Murrieta Buzz August 2015

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Volume 1

Issue # 4

August, 2015

INSIDE Employers must pay for or reimburse employee for cell phones or face litigation

Our world is filled with technology. In fact, mobile devices out number both personal computers and humans, it’s not surprising that we use our mobile devices for both business and pleasure. In a recent published opinion the California Court of Appeal issued a ruling that is sure to cause issues to any workplace that has a BYOD program.

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Pro-Choice referendum could undo mandatory vaccines Petition to recall Senator Jeff Stone moves forward By Michelle Mears-Gerst

A grassroots campaign is seeking to overturn a bill recently signed into law that removes all exemptions to vaccine requirements for school entry except those medically indicated is growing. A meeting held at the Murrieta Community Center on Wednesday July 23 had more than 300 people pre-register to attend the event. Dr. Todd Donohoe and his wife Veronica Donohoe organized the educational call-to-action event. The group is against SB 277 and believes in pro-choice for vaccinations. On July 14, the California Office of the Attorney General approved a referendum to overturn SB 277 and restore a parent’s right to a religious or personal belief exemption. Former Assemblyman Tim Donnelly filed the referendum. Those who attended the community meeting were able to sign the referendum and learn how to get involved in collecting more signatures. Donnelly On June 30, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law Senate Bill 277 a mandatory vaccination bill that eliminated the personal belief exemptions (PBE). This means that any child in public or private school must be vaccinated.

The bill only exempts children from vaccinations if family medical history and medical reasons justify a physician to not recommend an immunization. Senator Jeff Stone, a pharmacist for 34 years co-authored the bill and states on his webpage it will protect California’s children, from many diseases like measles, which remains one of the leading causes of death around the world. The legislation was prompted by an outbreak of the measles that originated in Disneyland, spreading to more than 130 people. In addition to the SB 277 referendum, a petition to recall State Senator Jeff Stone was kicked off at the Wednesday meeting. The campaign is called, “Citizens for Medical Choice.” “It is unfortunate that it had to come to this but we certainly tried to make our voices heard and they aren't listening,” said parent, and local business owner David Serpa. Serpa is a realtor in town, a father of two and served in the Marine Corps. When he first heard SB 277 was signed into law he thought of packing his bags and taking his wife and children to Texas. “What if they pass this at the federal level? If they do not see any repercussions in their actions, they will. This is frustrating. I am disappointed in Senator Jeff Stone. Big pharmaceutical has a lot of money and influence in our political infrastructure,” said Serpa. “The nation is looking at California as an example. I have never retreated in my entire life and I am not going to start now,” said Serpa. “It is time we take back our state.” Citizens for Medical Choice, needs 30,800 signatures to hold a recall election.

“Our theme is, "Don't give up on California!" We need to take it back from the big government politicians that think they know better and are running this state into the ground,” said Serpa. Diana Miller spoke to the crowd as a Christian mom, “Religious freedom is supposed to be granted under the first amendment. Now we can’t and I am appalled by that so now I became an activist.” The Sacramento Bee reported last week that some of the California state lawmakers supporting bill SB277 to remove all parental exemptions to vaccines have direct financial ties to the makers of the vaccines. “Pharmaceutical companies and their trade groups gave more than $2 million to current members of the Legislature in 2013-2014, about 2 percent of the total raised, records show. Nine of the top 20 recipients either are legislative leaders or serve on the Assembly or Senate health committees. Receiving more than $95,000, the top recipient of industry campaign cash is Sen. Richard Pan, a Sacramento Democrat and doctor who is carrying the vaccine bill. In addition, the industry donated more than $500,000 to outside campaign spending groups that helped elect some current members last year. Pharmaceutical companies also spent nearly $3 million more during the 2013-2014 legislative sessions lobbying the Legislature, the governor, the state pharmacists’ board and other agencies, according to state filings.” Continuation on page 2


Archibald's Marks 15 Years In Business Archibald's is a classic American diner meets fast-food chain, with homemade food, vinyl topped bar stools, a vintage Pepsi wall clock and plenty of checkered tile patterns in the decor. A mainstay In Belmont Shore, Archibald's has been in the breakfast, lunch, dinner and late night snack business at the far west end of Second Street for more than a decade, and the company is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. Page 11

CITY NEWS Murrieta Mayor Now Accused of Sexual Harassment Page 3


is preparing to launch our 2015-2016 Concert Season titled "NEW HORIZONS." All concerts will be held at Temecula Valley High School except Jan. 16th which will be at Grace Presbyterian Church, Temecula. Page 3

Children Stalked and Assaulted in Menifee

A terrible experience befell two children from Menifee when, a 19-year-old man lured them into a home and assaulted them. The children were siblings, a 12-year-old girl and her younger brother, 10. Michael Orrantia, a resident of Menifee, was recently arrested and booked on the suspicion of burglary, sexual assault on a child, and false imprisonment in direct association with the allegations the children made to authorities. He has since been charged and held on a $1 million bail.

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Grilled kebabs

The secrets to perfectly done meat, vegetables and even fruit If early summer is asparagus season and midsummer is peak for tomatoes, then late summer is prime time for food-on-a-stick. State fairs are in full bloom, and that is where skewered cuisine is at its ripest. Page 5

Every day in a City, someone experiences a new beginning in life. A birth, engagement, marriage, or career change. Join the staff of the Murrieta Buzz in celebrating the new beginnings along with these neighbors. Page 5

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WINE COUNTY Got a CRUSH on Temecula??? Join the winery owners, winemakers and growers of the Temecula Valley as we celebrate California Wine Month, Temecula Style! Page 6

LOCAL NEWS Four Tips for Financial Conversations With Your Adult Children Page 7

TECH News How To Make Facebook Work For Your Business There’s a digital divide in the small-business world—between those companies that know how to use social networks like Facebook and those that don’t have a clue. Page 6

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Pro-Choice referendum could undo mandatory vaccines Petition to recall Senator Jeff Stone moves forward

Murrieta Buzz— voters in Pan’s district. Another concern for people against SB 277 is Section 120325 of the Health and Safety Code that lists the childhood diseases the vaccinations will focus on. Section 120328 lists ten specific diseases then item 11 reads, “Any other disease deemed appropriate by the department.” According to Dr. Donohoe there are 300 more vaccines coming down the pipeline. Donohue’s professional stance is pro-

