Menifee Buzz November 2014

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Thanksgiving: Facts, Tips, & Tricks The Very First Thanksgiving Menu To celebrate the first successful corn harvest in 1621, a group of Pilgrims and Native Americans held a threeday festival that’s now known as the first Thanksgiving. While history regarding the menu is a bit murky, the bountiful feast definitely included venison and wild fowl (probably duck or geese). Wild turkeys were common at the time, so it’s likely they were served as well. And, of course, the corn that they had harvested was eaten. Although corn was bountiful, now-traditional trimmings like sweet potatoes and potatoes were not served, since these vegetables weren’t common then. Also absent were the pumpkin and pecan pies and other sweets synonymous with today’s feasts. Dessert at the first Thanksgiving was probably limited to fruits like berries and stewed pumpkins since the Pilgrims’ sugar supply had dwindled by that fall. Easy Steps to a Perfect Thanksgiving: If you really want to make an unforgettable Thanksgiving dinner, you’ll need some tricks up your sleeve. From a moist and delicious turkey to lump-free gravy to the perfect pie crust, we have all the advice you need to help you cook the best Thanksgiving dinner ever! TURKEY COOKING TIPS Your turkey should be the star of the show, so don’t serve a dried-out bird. Here are some tips for making a moist and tender turkey, along with a few other helpful hints. Stuffing Turkeys Wrap stuffing in a cheesecloth bag. This makes removing the stuffing from the cavity incredibly simple, and no worries about bits left inside the bird.

Roasting Turkeys When roasting turkey, roast as usual, then carve all meat from bones and place carved meat in juices from turkey. Add chicken broth to cover meat and cover. Store in refrigerator overnight and reheat in 350 degree oven just before serving next day. The turkey will be even better tasting than just cooked and it will be moist and already carved for your turkey dinner.

• Roasting chickens or turkeys breast-side down will help keep the breast meat moister. Storing Leftovers Within two hours after roasting, remove stuffing from turkey and carve the meat off the bones, then place in the refrigerator or freezer. For refrigerator storage, wrap the turkey slices and stuffing separately and eat within three days. To freeze, wrap in heavy foil or freezer wrap, or place in a freezer container. For the best taste, use stuffing within one month and turkey within two months.

PIE COOKING TIPS No Burnt Edges Before placing double crusted pies in the oven, loosely wrap aluminum foil around pie crust edges. This will help the edges from browning too quickly. Remember to remove the aluminum about 10 minutes before pies are ready to come out of the oven so the crust is properly browned. Working with a Homemade Pie Crust Store homemade pie crust wrapped in wax paper then put in refrigerator (not freezer) until cool. Once it is cooled, it will roll out nicer and easier.

GRAVY COOKING TIPS • Whisk! Whisk! Whisk! It makes all the difference. If you don't have one, run out now and buy one! • In a cup or a bowl, mix several tablespoons of flour with 1/2 C of the stock, cold from the refrigerator.

Use a whisk and make sure this mixture is absolutely smooth. Put the drippings and whatever amount of fat you want (zero to 1/2 C. depending on how much gravy you are making and how rich you want it). I add vegetable stock to the drippings and bring to a good solid simmer. In a nice thin even stream, add the cold flour/stock mixture to the pan. Use that whisk in a nice motion...too fast and it will encourage lumps. To control the thickness of the gravy: if it's too thin, have a stand-by of additional flour and cold water or white wine mixture. If it's too thick, add white wine or water or stock.

CRANBERRY COOKING TIPS Picking, storing, and cooking cranberries can be tricky, so we’ve put together some basic cranberry tips to help you make a super cranberry sauce! • When washing, look for bright, plump cranberries and discard any soft, crushed, or shriveled berries. • Fresh cranberries will keep in the refrigerator for 4-8 weeks. • You can freeze fresh cranberries for longer storage. • You can substitute frozen cranberries in most recipes calling for fresh. • Do not wash cranberries until ready for use, as moisture will cause quicker spoilage. • When the recipe says "cook until the cranberries pop", don't expect popcorn. This simply means the berry's outer skin will expand until it bursts.

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WHAT'S COOKING? Can you find the hidden words? They may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards.


Joke of the Month:

NOVEMBER’s Fun Facts: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Bill Gates could give away 98% of his wealth and still be a billionaire. Lobsters have blue blood. Over 4.6 million Whopper sandwiches are sold at Burger King every day! Sleeping on the job is acceptable in Japan. It is viewed as exhaustion from working hard. Some people fake it to look committed to their job. 5. India used to be the richest country in the world until the British invasion in the early 17th Century. 6. You can't tickle yourself. 7. There is a sport called Banzai Skydiving. You throw the parachute out of the airplane first and then jump after it. 8. Sir Ranulph Fiennes, after having a heart attack and bypass operation, ran 7 marathons on 7 consecutive days in 7 continents. He has also hacked off his own frostbitten fingers with a power tool, discovered the lost city of Ubar, and, in his sixties, reached the peak of Mt. Everest. 9. Some people have a "natural alarm clock" allowing them to wake up when they want. This is actually caused by a burst of the stress hormone adrenocorticotropin. 10. In Mel Brooks' 'Silent Movie,' mime Marcel Marceau is the only person who has a speaking role.

Events Calendar November 1 Provecho Weekend Family Brunch 9:00am-1:00pm (Prov)

November 2 Champagne Brunch Sunday 10:00am-2:00pm (Bost) Ken Rice, Simply Sax 1:304:30pm (MLCC) Pancake Breakfast 8am-12pm (QVFD) Karaoke 4:00-8:00pm (MSCC) November 3 Karaoke W/Nicole 5:009:00pm (MLCC)

November 4 Read To A Therapy Dog 5:156:30pm (SCLib) TEAM Referral Network 8:3010:00am (Rilynn) November 5 Bingo 12:00-4:00pm (MSCC) City Council Meeting 7:00pm (City) Senior Lunch 11:00am2:00pm (Bost)

November 6 Meditation 10:00-10:45am (SCLib) Gentle Yoga 11:00am12:30pm (SCLib) Toastmasters 12:05-1:05pm(Rilynn) Toastmasters 6:30-7:30pm (Rilynn) November 7 ASL Storytime 10:00-10:30am (SCLib) Cherry Hills Farmer’s Market 8:00am-1:00pm Bingo 1:00-4:00pm (MSCC)


November 8 4th Annual Menifee Veterans Memorial 1k&5k Walk/Run 6:30-8:00am (Val) Provecho Weekend Family Brunch 9:00am-1:00pm (Prov) November 9 Champagne Brunch Sunday 10:00am-2:00pm (Bost) Ken Rice, Simply Sax 1:304:30pm (MLCC) Karaoke 4:00-8:00pm (MSCC) November 10 Karaoke W/Nicole 5:009:00pm (MLCC)

November 11 TEAM Referral Network 8:3010:00am (Rilynn) Meditation 6:00-7:45pm (SCLib) Menifee Memorial Celebration 11:00-12:00pm (Val) November 12 Basic Spanish Computer Class 4:00-5:00pm (SCLib) Planning Commission Meeting 7:00pm (City) Senior Lunch 11:00am2:00pm (Bost) Bingo 1:00-4:00pm (MSCC) November 13 Toastmasters 12:05-1:05pm(Rilynn) Toastmasters 6:30-7:30pm (Rilynn) November 14 Bilingual Storytime 10:0010:30am (SCLib) Cherry Hills Farmer’s Market 8:00am-1:00pm Bingo 1:00-4:00pm (MSCC)

