1 minute read


We believe community is vital for spiritual growth in faith and following Jesus. We hope you are using this devotional with your Life Group, family, roommates, or friends at work.

This is a simple guide for group discussion around your weekly reflections. You can also find the sermon and a sermon study guide at Menlo.Church/messages


Forgive: Luke 23:32-34

• What does it feel like being forgiven by someone?

• What does this teach us about Jesus?

• How does this act of forgiveness from Jesus call us to forgive in our lives?

Weekly Reflections from the Daily Devotionals

• Which passage of scripture was most impactful for you this week?

• What did you sense God saying to you this week?

• Where did you sense God’s invitation to do or stop doing something this week?

• How did something from the devotionals speak into a particular moment of your life this week?