sprinkled throughout the dialogue. God constantly reminded me that He doesn’t speak just for the sake of speaking—He speaks to be obeyed. I humbly believe these 10 Things are lifelong instructions that come straight from the heart of God, along with the promises in Scripture that He will be with us always and help us accomplish all He asks of us. My prayer is He will empower me to live each one of them out in order to bring Him glory. An invitation to pause in order to listen, in the form of questions, is placed at the conclusion of each chapter. You will also find space provided to write out your hopes and planned action steps to obey what you sense you are hearing. Will you join me?


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