Opulence in paradise i do jamaica 2016

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ing on the results you want to achieve. My personal favourite is Photoshop. Live example: the cover of this magazine .

front of the more opulent scenery - and you certainly would not know that from looking at the cover of the magazine.

Creating the Cover – I Do Jamaica Magazine 2016

Creative Cropping

The original shot was taken at Blue Hole in Ocho Rios, at one of the lower (less dramatic) falls. At the request of the magazine producers, a more opulent background had to be produced so I proceeded to present additional options without having to redo the entire costly photoshoot. Here's how. I went back (alone) and photographed the bigger, more dramatic falls at Blue Hole to use as a background plate. In Photoshop, I selected and cut out our model Amy from the first image. She was then ‘photoshopped’ in place in

Another important skill in my tool box is cropping. It may seem very simple, but when editing, in order to maximise the intensity and focus of an image, I cannot stress how important it is. On a previous shoot with one of my favourite models and dear friend Sara, she wanted an image that would show her love for horses. We did a number of setups, and ended up with one that focused on her outfit and her eyes. I've often found that the real connection between any living subject and a great shot comes from the eyes. She also

loves images in sepia tone...so that was the first step. That covered, I wanted to enhance the opulence and mystique of the shot so I did a number of things in Photoshop. Softened the look, blurred the background a bit, and cropped the image so that there could be no doubt about the connection between them and the viewer. I confess, with a bit of editing, the difference is quite striking. Truth is, we've come a long way and who knows what's around the corner? The main thing is to use whatever technology you need, to accomplish the look you want. I know the purists disagree with me, but I feel that this is really one good instance where the end justifies the means. Happy shooting!

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