November 15 Provecho Weekend Family Brunch 9:00am-1:00pm (Prov)


November 16 Karaoke 4:00-8:00pm (MSCC) Champagne Brunch Sunday 10:00am-2:00pm (Bost) Ken Rice, Simply Sax 1:304:30pm (MLCC) November 17 Karaoke W/Nicole 5:009:00pm (MLCC)

November 18 Read To A Therapy Dog 5:156:30pm (SCLib) TEAM Referral Network 8:3010:00am (Rilynn)

November 19 Basic Spanish Computer Class 4:00-5:00pm (SCLib) City Council Meeting 7:00pm (City) Senior Lunch 11:00am2:00pm (Bost) Bingo 1:00-4:00pm (MSCC) November 20 Meditation 10:00-10:45am (SCLib) Gentle Yoga 11:00am12:30pm (SCLib) Toastmasters 12:05-1:05pm(Rilynn) Toastmasters 6:30-7:30pm (Rilynn)

November 21 ASL Storytime 10:00-10:30am (SCLib) Cherry Hills Farmer’s Market 8:00am-1:00pm

(Pit) Pit Stop Pub & Grill 26900 Newport Rd (951) 679-0869 (QVFD) Quail Valley Fire Department 23890 La Bertha Lane (Val) Valley-Wide Park 30627 Menifee Rd Menifee, CA 92584 (951) 672-6744 (Beer) The Beer Hunter 30080 Haun Rd., #350 (951) 301-4700 (MSCC) Menifee/Sun City Concern 26842 Cherry Hills Blvd (Bost) Boston Billies 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd (951) 679-1756 (SCShop) Sun City Shopping Center 26928 Cherry Hills Blvd. (MLCC) Menifee Lakes Country Club 29875 Menifee Lakes Drive

Bingo 1:00-4:00pm (MSCC)

November 22 Provecho Weekend Family Brunch 9:00am-1:00pm (Prov) November 23 Champagne Brunch Sunday 10:00am-2:00pm (Bost) Karaoke 4:00-8:00pm (MSCC) Ken Rice, Simply Sax 1:304:30pm (MLCC) November 24 Anime Club 4:00-5:30pm (SCLib) Karaoke W/Nicole 5:009:00pm (MLCC)

November 25 TEAM Referral Network 8:3010:00am (Rilynn) Meditation 6:00-7:45pm (SCLib)

November 26 Planning Commission Meeting 7:00pm (City) Senior Lunch 11:00am-

2:00pm (Bost) Bingo 1:00-4:00pm (MSCC) November 27 Thanksgiving Day Parks, Recreation & Trails Comission Meeting 6:00pm (City) Toastmasters 12:05-1:05pm(Rilynn) Toastmasters 6:30-7:30pm (Rilynn)

November 28 Cherry Hills Farmer’s Market 8:00am-1:00pm Bingo 1:00-4:00pm (MSCC) November 29 Provecho Weekend Family Brunch 9:00am-1:00pm (Prov)

November 30 Champagne Brunch Sunday 10:00am-2:00pm (Bost) Karaoke 4:00-8:00pm (MSCC) Ken Rice, Simply Sax 1:304:30pm (MLCC)

(SCLib) Sun City Library 26982 Cherry Hills Blvd. (951) 679.3534 (Prov) Provecho Grill 26862 Cherry Hills Blvd (951) 246-3200 (Rilynn) Rilynn Professional Building, 27070 Sun City Blvd (951) 309-1032 (City) The City of Menifee 29714 Haun Road (951) 672-6777 (Kay) Kay Ceniceros Center 29995 Evans Rd. (951) 672-9673 (Mar) Marion V. Ashley Center 25625 Briggs Rd. (951)672-173 (MVCC) Menifee Valley Chamber 29683 New Hub Dr. (951)672-1991

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Buzz’n Around Menifee

Photo of the month To have your picture en tered for the photo of the month please send your picture with your cont act information to Melanie@ . If yo ur picture is chosen you will receive a prize an d be showcased in the next issue of the Menifee Bu zz.

Courtesy of Roy Fisher.


Celebrity Birthdays:

November 2nd November4th November 5th November 6th November 9th November 10th November 12th November 13th November 15th November 16th November 18th November 19th November 21st November 23rd November 24th November 25th November 26th November 27th November 28th November 30th

November 3rd November 4th November 6th November 8th November 10th November 11th November 12th November 13th November 14th November 17th November 20th November 21st November 22nd November 25th November 26th November 28th November 30th

David Bateson Shaun Morrison Anne Tusant Leonardo Gonzalez Chad Slater Patrick Hall Patty Cesena Patt Caldwell John Curtin Ed Rogers Brian Beaubien Kim Benedict Meghan Frame Tom Callus Faith Salas Gary Kirchgater Jerry Schulz Sandra Tusant Tyler Andersen Kayleen Powell

Dolph Lundgren (57) Matthew McConaughey (45) Emma Stone (26) Gordon Ramsay (48) Miranda Lambert (31) Leonardo DiCaprio (39) Ryan Gosling (33) Gerard Butler (44) Josh Duhamel (41) Rachel McAdams (35) Josh Turner (36) Goldie Hawn (68) Scarlett Johansson (29) Christina Applegate (42) Tina Turner (74) Jon Stewart (51) Kaley Cuoco (28)

Happy Birthday!!! Billie Jo Williams! November 28th

Happy Birthday!!! Tyler Andersen! November 28th Every day, someone experiences a new beginning in life. A birth, engagement, marriage, or career change. Join the staff of the Menifee Buzz in celebrating. For announcements that you would like included in our future editions of the Menifee Buzz please email your requests to:

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Meet Menifee Resident Robert “Hollywood” Moreno Who is Also Known as the “Miracle Man" By Robbie Motter, Staff Writer Many of us know “Hollywood” as a singer, dancer, entertainer, MC and show producer, but what many do not know is that a few years ago he almost died. He was performing in Orange County when suddenly he could not breathe so they rushed him to a hospital in Orange County. They diagnosed him with pneumonia, the next day he went into a coma for 45days. During this time he contracted MRSA in his body. This started his five months of intensive care. The situation was bleak. Hollywood told me,” everyone gave up on him, except his family, a few close friends and God. Anyone that came to see him including medical staff had to be in gowns and masks because MRSA is highly contagious. MRSA eats your organs on the inside and your skin on the outside. Doctors say if you get MRSA you are going to die it’s just a matter of when. They had to operate on his lungs and had to cut part of them out that was getting eaten by the MRSA. When he came to he had tubes everywhere and was in terrible pain, barely breathing and on large doses of Morphine to help with the pain. He said every day the doctors told him and anyone within earshot he was going to die, and that all they could do was keep him comfortable until the time he was dead. He said he started on the top floor and they would keep moving him down to other floors and eventually he was on a floor that also contained the morgue and the only thing separating him from the dead bodies was a curtain. He said some of the nurses were like Angels, really nice but some were really mean to him and just gave him greater doses of medicine so they would not have to deal with him. Hollywood has always had a strong inner belief and a connection with God his entire life. He knew that God had a plan he just did not know in the beginning if God’s plan was for him to die or not. So after two or three months in Intensive Care he had a long talk with God and said “God what is your plan for me, please give me some sort of sign”. He had by this time lost 65 lbs, could not stand, could not talk and was declining every day. Shortly after that one of his dear friends came to visit and said to him “Hollywood this is not your destiny, get out of the hospital because there are other plans for you !” Hollywood said he thought this was the message God wanted him to hear, so he started thinking alright then I have to get out of here, even though he was in terrible pain. He would not listen to the words from the medical staff that he was going to die, and just keep praying and knowing that he would get out. Two months later amazingly, he got released but instead of sending him to a nursing home as he could not walk and could only whisper from those long months with a trachea down his throat, they sent him home. But he was so happy for the chance to leave the hospital as to him that was a very positive move. He lost every physical possession he owned. His parents rented a hospital bed put it in front of the TV in the living room and took him to recover in their home. The doctors said to him as he was leaving “it’s unbelievable that you survived as out of 100 people who get this, 99 die, and normally the one that lives is missing limbs. You are the Miracle Kid.” The good news is you survived. The bad news the doctor

