WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

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A Letter From The Editor, New Year, New You! Every New Year, we struggle over what to change about ourselves. Although for some of us it’s the same resolution every year. And for what reason? Because Resolutions, in a way are very non-committal! Yes, we in words make this agreement with ourselves to make this change or that change this year, but do we ever truly hold ourselves accountable for these verbal or sub-conscious agreements? In this special edition, we want our readers to focus not so much on Resolutions, but on LIFESTYLE changes. We are all creatures of habit, so diets and such come across as temporary solutions instead of a new way of everyday life. This is what we have to readjust. So take the opportunity to really evaluate yourself and what you would like to improve upon in realistic terms and incorporate them into your new daily ritual of life. Not year-to-year, month-to-month or even day-to-day for that matter. If it’s important enough to you it will take precedents. In the following pages you will encounter articles about healthy living as many of us strive for better health and beauty inside and out. Whatever lifestyle change you set out for I wish you all the best in 2014! Many Blessings & Prosperity Xoxo, We want to hear from you, please feel free to share your lifestyle story changes with us at info@wmdsfmag.com


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olution: For Your New Years’ Resolution! By: Food As Nutrition

he Next Level Workout By: Jordan White and Melanie Butcher


eal Women, Real Solutions


he Workout Mama




inter Months and Warming Foods


it Couples: Boost Your Sex Life



Cover Model: Jillian Miller Stylist: Cheris Broadbelt

Graphic Designer: Dom Pierre

Senior Editor: Melanie Butcher

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Photo Location: Gold’s Gym WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

Model: Alric Blackwood

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Photographer: DOM PIERRE

Cover Story: Jillian Miller’s Kill Abs


Power In Numbers: Lose The Weight With a Friend


Recipes: Old Things Gone, Big Things Ahead!



5 Vital Tips TO Get Fit in 2014

“SLT” The New Pilates

50 52

Fit Fashion Must Haves 2014

5 Top Healthy Hotspots In NYC

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Model: Emina Xavier


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Photographer: DOM PIERRE

As the excitement builds for the year

and I also prepare to affirm ways in which I desire to change for the better, I am reminded by this quote from one of my favorite writers: “To those who question their position as the year ends....

before you question what you did not accomplish...every day, as long as you breathe, is a beginning too.”- Rainbird (alias) It’s healing to remember that in every moment we have an opportunity to shift... to change... to be better. So


why do we wait until the end of the year to proclaim or assertively commit to transformation? Why not, with every moment and with every breath we utilize our divine right to create something new? Typically we all wait until January 1st arrives to exercise discipline after months of holiday over-indulgence. From November to December, we allow ourselves more food, more alcohol and more mental/physical fatigue from over stresses with planning and attending gatherings until our cups runneth over. During this time we are far from deprived and then turn around and set a date to miraculously cease all the ways in which we have

WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

excessively pleasured ourselves. Unfortunately, implementing discipline doesn’t work that way. Everything takes time... small steps... which is why it is so important to remember each breathe... each moment we have to change something small to assist us in the bigger picture...what we ultimately desire. When we approach the New Year with declarations that subconsciously play into the idea of punishment, there is but so long we are able to endure those restrictions. In addition, radical changes do not happen over night; with change comes the stripping of agreements and ideas that we

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A Solution For Your New Years’ Resolution! By Temdaji


Take Charge. Affirm. Subtract Transition. Eliminate.

Truly knowing the frustrations of

wanting to change and the difficulties that can come with that desire, Food As Nutrition has created a 5 week program called T.A.S.T.E. T.A.S.T.E (TakeCharge. Affirm. Subtract. Transition. Eliminate.) is a solution that can help you keep your New Years Resolution. This program is designed to deconstruct your attachments to your decisions with regards to how you choose to nourish your bodies (mental body, physical body, spiritual body). When we nourish all of our bodies, we are better able to achieve the balance we strive for in life. For a short time only (until Jan 3, 2014), Food As Nutrition is offering our T.A.S.T.E. program for $75 dollars a week (for 5 weeks). This program includes:

Photographer: DOM PIERRE

have held onto for survival for years. This is why diets and weight-loss programs/challenges only last the duration they are set for... the cycle.... the moment... and sometimes not even that. So where do we go from here?... It’s time to approach commitment differently. It’s time to deconstruct the WHY. ...when we understand the why, it is easier to address the HOW.

Why do I participate? Why do I consume? Why do I neglect? These introspective questions aren’t purposed to scold yourself but more so innerstand ...connect with the reasons behind your actions. Question with compassion and remember we are where we are because we need to be. Trust your truth and the lessons that sit patiently behind them waiting to be revealed. Revelations happen when we are ready.

WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

Health Assessment 5 Coaching Sessions (1 1/12 hrs each- valued at $525 alone) Weekly Dietary Assessments T.A.S.T.E. Workbook Journal Personalized Food Regimen (in accordance with the current season) ”Foods For You List” (inclusive of all seasons) Complimentary “Additive Food Guide” On Call Support ***We also offer herbal compounds for a 10% discount with the purchase of the T.A.S.T.E. program. ***In addition, Klaim Vibrant Health, Colonics are offered at a discounted price of $65.00 per session, a $20 discount from the original price. Text “FOODASNUTRITION” to 50500 to schedule an appointment today

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Model: Michael Lea




Photographer: DOM PIERRE

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THE NEXT LEVEL By Personal Trainer Jordan White and Editor Melanie Butcher All The Hot Tips you need to get you to new heights

WORKOUT Photographer: Roger Miller

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The Standing Dumbbell Curl

veryone loves sexy arms! Ladies, to get those arms that will make others say, “Man, that girl has some serious guns” don’t be afraid to use free weights or heavier dumbbells. The known fear of lifting is that it causes you to bulk up and that is not the case. If this is your fear simply using lighter weights and more reps, this will give you the affect of toned, lean arms.


tep 1:

Grab a pair of dumbbells and let them hang at arm’s length next to your sides. Turn your arms so that your palms face forward. Stand as tall as you can and set your feet shoulder-width apart.

For Guys who want to bulk up, use heavier weights, you need to recruit bigger muscles to help them grow in tendem. You will train biceps first, and then train the triceps. As before any workout, a warm up is always needed. A light 5-minute aerobic exercise such as the elliptical, treadmill or exercise bike is perfect.


tep 2:

: Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and curl the dumbbells as close to your shoulders as you can. Pause, then slowly lower the weights back to the starting position. Each time you return to the starting position, completely straighten your arms.


