PAGE One Magazine May-June 2018

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May/June 2018

District Wellness Programs Produce

Healthier & Happier Educators

2018 Legislative Summary | Social Media Pitfalls | STAR Students and Teachers


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Contents May/June 2018

Vol. 39 No. 5

Features 06  Districts That Support Teacher


Wellness Report Healthier and Happier Employees



4  From the President We All Change Over Time, So Go Ahead and Shake Things Up 5  From the Executive Director Strong Relationships Between Educators and Students Evident in STAR Stories

Teacher Pipeline 12  Second-Annual Signing Day Celebrates Future Educators

State PAGE STARs 20  2018 State PAGE STARs Named at 60th Anniversary Celebration

Legislation 14  2018 Legislative Session Summary: Changes Imminent as Governor and Committee Chairs Change

Georgia Academic Decathlon 24  Two Schools Represented Georgia in National Competition: Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe Wins State Academic Decathlon

Legal 17 Summer and Social Media: Keep Your Guard Up While Letting Your Hair Down Professional Learning 18  Educators Complete Two-Year Engagement and Collaboration Instruction


18 PAGE One Official Publication of the Professional Association of Georgia Educators Providing professional learning for educators to enhance professional competence, confidence and leadership skills, leading to higher academic achievement for students, while providing the best in membership, legal services and legislative support.

May/June 2018



Executive Editor Craig Harper

President Larry Lebovitz

Graphic Designer Jack Simonetta

Editor Meg Thornton

Publisher John Hanna

Production Coordinator Megan Willis

Contributing Editor Lynn Varner

Editor Cory Sekine-Pettite

Advertising/Sales Sherry Gasaway 770-650-1102, ext.145


From the President

We All Change Over Time, So Go Ahead and Shake Things Up Kelli De Guire “Do you have ginger ale?” I asked the flight attendant after quickly removing my headphones and pausing my movie. Quizzically, my husband turned to me and asked, “Why ginger ale? Do you have an upset stomach?” “No, I’m fine. I just always order ginger ale when I fly,” I replied as I took the plastic cup. Two days later, when our editor told

me that my column was due, I could not get that little interaction out of my mind. No, I was not pondering soda, but rather how often I do something merely out of habit, especially in my professional life? How often do I as a teacher do something merely because “I just always do it that way.” Having been part of the PAGE High School Redesign initiative for several years, one of my key understandings is “just because I’ve always done something one way, even if it works, is no reason to avoid a different perspective, a new approach or a new methodology.” Now, at this point, I imagine some of you are saying, “Uh, no! You lost me at ‘new approach,’” or “Not another program! If I just nod and agree, it will go away like all the others.” Peace my friends! Take a deep breath and realize that change is here whether we accept it or not. It isn’t just another program. It is an ever-present fact of our lives and our careers, so why do we resist it? In the April 2018 Association for Middle Level Education, Rick Wormeli puts his pen on the problem. “The way we teach is often a statement of who we are. ...Our classroom instruction, including assessment and grading, technology integration, student-teacher interactions and more, are expres-

“I propose to you that by changing even one small part of your teaching identity, you can find a better way to design, to understand, to enlighten and maybe even to love. Isn’t that what being a teacher is all about?”


sions of how we see ourselves; they are our identity.” So, naturally, talk of change brings up feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Despite this potential identity crisis, let me put forth another paradigm for you to consider. Are you same person you were when you were a pig-tailed, scabkneed child? Or how about the same as when you were an acne-prone teen who longed for love in the angsty music of the day? For those of us who are married or have significant others, are we the same people who said that starry-eyed, “I do!” Are you the same person who committed to becoming a professional teacher with the hope of changing the world by enlightening students? Obviously, the answer is “no.” None of us are. Whether by age, circumstance, desire or some intense pushing, we have all changed. So, why in the world shouldn’t we look at change as a force for good in our careers? Yes, we identify our teaching with ourselves, but I propose to you that by changing even one small part of your teaching identity, you can find a better way to design, to understand, to enlighten and maybe even to love. Isn’t that what being a teacher is all about? So, pick a small change and get started. When I get a new idea and need a little help, I head to my coaching circle (a change that I learned through being part of Redesign.) Yes, change is scary and VERY messy, but as I tell my students: Learning happens in the mess, so make a big beautiful one. And, sometimes, I need n to take my own advice.

May/June 2018

From the Executive Director

Strong Relationships Between Educators and Students Evident in STAR Stories Craig Harper


’ve been reminded lately of the power of strong relationships. A relationship is formed when people care enough for one another or when they share an important goal to a degree that nurturing the bond overcomes differences, big and small. Strong relationships seek forgiveness, allow restoration and encourage individual and group success, and they withstand difficulty, opposition and distraction. This is true for friends, couples, schools and communities. The STAR student and STAR teacher program is a great example of dynamic relationships. The annual program, sponsored by PAGE, shines a brilliant light on exemplary student achievement and on the powerful influence of educators. Understandably, STAR Students usually choose their STAR Teacher from among the educators they’ve had during their high school career. And often a teacher has taught the student multiple courses or has also been an academic or athletic extracurricular coach. Occasionally, though, a student reaches back a little further into his or her experience and chooses someone who gave them a great start, sparked a new interest that led to a career aspiration, or made them believe they could do more. This year, one student selected her eighth grade teacher, whom she hadn’t seen in years. The teacher,

May/June 2018

who had moved out of state, was surprised to learn that an encouraging note he had written in the yearbook of a quiet student so significantly altered the student’s belief in herself. Another teacher, now retired, taught a student in kindergarten and first grade, and he remembered her for the

The STAR program is great example of dynamic relationships. The annual program, sponsored by PAGE, shines a brilliant light on exemplary student achievement and on the powerful influence of educators.