By Michelle Mears-Gerst

Stone is not the only Senator now facing a possible recall of his elected seat. Visit us at for more links and details on this article. The Fresno Bee announced this week, “A campaign to recall Sen. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, the pediatrician who carried the bill requiring full vaccinations for school children, has been cleared to advance to the signature-gathering phase. Proponents have until Dec. 31 to collect 35,926 verified signatures from registered

Kinsen Liu who attended the event as a concerned parent of two children said, “If I have no choice to give my children a vaccination if my children have a side effect then what who is responsible for the medical costs of dealing with a child made sick from a vaccine.”

choice for vaccinations. “Every parent should have a right to make an educated choice on whether or not they want to vaccinate their child,” said Dr. Donohoe. Kinsen Liu who attended the event as a concerned parent of two children said, “If I have no choice to give my children a vaccination if my children have a side effect then what who is responsible for the medical costs of dealing with a child made sick from a vaccine.” In 1986 The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA or Act) was passed to protect pharmaceutical companies from being directly sued. Instead, under the ACT, awards are paid out of a fund created by an excise tax on each vaccine dose. Manufacturers enjoy significant tort-liability protections and the Act eliminates manufacturer liability for a vaccine’s unavoidable, adverse side effects. On February 22, 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court shielded drug companies from all liability for harm caused by vaccines mandated by government when companies could have made a safer vaccine.

A mother rocks her baby while listening to the speakers against SB277. Governor Jerry Brown wrote when he signed the bill into law, "The science is clear that vaccines dramatically protect children against a number of infectious and dangerous diseases.” Brown also wrote in his signing message, "While it's true that no medical intervention is without risk, the evidence shows that immunization powerfully benefits and protects the community.'' The public can also follow the group wanting to recall Stone or the Vaccine Freedom Campaign Visit us at for more links and details on this article.

Murrieta Buzz—

Local Murrieta Mayor Now Accused of Sexual Harassment By C.J. Leger Not long after the Murrieta City Council launched a probe into Mayor Harry Ramos’ various allegations of misconduct and coercion, a woman has come forward to add to the allegations, claiming that Ramos sexually harassed her in January. Kathleen Smith says she attended a mixer party hosted by the Chamber of Commerce at the Murrieta Spectrum Shopping Center at the beginning of the year. It was here she said that Mayor Harry Ramos became increasingly inappropriate with his actions and his words toward her. Ramos allegedly made verbal advances at Mrs. Smith and even made some physical ones at the party. According to Kathleen Smith, after the party was over, the unwanted advances continued into the parking lot. She was quoted by KABC as saying: “Without asking, he grabbed me and started to kiss me, putting his tongue in my mouth, and I was stunned and shocked." According to reports and Kathleen’s own statement, the incident had not been reported prior to her being contacted by the private investigator contracted by the city council to conduct an investigation on Ramos’ already reported misconduct and inappropriate behavior by other members of city government and business owners, which has led many to doubt her story.

However, the single mother of three children reportedly had witnesses at the event, which also came forward and gave their statements to the investigator, according to Dan Gilleon, Kathleen Smith’s, attorney. Smith attended the party as part of her work duties while she was working as a sales representative at a local radio station at the time. According to Smith, she struggled with reporting problems to authorities or even mentioning the event to anyone, but now she has decided to do so in an effort to set an example for her daughter who is now 13. The City of Murrieta issued a statement following the allegations as did Mayor Ramos himself. The city was quoted by KABC with the following statement: "The city received the claim yesterday, and the claim has been referred to the

OCT. 31, 2015, 2 pm - OCTOBER MASQUERADE includes Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries," selections from "Wicked," "Phantom" and "Sweeney Todd," featuring vocalists Caroline Nelms and David Reuther (pending availability). "Danse Macabre" (featuring violinist Zun-Hin Woo), Danny Elfman's "Spider-

City’s Joint Power Agency and they are reviewing it. The city has 45 days to take action on the claim”. On Friday of that week, Mayor Harry Ramos held a press conference to address the allegations of sexual harassment and other misconduct allegations that provoked the city council to launch the initial investigation. At the press conference he denied ever sexually assaulting Smith and stated that the allegations were an attack on his character and his family. According to the Mayor, he possesses evidence that would exonerate him on the sexual harassment allegations and prove that Smith is not being truthful but chose not to divulge the information at the conference. Instead he stated: “I refuse to retaliate with the same file disregard of how public attacks hurt families." At the same press conference Ramos also defended his character against the initial allegations of misconduct with the city staff and constituents. He claims that the allegations that the investigations are racially motivated, claiming that the top reason for why his accusers and colleagues want him removed is because "He's Mexican”. Shortly after the allegations of sexual harassment made by Smith were reported, the Murrieta Chamber of Commerce effectively suspended the mayor’s membership. According to a letter written by the Chamber, Ramos, Rick Dudley (city manager),

and fellow City Council members were notified of the suspension, which stated the reason being was because of the “serious complaints of inappropriate conduct”. The complaints were regarding misconduct in both city matters and Chamber of Commerce events, where Smith is said to have been harassed by the mayor in January. As a courtesy, the Chamber of Commerce extends membership to city council members, however, Ramos has been exempt from this, and he will no longer be able to attend Chamber functions as a private citizen or as an elected official. Aside from the City Council’s internal investigation of Ramos and Smith’s sexual harassment allegations, the Chamber also received complaints of sexual misconduct by Ramos at a recent event. According to guests and other members, Ramos engaged in inappropriate behavior at the Annual Installation and Awards program held on July 18 at the Pechanga Resort and Casino, which also influenced their decision to suspend the mayor’s.

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NEW HORIZONS JOHN MARIO Music Director & Conductor 2015 - 2016 Season Preview

INLAND VALLEY SYMPHONY is preparing to launch our 2015-2016 Concert Season titled "NEW HORIZONS." All concerts will be held at Temecula Valley High School except Jan. 16th which will be at Grace Presbyterian Church, Temecula.