Photographer: DOM PIERRE

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nother great arm workout tool are battle ropes. They are ideal for toned arms. Available at most gyms, but can be purchased for around $100-140 on Amazon.com Here are a few exercises for the battle ropes:


Alternating Waves

tep 1: Use a pole or loop the rope through a heavy

kettlebell as an anchor for your battle rope. Pull the rope towards you. Plant your feet, and slightly bend your knees.


tep 2: Alternate

moving your arms up and down as fast as you can. 4 sets of 30 seconds

Double Arm Waves


tep 1:

Follow step 1 of alternating waves

tep 2: Instead of alternating your arms up and

down, move them up and down together. 4 sets of 30 seconds

Photographer: Roger Miller

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Personal Trainer Fitness Tips By Jordan White Now that the holidays are over, many of our readers are left wondering; “How can I shed this extra weight that I have put on during the holiday season?”. The most effective way to get into great shape is always to hire a good personal trainer. However, for those of our readers who cannot seem to find the right trainer for their specific needs, we offer a few tips each month here at WMDSF Magazine to help. The best types of exercises in order to burn the most bodyfat are by far compound movements. Compound movements incorporate many different muscles as well as zones of the body. A great example of a compound movement is the burpee.

Some arenas refer to the burpee as an up-down. A burpee begins with the athlete in a push-up position. From there the athlete pops up into a leap frog or squatting position. Then the athlete catapults him/ herself into the air with both hands raised. Upon landing, the athlete hops down into push-up position, executes a push-up then repeats.

After about 5 sets of 10 reps, the athlete will have to dip into his/her energy storage just to finish. While hiring a certified personal trainer would be the safest and most efficient way to get to your “ideal image” at least here at WMDSF Magazine we can inspire you to keep pushing through.


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Tire Flip Flip the tire up and down the course as many times as you can in a 90-second or 2-minute period of time. Keep track of the number of flips you achieve each set. As your endurance increases you should be able to flip the tire more times in the time limit. If the 2-minutes get to be too easy increase the time that you flip the tire in 30-seceond increments. 3-4 sets

One Legged Plank (Using Truck Tire) Using the same tire used for the tire flip. Get in plank position with your hands on the tire, lower back tight, elbows at 90-degrees, butt down. Extend one leg and hold for 30 seconds on each side. 3-4 sets

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Photographer: Roger Miller

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Using a stability ball also can give you a great work out. Here are a few ideas...


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Side Plank with a Twist using Stability Ball


tep 1:

Lie on your right side with elbow on the floor under shoulder, hips stacked. Elevate feet onto stability ball using your core to maintain your balance.


tep 2:

Push hips up, forming a straight line from head to heels, extend left above shoulder.


tep 3:

Bring left arm under body, rotating upper body to the right. Hold for 1 count, return to start. Do 6 to 10 reps; switch sides and repeat.

Photographer: Roger Miller

Plank Into Jack Knife


tep 1: Place shins on ball in plank position.



tep 2::

Roll the ball towards you, raising your butt as high as you can. Keep your knees straight.

tep 3: Pause, roll ball back


and straighten out legs. Repeat 12 reps

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For more helpful tips from our Personal Trainer Jordan White email him at jordancoins33@gmail.com

WMDSF Magazine’s Very Own WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

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Photographer: DOM PIERRE

No Age limit to your success story

Linda Schmid Wife, Mother, Friend shares her Weight Loss Techique 18

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Photographer: DOM PIERRE

“Real Women, Real Solutions”

“I did it and you can too” -Linda Schmid

Photographer: DOM PIERRE

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Weight Loss Success


fter three pregnancies, raising two children, and facing the challenges of everyday life, my weight ballooned to 282 pounds. Food was my “friend”, my insulation from all the “stuff” that aimed to hurt me. I was always fat, but never this fat, buying clothing in the “chubby” section of Sears as a child (it was okay to call us fat kids “chubby” back then). I just waddled along in life, dealing with what I needed to do. I was working two jobs and completing two Master’s Degrees along with raising two children and running a house - not an easy feat but one that needed to be done. I was always last on the list of priorities. I invited two girlfriends down to Mexico to visit me and, of course, we took pictures at some of the sites I was showing them. One picture hit home. That couldn’t be me!

But it was. All those rolls of fat....those huge horse arms, the four chins. It finally hit me. After spending the requisite amount of time in tears and wondering how this happened, I decided to do something. I really wasn’t sure about what I needed to do, Weight Watchers had never worked for me, and I knew I needed professional help. I went to a registered dietician in my gastroenterologist’s office. She asked me to keep a food journal for one month: “write down everything” she said, and “don’t leave anything out”. She explained that if I omitted anything, including snacks, etc., I would be cheating myself. So I didn’t....I wrote it all down, the chips, the cookies, the peanut M & M’s, and included the times that I ate/snacked. I was dreading that first visit but I WAS NOT going to chicken out. This was it. No turning back. I did not want to be 282 pounds any more.


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o, she went through my journal as I sat in anticipation, waiting to be reprimanded. But that didn’t happen. She showed me the pattern of my eating, what it was and when it was. She asked me to follow a simple eating plan, all written down for me and UNLIMITED. She explained that the diet was “not what I put in my mouth, but what I put between my ears” or how I though about eating. So, with her pep talk, I left with plan in hand and another appointment in a month. I still had to keep my food journal (honestly). She changed my appointments to every two weeks, monitoring my journal, noting my losses (as well as gains) and changing my food plan as the weeks progressed. She was as much a counselor as a dietician/nutritionist. After “ Food was my “friend”, my insulation one year, she suggested that from all the “stuff” that aimed to hurt me.” I begin to exercise so I joined a gym. It was a “ladies” gym, with just circuit machines (not very good ones) and I had to force myself to go. Until they had a class in the gym....I loved it! It didn’t feel like exercise because it was fun. A side effect was that my weight started coming off more quickly. Sadly, this gym closed. I had received a free month membership to Gold’s Gym so I decided to try it out. It was very intimidating. Big gym. Big men. Lots of muscles everywhere. Tons of machines that looked like instruments of torture. Classes where everyone knew everyone and I was the odd man out. But I went. With a smile hiding my fear. Everyday. Until finally I knew the dance steps, and started knowing the people, too. And then, it happened, I was a size six! WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

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I still see my dietician, just twice a year now. She’s had to close her practice to new patients because of all my recommendations. I still keep a food journal. I still follow the meal plan. I still exercise. ALOT. But now I love it, it’s my new therapy. It’s been two years that I’ve kept off 150 pounds so now this is my lifestyle and not a diet. I have muscles now instead of fat rolls, a large part due to a very important part of my story, my personal trainer who has helped me learn about muscle development. He’s positively fantastic and I don’t know if I could have come this far without him. I feel so much better about myself now. Don’t get me wrong, I still love food but now I think about what I eat, and why I want to eat it, is it hunger or boredom?