great foundation for the rest of his academic career. One student had known his teacher and coach as a wrestling coach throughout his academic career — elementary to high school. In every instance, the educators expressed their humble gratitude and appreciation for the recognition and for the relationship they have had with their student. Many said how much they were encouraged by working with students who challenged them to do their best and helped the students reach their full potential. Regardless of the “when” or “what” that made the connection between student and educator, the mutual respect is clear in the telling of their stories. Those stories provide encouragement for all educators that the dedicated effort with and for students does make a difference, even if it’s not shared often enough and sometimes not for many years after a student is gone. It’s Time to Recharge Pomp and circumstance, field days, and final grades are in the books as the calendar turns to June. I hope your school year turned out better than you expected and that you’ll find the time this summer to recharge and prepare for even greater things next year. For those who are transitioning to retirement, thank you for the service to your students, schools and communities. Your work mattered and made a difference. Best wishes in whatever you choose n to do next.


Districts That Support Teacher Wellness Report Healthier and Happier Employees

By Christine Van Dusen


rading papers at a desk, standing in front of a whiteboard, sitting through meetings and conferences and training, leaning over a student’s shoulder to check her progress — there’s no question that a teacher’s job is a physical one. But is it physical enough? That’s the question that some experts are pondering, and some local educators are tackling, as they acknowledge the importance of health and wellness for educators.


There’s no debating that a healthy diet and exercise are important to all of us; the United States Department of Health and Human Services recommends that each person get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity — or a combination of the two — every week. That may not sound like that arduous of a time commitment, but many teachers and administrators in Georgia (and the country at large) find themselves with little free time, and

little energy, to dedicate to such activity. So their health suffers. Georgia now has the 20th-highest adult obesity rate in the nation, according to a recent study from The Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The state’s obesity rate is 31.4 percent, up from 20.6 percent in 2000 and 10.1 percent in 1990. Adult-onset diabetes is on the rise, with Georgia ranking eighth in the nation. The state is ninth for hypertension.

May/June 2018

Much attention has been paid to how students should be engaging in more physical activity at school, but less programming has zeroed in on exercise and wellness for educators. “In today’s educational climate, where students’ success on standardized tests determines the fate of educators, it has become imperative that teachers have the needed resources to be successful, which should include an overall sense of personal health and wellness,” says John

May/June 2018

Beliard, a physical education teacher and advocate at Hutchinson Elementary School in Atlanta, who recently coauthored a paper on the topic. The paper, titled “Who Cares About Teachers’ Health and Wellness? Unhealthy Teachers = Failing School Systems,” says that “teachers’ wellbeing should become a focus, with the possibility that positive results will have a significant impact on students’ academic success. Therefore, it is time to look at

another approach, one that will afford teachers the same opportunities as students to become healthier. Changes in teacher wellness, or adjustments to those wellness programs that already exist, may improve teachers’ and students’ health and wellbeing.” Because, Beliard says, “along with academics, the health of teachers and students is just as vital as learning academic subjects.” Continued on next page


JEFF DAVIS COUNTY: Seeing ‘Tremendous Benefits’ Teachers and staff at Jeff Davis High School in Hazlehurst have seen “tremendous benefits” from a program they call Jacket Fitness, which offers exercise classes five days a week. Weight training is held Monday through Friday, yoga on Tuesday, and Zumba or another type of group exercise class on Wednesday. “There have been tremendous benefits and positive returns through the teacher wellness program,” said Niki Perry, head girls’ varsity basketball coach and physical education teacher. “It’s turned our community into a fitness-minded one.” Though at first the school was able to use grant money to pay instructors, the free classes are now taught by volunteers from the school system. “This helps the educators spend more money on items for the classroom and healthy meals while still being able to work out,” she said. The program came about after the district sent a survey to employees and the community. “Teachers who are working out and eating healthier take fewer sick days and have much better attitudes while here,” she said. “It has created a way for teachers to talk to other teachers outside their curriculum.”

Members of the community also are invited to participate, she said, which has “helped bridge a gap of communication between parents and teachers, schools and community. People often share how inspiring the workout groups are, and that gets them going.” Going forward, Perry would like to expand the program to include more classes and, perhaps, health fairs. “I want to create a place where consistency is key,” she said. “Once people realize it’s a journey of lifestyle transformation, it doesn’t become scary. It’s about being better than yesterday.”

“I want to create a place where consistency is key. Once people realize it’s a journey of lifestyle transformation, it doesn’t become scary. It is about being better than yesterday.” — Niki Perry, Jeff Davis High School Fitness-minded teachers and staff at Jeff Davis High School in Hazlehurst with coach Niki Perry (inset)

Tips for Staying Healthy During the School Year Finding time to work out or get healthy can be a struggle for teachers, particularly given that they have so much work to do and face significant demands from students and families. “Teachers give so much of themselves, but often at the expense of their own health,” said Karen Schrier, an Atlanta-based fitness trainer. “Think of the energy it takes to work with children all day. It will only work to their benefit to give as much attention to their own self-care as they do to their students. And they’ll be more resistant to all those colds 8  PAGE ONE

kids bring to school, too.” So how can teachers fit a healthy lifestyle into their already-too-busy days? Schrier offers this advice: •  Meet up with another teacher or two a half-hour before

school, or for a short time after, to take a walk. It’s a great opportunity to process things that are going on; you’ll get a dose of physical and mental activity.