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"Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas (from "Home Alone”), "Gloria" "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," "Hanukkah Festival Overture" and other seasonal favorites! Includes Mormon Tabernacle Choir's arrange-ments from Mack Wilberg: "Christmas Roundelay," "Sing We Now of Christmas," and "Joy to the World!"

man," "Symphonie Fantastique" (last movement) & more…. And, don't forget your costumes for the costume contest! NOV. 11, 2015, evening - VET'S DAY “PATRIOTIC SALUTE” joined by the Inland Valley SYMPHONY CHORUS and Soprano, Amber Mercomes singing "America the Beautiful" and other patriotic favorites. Tap your foot to famous marches and dance along to a big band medley of war-time hits. Be moved by the chorus in "Battle Hymn of the Republic," "Hymn to the Fallen," "Call of the Champions" and "Armed Forces Salute.” DEC. 19th, 2 pm - HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA features Soprano Amber Mercomes singing holiday classics and the SYMPHONY CHORUS. Enjoy "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," various selections from Duke Ellington's "Nutcracker Suite," "Panis Angelicus" (male solo), "Hallelujah Chorus,"

JAN. 16, 2016, 2 pm - THE COLORS of MUSIC II featuring solos, chamber music and mixed ensembles from the Inland Valley Symphony, including a whimsical piece titled "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland!" by Steven Mahpar, a Southern California composer. FEB. 6, 2016, 2 pm - NEIL DIAMOND TRIBUTE featuring Jay White as "America's Diamond." Treat yourself to a program full of Neil Diamond's best hit songs backed by Inland Valley Symphony. The concert opens with Wagner's "Rienzi Overture" and includes an arrangement of Louis Armstrong hits titled "Satchmo!" featuring IVS trumpet Amy Morris. MAR. 19, 2016, 2 pm - BRAVO! “Young People's Concert,” showcases the winners of the 2016 Young Artist Competition with a special guest appearance by the Inland Valley Youth Symphony. This all classical program includes Shostakovitch's "Festive Overture" and

"Nabucco Overture" by Verdi. The big closer is Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 (3rd & 4th movements). MAY 21, 2016, 2 pm - SEASON FINALE "The Best of the Best" showcases the SYMPHONY CHORUS with "Carmina Burana" (1st. Mvt.), Selections from Mozart's "Requiem", "Gabriel's Oboe" from the “Mission" (featuring IVS oboist Rick Olsen), "Call of the Champions" and "Duel of Fates" by John Williams. IVS plays Peter Boyer's "Silver Fanfare" and “Westside Story Overture by Bernstein. Season brochures and ticket info will be available by the end of August Call 760-318-0460 for more information NOTE: The Symphony, Symphony Chorus & Youth Symphonies are currently auditioning for the new season!

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Murrieta Buzz—

Joke of the Month: TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating? SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.




AUGUST'S Fun Facts: 1. Over 98 percent of Japanese people are cremated after they die. 2. There's a rare breed of pig that looks like a sheep. 3. Michael Jackson tried to buy Marvel Comics in the early 1990s so that he could play Spider-Man in his own movie. 4. Leonardo DiCaprio got his first 'onscreen kiss' from a man! 5. Women have a better sense of smell than men. 6. The Earth gets 100 tons heavier every day due to falling space dust. 7. Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) has more money than Prince Harry, the Prince of Wales. 8. In 1982, a high school student from Los Angeles, California unscrambled the Rubik's Cube in 22.95 seconds.

Events Calendar August 1 Summer Concert In The Park 6:00pm (City) Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES) August 2 Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES) August 3 SAT vs. SAT Workshop 6:00pm (City)

August 4 Explorer Meeting 6:00pm (City) City Council Meeting 6:00pm (City) Government Relations Meeting 11:30am-1:00pm (Chamber) $12 Unlimited Use Tuesdays At Mulligans (Mulligan)

August 5 Temecula Strings Children's Orchestra 10:30am (City) Murrieta Lunch With Friends 12:00pm (City) The Killer Dueling Pianos 7:00 (ACES)

August 6 Murrieta Chamber Of Commerce Business Mixer 5:30pm (City) Community Services Commission 6:00pm (City) Ribbon Cutting For Murrieta Family YMCA 12:00-1:30pm (Chamber) Ace’s Comedy Club New Comedian Night 8:00pm (ACES)


August 7 Ribbon Cutting For LA Crawfish 12:00-1:00pm (Chamber) Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES) August 8 Horse Show 7:00am (City) Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES) Summer Movies In The Park 7:45pm (City) August 9 Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES) August 10 National S'mores Day

August 11 $12 Unlimited Use Tuesdays At Mulligans (Mulligan)

August 12 Murrieta Lunch With Friends 12:00pm (City) Planning Commission 6:00pm (CITY) The Killer Dueling Pianos 7:00 (ACES) August 13 Murrieta Networking Breakfast 7:30-9:00am (City) Ace’s Comedy Club New Comedian Night 8:00pm (ACES)

August 14 Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES)

August 15 Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES) Summer Movies In The Park 7:45pm (City) August 16 St. Martha's Health Fair 8:00am (City) Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES) August 17 Library Advisory Commission Meeting 6:00pm (City)

August 18 Explorer Meeting 6:00pm (City) City Council Meeting 6:00pm (City) Ribbon Cutting For Carrington Construction 12:00-1:00pm (Chamber) $12 Unlimited Use Tuesdays At Mulligans (Mulligan)

August 19 Murrieta Lunch With Friends 12:00pm (City) Murrieta Business Roundtable 7:30am (City) S.C.O.R.E. Business Roundtable 7:30-9:00am (Chamber) The Killer Dueling Pianos 7:00 (ACES) August 20 Ace’s Comedy Club New Comedian Night 8:00pm (ACES) August 21 Power Partners Open

(Chamber) Murrieta Chamber of Commerce - 25125 Madison Avenue, Suite #108, Murrieta (City) City Of Murrieta - 1 Town Square, Murrieta, CA 92562 (MLIB) Murrieta Public Library—8 Town Square Murrieta, CA 92562

Casual Networking Event 8:30-9:30am (Chamber) Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES) August 22 Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES) August 23 Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES) August 24 Family Storytime 10:00am (City) August 25 Coffee With The City 8:30am (City) $12 Unlimited Use Tuesdays At Mulligans (Mulligan)

August 26 Murrieta Lunch With Friends 12:00pm (City) Planning Commission

6:00pm (City) Chamber Walkabout 10:0011:00am (Chamber) The Killer Dueling Pianos 7:00 (ACES) August 27 Ambassador Meeting 9:0010:00am (Chamber) Ace’s Comedy Club New Comedian Night 8:00pm (ACES) August 28 Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES) August 29 Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES) August 30 Ace’s Comedy Night Shows 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm (ACES) August 31 Family Storytime 10:00am (City)