People are always asking me for advice. How did you lose the weight? How long did it take? I always answer, but it’s not usually what they want to hear, UNLESS they’re ready for the message. Don’t beat yourself up. When you’re ready, you’ll do it. I was ready.


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“It finally hit me. After spending the requisite amount of time in tears and wondering how this happened, I decided to do something.�

Photographer: DOM PIERRE

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By Bridget Giammarino

Tip # 1 – Buy yourself a running

stroller! This gives you the freedom of being able to get outside for a walk, jog, or run any day and any time without having to get into your car and driving somewhere! They even sell covers for the stroller so that you can go out in light rain! **Note – If you have never run before, download the Couch-to5k App by the Active Network! This app took me from a woman with a 6 month old baby and at least 25 pounds of baby weight left on me, to a mom that could run a 5k! It is very motivating and helpful! Tip # 2 – Join a gym that has free childcare! Your child will love the opportunity to play with other children and you will get your workout on! Tip # 3 – If you are completely unmotivated to leave your home for exercise, or your child is too small to leave the house, then purchase some exercise videos and/ or a piece of equipment like an elliptical or a treadmill! Tip # 4 – Join Weight Watchers or find a nutritionist that can create a personalized meal and diet plan for you. This is a great way to eat real food and still find a lifestyle that can lead to weight loss. This is especially helpful if you are not as knowledgeable about what you should be eating and/or how much


We all make them. Possibly even the same resolutions each January 1st. Typically most people give up on their resolutions before the first month has passed. I think that for new moms this may be even truer. One of the most popular resolutions that Moms make is to finally lose that baby weight, cookie weight, and eating your child’s snacks weight. This can be easier said than done for women who are already spread too thin. How are we supposed to fit in time at the gym or running outside? Wake up call ladies! We HAVE to do it! Forget resolutions, let’s start right now. Here are some tips that I have found worked for me! you should be eating. Tip # 5 - If you prefer a more organized food plan than a diet like Jenny Craig may work for you. I am not a big fan of having to eat pre-made meals but I do know several people that were very successful with this diet and enjoyed it! It is also very helpful for

the momma that has minimal time for cooking! Tip # 6 – Find a form of entertainment that truly works for you while you are exercising. I discovered audio books through my love of long runs. Music is great, but as a momma I rarely get to find time for a good book! I downloaded a program called Audible and I now listen to at least one really good novel each month! I really look forward to my runs or workouts now because I know that it is an opportunity for me to listen to my book! Instead of viewing your new resolution as an inconvenience you need to reprogram your thinking to

WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

be that this is time for YOU! Learn to love it and when February 1st comes around, you will still be excited for sticking with your resolution! Note From Editor: P.S. Moms its also important to become active WITH your children from any age, whether its playing basketball, racing each other, swimming, bike riding or any of their favorite sports, its important for them to remain active. It also keeps exercise fun for you and allows bonding time with your kid(s). -Melanie Butcher Happy New Year Mommas! Let’s make this our happiest, healthiest, and skinniest one yet!

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By Temdaji

A raw food diet is always a bit more intimidating when winter is in full effect. When most people think about raw, they think cold, but a cold body plus cold food equals imbalance. Yes, eating plenty of raw food will help keep your immune system in tact during cold and flu season, however, when it becomes cold... EAT WARM and/or WARMING FOODS.

What are warm foods? Eating foods at room temperature along with slightly warming dishes to approximately 110°F is how we should consume “raw” foods during the winter. Food heated between 105F/41C and 115F/46C are still considered raw. Some warm foods include root vegetables, beetroot, sweet potato, pumpkin and carrots etc. Incorporating soups, stews, steamed veggies and warm herbal teas are also beneficial.

“Warming” speaks to how food acts upon the body. Herbs and spices such as cayenne, cumin, cardamom, coriander, ginger, garlic and peppers are examples of ingredients that are warming. Have you ever noticed when temperatures lower, our bodies begin craving rich, fatty, heavy foods? That’s the body’s way of informing us of its’ need to be warm. Metabolism increases in cold weather in efforts to keep us warm, yet, despite the fact that our bodies work overtime to maintain the internal heat needed to survive, most people do not lose weight in the winter. No, winter and weight gain are not inextricably connected, however, the less we are active and the more heavy foods we consume, the more weight gain becomes inevitable. For true balance, dietary regimens should always be regulated in accordance to our internal and external environments. Wellness is an interaction between your body’s constitution and your surroundings. Eating food that is “warming” or “hot” in its energetic nature will help assist the body’s ability to resist the cold.

What are warming foods?

_____ Interested in a wellness coach for the new year? Contact F.A.N. today at info@foodasnutrition.com or TEXT “Foodasnutrition” to 50500 to receive more information on how to schedule an appointment with Tendaji, your FoodCare Specialist.

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Fit Couples...

Boost Your Sex life Together 26

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orking out with... By Melanie Butcher

... your sweetheart can give your body and sex life a boost. Exercise works as a natural aphrodisiac, getting your blood pumping and endorphins flowing. Sweating in tandem has been said to heighten arousal and intimacy. In addition to boosting your sex life, “Research shows that 94 percent of couples stick with their fitness programs when they work out together,” says Jari Love, certified personal trainer and fitness DVD star.

Model: Julissa

Through working out together it also brings you closer to each other. Many couples don’t spend that true quality time together; the time spent is usually very passive. Watching a movie together is fun, but it’s not oneon-one interaction. But through exercise you and your partner are required to pay more attention to each other. Let’s get started with some different techniques that will get your blood pumping amongst other things. As you learn and grow together, these exercises will increase your libido, especially if you’re working out with your honey!