“Teachers give so much of themselves, but often at the expense of their own health. Think of the energy it takes to work with children all day. It will only work to their benefit to give as much attention to their own selfcare as they do to their students.” — Atlanta-based fitness trainer Karen Schrier May/June 2018

EARLY COUNTY: 25-Minute Workouts With an understanding of just how crucial health and wellness are to the state’s educators, some school districts are trying to remedy the issue with formal and informal programs. “We want to look at the whole health of the teacher — if they feel healthier, if they’re stronger, their energy level is up and that helps them face the obstacles they have in the school,” says Ashley Collier, media specialist for Early County High School. “They’re less likely to get sick. They’re less like to have to pay out of pocket for medical care. They do a better job.” Early County’s teachers are involved in several health and wellness programs. The first is Nutrition Nuts, an online forum where about 20 teachers exchange nutritional menus and recipes. The second is mo-flex, an exercise program headed by Early County High School coach Kerry Morris. Morris takes teachers, administrators and even community members through weightlifting and circuit training in the high school gym. “They do pull-ups, burpees, bench, sprint work and core work,” Collier says. “It is very intense and fast.” Indeed, the sessions are just 25 minutes so that they can better fit into educators’ hectic schedules. “The hardest part is walking in the door, but the benefits outweigh the struggle,” Morris said. The district also participates in fitness challenges with the help of HealthyWage, a company that uses cash prices to incentivize participants to lose weight. For an entry fee of $25 for three months, a team can win as much as $10,000. Early County also offers yoga once a month, and many teachers and staff get medical screenings done via the State

Health Benefit Plan (SHBP). As a result of the latter, Collier became aware of her high cholesterol and took steps to drop the number. “Overall, Early County has tried to bridge some relationships with the community and include them in most of our programs,” Collier said. “We believe that a strong, healthy, positive teacher yields a strong, healthy, positive and successful student.”

“We want to look at the whole health of the teacher — if they feel healthier, if they’re stronger, their energy level is up and that helps them face the obstacles they have in the school. They’re less likely to get sick. They’re less likely to have to pay out of pocket for medical care. They do a better job.” — Ashley Collier, Early County High School Continued on page 11

•  Start a challenge group with fellow teachers. Whether it’s “most minutes of planking” or “most steps achieved per day,” friendly competition really helps motivate. •  Make transition time between classes a time to complete short exercises (for example: 10 air squats, 10 push-ups against the wall or desk, 1 lap around the building). •  Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated helps keep energy up and helps curb the temptation to grab those doughnuts May/June 2018

sitting in the lounge. •  Pack your gym bag at night and keep it in your car, so that right after school you have what you need to head to the track or the gym. •  Pack healthy snacks (and lunch) to grab good fuel throughout the day. Carrots, apple slices, berries and nuts are easy to pack.

•  Take the stairs. Use the little bits of time you have to go up and down once or twice. Don’t think it’s worth it if you have just three minutes? Do it three times during the day and you’ll have logged 10 minutes of exercise. — Christine Van Dusen

•  Invite students to participate. Kids might benefit from starting each class with 10 jumping jacks to get the wiggles out. Exercise is known to help with focus. PAGE ONE  9

Exercise Helps Overweight Children Think Better, Do Better in Math R

egular exercise improves the ability of overweight, previously inactive children to think, plan and even do math, according to Augusta University (whose researchers conducted the study for Georgia Health Sciences University before it merged with Augusta University in 2013.) The scientists said they hoped the findings in 171 overweight 7- to 11-year-olds — all sedentary when the study started — would give educators the evidence they need to ensure that regular, vigorous physical activity is a part of every school day, said Dr. Catherine Davis, clinical health psychologist at Augusta University and corresponding author on the study published in the scientific journal Health Psychology. “I hope these findings will help re­establish physical activity’s important place in the schools in helping kids stay physically well and mentally sharp,” Davis said. “For children to reach their potential, they need to be active.” To measure cognition, researchers used the Cognitive Assessment System and Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement III that measure abilities, such as planning, and academic skills. A subset of the children received functional magnetic resonance imaging highlighting increased or decreased areas of brain activity.

Intelligence scores increased an average 3.8 points in those exercising 40 minutes per day after school for three months, with a smaller benefit in those exercising 20 minutes daily.


MRIs showed those who exercised experienced increased brain activity in the prefrontal cortex — an area associated with complex thinking, decision making and correct social behavior — and decreased activity in an area of the brain that sits behind it. The shift forward appears consistent with more rapidly

developing cognitive skills, Davis said. And the more they exercised, the better the result. Intelligence scores increased an average 3.8 points in those exercising 40 minutes per day after school for three months, with a smaller benefit in those exercising 20 minutes daily. Activity in the part of their brain responsible for so-called executive function also increased in children who exercised. Children in the exercise program played hard, with running games, hula hoops and jump ropes, raising their heart rates to 79 percent of maximum, which is considered vigorous. Cognitive improvements likely resulted from the brain stimulation that came from movement rather than resulting cardiovascular improvements, such as increased blood and oxygen supplies, Davis said. “You cannot move your body without your brain.” The researchers hypothesize that such vigorous physical activity promotes development of brain systems that underlie cognition and behavior. Animal studies have shown that aerobic activity increases growth factors so the brain gets more blood vessels, more neurons and more connections between neurons. Studies in older adults have shown exercise benefits the brain, and Davis’s study extends the science to children and their ability to learn in school. About one-third of U.S. children are overweight. Davis suspects exercise would have a similar impact on their leaner counterparts. Co-authors of the study included Dr. Jennifer E. McDowell, neuroscientist, and Dr. Phillip Tomporowski, exercise and cognition expert, at the University of Georgia.