(Aero) Aerosports Trampoline Park - 39729 Avenida Acacias, Murrieta (Mulligan) Mulligan Family Fun Center - 24950 Madison Ave, Murrieta (ACES) ACES Comedy Club- 39745 Avenida Acacias, Murrieta (Lake Skinner) Lake Skinner County Park - 37701 Warren Rd, Winchester

Murrieta Buzz—

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Wine Country Spotlight

Got a CRUSH on Temecula??? Join us as we celebrate California Wine Month, Temecula Style! Saturday, September 19, 2015 7:00p-10:00p Wiens Family Cellars The expansive lawn at Wiens Family Cellars provides the perfect venue for guests to meet and mingle with our winemakers, winery owners, chefs and other guests for an enchanted evening under the stars. THE Wine and Culinary showcase event of the year features 100 plus wines poured

by over 30 Temecula Valley wineries. And they're all in one place! Food samplings will be supplied by winery restaurants, local restaurants, and caterers. Gates open at 6pm for VIP ticket holders, which includes a private (limited to 100 guests) tasting with four of our star winemakers, who will be serving their highly rated, reserve and award-winning wines just for you! CRUSH General Admission ticket holders will be welcomed at 7pm for check-in and immediate access to the event. VIP tickets are $110pp; General Admission tickets are $85pp. For additional information. call 800.801.9463. SAVE $10 per ticket by ordering early! Pre-sale tickets are on sale now through August 19, 2015.

SUSHI ZEN JAPANESE CUISINE DRINKS PINK GRAPEFRUIT MOJITO MIMOSA When you have trouble deciding what kind of cocktail you want to have (which often plagues my mind) I suggest having the best of both worlds and combining the two to create a glorious concoction. Much like this Mojito Mimosa. Why choose? Ingredients 2 cups pink grapefruit juice 1 lime, juice 1 cup white rum 1 cup champagne ½ cup of brown sugar 1 cup fresh mint leaves, plus more for garnish 1 large grapefruit, peeled sliced Directions In a jug or pitcher, add brown sugar, mint leaves, and lime juice. Muddle ingredients until sugar is slightly creamy. Next, add grapefruit juice, rum, and champagne. Stir lightly with a spoon. Pour cocktail into a champagne flute or regular glass, garnish with mint and grapefruit slices. * Top with sparkling water if less alcohol is desired… whimp!*

Grilled Kebabs Total Time: 3 hr 40 min INGREDIENTS KEBABS: 1 pound lean ground sirloin 1/4 cup fresh parsley leaves, minced 2 tablespoons plain yogurt 2 tablespoons za'atar 1 tablespoon ground cumin 1 tablespoon paprika 1 tablespoon ground sumac 1/4 teaspoon sea salt Freshly cracked pepper 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 egg 1/2 Vidalia onion, minced 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil GARLIC TAHINI: 1 head garlic 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 cup roasted tahini 1/3 cup plain Mediterranean yogurt 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves, roughly chopped 1/4 cup fresh parsley leaves, roughly chopped 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 teaspoon raw sugar 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper Freshly cracked pepper Fresh pita for serving Pickled radishes, for garnish Special equipment: skewers, for grilling (if wooden, soak before using) DIRECTIONS To make the kebabs: Into a big bowl, throw the sirloin, parsley, yogurt, za'atar, cumin, paprika, sumac, salt, some cracked pepper, garlic, egg and onion, and mix. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours to marinate.

By John Farrell Well we've gone from Spanish to Mediterranean. How about some Japaneses? The restaurant is called Sushi Zen. I love sushi, but I don't like paying $14.00 for a single roll or $8.00 for a couple of pieces of Nigiri. So I used to drive all the way to Riverside for some good, all you can eat, Sushi. I know, a lot of you are thinking there is no such thing as good all you can eat sushi. Well I'm not talking about the buffet style sushi drying out on a tray while people are mulling around it. . I'm talking about a real sushi bar with all the food made fresh as you talk and have fun with one of the sushi chefs The chefs are great fun and can put together just about

anything. If your real nice and buy them a beer, they may even make you a special dish. It's not a big place but man is it good. Located again in strip mall (I must have a thing for strip malls). This little place offers great nigiri with a variety of fresh fish sliced before your eyes. The pieces of fish are big and the rice is small. Just the way I like it. Tender fresh fish is my favorite but if your into to cut rolls or hand rolls or some hot dishes they excel at that too. It's all there for you for one price. Prices for the all you can eat meals range from $19.95 for lunch to $24.95 for dinner. A very good price when you consider all the sushi I can consume. They even have Japanese beer by the pitcher. What else could you ask for. If your heading to Sushi Zen on a weekend and like sitting at the sushi bar, get there early. This is already a favorite of the locals. There are also tables available if your intimidated trying to act like you know what your talking about when It comes to eating sushi. Sushi Zen is located in the same mall as the Walmart store off Railroad Canyon in Lake Elsinore Stop in for some great food before or after a baseball game. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Sushi Zen Japanese Cuisine 31500 Grape St. #1 Lake Elsinore California Tel: 951-245-7105

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Murrieta Buzz—


Hello, my name is Yanik Gozlan from The Computer Repair Experts and I write “Tech Talk”. My goal is to give tips and information on the latest gadgets or common issues you may have with your technology. I have been helping people solve their technology problems since 2002. With multiple certifications and over 10 years of experience in this industry, I will try to educate and share common interests that most of the surrounding areas are talking about.

How To Make Facebook Work For Your Business There’s a digital divide in the small-business world—between those companies that know how to use social networks like Facebook and those that don’t have a clue. If you’re on the clueless side, it’s not too late. You can learn. First, before you even begin a Facebook presence for your business, you need three things. You need an appealing website, you need fresh content on your site regularly, and you need email marketing or some other mechanism to capture customer email addresses. Your Facebook page is the sizzle, your website is the steak. It’s a waste of time to spend hours posting on Facebook if your site sucks. Once you’ve got your Facebook profile up and running,the best way to connect with existing and potential customers is with

quality content. You can’t just post and say, ‘Hi, I’m in the barbershop today‘. You need to make your content engaging. Create a survey or a photo contest for people who like your business. This is not complicated. You can do it easily on your own. But you need to do it, first and foremost. Remember: The purpose of your Facebook page is not to sell stuff to people, it’s to en-

gage them. Luckily for you, that’s simple to do. If you’re a veterinarian, you might post photos of various pets—a dog, a cat, a tarantula—and ask your followers to vote for their favorite. The key to Facebook is getting people to know, like, and trust you. Once they do, they’re more apt to buy what you’re selling. I have two main principles when it comes to Facebook. First is to post, frequently and relevantly. Second, pay a few extra bucks to have sponsored posts that amplify your message.”

