CAE Gold Plus

Page 9


Tuning in

Use of E~glish: open doze (Part 2) p.12

5 1, 2 Students read the title of the article and speculate about the content before skimming the article. 3 After this initial reading, students work in pairs to put the words in brackets into the correct form.

6 After checking the answers, use this question to personalise the topic by applying it to the students' own town or city, or if there are no buskers, you might like to ask students how they feel about Peter Murphy's decision to give up a steady job as an accountant to become a busker. 7

Point out that the adjective disappointed in the example needs to change to disappointment in the new sentence. Then ask students to complete the four transformations.


These questions personalise the topic of the reading


Aim: • to complete an exam-style open doze

1 If you have already discussed students' opinions about different types of music, just use question 2.

2 Students work in pairs to list the advantages and disadvantages and then tell the class their ideas. Then they skim the text to see which of their ideas are mentioned. 3 Go over the procedure outlined and then ask students to work individually to complete the task. They then compare answers in pairs and guess the words for any remaining gaps (stages 2 and 3). Step 4, re-reading the whole text, is important to ensure that students' answers fit with the overall argument. You could set aside a special minute for this.

4 The first question checks students' understanding of the overall opinion.


Ex. 1 All the words are nouns, because the suffixes -ment and -ness are noun suffixes.

Ex. 2 weakness (noun), countable (adjective), alternative (noun/adjective), frightening (adjective), rapidly (adverb), option (noun), successful (adjective), performance (noun), legal (adjective), responsibility (noun), modernise (verb), political (adjective), enjoyment (noun), delicious (adjective), decorative (adjective), confused (adjective), pleasant (adjective), combination (noun)

Ex. 3 nouns from adjectives: -ity, -ness nouns from verbs: -ive, -ion, -ment, -ance verbs from adjectives: -ise (NB US spelling -ize) adjectives from nouns/verbs: -ive, -able, -ed, -ing, -ai, -ed, -ant adverbs from adjectives: -Iy

Ex. 5 1 professional 4 determined

2 sponsored 5 impression

3 regularly 6 intriguing

7 production 8 inspirational/inspiring 9 formal 10 powerful 11 fluently 12 respectable 13 appearance 14 responsibility 15 involvement 16 negotiations 17 determination 18 performances

Ex. 7 1 much more forgetful 2 be more responsible 3 a brilliant performance 4 was actively engaged ~ Photocopiable activity 1 Suffixes pp. 154 and 155


Ex. 2 1 whose 2 no 3 from 4 on 5 how 6 what 7 other 8 in 9 to 10 however 11 gave/give 12 nobody/no(-)one 13 rather 14 as 15 which

Exam focus Paper 5 Speaking: conversation (Part 1) p.13 Aims: • to provide students with information about Paper 5 (speaking), Part 1 and allow them to practise • to help students to analyse what makes a good candidate

1 Go over the exam information with the students. Then play the recording and invite students' comments on the candidates. 2 1 Students now work in groups of three to do mock interviews. In the discussion afterwards encourage students to think about what could have been said to make their answers more detailed or interesting. If some candidates try to say too much, you may need to tell them that just two or three sentences will do at this stage. 2 If students find it difficult to think of questions, prompt them by writing possible topics on the board (e.g. TV. weekends, etc.).

~ Recording script p.90


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