said to him was, “It will take two years for you to learn to walk and talk again,” Then said goodbye to Hollywood. He then left the Hospital in a wheelchair with his parents’ support. Within a month he was hobbling with other people holding him up. His Father drove him to a friend’s house to lift his spirits, where many friends there were so happy to celebrate he had survived. Three months later he was on a plane to St Louis to attend a conference and still weak but rested during the day and was able to attend some of the conference events Within six to eight months he was able to resume his business, and started doing events but was still not able to take his equipment as he was still too weak to lift anything heavy but he could speak, and had not yet started to sing again. Not only during this time did he have health challenges it also impacted his business, as prior to this Hollywood had a long career of traveling the world, performing with celebrities. He owned four limos, a limo bus and other things which he lost as he was unable to work and make payments all the time in the hospital, so they were all repossessed. He had to start over. But with God after every storm comes a new day! Out of many unpleasant things good comes, and now he is back performing, and producing shows. He is in great demand as a speaker to share his story so that others can use what happened to him to manifest miracles in their own lives. Many now understand and know how powerful focusing on your desired outcome, and not your problem can be. Positive thinking and strong spiritual connection in God is life changing! I totally remember all these events, as I was calling the hospital every day checking on him as Hollywood and I have had a long seventeen year friendship. I always tell him he is like my “second son” and also a wonderful friend. I showed up on a Yacht with a dear friend June, where he was performing 17 years ago and that is how we met. He also reminded me that in 2010 he sang for my 74th birthday and that was the first time he could sing since his illness. When I asked him to sing that day at my party with over 125 present, I did not know that was his first time singing, and it was wonderful to hear him perform again. Since then he

has continued to perform and sing and his voice has returned to what it used to be only at a lower octave. Today he focuses on wearing many hats, one as the main producer, singer, and performers for an events company that does corporate events, weddings and special events. In fact he helped me put together for the last three years the events for the Menifee Valley Chamber Anniversary Party, and the last two years Strategies for Success Women’s Conference which were sold out and very successful. He also helped me with the last two Extravaganza Entertainment events for the GFWC Menifee/Sun City Women’s Club. He helped me produce and put together two National NAFE Conferences, one at the Ritz Carlton in Laguna Beach in Orange County and the other at the Atrium Hotel in Newport Beach. One was a fiveday event and the other was two days. Both were sold out and received rave reviews. He has such a talent for events that it’s always a pleasure to work with him. When he MCs an event, the audience loves him mostly because he constantly has an attitude of gratitude and he loves working with people. You can also find him on a 14 million dollar yacht in Newport Beach coordinating and performing a variety of fantastic events that are done on these yachts. In fact it was a yacht like this that I met Hollywood many years ago. Hollywood has always been in Marketing and loves giving back. He spent three years on the road with Tony Robbins, and two years touring the United States and Europe with 14 tons of equipment in a different town every three days. Hollywood loves helping people. Right now besides his entertainment bBusiness he is helping all sizes of businesses; large, small including entrepreneurs explode their busi-

ness and continues to use the training he got with being with Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, and Zig Ziglar. Hollywood loves his family He lost his father many years ago who also was in the entertainment business so is right there for his mom who is in her 80’s. Hollywood also has a son who is in the Junior Olympics as a swimmer and is being trained by an Olympic coach. His daughter is 11 and like her dad she loves to sing and dance. While Hollywood has lived in Europe, the Virgin Islands, Hawaii and many more places, he has called Menifee home for 19 years. He told me he “loves the town and loves seeing its growth.” This location he says “is perfect, we can go to the desert, the mountains, to swim or ski, the beach, or enjoy the Hollywood highlights or easily get to any airport to travel the globe.” And, the people are fantastic! To learn more about Hollywood, book an event with him or expand your business exponentially with the Free tools he has for you, call his cell @ 949-698-2975 or check out his website, and hollywood. Hollywood is also a member of the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce and you can see him at most of the Chamber Mixers. As Hollywood always says:” Remember you were designed for greatness, believe in God, believe in yourself, surround yourself with people who support your dreams, and become the person you were always meant to be. He invites you to Come Live With Passion! So now you can see why he is also called the Robert Hollywood “The Miracle Man” and I am sure this is a story you did not know about this kind and considerate person who is there for everyone. And as Paul Harvey would say, “Now you know the rest of the story.”

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Education Serving the communities of Menifee, Quail Valley, Romoland, & Sun City

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Production Yanik Gozlan - Art Department Elmir Isakovic - Sales Amberlynn White - Account Manager Chris Corpuz- Account Manager Writers Melanie Gozlan - Lead Writer / Photographer Robbie Motter , Writer Natalie Gozlan—Kidz Buzz Socal Media Melanie Gozlan

Delivery Tyler Andersen—Distribution Manager

The opinions expressed in the Menifee Buzz do not necessarily reflect those of the staff. Advertisements are accepted, and believed as factual. It does not constitute endorsement of its sponsors or the products offered. We will not knowingly publish fraudulent, libelous or misleading advertisements. We reserve the right to reject any advertisements and editorial we find unsuitable to the format of the publication.

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Check out how social we are, plus get Breaking News, and Events in Menifee:

Acoustic Guitar Lessons begin Monday, November 3rd and will be held every Monday from November 3rd-November 17th from 5pm-6pm for both boys & girls grades 1st through 5th. And on Wednesdays from November 5th-November 19th from 5pm-6pm we will have Acoustic guitar Lessons for both boys and girls grades 6th and up. Fees are only $21! Cooking Lessons begin November 5th and will be held every Wednesday from November 5th-November 19th from 5pm6pm for both boys & girls ages 6 and up. This month the children will learn to make Fall Favorites like no bake pumpkin cheesecake and butternut squash soup. Fees are only $36! Camp Day on November 10th. Did you know that the Menifee Union District has a Staff Development Day on November 10th? Schools will be closed on November 10th but the Club will be open from 6:30am-6:30pm. Only $25 Fee! Includes a breakfast, afternoon snack and dinner. Plus, some amazing programs! Thanksgiving Break Camp will be held from November 24th-26th from 6:30am6:30pm. Fees are only $25 per day! Includes a breakfast, afternoon snack and dinner. Plus, some endless fun programs! Sports signups have begun for our Winter 2015 Season of T-Ball, Soccer and Flag Football for ages 4 to 12. T-Ball seasons begins on February 7th and ends on March 14th, Soccer season begins on February 14th and ends on March 21st and Flag Football season begins on February 21st and ends on March 28th. Fees are only $50 and includes a team jersey and trophy. All Club programs and activities are held at the Boys & Girls Club of Menifee at 26301 Garbani Road Menifee. Participants must be a Boys & Girls Club of Menifee Valley Club Member. A $20 membership fee will be applied to all non-members. Financial assistance is available for all qualifying families. For more information or to register please contact the Boys & Girls Club of Menifee Valley at (951) 246-8845 Thank you,