Photographer: DOM PIERRE

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Wheel Barrow WalkStep 1: Place your hands flat on

the ground shoulder width part. Extend your legs behind you so that your weight is resting on your toes.

Step 2: Have your partner lift your body up at your ankles so that your ankles straddle their body at their hips. Step 3: Move your right hand

forward six inches and then move your left hand forward 12 inches (six inches ahead of your right hands new position).

Step 4: Continue walking forward

while your partner carries your legs. Start off slow building up to 50 feet. Set of 3-5

Photographer: DOM PIERRE

Biceps and TricepsStep 1: Stand facing your part-

ner, approximately a foot apart. Keeping knees slightly bent, grasp towel in the middle with palms facing upright while your partner holds the ends of the towel.

Step 2: Complete a biceps curl as your partner creates resistance, being sure to keep his core tight and shoulders relaxed, not hunched towards the ears. Your partner completes a triceps extension while you create resistance on your way down from your biceps curl. Do 15 to 20 reps for 2 to 3 sets.


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Decline Sit Up Step 1: With your partner kneeling on the ground, sit on his

lap and wrap your legs tightly around his waist, crossing at the ankles to steady yourself.

Step 2: Keeping your abs tight, lower yourself back down un-

til your lower back is resting fully on his upper thighs and your head is on the ground. Arms should be out to the side. This is the decline position.

Step 3: From the decline position, tighten your abs and

perform a sit up. For an extra challenge, twist your torso first left, then right, at the halfway point to target your oblique (side) muscles. Repeat 10 times.

Mirror Push UpStep 1: With your partner lying flat on the ground, grasp hands

and lean over him in a plank position. Your feet should be placed just outside his ankles and your arms should be strong with elbows locked, as shown.

Step 2: From this inclined plank position, lower yourself down

to a starting push up position. Keep your arms tight to your sides.

Step 3: From here, push up and return to the starting position.

Repeat 10 times.

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Leg Lifts With Your Partner-


ie on your back with your partner standing behind

Model: Lee Gholson

you. Grab his ankles, keep your legs straight and raise them to the vertical position. Have your partner push your legs back down (keep your legs straight and try not to touch your feet to the floor). Next time your legs come to the vertical position, have your partner push them back down but to the side (alternating sides). This will work your obliques (sides). Complete two sets of 20 to 30 repetitions, switching positions with your partner in between sets.

Can’t get to the gym, or maybe Keep it fun and light, go bowling go walking together. Nothing lik each other a

Photographer: DOM PIERRE


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Medicine Ball Back to Back-


tand back to back with your partner. Pass the

ball to each other by twisting side-to-side, ball at stomach height. Do this for about 2 minutes as fast as you can go, then rest. Repeat once more but pass the ball in the other direction.

e circuit workouts aren’t your thing? g together, play some basketball or ke a long walk to learn more about and reconnect! WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

Photographer: DOM PIERRE

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Meet Jillian Miller 32

Photographer: DOM PIERRE

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Cover Model

Meet our , Jillian Miller,a graduate from SUNY Cortland on her way to obtaining her Masters in Literacy Education. Previously, Jillian competed in the "Long Island Experience" and earned second place in Fit Body.


he Long Island Experience took place on September 28, 2013 in Port

Washington. It was her first competition and definitely nerve-wracking. For the competition, Jillian would train 6 days a week. Where she would do about 30-45 mins of cardio five days a week and would train different muscle groups (shoulders, chest/triceps, back/bicep, legs, abs). Jill would not do any cardio while training legs. This was the first time she ever had ab definition in her whole entire life and it definitely opened her eyes to what healthy eating could do for the body. Since the competition ended Jillian tells us, she has relaxed on the diet and enjoys treats here and there. “Life is all about moderation! Growing up, I was not strong or healthy. I was overweight and had unhealthy relationships with food and people. However, when you change your life style everything changes. Being fit has changed my entire lifestyle. It changes you mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I feel stronger and healthier. It is an important aspect of my life that I would not change. When you feel better about yourself, your whole demeanor changes.”

How She Got Her KILLER ABS? “My favorite ab exercise uses a small medicine ball. I put it behind my back, right above my glutes. I make sure my knees are slightly bent. I do a crunch on the medicine ball, however I bend backwards about 60 degrees to make sure I engage all of the abdominal muscles. On my way up, I let out all the air in my lungs as it enhances the movement. You can definitely feel the burn!”

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Lose The Weigh 34

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ht With A Friend WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

Photographer: DOM PIERRE

by Melanie Butcher Visit wmdsfmag.com


Let’s face it...


..losing weight can be one of the hardest things to do, especially when you lack the motivation. But when you have a dedicated friend, who shares the same goal as you, weight loss doesn’t have to be so tedious!

Contrary to popular belief working out doesn’t have to be painful and boring. AH huh, and we are here to help! Remember when we were kids and working out was just playing around with our friends? Yes, the running around during tag and hide and seek, or playing Marko Pollo while swimming in the pool? It’s true, that was exercise, and your workout can still be just as much fun. So grab your girlfriend(s) or guy friend(s) and hit the gym, park, tennis court, swimming pool, or heck even just your house. There are also local classes in your area just google them (i.e. Zumba classes, yoga, spin class, or bootcamp for the adventurous) The important part is to keep it fun, and change it up, Pole Dancing Classes are great for a group of girlfriends and your boyfriend/girlfriend will benefit from it as well ☺ The importance of working out with a personal trainer is also an option with a friend as this method could cut down on cost, while you have a professional to show you the right form/techniques as well as what works best for your body. Below are some workouts you can use with your friend(s):

Shadow Boxing/Kickboxing

Punch Ladder and Squat Thrust Combo

Boxer does 20 jab-crosses. Both boxer and pad holder do 2 squat thrusts (burpee without the jump and push up). Boxer does 18 jab-crosses. Both do 2 squat thrusts. Boxer does 16 jab-crosses and so on until the final round of 2 jab-crosses. To speed this one up go down by 4 punches each set instead of 2.

Photographer: Roger Miller


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Push-Up High Five Step 1: Face your partner arms

length apart. Get in push-up position, hands directly under your shoulders, legs extended, abs engaged.

Step 2: Do a push-up, bending elbows at a 90-degree angle.

Step 3: Push back up to starting po-

sition and give each other a high five, extending arm straight out, rather than up. Complete reps until fatigued.