May/June 2018

JACKSON COUNTY: Strength in Numbers At Jackson County School System, health and wellness have become a top priority. As such, the district is in its second year of offering employees a highly effective Weight Watchers at Work program. “There are about 25 of us in the group, including teachers, media specialists, support staff, administrators and bus drivers,” said Karen Bridgeman, communications coordinator for the district. Family members are welcome as well. “We have at least one secretary’s mom and one bus driver’s daughter-in-law,” she added. The results are impressive: Collectively, the current group has lost more than 300 pounds since beginning the program on Valentine’s Day. And about 20 of the participants have already committed (with payments) to the next 26-week series. “The anecdotal data is positive and the increased numbers for the most recent session bear that out,” Bridgeman said. “There

“There seems to be more conversation about healthy eating — not to mention a better selection of healthier foods at group celebrations and other gatherings.” — Karen Bridgeman, Jackson County

seems to be more conversation about healthy eating — not to mention a better selection of healthier foods at group celebrations and other gatherings.” In another health-focused initiative, 46 Jackson school district leaders, teachers and support staff just completed a “Countdown to Summer” weight loss challenge offered by Piedmont Athens Regional. “Building-based teams participated in group activities — walking, cooking together, etc.,” she said. “The encouragement (and accountability) within the teams was a real key.” All told, 36 of the educators lost 286 pounds in 10 weeks, for an average weight loss of almost 8 pounds each, said Bridgeman. All of these activities provide educators with invaluable support as they aim to maintain healthier lifestyles. “As an active participant myself, it helps to know there are others fighting the same battle — people I can turn to on a crazy day who will remind me that a trip through the nearest fast-food restaurant is not going to get me closer to my goals,” Bridgeman said. “Employees are getting the chance to make changes in their lives.”

HOUSTON COUNTY: Free Gym Memberships In Houston County, the school district’s full-time And the program helps the district to retain employees are given free memberships at Edge teachers, too, she said. “While we haven’t seen a Fitness. Each member also receives a free personsignificant decrease in the number of employee al-training session and a free boot camp class. absences, we do have a great teacher retention The program began in June of 2013, said rate, which could suggest that our teachers are Houston County Board of Education Deputy happy working in our school system,” she said. n Superintendent Cindy Flesher. “We believe that the most productive employees are those who take care “We believe that the most productive employees are of their physical well-being and balthose who take care of their physical well-being and ance their personal balance their personal and professional lives. This also and professional is a benefit to attract new employees to our system.” lives,” she said. “This also is a benefit to — Cindy Flesher, Houston County attract new employees to our system.” May/June 2018


Teacher Pipeline

Second-Annual Signing Day Celebrates Future Educators


Gilmer County chool districts across Georgia participated in the second-annual Georgia Future Educators Signing Day on May 8 to recognize students planning to pursue a career in education. Local system administrators, board members, teachers, college and university representatives, and government officials attended the ceremonies in several districts. PAGE representatives were honored to be included in a number of these events. “A 2011 Stanford study found that 60 percent of teachers teach within 15 miles of where they went to high school,” stated Mary Ruth Ray, PAGE College Services representative and coordinator of Future Georgia Educators. “Local school systems are increasingly seeing the importance of encouraging and recruiting their own students to become teachers and return to their communities to serve — and PAGE Gordon County is a leader in supporting their efforts.” Georgia Future Educators Signing Day is supported by the State School Superintendent’s Office, the Division of Career and Technical Education, the Georgia Early Childhood Education Foundation and Georgia’s colleges and universities. PAGE salutes all the young people who have committed to enter the n noble field of education.


Snapshots of Henry County signees

May/June 2018

Fannin County

Liberty County

Liberty County

May/June 2018


2018 Legislative Session Summary

Changes Imminent as Senate and House Education Chairs Step Down By Margaret Ciccarelli


he 2018 legislative session portends transformation in Georgia’s education sector. The retirement of longtime House Education Chair Brooks Coleman (R-Duluth) and a surprise announcement by Senate Education & Youth Chair Lindsey Tippins (R-Marietta) that he intends to step down as chair signal significant change to the school policy landscape. Those leadership alterations, in addition to uncertainty regarding Georgia’s next governor and his or her education priorities, mean that 2018 is a time of unprecedented change. Below is a summary of education-related legislation that passed during the 2018 General Assembly and that Gov. Nathan Deal signed into law. The effective date of the following legislation is July 1, 2018, unless otherwise specified within the legislation itself. The legislative section of the PAGE website includes links to supporting documents and legislative voting records for some bills. Please take the time to see how your House and Senate members voted and to learn more about the legislative issues affecting Georgia schools.

Standardized Testing Pilot SB 362, sponsored on behalf of Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle by Sen. Tippins, creates an innovative student assessment pilot. Beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, the State Board of Education (SBOE) will create a competitive program and include up to 10 school district participants. A consortium of local school districts implementing the same alternative assessments may count as one of the 10 pilot participants. Participating districts will be authorized to design and implement alternate accountability programs that may include cumulative year-end assessments, competency-based assessments, performance-based assessments, or other designs approved by the SBOE. PAGE supported SB 362 and appreciates House and Senate members who voted unanimously in its favor. 14  PAGE ONE

More Funding for State Charter Schools & Private School Vouchers HB 787, by Rep. Scott Hilton (R-Peachtree Corners) significantly increases funding for charter schools authorized by the State Charter Schools Commission. The controversial legislation is expected to send an additional $17 million annually to state charter schools. Unfortunately, an effort lead by Sen. Tippins to require that the schools receive additional funding only if they hit average statewide student achievement targets failed in the Senate. HB 217 by Rep. John Carson (R-Marietta) expands an existing tuition tax credit program that currently diverts $58 million annually from Georgia public coffers to a private school voucher program. HB 217 lifts the cap to $100 million until 2028. PAGE opposed HB

217 and opposes the existing program due to its lack of fiscal transparency, academic accountability and lack of a means test ensuring eligibility for students is determined by financial need. School Security & Safety HB 763 by Rep. Randy Nix (R-LaGrange) modifies Georgia’s existing law regarding school safety plans and requires schools to provide for coordination with local law enforcement agencies and local juvenile court systems. School safety plans must include: (1) Training school administrators, teachers and support staff, including school resource officers, security officers, secretaries, custodians and bus drivers, on school violence prevention, school security, school threat assessment, mental health awareness and school emergency May/June 2018