John Whann Executive Director Boys & Girls Club of Menifee Valley Tel: 951.246.8845

The Perris Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce kicked off the 20142015 Student of the Month program in September 2014. The students are nominated by their teachers and staff at their respective school sites and are chosen for their character, integrity, love of learning, ability to persevere and overcome challenging circumstances, community service, and how they make a difference on their high school campus. October’s students and their families attended a breakfast sponsored by the Perris and Menifee Chambers of Commerce along with local businesses and organizations. Principals and teachers from each high school shared stories about the students and they each received certificates of recognition, numerous gifts, congratulations and encouragement from local, county, state and federal dignitaries. Perris High School’s Student of the Month is Lesley Ayala. Lesley is currently ranked number one at Perris High and is in the running for valedictorian. She is described as a positive role model and leader at Perris High. After living in the rough neighborhoods in Los Angeles, Lesley shared that she learned early the value of education. She shared that after losing her mother to cancer, she has learned to push forward and be an example for her younger brother and cousins. In addition to her high school accomplishments, Lesley is in the running for the Questbridge Scholarship. She plans to attend the military academy and also apply at several colleges including Columbia, Cornell, and UCLA to receive her engineering degree. Perris Lake High School’s Jeffrey Kelton is October’s Student of the Month. Jeffrey started out at Perris Lake as a shy student who struggled quite a bit in other schools. After attending at Perris Lake two years, he is now one of the most admired and respected stu-

Pictured are October’s Students of the Month; Sally Myers, Founder; Dr. Jonathan Greenberg, Superintendent, Perris Union High School District; Karina Contreras, Heritage High School; Julia Rivera, Paloma Valley High School; Lesley Ayala, Perris High School; Jeffrey Kelton, Perris Lake High School; Mayor Pro Tem Mark Yarbrough, City of Perris; and, Dorothy Wolons, President, Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce. dents. Jeffrey shared that he realized plans to study homeopathic medithat he needed to work harder to be cine and enter the medical field. able to succeed. Through his family’s Paloma Valley High School’s Student support, and teachers encouragement of the Month is Julia Rivera. Julia is at Perris Lake, he has taken the op- described by Paloma Valley counselor, portunities given and has turned them Pete Lopez, as an outstanding student into successes. One way he has bro- as well as being polite, persistent, shy, ken through his struggles is his love of and quiet. Julia shared that she was basketball. This outlet has helped him a bit fearful when she transitioned in many ways to open up to others as from private to public school during well as keeping goals set. His basket- her middle school years. However, ball skills have become a main source through playing basketball and injurof entertainment for everyone at Perris ing herself in her freshman year, she Lake. Jeffrey plans to attend Mt. San Ja- has had much support through friends cinto College to study graphic design. and family during her recovery. Not Karina Contreras is Heritage High only had Julia recovered she has masSchool’s Student of the Month. Kari- tered, and obtained, her black belt in na, who was born two months prema- martial arts, a sport that she is very ture, had a difficult start in life. How- passionate about. Julia is applying to a ever, her tenacity and passion for life number of colleges including Stanford, has aided her in becoming one of the UC Berkeley, and UCLA to obtain her most outstanding students at Her- degree in environmental engineering. itage. According to Principal, Julie All of these students demonstrated a Zierold, Karina always wants to help desire to work hard and have a drive improve those around her. Karina to exceed others and their own exshared that one of the biggest life les- pectations. The Perris Valley Chamsons she has learned is that nothing ber and the Menifee Valley Chamber in life is certain but the first stop is a wish them the best in their endeavgood education. She currently takes ors. If you wish to learn more about a number of AP courses and is in- the Student of the Month Program, volved in various activities including please contact founder, Sally Myers sports and Relay for Life where she at (951) 506-8024. is event chair. Karina has applied to various colleges including UC Berke- For more Local News visit ley, UC Irvine, and UCLA where she us at:

2015 MISS INLAND CITIES CROWNED Menifee, Calif., Oct. 21, 2014 – The Miss Inland Cities Scholarship Pageant recently crowned 8 new titleholders who will serve the inland cities of California for the ensuing year. The pageant is conducted annually by Southwest California Pageants and is open to girls and unmarried women from 3 to 22 years of age, who reside in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties as well as the inland communities of San Diego County. Menifee resident Isabel Donadio, was crowned Miss Inland Cities. She is also the current Miss City of Menifee. Joining her on the 2015 Inland Cities Court are: Teen Miss Amanda Stewart of Hemet, Jr. Teen Miss Ava Sarnowski of Temecula, and Pre-Teen Miss Maile Hondo of Murrieta. This year’s pageant was held at La Sierra High School in Riverside on Saturday, Oct. 4, 2014. The evening pageant began with an opening dance number performed by all of the contestants and the outgoing court. The contestants also participated in sportswear and evening gown competition, followed by an on-stage question. That, in addition to the personal interviews conducted earlier in the day, determined who would be selected to serve on the Inland Cities Court for the ensuing year. Earlier in the day, the children’s pageant crowned an additional 4 queens, including: Junior Miss Karli Aragon of Lake Elsinore, Little Miss Keira Villafana of Barstow, Pixie Miss Kali

Tiefenthaler of Canyon Lake, and Petite Miss Lily Vinzant of Murrieta. During their reign the new Inland Cities court will be attending numerous community functions, Chamber of Commerce mixers, grand openings, parades and many philanthropic and charitable functions. For information regarding this or upcoming pageants, or to schedule an appearance by Miss Inland Cities & her court, contact Anne Bowman at 951-541-9163.

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Volume 4

Issue # 7

November, 2014

FBI changes category for animal abuse

Recently my office was on the news for our role in defending an animal whom was on death row....well not exactly but close. We defended a well meaning animal who was accused of biting a person. The County moved to "destroy" (which is a nice word for kill) the animal despite evidence that the dog may not have been at fault. To make a long story short we were successful and the dog is back home with his family. However, as one of the few offices that practice animal law we are faced with all types of animal law issues on a monthly basis. Whether it be a "right to farm" issue, animal abuse, dog bite, animal group representation, veterinary malpractice, or real estate issue relating to animals we have seen a lot but now the FBI is starting to take notice of animal abuse and its implications on future behavior. It would be reasonable to assume that people who torture and kill animals are prone to violence against people later in life. The FBI and studies have determined that if it goes unchecked the likelihood of that person causing great bodily injury to others is substantially increased. A new federal category for animal cruelty crimes will assist in identifying those pet abusers before their behavior worsens and give a boost to prosecutions. Until now, the FBI has filed animal abuse under the label "other" along with a variety of lesser crimes, making cruelty difficult to locate and track. The FBI recently announced that it would make animal cruelty a Group A felony. This would equate animal abuse with crimes like homicide, arson and assault. This will allow criminal prosecutors to obtain increased sentences and penalties for these gems of society. The designation will also assist law enforcement to identify younger offenders in order to require or assist them in getting help - hopefully so their reign of terror can end before it gets rolling. The FBI announced that law enforce-

with anyone who show early signs of abusing animals. The FBI's category will track crimes nationwide and will hopefully give more "teeth” (no pun intended)" to enacting future animal abuse laws. A favorite quote of mine is by Mahatma Gandhi who stated "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated." May you and your furry friends be well. Jeremiah Raxter, Esq RAXTER LAW 27851 BRADLEY RD Menifee, Ca 92586