Photographer: Roger Miller

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Kick Me Set up a couple of kick pads with your partner. Partner A does 10x front kicks (each side) and 10x knees (each side). Repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 times. Swap and repeat for Partner B.

Photographer: DOM PIERRE

Partner Plank/ Push Up Step 1: Partner One, set

up in push-up position. Partner Two, facing your partner, put your hands on top of their shoulders.

Step 2: Partner Two,

perform full push-ups using your partner’s shoulders as your base. Photographer: DOM PIERRE


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Sit Up Passes with Medicine Ball Step 1:

Sit on the floor with your feet out in front of you and your knees slightly bent. Your feet don’t need to be flat on the floor, and your exact upper-body position isn’t important in this position. Your workout partner should adopt the same position, facing you with 2 feet of space between your feet. Hold a medicine ball with both hands in front of your chest.

Step 2:

Contract your abdominal muscles and lower your torso to the floor. Instead of keeping the medicine ball against your chest, extend your arms and tap the ball against the floor above your head once your shoulders touch the floor. As you descend, allow your legs to straighten. Related Reading: Medicine Ball Exercises for Women

Step 3:

Throw the ball to your partner as you begin to complete the sit-up and return to the starting position. As you return to the starting position, your partner should catch the ball and lean back to touch the ball to the ground to mirror you. Once your partner throws the ball back to you, you’ve completed one rep. Continue this back-and-forth movement for three sets of 20 full reps.

Photographer: DOM PIERRE

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RECIPES 2014…OLD THINGS GONE, BIG THINGS AHEAD!!!! And so its here; The countdown has happened, the confetti and streamers thrown. We have hugged and kissed our loved ones and wished them well in the year to come. Resolutions; what resolves have you placed upon yourself to accomplish, what steps will you make to stay on track. Make your resolutions simple, make them realistic and make then fun. For 2014, my resolutions are: To learn how to receive love, and with all I have received to readily share it with all To be fearless; fear will block my light from reaching its full pure potential. To be the healthiest version of myself, be it physically, mentally or spiritually.

Fighting the bulge Weight loss is the #1 resolution made, olur res l-emu o y l f tip: hi anging wemore k c i Qu involve c abits for a one tions d bad h ; take it at e le e bedd e lifesty Do not b the v i t . i e v s o er m it, po t a ti he head bad hab a p r ste elf in t u e yo you s your to resolv ach day ith w e need lebrate the bad e r but c hed ove p trium ity. iv t i pos


WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

year after year and also the first broken. Fighting the bulge can be simple; lets put together some healthy entrées, desserts, soups and sandwiches. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be a task, a science experiment, nor should you have to eat cardboard. The more fun you have with your food, the greater the chance of achieving your goal!!!

Edamame Fried Rice on page 44

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Quick tip: One pepper has nearly a days worth of vitamin A, an antioxidant key to healthy skin and teeth

Bell Peppers with • 1 lb med. shrimp, thawed if frozen, peeled and deveined Shrimp and Coconut • 4 med. red bell peppers • 2 Tbs fresh lime juice Rice • 1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped Serves: 4 Cook time: 30 minutes Ingredients • 4 tsp vegetable oil • 1 Tbs fresh ginger, chopped • 4 tsp garlic, chopped • 1 cup jasmine rice, rinsed and drained • 3/4 cup light coconut milk • 1 tsp finely grated lime zest • 1 tsp sugar • 3/4 tsp kosher salt • 1/4 tsp ground black pepper

(Thai basil if available) • 1/3 cup unsalted cashews, roughly chopped, roasted Put it together • Heat oven too 350 degrees • Heat oil in medium skillet over medium heat • Cook ginger and garlic (about 1 min), ADD rice and cook (about 2 mins) • ADD milk, 1 1/4 cups water, zest, sugar, salt and pepper bring to a low boil; stir and cover • Reduce to a simmer (about 10

WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

mins), stir in shrimp and cook until shrimp is opaque (about 5 mins) • In a large pot, bring 8 inches of water to a low boil • Cut off top third of red peppers and reserve; remove ribs and seeds • Boil peppers and tops until slightly soft (about 5 mins), then place upside down on paper towels • Stir lime juice, basil, and cashews into rice mixture, place bell peppers open side up on baking dish with tops alongside • Stuff with rice mixture, pour an an inch of water in bottom of dish • Cover with foil and bake until warm (about 15 mins)

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Curried Chicken Sandwich

Serves: 4 Cook time: 15 mins

Ingredients • • • • • • • • • • • • •

2 skinless, boneless chicken breast, halved horizontally 1/4 recipe curry brine* 4 stalks celery, thinly sliced 1/2 small fennel bulb, thinly sliced 1 Tbs plan whole-milk yogurt 1 tsp fresh lemon juice 3/4 tsp celery seeds 1 Tbs mayonnaise, plus extra Kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper 4 large country style slices of bread 1/4 cup olive oil 1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced 1/2 cup picked dill with tender stems

Curry Brine

• Combine 1 quart buttermilk, 4 tsp kosher salt, 1 tsp ground black pepper • ADD 4 tsp curry powder, 2 tsp ground cumin and 2 tsp ground turmeric

Put it together

• Combine chicken and curry brine in large resealable plastic bag, seal, turn to coat. Chill at least 4 hours. Prepare skillet/grill pan for medium high heat • Combine celery, fennel, yogurt, lemon juice, celery seeds and 1 Tbs mayonnaise in a medium bowl • Season with salt/pepper, toss to combine, set slaw aside • Cook chicken until cooked through (about 5-7 mins) per side • Brush bread n both sides with oil and cook in skillet until toasted (about 2 mins) per side • Spread with mayonnaise, build sandwich with bread, chicken, slaw, onion and dill


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Shrimp and Scallop Posole

Serves: 6 Cook time: 30 minutes

Ingredients • 1 Tbs olive oil • 1 cup onion, chopped • 3 garlic cloves, minced • 3 cups (or more) bottled clam juice • 1 (15-ounce) can white homi ny, drained, rinsed • 1 cup salsa verde (tomatillo salsa), medium or mild • 2 Tbs sun-dried tomatoes in oil, finely chopped • 1 Tbs finely gated lime peel • 1 lb uncooked jumbo shrimp, peeled, deveined

1 lb large sea scallops halved horizontally • 4 Tbs cilantro, chopped, divided


“Poso Fact: le Mexic , a hearty an sou p dition ally pr trae with p pared or subsit k or chicke n, u food a te with seand tak e it up notch ” a