2018 PAGE Day on Capitol Hill

school climate improvement recommendations intended to raise student achievement scores, student and teacher morale, community support and student and teacher attendance. Committee recommendations are intended to decrease student suspensions, expulsions, dropouts and other negative aspects of the school environment. HR 1414 by Rep. Rick Jasperse (R-Jasper) creates a nine-member House study committee on school security. SR 935 by Sen. John Albers (R-Alpharetta) creates an eightmember Senate school safety study committee.

planning best practices; (2) Evaluating and refining school security measures; (3) Updating and exercising school emergency preparedness plans; (4) Strengthening partnerships with public safety officials; and (5) Creating enhanced crisis communications plans and social media strategies. The legislation directs schools to conduct drills with students, teachers and other school personnel on the execution of school safety plans based upon guidance from the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency. HB 763 also expands the scope of existing student attendance committees to include school climate. The committees, which are already operating in counties across the state, will make May/June 2018

2019 State Budget In the final days of the 2018 legislation session, Gov. Deal made a surprise and welcome announcement to end the ongoing austerity cut to Georgia’s school funding formula. With the corresponding appropriation of $167 million, he thus ended the 16-year-old underfunding of QBE allotments to schools. Unfortunately, the FY 2019 budget did not include a statewide pay increase for Georgia educators. It did include a large appropriation of $351 million for Georgia’s Teachers Retirement System. Other budget highlights include the following: $175,000 for the innovative assessment pilot created by SB 362. $15 million in bonds for new school buses. Pupil transportation funding is also increased on a per pupil basis, and pupil transportation has been moved out from under QBE to allow for greater transparency in pupil transportation funding. $26.7 million in additional dual enrollment funding. A 15-credit hour per student/per semester cap was added, as well as a requirement for ongoing professional development for adjunct faculty teaching dual enrollment courses. $16 million in bonds for school facility safety grants.

$2.2 million in First Priority Act funding for the Chief Turnaround Officer, the Turnaround Schools Rural Character Education Grant for soft skills training and character education development for the lowest performing schools in rural Georgia, two transformation specialists and five district effectiveness specialists ($700,000 was transferred from GADOE’S school improvement division). Other Successful Legislation HB 538 by Rep. Wendell Willard (R-Sandy Springs) creates a pension and retirement system for teachers and employees of the Fulton County Board of Education. HB 718 by Sandra Scott (D-Rex) requires local school districts provide students whose parents or legal guardians are currently serving or previously served active duty military up to five school days per school year for days missed from school to attend military-sponsored events. HB 739 by Rep. Al Williams (D-Midway) renames a current state law allowing for temporary Professional Standards Commission certification for military spouses the “Tracy Rainey Act” in honor of a military spouse who assisted in passing the original law. HB 740, sponsored by Rep. Nix, prohibits schools from expelling or suspending students in preschool through third grade without first providing a multi-tiered system of supports, such as response to intervention. The legislation contains an exception if students possess a weapon, illegal drugs, or other dangerous instrument or such student’s behavior endangers the physical safety of other students or school personnel. HB 844 by Rep. Penny Houston (R-Nashville) creates within the Georgia Commission for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing a multi-agency task force to make recommendations regarding improvements to the state-wide system of developmental and educational services that support age-appropriate language and literacy proficiency for children who PAGE ONE  15

are deaf or hard of hearing from birth to third grade; engaging with stakeholders at the Department of Public Health, the Department of Early Care and Learning and the Department of Education to ensure an integrated system of care from birth to literacy for children who are deaf or hard of hearing; and developing and supporting interagency practices and policies that support the implementation of individualized birth to literacy plans for each child who is deaf or hard of hearing. HB 852 by Rep. Michael Smith (D-Marietta) allows students who have been enrolled in and attended a public school for more than half of the school year and move during the school year to another attendance zone within the same district to continue to be enrolled in and attend their original school. Students with chronic disciplinary issues would not be allowed to participate, and parents would be responsible for transportation. HB 853 by Rep. Katie Dempsey (R-Rome) allows student funding to follow children enrolled in public schools who have been placed in a licensed psychiatric treatment facility. HB 951 by Rep. Jason Shaw (R-Lakeland) creates the 12-member Georgia Rural Development Council, which will offer guidance to the Center for Rural Prosperity and Innovation on leadership management, business development and entrepreneurship, finance and taxes, logistics of rural industries healthcare and education. HB 978 by Rep. Chad Nimmer (R-Blackshear) allows for automatic speed cameras in school zones and makes provision for the fines collected from the devices.

tional agencies to recognize that dyslexia has a profound educational impact that must be addressed. HR 1036 by Rep. Dar’shun Kendrick (D-Lithonia) urges the state to fund a public awareness campaign in support of computer science education. SB 3, the “Creating Opportunities Needed Now to Expand Credentialed Training (CONNECT) Act,” was sponsored by Sen. Tippins. The legislation requires the Georgia Department of Education (GADOE) to develop and the SBOE to approve, after consultation with Georgia industry and state postsecondary institutions, state models and industry-required content standards to ensure alignment with postsecondary opportunities. Focused programs of study may include industry certifications or industry credentialing. After consultation with employers and industries in Georgia, GADOE and the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) will jointly establish a list of industry credentials that are required by Georgia employers. SBOE and TCSG will facilitate and encourage industry credentialing for career, technical and agricultural education (CTAE) programs utilizing existing career pathways and individual graduation plans. The bill also creates a high school grant program, criteria for which will be developed by the SBOE, to enhance CTAE programs to allow for greater attainment of industry credentialing. The grants, which are subject to appropriation by the General Assembly, also may be used to require that local CTAE teachers participate in industry credentialing training to teach courses that lead to industry credentialing.