Coupon ment agencies will have to report incidents and arrests in four areas: simple or gross neglect; intentional abuse and torture; organized abuse, including dogfighting and cockfighting; and animal sexual abuse. John Thompson, interim executive director of the National Sheriffs' Association has been quoted stating that "The immediate benefit is it will be in front of law enforcement every month when they have to do their crime reports." Officers will start to see the data are facts and "not just somebody saying the 'Son of Sam' killed animals before he went to human victims and 70some percent of the school shoot-

ers abused animals prior to doing their acts before people," FBI studies show that serial killers like Dahmer impaled the heads of dogs, frogs and cats on sticks; David Berkowitz, known as the "Son of Sam," poisoned his mother's parakeet; and Albert DeSalvo, aka the "Boston Strangler," trapped cats and dogs in wooden crates and killed them by shooting arrows through the boxes. Due to the change in reporting and the time and cost of such a change we will not likely see any significant reporting until 2016. The new animal cruelty statistics will allow police and counselors to work


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Public Events SBDC Workshop Incorporating Your Small Business Tuesday, November 4, 2014 9:00am to 11:30am Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce 29737 New Hub Dr. Conference Room This Class is Free Mixer/Community Event Turkey Drive Wednesday, November 12, 2014 5:30pm to 7:30pm Menifee Valley Community Cupboard Thrift Store 26808 Cherry Hills Blvd Sun City, CA

SCORE Workshop The Lease Doctor Don’t sign until you take this class Tuesday, November 18, 2014 9:00am to 11:00am MSJC Menifee Campus 28237 La Piedra Rd. Bldg 800 rm 805 Menifee, CA Monthly Coffee Wednesday, November 19, 2014 7:30am to 9:00am Sunny Rose Glen Senior Care 29620 Bradley Rd Menifee, CA Christmas Tree Lighting Friday, December 5, 2014 4:30pm to 7:30pm Menifee Town Center Great Oak Tree Roundabout Town Center Drive Menifee CA

December Mixer/Community Event Jingle & Mingle Wednesday, December 10, 2014 5:30pm to 8:00pm Kay Ceniceros Senior Center 29995 Evans Rd. Menifee, CA

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Business Spotlight Tom Seroogy Primerica Tom said “I find it very exciting to be part of the growing community of Menifee. Because it is growing so much, I constantly get to meet more people.” He also found that having the opportunity to be an Ambassador for the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce gave him the chance to meet many new residents and businesses. He likes the idea that he was able to be part of the team to help the Chamber meet its goals. He and his family moved to Temecula in 2007 and settled in Menifee in 2012. They served as house parents at Rancho Damacitas Group Home in Temecula, CA. Most of Tom’s life he has been involved with youth, mostly through his church and other organizations. He really enjoys working with at risk youth. Tom and his wife have two daughters, one son and twelve grandchildren. Tom has been in the Financial Services Business for three years with Primerica. A business he really enjoys every day. Tom loves to help people. That is why he got involved in the Financial Services business, as it’s very gratifying to him when he can touch a life and make a difference, and helping them chart their financial course for success is something he loves to do. Tom has a very diverse background, in being a locksmith, training and education. After he got his degree in Criminal Justice, he worked for 10 years as a forensic locksmith where he is known as an expert. As a result of his teaching ability he was brought in to teach Federal & Military Agencies on tactical locksmithing & tactical automotive at a very high level. Tom also studied Journalism at Marquette University and uses his skill as a writer and is a former managing editor at the National Publishing Company. He feels that he has now found his true calling to work in the Financial Services Business and the company he is involved with Primerica. His wife loves bookkeeping, and also works with him in the Financial Services business as a Broker/ Agent, The fact that they can work together in business is something that also makes Tom proud. Their goal now is to expand their financial business and help people achieve their lifelong dreams. For more information on Tom’s financial business go to or email Tom at We at Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce are honored to have Tom on our Ambassador Team as he has been a great role model for others to follow.

Happy Holidays one and all. We are entering a season of giving and I wanted to take the time to remind everyone that we have amazing opportunities to help local seniors, families, and children. Keep an eye out for those toy donation boxes that will be around town or you can bring your unwrapped items into the chamber office. We would like to emphasize the needs of older children ages 10 to 14. Curling irons, blow dryers, sports equipment and gift cards work well. Also, the Menifee Valley Community Cupboard needs turkeys and hams in order to put together holiday meals for those in our community that need a little extra help. Take advantage of the “buy one get one free” deals and swing it by the Community Cupboard. Feel free to call us for more information.

Ribbon Cuttings. Welcome to the neighborhood and thank you for joining our Chamber

B.Y.O.B Fitness

Pesh & Petrol Orthodontics

Menifee Vapory


2014—2015 Board of Directors

New Address: 29737 New Hub Drive, Suite #102, Menifee, CA 92571 Ph: (951) 672-1991 or Fax: (951) 672.4022 Visit us at:

Tony Amatulli, Chair Amatulli Auto Parts Andrew Vallejos, 1st Vice Chair Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians Karen Nolan, 2nd Vice Chair LCL Realty & Property Management Rose Salgado, Secretary Valle-Wide Recreation and Park

District Margarita Castillo, Treasurer Castillo Heating & Air Conditioning & Margarita Style Yanik Gozlan, Director Menifee Buzz Jim Diaz, Director Lake Chevrolet Luis Hutchins, Director Atlas D. Consolidated, Inc.

Cynthia Nemelka, Director RE/MAX Diamond Realty Debbie McClure, Director Edward Jones Investments Vicki Carpenter, Director Coldwell Banker Kim Bracy, Director County of Riverside - Perris Family Resource Center Adam Eventov, Director Well Said! Communications

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Hello, my name is Yanik Gozlan from Xtreme Business Solutions and I write “Tech Talk”. My goal is to give tips and information on the latest gadgets or common issues you may have with your technology. I have been helping people solve their technology problems since 2002. With multiple certifications and over 10 years of experience in this industry, I will try to educate and share common interests that most of the surrounding areas are talking about.

Three warning signs that email is malicious Email spam filtering is far better than it used to be. There was a time when nearly every scam email would land in your inbox. Thankfully that's not the case anymore—especially if you're a Gmail user. But no system is perfect. Every now and then a scam message will manage to slip into your inbox. But how do you know when you're looking at a scam or not? Here are three basic tip-offs you can look for to figure out whether you're looking at an email with dishonest intentions. They're hardly an exhaustive list, but more often than not one of these tips will save you from getting suckered.