Facebook Promoted Posts are posts that appear higher in the News Feed of fans and friends of fans. Promoted Posts cost a flat fee to reach a given number of users. Yeah, you’re paying Facebook money, but you can do really good targeting. If you’re interested in women in the Southwest who like knitting, you can granularly get to them. There are also a number of tools you can use to measure your Facebook campaigns. Facebook Insights is functional and free. It tells you about your traffic—where it’s coming from, who the visitors are, their age, gender, and all sorts of other details. What I tell small-business owners is to clearly articulate their goals at the beginning of their Facebook efforts. Is your goal to drive traffic to your site? Or get people to purchase? Or to get more walk-ins to your store? Based on what your goal is, you can have Facebook work for you. And you can do it all by yourself.

NOW HIRING! Entry Level Administrative Assistant Position: looking for an adaptable, detail-orientated, professional team member who would oversee client data and marketing efforts, as well as help with clerical overflow. Qualifications Professional demeanor and outgoing personality Comfortable on the phone and in social settings Proficient in Word Proficient with Social Media sources (FB, LinkedIn) Call Us for more details: 951.679.2222 or Fax us at: 951.679.2254


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Murrieta Buzz—

Finance Four Tips for Financial Conversations With Your Adult Children There comes a time when parents nearing retirement should have a conversation with their adult children about their financial situation. In many cases the conversation can feel overwhelming and a bit uncomfortable. Also, busy schedules and limited time may make financial conversations easy to put off, but sharing information can help you feel more confident and prepared in the long run. Consider these four tips to get the conversation started:

children in the future. If you’ve identified a shortfall or may need financial assistance if certain circumstances arise (such as a longterm care situation), make your children aware of this immediately. Discuss their ability and willingness to help and if needed, explore other options together. If you feel good about your financial situation, offer your children any financial truths 1. Communicate your own finan- you’ve learned along the way that cial plans. It’s important to make may help them as they plan and your children aware of your short- save for their own financial goals. and long-term plans, especially if you’re nearing retirement or have 3. Plan for the unexpected. An unrecently retired. Share any major expected disability or death has financial and lifestyle decisions, the potential to greatly affect your including if you’re planning to child’s financial situation and may travel or relocate during retire- even leave you with unanticipated ment, what arrangements you’ve responsibility. Ask your children if made for future health care needs they have life and disability insurand any legacy plans you have in ance, and if they’ve established a place. If you’re currently provid- guardianship plan for their children ing financial support to your adult in case of a tragic event. Also share children or grandchildren (or plan with them the plans you’ve made. to in the future), speak honestly Provide information on where imand set realistic expectations. Be portant documents such as wills, a clear about your ability to con- written power of attorney, financial tribute funds for their specific fi- statements and contact information nancial goals (such as educational for your financial professional, lawexpenses) or to provide support yer and accountant can be found. if your child has a financial emergency like an unexpected job loss. 4. Listen and understand one another’s values. Whether you and 2. Let them know what they can your children usually agree about expect in the future. It’s crucial politics, religion or financial habits, to be upfront if you anticipate it’s important to respect each othneeding financial help from your er’s plans and wishes. Come to a

Page 7 mutual understanding about when financial conversations are appropriate and what types of financial decisions should be communicated between both parties. Many families find it difficult to have financial discussions. And your kids may not be up for the discussion because they don’t want to think about their parents getting older. While these conversations can cause tension and lead to tough decisions, it’s easier to have them before an unexpected event occurs or hasty trade-offs have to be made. Consider inviting your children to join you for a meeting with your financial advisor if you have one. A professional’s objective viewpoint can be especially valuable for financial conversations between generations of family members.

Jeremy Taylor is a Financial Advisor with Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. in Menifee, CA. He specializes in fee-based financial planning and asset management strategies and has been in practice for 11 years - To contact him, please call 951679-2222, 29826 Haun Rd #206, Menifee, CA 92586. http://www. Investing involves risk including the risk of loss of principal. Investment advisory products and services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., a registered investment adviser. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2015 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. File # 1159393

Page 8

Murrieta Buzz—

The Murrieta Chamber has been active in our community since 1915. We are dedicated to providing opportunities for our members and guests to network, promoting the community, partnering with the City of Murrieta on Economic Development and being the voice for business before government. Our Mission… to Create and Foster a Sustainable Business Environment in the Murrieta Area through Networking, Promotion and Advocacy.

Thank you for your interest in joining the Murrieta Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber represents over 700 firms and organizations, with over 15,000 employee positions, working together to further business and professional interests in our community. Your involvement with the Chamber provides numerous tangible benefits and services, to include

member-to-member discounts, community resource guide, web-site listing, networking opportunities, legislative advocacy, and workshops on pertinent topics affecting business. The Chamber is hard at work to ensure the continued economic growth of Murrieta and the surrounding area and to provide businesses with the services and information they need.

New Members SANLN MEDICAL PRODUCTS DBA MEDICAL CONCEPTS,INC Alpha M Enterprises, Inc. dba: Carpet One Murrieta McLaren's Shortbread

Murrieta Dermatology and Skin Cancer Tiny Imprint A R Home Loans Direct Inc. / 1st Action Real Estate Applebees Drone 0 - 60 SCR Insurance Agency KBSTax-Keeping

UPCOMING Events Our monthly events are open to the public and free to attend Upcoming Events Aug 4 School of Business Topic: Would you like to know if it is time to reboot your brain? Aug 4 Government Relations Meeting Aug 4 National Night Out Aug 5 Murrieta Lunch with Friends at Da Best Adobo! Aug 6 Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting for Murrieta Family YMCA Aug 6 First Thursday Mixer at Rancho Water District! Aug 7 CANCELED Ribbon Cutting for LA Crawfish! Aug 10 Ribbon Cutting for Brianna Ranger, Affinity 24 Certified Representative! Aug 11 School of Business Topic: Foundations for success: Strategies for Busy Professionals! Aug 12 Murrieta Lunch with Friends at Sizzler! Aug 13 Networking Breakfast Aug 13 Financial Accounting Service Celebrates 20 Years! Aug 18 School of Business Topic: Staying Healthy Despite Your Desk Job Aug 18 Ribbon Cutting for Carrington Construction! Aug 19 S.C.O.R.E Business Roundtable