HR 898 by Rep. Coleman creates the Joint Study Committee on the Establishment of a State Accreditation Process. The school accreditation study passed during the 2017 session as part of HB 338, but the accreditation process review did not occur.

SB 330 by Sen. John Wilkinson (R-Toccoa) the “Green Agricultural Education Act” is aimed at inspiring a statewide elementary agricultural education program. The legislation creates a six-school pilot for an elementary school agricultural education program, beginning in the 2019-2020 school year.

HR 1017 by Rep. John Corbett (R-Lake Park) encourages all schools and educa-

SB 401, also by Sen. Tippins, requires student graduation plans to include career


aptitude assessment and it directs GADOE to survey on the role on school counselors. Late in the legislative session, SB 401 was amended to include a mandate that students in grades K-9 receive annual age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education. The legislation also contains a provision related to educator in-service training on providing sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education to students. SR 761 by Sen. Fran Millar (R-Dunwoody) creates the Senate Study Committee on Dyslexia. SR 1064 by. Sen. Freddie Sims (D-Dawson) creates the Senate Study Committee on Continual Audit Exceptions on Local School Systems. SR 1067 by Sen. Emanuel Jones (D-Decatur) creates the Senate Study Committee on the Financial Impact of Atlanta Annexation on Schools. Failed Legislation The following legislation failed to pass. Since 2018 is the second year in the Georgia legislative biennium, all bills are ineligible to continue in their current form through the General Assembly. In order to pass in any subsequent legislative session, the bills must be refiled. HB 273, seeking to mandate K-5 recess. HB 482, a controversial PAGE-opposed bill creating an expensive education savings account school voucher plan. HB 759, tweaking public school attendance requirements for Georgia’s special education voucher eligibility. HB 778, attempting to move CTAE programs from GADOE to TCSG. HB 781 & HR 992, allowing for flexible use of Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (ESPLOST). HB 791, limiting sovereign immunity for political subdivisions. HB 903, seeking to restrict the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Georgia’s TRS participants. HR 1039, a study committee on ennobling the teaching profession. SB 30, seeking to create communitybased schools. SB 293, making changes to Georgia’s n TRS return-to-work law. May/June 2018

Legal Summer and Social Media

Keep Your Guard Up While Letting Your Hair Down By Margaret C. Elliott


his summer, be sure to enjoy your break from the classroom and take time to relax, but remember to stay positive and professional on social media. For many of us, social media is an instant outlet. It’s how we share our thoughts and photographs; it’s how we stay in touch. However, as an educator, you are a representative of your school district — summertime or not. Your posts can easily enter the public domain. If you think back over the year, I bet you can think of a case where an educator ran into problems because of a social media post. In one highly publicized case, a Georgia educator made negative comments about Muslims and others on his personal Facebook page using his own computer at home. Why is that a problem? Public schools serve all the people in Georgia. That is our job. Educators sometimes use Twitter, Facebook or Snapchat to vent about fellow employees, students or parents. It’s important to understand that none of this information entirely goes away. PAGE has handled cases where posts have been captured as screenshots and sent to the principal, superintendent or the news media. Most educators know not to post provocative photographs — activities that you would not want students, parents or administrators to see. If trying to decide “Is this picture OK for me to post?” think of whether the photo might be considered inappropriate by anyone in your school community. Look carefully

May/June 2018

If you have inappropriate photographs on your personal cell phone and somehow your phone is synched with your school computer, all of those photographs will now be found in your school computer upon investigation. at the surroundings of the photo: Are there drink glasses or beer bottles on the table in front of your group? If so, then do not post it. Also, if you have inappropriate photographs on your personal cell phone and somehow your phone is synched with your school computer, all of those photo-

graphs will now be found in your school computer upon investigation. This can lead to employment problems. This is just a reminder that as you go on vacation and “let your hair down,” be careful what you post online. Have a good summer and find some time to put your n devices down.


Professional Learning

Educators Complete Two-Year Engagement and Collaboration Instruction


his spring, 95 participants graduated from the PAGE Principal and Teacher Leadership Network after gaining the skills to begin transforming their schools into learning organizations. The two-year program centered around creating a culture that supports students with engaging work. Collaboration and relationship-building with students, colleagues and parents were also part of the professional learning. n The 95 educators respresented 22 schools in 10 districts.

The PTLN Class of 2018

(l-r) Principal Peter Coombe of Calhoun M/HS (Calhoun) and Principal Chris Lusk, educators Stephanie Wynne and Travis Allen, all of Heritage MS (Catoosa).

Educators Shanta Williams and Andrea Rankin of New Manchester ES (Douglas).

(l-r) Educator John Smith, Cook MS (Cook) and educators (l-r) Shirley Rutledge, Ginger Land and Principal Philena Johnson (standing), all of Kingston ES (Bartow).


May/June 2018

(Beginning in the foreground, l-r) Educators Kelley Finger, Elizabeth Doster and Josh Johnson, all of Newnan HS (Coweta) and educators Laural Heard, Tracy Gray, Hanna Sumnar and Principal Joi Williams, all of Cook PS (Cook).

Photos by Lynn Varner

(l-r) Educators Andrea Rankin and Brittania Wright, both of New Manchester ES (Douglas).

During the final session of the initiative, participants join in the “fishbowl conversation,” during which those seated in the inner circle are asked to speak (participants take turns being in the inner circle). They are asked questions that allow them to reflect on their two-year experience and provide information about both their engagement in the work and their learning. Catoosa County’s Heritage Middle School Principal Chris Lusk and Ringgold Primary School teacher Valerie Bonine (insert) share their thoughts with other PTLN graduates.

