Magkalha Jantadee

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Sports is an event organized to build relationships with students in the school. Let there be a harmonious love affair. And that color sport will have a sports competition, where the school will be divided into color faculties, such as the green faculties, the yellow faculties, etc. Some schools will have names from each of the faculties, such as Sukhothai (green faculties), Chandra. (yellow board), etc. By divid- ing the color group and dividing the number of people There will be a duty of caregivers. to take care of every- thing about the competition is the senior of the fac- ulty of color by the seniors of the faculty of color

Of course, it must be a 6th grade senior because he is the oldest in that color group, but some schools will give a 10th grade senior to be a senior in that color group. Maybe it’s because my 6th senior might have to find a university. Therefore, there will be no free time to do this duty. therefore delegating this duty to M.5 to take care of it.

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- L stands for lesbian (Lesbian) meaning a wo man who is interested in women together.

- G comes from gay (Gay) means if the easiest translation is Males who are interested in males together But in fact in Western societies Women can like themselves gay too.

- B is bisexual (Bisexual) means a group that likes both sexes, not fixed to only like the opposite sex. or same sex

- T stands for transgender. (Transgender) or transgender means a group of people who have a gender identity or gender expression that is different from their birth sex. This required the use of a medical transition process. Whether it’s sex reassignment surgery and the use of stimulating hormones in order to be more complete with that gender

- Q is an abbreviation for queer, meaning people who don’t like, love, or attract people of the opposite sex (straight) or cisgender.

- I is an abbreviation for Intersex (Intersex) or intersex refers to a group of people who have both chromosomes, sex organs of both males and females.

A is an abbreviation of three words. The first is asexual, meaning a group of people who do not feel sexually attracted to others. Or maybe feel a little Which must have some factors to stimulate

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