2014—2015 Board of Directors Executive Committee Greg Bennett Bennett & Bennett Chairman of the Board Andy Morris Farmers Insurance Chair Elect Terrie Kelly Global Health Insurance 1st Vice Chair Nicole Albrecht Financial Accounting Service Treasurer Jason Hope JD Promotions Secretary Don Murray Commerce Bank of Temecula Valley Immediate Past Chair

Directors Adam Bouvet The Mill Restaurant Glen Daigle Oak Grove Equities Michael Drapeau Rabobank Kay Harrison Southwest Healthcare System Mike Hayden Champion Employer Services Joel Johnson AKA Products Monica Kirkland New Life Ultrasound Chris Kuran Waterstone Faucets Annette LaRocque Murrieta VIP Florist Connie Lynch SRCAR

Laurel Miller The Glass Doctor Patrick Moody Dogtopia Raj Narayanan Lake Elsinore Storm Baseball Ken Perez Pechanga Development Corporation Adria Poindexter Live Mobile Solutions Kathryn Stiles Loma Linda University Medical Center Donna Thomas-McNeely LSL CPAs Tammy Wilson Oak Grove Center Linda Wunderlich The Valley Business Journal

Murrieta Chamber of Commerce 25125 Madison Ave Suite 108—Murrieta, CA 92562 (951) 677-7916

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Summer is Here!

From the Desk of Tony Falco, As we all know, home maintenance is not always cheap, but it is a necessity. Just as our cars need to be maintained so does our home. Accurate Leak Locators (ALL, Inc.) has a sister company, (DBA) Menifee Plumbing, Falco and Sons for those home maintenance needs. Both companies are owned and operated by the same individuals however they provide different services. Tony Falco and Accurate Leak Locators have been working for insurance companies for well over 25 years throughout Southern California. They specialize in plumbing work for insurance companies, as well as homeowners in over six counties. Menifee Plumbing is a local service company serving the Menifee Valley and its surrounding areas as a full service plumbing company. Customer service is a priority at both ALL

About Us ~ Buzz Bylines

Inc and Menifee Plumbing. I have always said “You are only as good as your last job. It’s simple; I have a service, our clients have a need, and as Menifee grows, we want to be the plumber that the city can rely on.” So before you call your insurance company or a plumber out of the yellow pages or craigslist, please call Menifee Plumbing at (951) 6790732. Menifee Plumbing offers leak detections, water heater replacements, tankless water heaters, drain line cleaning, garbage disposal replacement, faucet and toilet replacement, full house re-pipes, drain line replacements, and filtration systems. This summer we have a special for residence living in South Riverside County and our local community of Menifee. If your home has had several slab leaks or copper pipe leaks (M-copper) in the walls, attic and/or ceilings, you may be a candidate for a reroute and/or whole house repipe. We have a 15% summer special for a single story 2 bathroom house. One of our skilled technicians will come to your home and re-plumb your entire pressurized water system in PEX plastic. This offer expires September 1st, 2015 and you must have this article present. We are also discounting our water heater purchases/

installation by $100. Please Note: We only use Bradford White water heaters that are made and manufactured in the USA. We do service Bradford White water heaters in case of part failure. Again, Menifee Plumbing is a full service plumbing company. If you would like to schedule an appointment with us please call us at 951-679-0732. If you have any other questions about the services we offer or questions about our discounts please call our office. We are located

Serving the communities of Murrieta, French Valley, Bear Creek, & La Cresta

Call us @ 951.588.5594

Production Yanik Gozlan - Art Department Elmir Isakovic - Sales Chris Corpuz- Account Manager

Editor - Jocelyne Valois News -

Writers Melanie Gozlan - Lead Writer / Photographer Robbie Motter , Writer CJ Leger, Writer

Socal Media Melanie Gozlan Delivery Tyler Andersen—Distribution Manager

The opinions expressed in the Murrieta Buzz do not necessarily reflect those of the staff. Advertisements are accepted, and believed as factual. It does not constitute endorsement of its sponsors or the products offered. We will not knowingly publish fraudulent, libelous or misleading advertisements. We reserve the right to reject any advertisements and editorial we find unsuitable to the format of the publication.

right in the middle of Menifee to assist with your plumbing needs. So prior to you reporting a claim to your insurance you might want to call Menifee Plumbing/ Accurate Leak Locators first, to see if your leak is worthy of turning a claim over to your insurance. We work with all insurance carriers throughout Southern California and have been serving the insurance industry since 1987. Sincerely, Tony Falco, CR

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Page 9

Biz Buzz Mid Summer Slump

Here we are, middle of Summer and past the mid-year mark on 2015. Let’s face it, it’s hot outside, kids are out of school and restless and business can be suffering if you haven’t taken the steps to prepare for the end of the year. Did you just gasp? Yes, the end of 2015 is in sight and you need to steady yourself as we approach Fall and the dreaded or celebrated Holiday Season. With the thermometer reaching 100+, people start to stay indoors in the air conditioning when they should be outside marketing. We say we’ll do it tomorrow morning when it is cooler but tomorrow comes and we get sidetracked and remember by noon. So we promise tomorrow is the day but… My suggestion, put it on the cal-

endar as an appointment because you always keep your appointments. A traditional business model shows your hard work paying off 2 weeks-2 months after your effort. Same with ‘no’ work, if you are all play in the Summer your Fall may suffer. If you ramp up your efforts in the Fall, you could be hit with the lackadaisical attitude of most clients waiting for after the new year to start anything new. See the pattern? Now is the time to act! Go against the grain and start pushing yourself today with extra effort to carry you through the Fall. What you

do now will pay off with your goals and you may be able to enjoy those holidays a little more without scrambling for business. Yes, it is hot, but so is your business if you rally around the goals you set in the beginning of the year and follow through with taking your business Up One Level.