1. Dear customer One thing spammers are counting on is that you, the target, don't realize there's this ancient technology in Microsoft Word and other apps called mail merge. This feature creates a template that automatically uses a customer list to fill in names, the last four digits of a credit card or bank account number, and other personal information. That means when I receive an email from my bank, I expect it to say "Dear Ian" or "Dear Ian Paul," but certainly not "Dear Customer" or "Dear ," or, worse, no salutation whatsoever. If you see an email addressed to "Dear customer" that asks you to follow a link to fill in your account details, chances are it's a phishing scam. That's not to say that you should automatically trust any email specifically addressed to you. But you can be sure that if you get an email from a company you do business with like a major bank, retailer, or technology company, they will address you by name in any email. 2. That link is crazy If you're unsure about an email, hover your mouse over any links you see in the body of the message (just whatever you do don't click it!). Next, look at the lower left corner of your browser or email client. You should see the exact address of the link you're hovering over. This is where things start to get criti-

cal. Read that link very, very carefully and it should become obvious if it's a scam. Here's an example that landed in my inbox just the other day. (In the interests of public safety, I've removed parts of the link.) XXXXXXX If you're not playing close attention, you'd see at the front of that link and just figure this was an email from Apple. Unfortunately, you'd be wrong. Keep going past "" and you'll see the site the link actually leads to is "". With URLs this long and complicated, how do you tell what's authentic and what's not? Here's a good rule of thumb: keep reading a URL until you hit the back slash "/". Once you hit the back slash, back up until you're at the first period before the backslash (in our example it's ".es"). Everything you see in front of that period is the full address of the webpage you're headed for. Thus our example doesn't lead to, but a subdomain of By the way, you should always trust your own reason ahead of link scanners and other security software to ensure your safety. In my tests, several security suites that scanned the full version of our example URL returned a clean bill of health for the site, even though to human eyes this is clearly not an Apple website.

3. It has an attachment If a malicious actor can't sucker you with a phony link they will try to trick you into downloading a file packed with malware. Here's a classic example I came across recently. A message supposedly from landed in my inbox with an invoice attachment asking for final payment on an overdue item. This message was playing on the sudden emotional horror at thinking you may have an unpaid item with a service you use. Without thinking twice, you may soon be downloading

an attachment just to make sure the company didn't make a mistake. That's when you need to stop and breathe. Another solid rule of thumb is to NEVER download an attachment you're not expecting, no matter who it's from. Complicating this issue, however, is there are a few people that you may expect to send you unsolicited (or semi-unsolicited) attachments such as your child's teacher or a co-worker with an animated GIF obsession. In those cases, it will be up to you to decide whether or not it's risky to open up those attachments. If nothing else, make sure the message from your child's teacher is well written and makes logical sense (Christmas party plans in January? I don't think so). And if you do decide to download the attachment, save it to your hard drive and scan it with an antivirus tool before you open it. Email is far less risky to use than it used to be. Nevertheless, it's still an extremely popular attack method for the bad guys. So it pays to keep your email sleuthing skills sharp for those times when the bad stuff gets through your email provider's defenses.

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Interact Service Club at Paloma Valley High School "Service Above Self" is what the club puts this Club in action! By Robbie Motter, Staff writer I always say there are never enough stories published about all the great things our young adults are doing. Right here in our backyard we have a great group of students all part of the Interact Service Club at PVHS, giving of their time to touch a life and make a difference. I applaud all the great work that they do. I had the opportunity to meet some of these students last year at the Menifee Motor Madness. I also had the opportunity to meet Mr. Reagan Williams, who is also very proud of the club and all its members.. Actually there are two clubs, one for each of the lunch periods when they meet weekly. The club is chartered under Rotary Club of Menifee. Here are just a few of the great things these students do:

Reagan Williams(on left) getting Teacher of the Month Award for September 2014 from Paloma Valley Principal Don Williamson

1. Students help set up and are servers at Menifee Mayor's Ball. 2. They support Menifee 5K run. 3. Participate in Relay for Life 4. Assist the City at Christmas and Easter events. 5. Rotary Club sponsors students to attend the Rotary Youth Conference where hundreds of Interact members from 35 high schools in Inland Empire and Coachella Valley are trained and share ideas. 6. Rotary Club sponsors students to attend Rotary Youth Leadership Awards weekend camp annually in Big Bear where 550 high school juniors learn leadership skills and character-building.

Left to right Marcia Garden, Martha Scott, Angie Farley Corresponding Secretary, Barbara Townley, Recording Secretary, Paula Ruscigno, Back row: Left to right Carolyn Follis, Lois Pace, Membership Chair, Verla Williams Parliamentarian, Karyn Gomez, 1st VP and Dale Iverson, Member & Chair of the Take a Cop to Lunch Club event this year 7. Participate in the Color Run GFWC Menifee/Sun City Women's fundraiser event at Storm Stadi- Club Welcome New Members At New um (where all runners get paint Member Brunch The GFWC Menifee/Sun City Womthrown on them). 8. Participate in Menifee Better To- an's Club gained seven new members gether. this club year from June 1st through The Interact Club works together September 29. with the local Menifee Rotary Club They are Marcia Carden, Nancie to serve the local community. PVHS Jacobson, Carolyn Follis, Ramona students can go to club events and Meyer, Jean Olexa, Martha Scott and get community service hours which Olga Shinn. give them credits toward graduation. Only three of our new members Such events include visiting convalescent centers, feeding the homeless, fundraisers, and tutoring in middle schools and in our library after school. Interact has received many trophies and plaques for their community service. They also enjoy helping feed the needy at SB Mary's Mercy Kitchen and helping the Menifee Community Cupboard gather food at the Meni- They also form solid relationships with fee Ralph's grocery store. . "Service each other and the community Above Self" is what the club puts in were able to attend the New Member Brunch held recently and hosted by action! Membership Chair Lois Pace hosted. The three were Marcia Carden, Carolyn Follis and Martha Scott. Prior commitments and last minute emergencies made it impossible for the others ladies to attend. A wonderful time was had by all who attended. Lois was most appreciative for all the Boards help. Thanks also to Paula Ruscigno, the speaker for the day and the Clubs previous Parliamentarian, Verla Williams our present Parliamentarian and Dale Iverson. These Women do much for our Club Our Club PR Person, Robbie Motter was unable to make it as she works but sent Nicole Farrell Club member to take the photos of the event. The GFWC Menifee/Sun City Woman's Club welcomes guests to join them at their monthly meetings which are the 4th Monday of each month at North Town Hall, Call Lois Pace, Membership Chair for more information on Membership and upcoming events. Lois can be reached at 951-672-1983 or email

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Finance Charitable Giving Pays Off ... for Everyone

Americans are pretty generous — in fact, 83% of us donated money to charitable organizations last year, according to a Gallup survey. And now that we’re entering the holiday season, charitable giving well may be on your mind. Your key motivation for making charitable gifts, of course, is to help those organizations whose work is meaningful to you. However, by supporting these groups, you can also make life less “taxing” for yourself. Specifically, by making charitable contributions, you may be able to receive some valuable tax breaks. To claim a deduction, though, you need to itemize your taxes, and you need to make sure that the organization you’re supporting is qualified, from a tax-deductibility standpoint. If you’re unsure whether a group is qualified, just ask to see its letter from the IRS. (Many organizations now post these letters on their websites.) Here’s how the charitable tax deduction works: If you give $200 to a qualified charity,