Put it together • Heat oil in large deep skillet over medium-high heat season with salt/pepper • ADD onion; sauté until tender • Divide among bowls; sprinkle (about 5 minutes), ADD garlic; with remaining cilantro stir about 30 seconds, ADD 3 cups calm juice and next 4 ingredients to skillet • Simmer 5 minutes, ADD shrimp, scallops, 3 Tbs cilantro to simmering broth, adding more calm juice to thin if necessary. • Simmer until seafood is just opaque in center, (about 3 minutes)

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Edamame Fried Rice


Serves: 4 Cook time: 15 minutes


• Olive oil cooking spray • 2 eggs, beaten • 2 Tbs light olive oil, divided • 8 ounces shiitake mushroom caps, thinly sliced • 1 bell red pepper, seeded and chopped • 4 cups broccoli florets • 4 ounces kale, Quick Fact: chopped (about 2 cups) ” Re-examine all that you • 4 garlic cloves, have been told…dismiss minced that which insults your • 1 2-inch piece soul.” fresh gingerroot, minced -Walt Whitman (about 2Tbs) • 1 cup uncooked short grain brown rice, cooked according to package instructions • 1 1/2 cups frozen shelled edamame, defrosted • 3 Tbs reduced sodium soy sauce • 2 scallions, thinly sliced

Put it together •

Heat a large skillet over high heat, remove from the heat and coat with cooking spray

Return the skillet to the burner and add the eggs, turning the pan to coat it with a thin layer of eggs

• Cook 30 seconds, loosening the inside edges of the eggs with a spatula, gently flip the egg over and cook 10 to 15 seconds. Transfer the egg to a cutting board • Heat the same skillet over medium heat, add half the oil. ADD mushrooms, bell pepper, broccoli, and kale. Cook 4 to 5 minutes, until vegetables soften. •

ADD garlic and ginger, cook 1 minute, until it becomes fragrant

Increase the heat to high, push vegetables to one side of skillet and ADD remaining oil, and the rice

Cook 1 to 2 minutes, turning the rice over with a metal spatula and scraping up bits that stick to the pan.

• •

ADD edamame and soy sauce and remove from heat, stir two or three times to mx in the soy sauce Thinly slice the eggs, top the rice mixture with the eggs and scallions, then serve


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• fl b • l • h c g • ( ( • l


• w s b • c s s • u • s t a s • a j • t p b h m t • u u s • d

Makes 1 quart

Strawberry-Hibiscus Granita


• 2 Tbs dried hibiscus flowers or six hibiscus tea bags • 1 sprig basil plus leaves for garnish • 1 lb strawberries, hulled, quartered, plus 1 1/2 cups diced strawberries for garnish • 1/2 cup plus 2 Tbs (or more) light agave syrup (nectar) • 1 Tbs (or more) fresh lime juice

Put it together

• Bring 1 1/2 cups water to a boil in a small saucepan, stir in hibiscus and basil sprig. • Remove from heat, cover, steep for 20 minutes; strain through a fine mesh sieve into a small bowl. • Called ver and chill until cold at least 1 hour. • Blend quartered strawberries in a blender until finely puréed, transfer to a large bowl, add tea, agave syrup, and 1 Tbs lime juice. • Season to taste, adding mke agave and lime juice, if desired • Pour strawberry mixture into a 13x9x2” metal pan and freeze until top layer begins to harden (about 2 hours). Using a fork, scrape mixture to break frozen portions into tiny pieces. • Freeze for 30 minutes; scrape again, repeat until granita resembles fluffy shaved ice, about 4 hours. • Divide among bowls, garnish with basil leaves and diced strawberries WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

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“Don’t Just Train, Train Harder”

Atlanta based Master Trainer Jumaane Palmer is one of best personal trainers in the industry today. Jumaane is certified by both the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), the Cancer Exercise Training Institute (CETI), and specializes in Cancer Exercise, athletic training, corrective exercise, weight loss, and holistic health. Jumaane has over 16 years of experience and trains clients from all walks of life. One unique specialty is his knowledge for training clients suffering from over 25 different types of cancer. Being a Cancer Exercise Specialist gives Jumaane the opportunity to help thousands of individuals that suffer from such a deadly disease. He loves helping others achieve the unthinkable and lives by his very own philosophy: “Condition the mind and the body will follow.”

Jumaane Palmer, B.A., C.F.T,C.E.S. Master Trainer/Cancer Exercise Specialist Website: uflexfitness.com


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5 Vital Tips to Get Fit in 2014 Well the New Year is here yet again and what do you have to show for it? Or did you do like 90% of the rest of the world and make a bunch of unrealistic goals and resolutions just to make you feel good for the first 2 weeks of 2013? Regardless of your answer, here are some helpful fitness tips to get you started on the right foot in 2014. 1. Goal Setting Write down your fitness goals and keep them where you can see them daily (fridge, dream board, mirror, etc.) Just like any other goal in life, it’s always a good thing to write them down and be specific as well as realistic goals with short and long term time lines. Doing so, will hold you accountable and keep your mind on the task at hand. If you’re not sure if your fitness goals are realistic, ask a fitness professional to make sure you are not setting yourself up for failure. Realistic goals also allow for you to have quick success and keep your motivation level high. If you fail too soon, you may lose the motivation to keep up your hard work. Sample realistic fitness goals: Challenge myself to workout 3-5 days a week. (Short term) Lose 10lbs in 2-3 months. (Short term) Be able to run a 5k without stopping this year (Long term)

2. Detox Before Starting Your New Fitness Program Detoxing or cleansing is a process used to rid the body of harmful toxins. Unless you have

been eating healthy all of your life, chances are you have some undigested fecal matter in your body. Detoxing helps to break up all of this matter and purge it from your system resulting in weight loss, the removal of those toxins, a healthier immune system and improved health. To put things into perspective, let’s take your car for example. One of the first things you do when you go on a road trip is get an oil change. This basically flushes out the bad stuff and improves your car’s overall engine performance. Detoxing is pretty much the same thing but for your body’s engine. You are preparing your body for the road trip to better health so detoxing is a very important aspect of any fitness program. There are tons of detox programs out there to choose from. A simple jump start program can be found at https://www.uflexfitness. com/uflex-detox-jump-start/.