Brian E. Walker, CEO, MBA, LUTCF, DTM 27070 Sun City Blvd. Menifee, CA 92586 Office (951) 934-0338 Fax (951) 672-3427 CA License #0D76384

Employers must pay for or reimburse employee for cell phones or face litigation Our world is filled with technology. In fact, mobile devices out number both personal computers and humans, it’s not surprising that we use our mobile devices for both business and pleasure. In a recent published opinion the California Court of Appeal issued a ruling that is sure to cause issues to any workplace that has a BYOD program. Some businesses utilize a BYOD or Bring Your Own Device program where the employee uses their own technology in the performance of their job. The California Court of Appeal has now told employers that if California employees must use their cell phones for work-related calls, they must be reimbursed a reasonable portion of their cell phone bills for that use. Colin Cochran v. Schwan’s Home Service, Inc., Court of Appeal (August 12, 2014) “An employee need only show that he or she was required to use a personal cell phone to make work-related calls, and he or she was not reimbursed”. This ruling applied to a class action by service managers seeking reim-

bursement of work-related cell phone expenses, but will also apply to smart phones used to access business data in the Cloud and on network servers. Under Cochran ruling, California employers that require employees to use

their personal devices to conduct business as a condition of employment will need to initiate reimbursement plans or face litigation risk. Section 2802 of the California Labor Code requires employers to reimburse

employees for expenses “necessarily incurred” with the stated purpose of “prevent[ing] employers from passing their operating expenses on to their employees.” I know what you are thinking - you can have the employee waive the right to reimbursement. Wrong! California Labor Code section 2804 prohibits waivers of an employee’s rights to reimbursement. The overall theory behind the decision was reflected in the California Supreme Court’s decision in Gattuso v. Harte-Hanks Shoppers, Inc., 42 Cal. 4th 554 (2007), the Court noted that the purpose of section 2802 is to “prevent employers from passing their operating expenses on to their employees.” Most importantly, if your business is exposed to and loses such a lawsuit this can have far reaching and expensive consequences, considering that section 2802 allows employees to recover attorney fees incurred in “enforcing the rights granted by” that section. It is highly likely that the attorney fees incurred will surpass the cost or providing a company phone or paying for a portion of the employees cell phone. If you have a employees that must utilize mobile devices that are not provided by the company, it would be highly advisable to meet with and discuss your policies and procedures with a attorney in order to develop a policy that both allows the employee to effectively perform their job and protect the employer from sitting in the courthouse.

Jeremiah Raxter, Esq Menifee Lawyer Concentrating on Business and Judgment Enforcement 27851 Bradley Rd, Suite 145 Menifee, Ca 92586 951-226-5294

Page 10

Crime Children Stalked and Assaulted in Menifee By C.J. Leger

A terrible experience befell two children from Menifee when, a 19-yearold man lured them into a home and assaulted them. The children were siblings, a 12-year-old girl and her younger brother, 10. Michael Orrantia, a resident of Menifee, was recently arrested and booked on the suspicion of burglary, sexual assault on a child, and false imprisonment in direct association with the allegations the children made to authorities. He has since been charged and held on a $1 million bail. According to reports, both

CRIME MAP Breaking & Entering 7/1/2015 5:34 40700 Block CALIFORNIA OAKS RD Assault 7/1/2015 22:56 40400 Block ARIEL HOPE WAY 7/2/2015 8:49 40100 Block LOS ALAMOS RD 7/5/2015 12:34 40100 Block VILLAGE RD 7/5/2015 18:43 28200 Block VIA PRINCESSA 7/6/2015 10:24 40100 Block VIA REATA 7/7/2015 1:48 39500 Block BONAIRE WAY 7/7/2015 2:38 40100 Block LOS ALAMOS RD 7/7/2015 3:53 25100 Block VISTA MURRIETA RD 7/9/2015 17:54 41100 Block VINCENNES CT 7/12/2015 18:55 MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS RD & MARGARITA RD 7/12/2015 20:26 40100 Block LOS ALAMOS RD 7/14/2015 0:50 24800 Block HANCOCK AV 7/14/2015 14:49 39400 Block VIA MONTERO 7/14/2015 19:12 40600 Block WALSH CENTER DR 7/17/2015 14:29 23400 Block BENDING OAK CT 7/19/2015 2:44 26400 Block ARBORETUM WAY 7/20/2015 16:04 24600 Block BAROLO CT 7/27/2015 18:05 41100 Block WILLOWBEND DR 7/28/2015 18:52 25000 Block CAMINO MANCHO Breaking & Entering 7/4/2015 7:35 41300 Block MAGNOLIA ST 7/4/2015 17:03 23800 Block JONATHAN PL 7/6/2015 10:58 25200 Block MADISON AV 7/7/2015 1:24

Murrieta Buzz—

children were walking along the street when Orrantia followed them as they were walking into a residence to feed a neighbor’s cat. The children reported that once inside, he proceeded to assault them. The younger brother was able to escape the perilous situation and seek help by notifying a parent, however, by the time authorities were called, the suspect had already fled. Police arrived at the 29000 block of Camino Cristal and search for the suspect. They later found him just a few blocks away from where the incident transpired. Neighbors stated that Orrantia was a known resident of the area, living just around the corner from the children. One neighbor stated that Orrantia was often seen under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The names of the children have not been revealed, and parents are asking that their last names also be omitted from the news reports. However, the parents did come forward and spoke to CBS Los Angeles using just their first names. Angel, the children's mother, stated that she was the first to

29500 Block VIA PRINCESSA 7/7/2015 19:17 24300 Block JACKSON AV 7/9/2015 8:51 25700 Block JEFFERSON AV 7/10/2015 16:24 24800 Block HANCOCK AV 7/13/2015 8:38 24500 Block WASHINGTON AV 7/13/2015 14:14 24800 Block HANCOCK AV 7/14/2015 14:48 25400 Block HANCOCK AV 7/24/2015 19:51 40400 Block MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS RD 7/26/2015 21:30 41200 Block MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS RD 7/29/2015 3:06 41000 Block CALIFORNIA OAKS RD 7/29/2015 15:46 26000 Block JEFFERSON AV Other Sexual Offense 7/2/2015 11:49 28700 Block VIA ESTRELLA 7/14/2015 13:56 25900 Block MARCO POLO ST 7/29/2015 21:21 26800 Block BAHAMA WAY 7/31/2015 22:38 26400 Block ARBORETUM WAY Theft 7/1/2015 14:39 23200 Block SINGLE OAK WAY 7/1/2015 16:32 39600 Block MAPLELEAF CT 7/1/2015 20:31 39800 Block ALTA MURRIETA DR 7/2/2015 14:45 39800 Block ALTA MURRIETA DR 7/2/2015 15:43 41300 Block MAGNOLIA ST 7/2/2015 19:18 24300 Block SADDLEBAG CT 7/2/2015 20:19 24900 Block MADISON AV 7/3/2015 8:53 24600 Block MADISON AV 7/3/2015 12:32 41000 Block CALIFORNIA OAKS RD 7/3/2015 18:33 42100 Block MURRIETA HOT

be notified of the incident when her son came to her looking for help after fleeing the residence. Their father, Jason, says he's proud of their children but says that their son is still shaken up about the situation. Their daughter is reportedly “doing well”. No other suspects were named in the event, authorities believe that this was an isolated incident, completely random and orchestrated by Orrantia