Election Distraction

and you’re in the 25% tax bracket, you can deduct $200, with a tax benefit of $50, when you file your 2014 taxes. Consequently, the net “cost” of your donation is just $150 ($200 minus the $50 tax savings). Of course, you are not confined to making cash gifts. In fact, if you donate certain types of noncash assets, you may be able to increase your tax benefits. Suppose you give $1,000 worth of stock in ABC Company to a charitable group. If you’re in the 25% bracket, you’ll be able to deduct $250 when you file your taxes. And by donating the ABC stock, you can avoid paying the capital gains taxes that would be due if you had eventually sold the stock yourself. Keep in mind that if you want to deduct your contributions for the 2014 tax year, you’ll need to make your gifts by Dec. 31. One more reminder: Retain your paperwork. If you made gifts totaling over $250 to any single charity — or noncash contributions of any items worth over $500 — the IRS requires written acknowledgments for your contributions. If you want to take a longer-term approach to charitable giving, while incorporating your gifts in planning for your estate, you might want to consider establishing a charitable remainder trust. Under this arrangement, you’d place some assets, such as stocks or real estate,

By Brian E. Walker, CEO, MBA, LUTCF, DTM

Politics, Politics and more Politics. The decisions we make today, shape our future and the people we become tomorrow. I for one am glad this election season is over (or close to over) because of all the questions flying around. Who do I vote for? Yes on what Proposition? Do I really understand enough or do I just not want to pay more in taxes? Or my favorite question, who has the prettiest signs on the street and how did they get them there??? One time I had a lengthy, hour’s long discussion with a very educated person about an upcoming election and about the candidates. He knew the ins and outs of everything, what was important and was very adamant about his opinion about everything. What ended our talk, rather quickly I might add, was the confession this person was not registered to vote and never had voted in the past. He said he was only one person and his vote didn’t count. Wow, was I shocked about this statement and I began to think about all the men and women who have died to give this person the ability to vote. So much was, and is, being sacrificed to have this right and not enough people participate. What bothers me even more is when someone complains about what they got when they did nothing to earn it in the first place. I love to fall back on the excuse…’I voted for the other person.’

With all of the distractions, businesses can suffer. Going out of the office in order to attend a campaign rally or fundraising event takes away from production. Then, I’ve heard stories of people wanting to “wait it out” until after the election before they make a decision on a purchase. Wait for what? How different will it be with a continuation or change in leadership. This stall technique is affective for some but bad for the businesses having to wait. Moral of the story, get busy doing something! If you didn’t vote, you missed out, if you did, congratulations. And if you were waiting it out before making a purchase, go do it now. Have a great rest of 2014 and take your business Up One Level.

27070 Sun City Blvd. ~ Menifee, CA 92586 Office (951) 934-0338 Fax (951) 672-3427 CA License #0D76384

into a trust, which could then use these assets to pay you a lifetime income stream. When you establish the trust, you may be able to receive an immediate tax deduction based on the charitable group’s “remainder interest” — the amount the charity is likely to ultimately receive. (This figure is determined by an IRS formula.) Upon your death, the trust would relinquish the remaining assets to the charitable organization you’ve named. This type of trust can be complex, so to create one, you’ll need to work with your tax and legal advisors. While the tax benefits associated with charitable giving are significant, they should not, ultimately, drive your gifting decisions. You

should also consider the effect your gift will have on the other areas of your estate considerations — so make sure you communicate your plans to your family members. In any case, though, be as generous as you can this holiday season and in the years to come. Your generosity will be a rewarding experience — for everyone. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.

Menifee Buzz—

FALL PREVENTION Each year millions of adults 65 y/o and older fall. Falls can cause moderate to severe injuries; such as fractures, soft tissue strains, head trauma ….these injuries can increase the risk of early death. Falls are a public problem that can be preventable in a large percentage of cases. One out of three adults over the age of 65 will fall each year, but less than half fail to inform their healthcare provider about it. Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries. In 2012, over 2 million nonfatal falls were treated in the emergency room department. In 2012, the direct medical costs of falls, adjusted to inflation, were over 30 billion dollars. How can older adults prevent falls? 1.) Exercise regularly. It is important that you combine cardio with leg strengthening exercises. 2.) Ask your doctor or pharmacist to review your medication to identify medicines that may cause side effects or interactions such as dizziness or drowsiness. 3.) Have your eyes checked by an eye doctor at least once a year and update your

eyeglasses to maximize their vision. 4.) Make your home safer by reducing tripping hazards, adding grab bars outside tub or shower, adding railings on stairways, and improving the lighting in your home. 5.) Good nutrition… get adequate calcium and vitamin D, eat a well balanced diet with low fat, protein and plenty of fruits and vegetables. ( But check specific diet guidelines with your physician). Most falls can be prevented…get moving and see your physical therapist for a fall prevention program. Walker Physical Therapy will present a free Fall Prevention Seminar to the community on December 8 at 6pm in their facility at 29650 Bradley Road.

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Is Your Home Prepared For A Major Earthquake?

If you live in the inland empire (which if you’re reading this we’re assuming you do) than we’re sure you have felt some of the earthquakes that have occurred in the past few months. Regardless if the earthquake is in Haiti, Chile or in Mexico, we all need to be prepared. You have been told to store water and food, but have you ever thought about your largest investment? Your home. Do you have an earthquake auto-shut off on your gas meter? This is a simple device that can be installed after the meter and will automatically shut your gas off during a major earthquake. So in case your line does rupture, you can focus your attention on other things because you know that your gas will already be shut off. Convenient. Do you have a good shut off valve for your water supply? For quick and easy shut off in seconds you should have a ball valve at your front service (where water goes from the main to the inside of your home) and at your water heater (for hot water shut off only). These two items will make shutting off your water easy enough for grandma to do, but we will always recommend to have a gas AND water meter shut off wrench easily available to you as well. Does your water heater have proper earthquake strapping and are the supply lines in good condition? You definitely do not want your water heater crashing down during an earthquake. Not having your water heater properly strapped can leave you without hot water to your home and a one big mess. Always make sure your straps and tight (but not too tight!) and make sure that the supply lines can withstand a little movement. If your supply lines turned green or are covered in crystals, than they should probably be replaced. Do you have a good two-way cleanout in the front of your home? Since your drain lines are in the ground and earthquakes are ground movement, it is a good idea to have them inspected from time to time. A two way clean out will allow you to inspect you drains (both interior and exterior) for any breaks by using a drain camera. It easy to forget about the importance of the drain, but with out it you wouldn’t be able to flush your toilets, take a shower, or wash dishes/clothes. It is likely that you may never have to use some of the tips or items we recommended, but at least you can have peace of mind. However, if the day comes that these issues do occur to you, then you’ll be happy that you were prepared. If you think that your plumbing could have been damaged during one of the recent earthquakes or simply want to ensure your home is earthquake ready, then please do not hesitate to call Menifee Plumbing at (951) 679-0732.

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City Future Site of... New "Building our Future" signs are taking the mystery out of the "What's being built here?" question. These signs, like the one below, debuted on two vacant lots slated for development, with more in the works. Many Menifee residents and community members are curious about what new stores, businesses and restaurants are coming to Menifee. Signs similar to the one above are being created for future development sites and will be installed as developers are ready to announce the information. The Town Center Marketplace sign (above) is located on the southwest corner of Newport Road at Haun Road. A sign for the Her-

Menifee Buzz— itage Lakes center, future site of LA Fitness, was installed on the northwest corner of Menifee Road at Scott Road. Similar development information is available on the Construction Update tab under "What's Being Built" -- this page lists projects that are currently under construction.