3. Calories and Healthy Weight Loss

There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat. Healthy weight loss is about 1-2 pounds per week but can be more depending on how productive your workouts are. Focus on burning as many calories as you can without overdoing it. Cardio machines are an excellent way to track how many calories you are burning for the cardio portion of your workout. Invest in some type of heart rate monitor watch that tracks both calories and your heart rate for strength training and other workouts so that you can get an idea of how productive your workouts actually

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are. Remember, quality over quantity and focus on calories instead of time. Just because you went to the gym for an hour doesn’t mean anything in regards to your weight loss. However, burning 300 calories in 30 minutes is obviously more productive than burning 150 calories in an hour. Challenge yourself to burn more each week.

4. A Few Nutrition Facts

Carbohydrates and Protein Not all carbohydrates are bad based on popular belief. What’s bad is not putting those carbs to good use. In fact, you need carbs to help fuel your workout. The two types of carbohydrates are complex and simple carbs. Simple carbs (sugars, junk food, etc.) burn off quickly while complex carbs (brown rice, potatoes, oatmeal etc.) burn off gradually and are ideal for fueling your workout. Examples of Complex Carbohydrates

Grapefruit Strawberries Multi-grain bread Eggplant Oat bran cereal Turnip Greens Okra Carrots Soy milk Dried apricots Buckwheat Wild rice Cucumbers Lentils Zucchini Apples Oranges

Pinto beans Onions Oatmeal Lettuce Cabbage Potatoes Whole meal bread Pears Buckwheat bread Sprouts Dill Pickles Split peas Asparagus

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Protein is essential for rebuilding muscle fibers after you have broken them down in a workout. Good sources of lean protein include turkey, chicken, fish, veggies and protein supplements. A healthy protein shake is also great for a post workout snack to help your muscles recover faster. The Truth about Artificial Sweeteners Artificial sweeteners may be low in calories true enough, but many are manufactured with the use of harmful chemicals such as chlorine which can do more harm than good in the long term. Do your research to find out what you’re actually consuming. Don’t sacrifice your health just because you’re trying to cut a few calories. Organic raw sugar may have more calories but in regards to nutrition, it is healthier than artificial sweeteners. Staying Hydrated As a good rule of thumb, you should consume approx. ½ of your body weight in oz. of water daily. For ex. If you currently weigh 100 pounds, your daily water consumption should be around 50 oz. of water. Once you factor in workouts, you should consume even more. Water is essential for flushing toxins as well as other harmful waste out of the body as well as keeps it hydrated and filled with oxygen.

5. Monitor Your Heart Rate for a Productive Workout Calculate an estimate of your maximum heart rate by taking 220 – your age. For ex. If you’re 20 years old, your maximum heart rate would be 220 – 20 = 200bpm. Once you have your maximum heart rate, you can use a heart


rate monitor watch to monitor and ensure that you don’t overdo it during your workout. If you don’t have one, simply check it manually by the following: 1. Find your pulse 2. Using a stop watch or clock, count how many beats you feel within a 15 second time period 3. Multiply number of beats times 4 to get your BPM (Beats Per Minute) Ex. I check my pulse and feel 30 beats in 15 seconds. BPM = 30 x 4 = 120BPM A good productive workout should get your heart rate up to a range of 50 – 90% of your maximum heart rate depending on your current fitness level. In the example above, this would equal a range of 100bpm – 180bpm. And as you can see, after calculating the heart rate manually in the 2nd example, 120 BPM would be within the productive range for the workout. How long you remain at each percentage during your workouts will also be based on your current fitness level. If you are unsure of your fitness level, have a fitness professional perform a fitness evaluation on you. UFlex Cardio Blast Workout (Suited for all levels): 20 minutes or less Equipment: Stop watch Warm Up and Stretch: 5 min Jog in place, fast paced walk outside, jump rope, or do jumping jacks until you feel like you’re

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Photography by Steve Darrell Sr. Photographer for Horton-Darrell Media Inc of Atlanta about to perspire. This will let you know you’re body is warmed up. Stretch all of your muscles once you’re warmed up. Never stretch cold muscles, always warm up first. The Workout (Complete 3- 5 sets): 15 minutes or less Start your stop watch or timer 1. Sprint in place as fast as you can for 30 seconds 2. Transition immediately to jumping jacks and complete 50 of them as fast as you can 3. Complete 10 burpees as fast as you can to end the set. Stop your watch or timer, record time and rest 90 seconds (more if needed) before you start the next set. Goal is to complete all 3 exercises back to back within 2 minutes or less so go all out on all 3 to burn as many calories as you can. The UFlex Cardio Blast is designed to maximize your calorie burn in a short period of time. Excellent for people on the go or on vacation and just want a quick cardio workout.

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CONTEST INFORMATION Signup By January 20, 2014 Weigh In Begins January 21-22,2014 Contest Begins January 22,2014 Top 3 People who lose the most weight will win one of the prizes below. For Contest Rules please visit http://online.kenyacrooks.net/30-day-challenge/

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“Little Moves to get lean and strong.”

Want that tone lean look without all the fancy gym equipment? Well give SLT a try. SLT which stands for Strengthen, Lengthen and Tone, involves the controlled, toning movements of Pilates. Through SLT you develop flexibility and strengthen your core. To achieve SLT you’ll need a chair and a small towel. Do as many reps of each move as you can in one minute. Go through all the moves on the left side to totally exhaust the muscles before alternating the moves on the right side. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat the wholes series two times.


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Photographer: DOM PIERRE

“SLT” The New Pilates

Spoon Step 1: Stand in front of a chair with a towel under both heels. Reach back and grip the front edge of the chair so that your butt hovers over and slightly in front of the seat.

French Twist Step 1: Start in a plank position with your arms shoulder-width apart and toes resting on a towel. Cross your left foot over your right at the ankle.

Step 2: Lean

forward and pull the towel toward the chair without bending your legs.

Step 2: Keeping

Step 3: Slowly

to your arms.

push back to start. That’s one rep.

your legs straight, pike your body to slide the towel a few inches closer

Step 3: Push back to start. That’s one rep.

Serve The Platter


Step 1. Place your left foot on a towel slightly

behind your right. Hold dumbbells at waist height, elbows bent 90 degrees, palm facing up. Step 2. Slide your left foot back into a lunge as you straighten your arms Step 3. Reverse the motion to return to start. That’s one rep.