May/June 2018


2018 State PAGE STARs Named at 60th Anniversary Celebration By Lynn Varner, Contributing Editor


evon Boatright, a senior at Douglas County High School in Douglasville, is the 2018 State PAGE STAR Student. She named Dr. Grant Fossum, her IB/AP mathematics teacher, as her State PAGE STAR Teacher. Apurva Nemala, a senior at Fulton County’s Chattahoochee High School in Johns Creek, is the runner-up State PAGE STAR Student. She chose Terri Engelberth, her AP calculus BC teacher, as her PAGE STAR teacher. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the state’s premier academic recognition program.

The announcement came at the Professional Association of Georgia Educators’ state STAR banquet in April. Twenty PAGE STAR student region winners were finalists in the culminating event of the annual Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program for high school seniors. Among the 20 finalists, three scored 1,600 on one administration of the SAT, and all were in the top 10 percent or top 10 of their class. The search for the state STAR student began earlier this school year with the naming of a record-breaking 559 local

Since its inception 60 years ago, the STAR program has honored more than 26,500 Georgia students and their teachers for academic excellence. STAR students from each participating public and independent high schools across the

2018 State PAGE STAR Student Devon Boatright and State PAGE STAR Teacher Dr. Grant Fossum are joined by presenters following the awards presentation. Pictured here are: (l-r) PAGE Executive Director Craig Harper, Georgia President of Operations for Windstream Communications J. Berkshire, State PAGE STAR Teacher Dr. Grant Fossum, State PAGE STAR Student Devon Boatright, Director of External Affairs for AT&T Georgia Rich Johnson and PAGE President Kelli De Guire. 20  PAGE ONE

May/June 2018

(l-r) Runner-up State PAGE STAR Teacher Terri Engelberth and Runnerup State PAGE STAR Student Apurva Nemala accepted their awards from presenters PAGE Foundation President Dr. Ann Stucke, Georgia President of Operations for Windstream Communications J. Berkshire, PAGE Executive Director Craig Harper and Georgia Chamber of Commerce Senior Government Affairs Manager Cosby Johnson.

During the reception all PAGE STAR Region winners were presented with hand blown glass stars by Lillie Glass Blowers. Shown here are (l-r) PAGE Executive Director Craig Harper, PAGE STAR Region 7 Teacher Stephen Hansen and PAGE STAR Region 7 Student Ciara Pysczynski (both from Columbia County’s Greenbrier HS) and PAGE President Kelli De Guire.

state. In turn, those STAR students then recognized as their STAR teacher the teacher who has had the most influence on the their academic success. “Recognizing these outstanding students and their teachers in regional events and then at the state banquet each year is an honor,” said Craig Harper, PAGE executive director. “We are pleased to be a major sponsor and the program administrator for the STAR program to ensure that Georgia’s excellent students and teachers receive the attention they’ve earned through their success.” Responsibility for the statewide STAR program was given to the PAGE Foundation in 1994 by the Georgia

Chamber of Commerce, which created the program in 1958. PAGE and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce are primary sponsors of the state event. Other sponsors include AT&T Georgia, the Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, the PAGE Foundation, The Mozelle Christian Endowment, and Windstream Communications. Since its inception, the program has honored more than 26,500 students and their teachers for academic excellence. Devon Boatright is the daughter of David and Kali Boatright. As this year’s state PAGE STAR student, Devon was honored with a $5,000 scholarship from AT&T Georgia. State PAGE STAR Teacher Dr. Grant Fossum received a

$2,500 cash award from the Frances Wood Wilson Foundation. Runnerup state PAGE STAR student Apurva Nemala was presented a $1,000 scholarship by the PAGE Foundation. Apurva is the daughter of Srinivas and Vani Gundapuneni Nemala. The runnerup state PAGE STAR teacher Terri Engelberth was presented with a $500 award from the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, along with the $500 Mozelle Christian Endowment Award. At the 12 PAGE STAR region events, region STAR students received $400 cash scholarships from PAGE. Region STAR teachers received $200 awards from the n Georgia Chamber of Commerce. Continued on next page

May/June 2018


2018 PAGE STAR Student Region Winners: (back row, l-r) Devin Lohman, Starr’s Mill High School (Fayette); Bryce Smith, Starr’s Mill HS (Fayette); Hayes Phillips, Clarke Central HS (Clarke); Shane Carter, West Laurens HS, (Laurens); and Nathanael Strickler, Lowndes County HS (Lowndes); (middle row, l-r) William LeRoy, Lincoln County HS (Lincoln); Ciara Pysczynski, Greenbrier HS (Columbia); Brian Kang, Chamblee Charter HS (DeKalb); Joshua Lee, Columbus HS (Muscogee); Oscar McMullen, Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School (Rabun); Kevin Huang, Chattahoochee HS; (Fulton); and Aaroh Patel, Deerfield-Windsor HS (Dougherty); and (front row, l-r) Apurva Nemala, Chattahoochee HS, (Fulton); Maggie Zheng, Glynn Academy (Glynn); Devon Boatright, Douglas HS (Douglas); Christian Welch, Woodland HS (Bartow); Kyle Samuels, Bulloch Academy (Bulloch); Peter Liu, Darlington School, (Rome City); Jacob King, Paulding County HS (Paulding); and Robby Espano, Irwin County HS (Irwin).

2018 PAGE STAR Teacher Region Winners: (back row, l-r) John Tuggle, Irwin County HS (Irwin); Dr. Marion Truslow, Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School (Rabun); Karlyn McConnell, Columbus HS (Muscogee); Terri Engelberth, Chattanhoochee HS (Fulton); Jake Clawson, Deerfield-Windsor HS (Dougherty); Diane Wilcher, West Laurens HS (Laurens); Stephen Hansen, Greenbrier HS (Columbia); Dan Gant, Starr’s Mill HS (Fayette); and Todd Little, Starr’s Mill HS (Fayette); front row (l-r) Christina DiTomasso, Lowndes HS (Lowndes); Heidi Leonard, Paulding County HS (Paulding); Marie Feazel, Glynn Academy (Glynn); Kathy Thomas, Lincoln County HS (Lincoln); Jennifer Sikes, Darlington School (Rome City); Andy Tomlin, Bulloch Academy (Bulloch); Scott Swain, Clarke Central HS (Clarke); Larisa Tulchinsky, Chamblee Charter High School (DeKalb); and Dr. Grant Fossum, Douglas County HS (Douglas); (not pictured, Tiffany Post, Woodland HS (Bartow) and Ioana Beldeanu, Chattahoochee HS (Fulton).


