Got Life - September New Life Temple Church Newsletter

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Rest from page 2

What I want to receive from my “sabbatical” is to quiet my soul down, whether it is sleeping in a few days, playing some game on the computer, watching television, an activity outside, whatever takes me away from the constant driving force of doing. My spirit person loves God with everything within me, but my soul can cause distraction because is over worked and tired. Yes, nothing is greater than my “sabbatical”, to have a few days closure with the Lord to bring the soul back in harmony with the spirit person. Remember everything is housed in the soul, your emotions, will, thinking, feeling, intellect, and the list goes on. Our spirit does not get weary, but our soul does. For it to continue in the race, give your soul some rest. Rest is needed in about everything, whether material, or people or things. God commanded Israel to allow the land to rest after seven years of giving out. Our soul is just like the soil. For it to be effective and productive, we need rest.












Transformation from page 1

into its cocoon state it begins to change and when the change is complete, the once ugly caterpillar has become a beautiful butterfly. Life is a process of transformation. For good or bad. You have been changing since the day you were born! Word: "Metamorphosis" metamorphoo (met-am-or-fo'-o); to transform (literally or figuratively, "metamorphose") KJV-- change, transfigure, transform. As a caterpillar into a butterfly. This word describes the process that God is doing in our lives. I believe it is His will that we be transformed in order for us to do His will. We must understand that spiritually, transformation takes time. It is no less a miracle whether it takes 1 second or 100 years. Time is not as important with God as the end results. The miracle is still the same! Time – quick or lengthy. • Be transformed on the Mount with Peter James and John • Water into wine! • Create the World in 7 Days • Transform a Jacob (the grabber and the one that wrestled with God) into the Son of God called Israel. The only difference is the time of the process and material! The choice to be transformed is yours. You eat and exercise and your physical body will grow. You study and observe and your mind will grow. You chose to relate to others and



your emotions will grow. You chose to relate to God and your spirit will grow. The points being you make choices for this transformation to take place in your life. II.The human will is the main difference between the transformation in matter and the transformation in humans. Are you happy where you are today? Have you resigned yourself to the hopelessness of your situation? Do you feel that you can't be any

better? Have you given up? Are you stuck in a rut? Have you quit growing as a person? Have you quit growing as a Christian? III.Today I want to talk to you about the power of God that is available to you to lift you out of that pit of despair and lethargy and transform your future.

That is what the Gospel is all about! Good News, Hope! God hasn't quit on you! Our journey in faith study brings us to Hebrews 11, God's Hall of Faith. Now chances are great that I am talking to some people that are fighting a ghost from the past. For you .. it may be that you've committed some tragic sin that nobody ever found out about. Your ghost may be a mental or emotional breakdown that you had that nobody knows about. Minister Isaac J. Bazile is the Director of Men of the Tower Ministry at New Life Temple Church, as well as a staff writer for Got Life


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