Step 1: Get on your hands and knees. Extend your left leg straight behind you. Step 2: Bend your leg, crossing it over your right leg as close to the back of your knee as possible. Step 3: Return to tabletop position. Repeat on your right side. That’s one rep. (Insert pic of Jordan and Jill) WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

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Fit Fashion Must Haves 2014


By Cheris Broadbelt

eady, Set, Go--it’s the beginning of a new year! That means “new” reasons to finally try that “new” workout class and get some “new” fitness gear!! But, you’re not sure where to start. Your gym buddy is a no call/no show, the workout routines have gotten a bit stale, and you need a new pair of running shoes… that you can actually run in! Well we understand where you’re coming from and that’s exactly why we’ve put together a list of some great fitness trends and the what-to-wears to go along with it


1.Spinning Class or studio cycling: This type of class usually runs

for about 45-50 minutes and is a great way to get slimmer, more toned legs. If you want the best result be sure to get right in these pieces: Nike free TR 4 id Nike legend 2.0 print training pants


2.Bikram Yoga: Not to be confused with “hot yoga,” Bikram is done in a room with temperatures reaching up to 105 degrees doing a range of 26 different poses. While stretching in the heat, be sure to wear this: Lulu lemon: 105 F Singlet silver carved racer back top Lulu lemon:Bhakti yoga short Lulu lemon: Skinny Groove pant


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3.CrossFit: A vigorous workout that combines weight training, aerobics, and gymnastics all in one go--it gives your body the ultimate work out! If Cross Fit sounds like a challenge be sure to wear these : Reebok: Strength is beautiful tank Zig Ultra womens running shoe Reebok: shape wear hero pants


4.A great dance class: We all know and love

Zumba but there is a new dance craze called Groov3, a hip hop insured dance work out sure to get you moving. Doonya, an intense work out program that works your entire body while making you feel like you’re in a Bollywood movie. If these sounds like fun get caught in these: Lulu lemon: energy bra Nike Tadasana Reeboks own moves hoodie With all of these great classes and gear there is only one thing to remember…You are the boss of this year! Don’t look back at what didn’t work, but look forward to all the possibilities!! Remember, you gotta stay fly while doing it! Here is to a great 2014.

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With the New Year, comes New Resolutions for a fresh start. For many of us, on top of that list of fresh starts, is weight loss. As our WMDSF Team showcases in other articles this month, your health is not so much about dieting. Dieting, as we all know, can be thrown off like a roller coaster ride with emotional eating and social gatherings with friends and family. No, instead of dieting it's time for a lifestyle readjustment. Many of us get complacent in our lives, myself included, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life we can sometimes forget about the first most important thing in our lives, our health. Without good health we are no good to our children, our jobs or our families but most importantly we're no good to ourselves! As a busy New Yorker, cooking at home 5-7 days a week can be a bit impossible or tedious to say the least. So to help keep you on track for your new Healthy Lifetstyle (on the go) we have listed 5 of The Top Health Food Restaurants in NYC. Hope they are to your liking, although food is the body's energy source, it should also be enjoyable.


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1. ABC Kitchen with Jean-

ABC Kichen is passionately committed to offering the freshest, safest ingredients, presenting a seasonal menu, that is locally focused and globally artistic, and cultivating a healthy relationship on their tables and for the planet. ABC Kitchen & Michelin star Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten invite you to enjoy their award-winning cuisine, curated in alignment with the farm-to-table movement. The menu is free of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, insecticides, antibiotics, hormones, is GMOfree, and naturally and humanely sourced from regional farmers and fair trade cooperatives, celebrating community and the future of the slow food movement. The atmospheric elements, under ABC Home curation, feature environmentally conscious stories, honoring the preservation of the arts and global sustainability. 35 east 18th street new york, ny 10003 p: 212.475.5829 f: 212.598.3020

2. Kefi


505 Colmbus Ave New York, NY 10024 212.873.0200 WMDSF Fitness Edition 2014

folkloric concept, “kefi” – or the bliss that accompanies bacchanalia – is a word deeply tied to the cultural ethos of Greece.This is what inspired acclaimed chef Michael Psilakis and partner Donatella Arpaia, when they re-opened beloved Kefi Restaurant in its brand new, larger space on the Upper West Side. The menu of favorites straight from Psilakis’ childhood consists of Kefi’s authentic signature dishes, like Baccala, Grilled Octopus, Hilopita, and Tsoutsoukakia (voted New York’s Best Meatballs in 2007 by New York Magazine and featured in The New York Times). Most importantly, however, Kefi brings you Chef Psilakis’ award-winning Greek cuisine at reasonable prices, with appetizers all under ten dollars and main courses at just ten to eighteen dollars.

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3. Pure Food and Wine

Pure Food and Wine is the perfect restaurant for our Vegans, even better for those looking for a new experience. From people who have never tried Pure Food and Wine, you sometimes hear, “Oh, I’m a meat and potatoes guy (it’s usually guys saying this!); I don’t think it’s for me.” On the contrary, there are lots of regular and repeat guests who eat plenty of meat and potatoes and also regularly come for dinner, dessert, and takeaway. In fact, we think (though it’s hard to confirm) that most of the guests are not strictly vegan or raw. Also, if you’re sensitive to dairy or not a big fan of gluten, you’ll be especially happy (particularly with the desserts and ice cream) since they don’t use dairy or gluten products*. Finally, there is also no tofu, tempeh, or seitan anywhere on the menu. 54 Irving Place New York, NY 10003 212.477.1010

4. GustOrganics The first and only certified organic restaurant in New York, and the world’s first certified restaurant using all organic ingredients. The greenest restaurant in New York, and one of the greenest restaurants in the world. The first and only USDA certified organic bar on the planet. This restaurant is a certifiable choice for meat-eaters and vegan’s alike. With reasonable prices and taste to match, how could you go wrong? From Empanadas to Mushroom Risotto you won’t be disappointed! 519 Avenue of the Americas @ 14th street New York, NY 212.242.5800


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5. Hampton Chutney

For all our Indian food lovers, this is the place for you. All organic and delicious, perfect for take out or grabbing a quick bite to eat with some friends. Their dosas are delicate and flaky (only 189 calories and 3g of fat), and totally excellent with the vegetarian masala filling and mango chutney - Just as fresh and delicious ordered in. SOHO NYC 68 Prince Street 212.226.9996

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