SPRINGS RD 7/3/2015 20:09 24600 Block MADISON AV 7/3/2015 23:54 39700 Block AVENIDA ACACIAS 7/3/2015 23:59 41000 Block CALIFORNIA OAKS RD 7/5/2015 15:30 41000 Block CALIFORNIA OAKS RD 7/6/2015 8:49 24600 Block MADISON AV 7/6/2015 15:57 25700 Block LONDON CT 7/6/2015 18:10 24600 Block MADISON AV 7/7/2015 13:42 39400 Block VIA MONSERATE 7/7/2015 19:05 41000 Block CALIFORNIA OAKS RD 7/7/2015 19:49 24400 Block STALLION CT 7/8/2015 7:44 STONE RIDGE & MOUNTAIN SHADOW RD 7/9/2015 11:13 40000 Block RAVENWOOD DR 7/9/2015 14:14 40500 Block CALLA LILLY STREET 7/9/2015 15:49 24600 Block MADISON AV 7/9/2015 17:22 41200 Block MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS RD 7/9/2015 23:03 42200 Block NIGHTHAWK WAY 7/10/2015 12:10 39700 Block CORTE SANTA BARBARA 7/10/2015 13:34 40700 Block CALIFORNIA OAKS RD 7/20/2015 11:05 38100 Block MURRIETA CREEK DR 7/20/2015 19:39 41200 Block MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS RD 7/20/2015 19:59 25100 Block CRESTHAVEN ST 7/21/2015 10:23 41200 Block KALMIA ST 7/21/2015 14:12 39400 Block MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS RD 7/21/2015 16:37 41000 Block CALIFORNIA OAKS RD 7/21/2015 17:25

41000 Block CALIFORNIA OAKS RD 7/21/2015 21:30 41200 Block MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS RD 7/21/2015 21:33 41200 Block MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS RD 7/21/2015 22:03 41200 Block MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS RD 7/23/2015 14:20 24300 Block VILLAGE WALK PL 7/23/2015 15:59 40500 Block MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS RD 7/24/2015 11:59 24300 Block JACKSON AV 7/24/2015 20:02 39600 Block VIA TEMPRANO 7/25/2015 11:28 26300 Block ARBORETUM WAY 7/27/2015 12:43 SUGARBERRY LN & ARBORETUM WAY 7/28/2015 2:06

alone. Orrantia is currently being held at the Southwest Detention Center located in Temecula. Anyone with further information on the incident or Orrantia is urge to call the Menifee Police Department at (951) 210-1000.

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39400 Block MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS RD 7/28/2015 14:52 28800 Block CALLE DE LANE PAZ 7/28/2015 18:52 40600 Block CARTIER ST 7/29/2015 20:11 39400 Block MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS RD 7/30/2015 10:15 24300 Block VILLAGE WALK PL 7/31/2015 13:38 41000 Block CALIFORNIA OAKS RD 7/31/2015 15:00 FIG ST & JEFFERSON AV 7/31/2015 21:08 24600 Block MADISON AV

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Page 11

Archibald's Marks 15 Years In Business Owner Andy Sehremelis, who has five Archibald's restaurants In Southern California as well as several other unrelated business endeavors. opened the first Archibald's In Ontario on Jan.19, 2000. Not much has changed since thenthe eatery specializes in just about everything, with a large menu featuring burgers, of course, plus breakfast all day and sandwiches, salads and much more. With a background working In his family's fast-food restaurants from a young age, Sehremelis said making his own way in the industry was something he knew he could do and do well. "My 80-year-old father, George came from Greece when he was 15; he started working in restaurants until he had enough money to open his own, "Sehremlis explained."When I was 6 years old, I remember Mom picking me up and taking me to the restaurant to help out." Even today, Sehremelis's father remains hard at work In the fast-food Industry. The Greek Immigrant owns Golden Burger at 2301 E. Fourth St In Long Beach. Sehremells said he originally planned to open a burger joint as a franchisee, but changed his mind and started something fresh. Today he said he's glad he decided to run with his own growing business concept. "I was going to open a Burger King but decided instead to start my own burger place" he said about the first Archibald's in Ontario."I named it after the street it was on: Archibald Avenue." His business on Second Street took over a space formerly occupied by a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant, and Is the smallest of the Archiba-

ld's locations. The others have larger dining rooms, with private party rooms and drive-thru windows; the other restaurants also sell beer and wine. There's a large emphasis on all types of sports decor at his other restaurants, too, since Sehremelis is a passionate fan. The restaurateur, wbo is a father of three, said he would love to open another Archibald's In Long Beach or expand his Second Street shop someday, but for now he is focused on franchising the restaurant and opening five to 10 other Archibald's locations In the next decade. Archibald's Marketing Director Bill Fenlse, whose brother also works for the company, said the Second Street location survived the reces-

sion and is being discovered by more new customers every day. He said it's an especially popular spot for college students who want a bite to eat after bar crawling along the thoroughfare. A popular menu item is the "DUI Fries" which he said translates to "dining under the influence fries." "They're are still folks who live and work around here who ask me where Archibald's is when I talk to them - they don't always see us or think of us down here at the end of the street," Ferrise said."But once they try us, we have customer's for life. They come here and get hooked. Ferrlse said new customers at Archibald's should try the most popular

dishes such as the Monster Burger (with bacon, avocado, cheese, lettuce and pickles) with fresh cut fries, fried zucchini or onion rings. Sehremelis favorite menu items are the Breakfast Burrito (stuffed with scrambled eggs, cheese, hash browns and, a choice of bacon, sausage, ham or carne asada) and the Greek Salad. "Ninety-five percent of what we have here Is made on the premises," Sehremelis said."We don't compromise on quality.' Archibald's, 4600 E. Second St., Is open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sundays through Wednesdays and from 7 a.m. to 3am. Thursdays through Saturdays. For details, call (562} 434-0444.

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