Welcome to new City Attorney, Finance Director

Menifee welcomes City Attorney Jeff Melching and Finance Director Bruce Foltz, rounding out the city's leadership team. City Attorney Jeff Melching is a partner with the Orange County law firm Rutan and Tucker, LLP. With nearly 20 years of experience, he specializes in municipal law, land use planning and entitlement activities. He has served as the City of Duarte City Attorney, the Orange County Great Park Corporation General Counsel and the City of Irvine Assistant City Attorney. He is the author of multiple published papers and is an active lecturer, most recently on the 2014 land use law updates to the Land Use and Natural Resources Practice Group. "Menifee's City Council conducted an extensive interview process to find the city attorney who best meets the needs of our new and growing city," said City Manager Rob Johnson, "and we're excited to have him join our team." Finance Director Bruce Foltz comes to Menifee from the City of Wasco, California, where he served as the Finance Director for three years. Prior to Wasco, he was the

Finance Director for the City of Madras, Oregon. Mr. Foltz's 21 years of finance experience includes a background in budgeting, auditing, fiscal analysis and enterprise funds, along with knowledge of Capital Improvement Programs, special assessments and districts and water/waste water issues. "Mr. Foltz's diverse municipal experience is a major asset to a new city like Menifee," continued Johnson. "The city's Finance Director is a key part of our leadership team and we're thrilled to have Bruce on board."

Menifee’s sales tax revenue continues to increase, restaurants playing key role in uptick

Menifee’s Economic Development Department reported a continued sales tax rev-


Assault 10/9/2014 6:51 30100 Block PUERTO VALLARTA WAY 10/12/2014 5:40 26900 Block NEWPORT RD Breaking & Entering 10/2/2014 5:51 28600 Block CRAIG AV 10/4/2014 1:13 30300 Block HAUN RD 10/4/2014 9:41 30800 Block VIEWRIDGE DR 10/7/2014 3:38 30200 Block HAUN RD 10/8/2014 10:24 29400 Block LUXOR RD 10/11/2014 3:43 30300 Block HAUN RD 10/17/2014 4:25 26500 Block POTOMAC DR 10/20/2014 5:27 31200 Block SILVER MOON CT 10/20/2014 7:04 28800 Block SUNBURST DR 10/21/2014 6:44 30300 Block HAUN RD 10/23/2014 9:27 DERBY HILL DR & NEWPORT RD 10/24/2014 12:52 27200 Block POTOMAC DR 10/31/2014 12:47 30300 Block ANTELOPE RD Theft 10/3/2014 4:04 29100 Block MEANDERING CIR 10/4/2014 8:47 27600 Block BOULDER RIDGE DR

10/5/2014 6:32 30200 Block HAUN RD 10/7/2014 4:56 30900 Block HANOVER LN 10/7/2014 11:16 27600 Block BOULDER RIDGE DR 10/8/2014 1:10 26900 Block NEWPORT RD 10/8/2014 1:18 31300 Block BRADLEY RD 10/9/2014 8:07 29100 Block GOOSENECK TRL 10/10/2014 5:25 28400 Block PARKDALE LN 10/11/2014 6:04 DERBY HILL DR & NEWPORT RD 10/11/2014 6:46 29700 Block BRADLEY RD 10/11/2014 10:58 LEON RD & OLIVE AV 10/12/2014 12:10 31800 Block BRENTWORTH ST 10/13/2014 7:23 31800 Block HARDEN ST 10/14/2014 4:55 29300 Block HARLEQUIN CT 10/15/2014 11:38 25500 Block CORSON AV 10/16/2014 4:33 28500 Block MISSION DR 10/16/2014 8:29 28500 Block SUMMER LN 10/17/2014 2:14 29700 Block AVENIDA DE CORTEZ 10/17/2014 6:39 31200 Block TWILIGHT VISTA DR 10/17/2014 7:00 28800 Block BIARRITZ CT 10/18/2014 11:10 30100 Block ANTELOPE RD

10/19/2014 11:27 31900 Block ANTHONY CT 10/20/2014 12:44 30300 Block HAUN RD 10/20/2014 12:50 29700 Block MOUNT BACHELOR WAY 10/22/2014 2:17 30300 Block SKIPSTONE WAY 10/24/2014 9:15 LAZY CREEK RD & OAKBRIDGE DR 10/25/2014 6:32 30100 Block ANTELOPE RD 10/25/2014 8:58 27000 Block RIO VISTA DR 10/28/2014 3:32 28200 Block LA PIEDRA RD 10/31/2014 12:55 BALDY PEAK DR & OAKBRIDGE DR Theft from Vehicle 10/1/2014 8:37 29800 Block HAUN RD 10/10/2014 8:01 30500 Block LAKE POINT DR 10/17/2014 4:23 31300 Block DAYBREAK CT 10/17/2014 10:37 28700 Block SUNBURST DR 10/19/2014 9:37 29300 Block MURRIETA RD Theft of Vehicle 10/1/2014 5:27 26700 Block PINCKNEY WAY 10/4/2014 11:35 30100 Block ANTELOPE RD 10/6/2014 9:15

enue increase for the second quarter of 2014. Sales tax revenues in April, May and June were up almost nine percent when compared with the same quarter one year ago, after reporting aberrations were factored out. Menifee’s sales tax revenue increase is greater than Riverside County’s increase (seven percent), and almost double the Southern California region’s as a whole (nearly five percent). Sales of consumer goods led the increase in sales tax revenues, followed by fuel sales. For the first time, the restaurant category was the third strongest contributor, beating fourth place construction and building by four percent. The opening of several restaurants along with the newer restaurant options gaining traction in Menifee, caused an uptick in sales tax revenue from restaurants. “Menifee has worked hard to bring more retail and restaurant options to town and we are starting to the see the economic payoff,” said Economic Development Director Jeff Wyman. “Our year-over-year sales tax revenues continue to increase and the fact they are increasing at a faster rate than the county, state and some surrounding communities, is testament to our efforts.” Sales tax revenues are vital for a new city like Menifee. They are put in the city’s general fund and help to pay for city services including public safety, parks and community services, and some road improvements. For more information contact Economic Director Jeff Wyman at or (951) 672-6777.

29700 Block CALLE TOMAS 10/7/2014 12:04 29500 Block SILVER SUMMIT ST 10/11/2014 9:29 30000 Block PUERTO VALLARTA WAY 10/12/2014 9:16 27600 Block BOULDER RIDGE DR 10/14/2014 9:50 30200 Block CALLE BELCANTO 10/15/2014 8:00 29600 Block WILLIAMETTE WAY 10/16/2014 3:56 29700 Block DESERT JEWEL DR 10/17/2014 4:32 28100 Block ASPENWOOD WAY 10/24/2014 10:52 29000 Block SALRIO DR Menifee Crime Watch "The Eyes and Ears of the Sheriff's Department" 27851 Bradley Rd. #190 Menifee, CA 92586 (951) 679-7031 Starting June 26th Menifee Nafe is adding another Nafe meeting it will be a dinner meeting and will feature networking & a dynamic speaker dinner also at Boston Billie’s

Success Up Menifee NAFE Affiliate Network NAFE Meets the 2nd Wed of each month at 11:30 am

The lunch meeting is the 2nd Wed at 11:30 am and the dinner meeting is the 4th Thursday at 5:30 pm Boston Billie’s Restaurant 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd, Menifee Each month we have a great speaker, networking, great food and door prizes. Call Robbie Motter director at cell 951-255-9200 or email

Menifee Buzz—

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