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For thousands of years the Church has observed Lent as a way to remember Jesus’s journey to the cross. One of the most common ways to remember this journey is through fasting.

Fasting is a practice used to center and focus our attention. We abstain from our normal appetites and desires not out of obligation or guilt, but out of a deeper desire to know Christ and his sufferings; to know Christ and his road to sacrifice; and to know Christ, as our ultimate food and sustenance. So, we use our cravings and urges to remind us of our ultimate desire: to know Jesus. When we hunger, we remember the one who is our eternal bread.


Just as Jesus laid down his agenda and life on his road to the cross, we lay down our preferences and comforts, to know him more. The most common way of fasting has been fasting from food, but fasting can center around technology, entertainment, working after hours, etc. We don’t fast from these things merely for the sake of depriving ourselves, but to create intentional space and time to be in prayer with God. As we fast, we are reminded that we are dependent upon God for every aspect of our life.

Fasting is the voluntary denial of an otherwise normal function for the sake of intense spiritual activity. The focus of biblical fasting is always on spiritual purposes.

The desire of one who is fasting is to seek God, most often privately and with no motive to gain approval from people.

Fasting provides the opportunity to reveal those things that control us. It reminds us that we are sustained by every word of God, and it restores balance in a believer’s life regarding priorities and nonessentials. Fasting must center on God. It must be God-initiated and God-ordained.

From: https://renovare.org/articles/the-purpose-of-fasting

Scripture on Fasting:

Deuteronomy 8:3; Nehemiah 1:4; Esther 4:3, 16; Psalm 69:10; Daniel 9:3; Matthew 4:2; 6:16-18; Mark 2:18-19.

Suggestions for Fasting:

Pick one meal a week to fast during Lent. Use this devotional to focus on during that mealtime.

If you choose to fast for three meals, we recommend you go from lunch time to lunch time the next day. *

Tips for Healthy Fasting: menlo.church/healthyfasting

Choose a technology fast from your phone during certain hours; social media; television and streaming; gaming, etc.

Find a friend to join you in fasting. Check in once a week or daily for prayer or a quick word of encouragement.

*For some, fasting can be detrimental to their health. Please check with your doctor if you have had eating issues or plan to do an extended fast.

More Resources on Fasting:

The Bible Project, Feasting and Fasting: menlo.church/feastingandfasting menlo.church/lastwords