May/June 2018

Region Winner Devon Boatright of Douglas County High School approaches the stage after she is named as the 2018 State PAGE STAR Student.

Region Winner Apurva Nemala of Fulton County’s Chattahoochee High School is announced as the 2018 Runner-up State PAGE STAR Student.

PAGE STAR Region 9 Student Aaroh Patel (left) is interviewed by Jeff Dore during the banquet.

This year Windstream Communications joined with PAGE to co-sponsor the State PAGE STAR Banquet. Pictured here are Windstream Communications representatives (l-r) Local Operations Consultant LaQuilla Porter, Assistant Retail Manager Brandon Fraire and Georgia President of Operations for Windstream Communications J. Berkshire.

May/June 2018


Two Schools Represented Georgia in National Competition

Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe Wins State Academic Decathlon By Lynn Varner, Contributing Editor Photos by Chris Savas


atoosa County’s LakeviewFort Oglethorpe High School once again captured the PAGE Georgia Academic Decathlon (GAD) State Championship. This year marks the high school’s eighth state championship. The team, coached by Lisa Beck, Ian Beck and Jessica Chandler, scored the highest points overall in Division I and II, and was presented the Howard Stroud Championship Trophy. The two-day academic competition was held at Berkmar High School in Gwinnett County. Lakeview-Fort

Oglethorpe is a Division II, or small school participant (based on school population size), and was Georgia’s representative to the annual U.S. Academic Decathlon National Competition in April in Frisco, Texas. In addition, Gwinnett County’s Parkview High School traveled to Frisco to represent Georgia in the newly created Division IV National competition. To qualify, the team was the next highest scoring team in a division other than the state champion’s division. The Parkview team is coached by Melodie Carr, Krista

Flowers, and Dave Steele. At the National Competition, Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe finished in ninth place out of the 15 teams competing in Division II (including international teams) and 35th out of 72 teams (including international teams) competing overall. Two Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe decathletes won medals: Jewel Okoronkwo won an Honor Silver medal in Interview, and Red Follett won a Varsity Bronze medal in Literature. Parkview High placed 10th out of 17 teams competing in Division IV and

The 2018 PAGE Georgia Academic Decathlon State Champion Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe High School team members and their coaches are pictured here following their awards presentation: (seated, l-r) Zach Carter, Jewel Okoronkwo, Kristina Arp, Chelsea Price and Red Follett; (back row, l-r) Coach Ian Beck, Coach Lisa Beck, John Christopher, Nicholas Goodale, Jacob Elliott and Jae Lee (not pictured, Coach Jessica Chandler). 24  PAGE ONE

May/June 2018

sented Georgia in the Small School Online Competition and placed eighth out of 12 competing teams, with Cassidy Blackwell earning an Honor Bronze in Essay. State Competition Draws 150+ Students PAGE and the Chick-fil-A Foundation sponsor the state competition. Kennesaw State University partners with the PAGE Georgia Academic Decathlon by hosting and providing expert speakers for Gwinnett County’s Parkview High School, coached by Melodie Carr, Krista Flowers and the GAD Fall Workshop, and Dave Steele traveled to Frisco to represent Georgia in the newly created National IV by providing the more than Division competition. Team members include: (seated, l-r) Charles Jordan, Anh Pham, Christian Badolato, Corinna Papotto; (back row, l- r) Coach Krista Flowers, Ethan Clark, 200 volunteers needed for state Jeremy Levin, Jared Welser, Jordon White and Coach Melodie Carr (not pictured, competition. Gwinnett County Coach David Steele). Public Schools serves as host. Charles E. Richardson, 33rd out of 72 teams competing (overpopulation size, which was held in retired opinion page editor all). Their decathletes brought home six conjunction with the national finals for The Telegraph newspaper in Macon medals: Jordon White won Honor Gold competition. Carroll County’s Villa Rica and a PAGE Foundation trustee, served in Speech; Ethan Clark won Scholastic High School, coached by Cynthia Cox, as master of ceremonies for the GAD Silver in Speech; Jared Welser won Sarah Triplett and Russell Bennett, repawards banquet, during which the highScholastic Gold in Economics and in resented Georgia in the Large School est-scoring students in various competiSocial Science; Larry Chen won Honor Online Competition, and placed ninth tion categories were awarded both team Bronze in Mathematics; and Charles out of 12 competing teams. Columbus and individual medals. Jordan won Varsity Bronze in Essay. High School represented Georgia in the More than 150 Georgia high school At the state level, Division I (large Medium School Online Competition students from 17 high schools representing school) winners include: Division I and placed seventh out of 11 compet10 school districts competed in the state Champion Gwinnett County’s Parkview ing teams, with one medalist, Campbell academic event. During the competition, High School, coached by Melodie Danley, who won a Varsity Bronze in students were tested in seven content areas: Carr, Krista Flowers and Dave Steele; Essay. A.R. Johnson Health Science economics, art, literature, mathematics, First Runner-up Muscogee County’s and Engineering Magnet School represcience, social science and music. In addiColumbus High School, coached by Maribeth Hood and Jan Carter; and Second Runner-up Muscogee County’s Hardaway High School, coached by Carmen Kimsey Morris. Division II (or small school) winners include: Division II Champion Catoosa County’s Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe High School, coached by Lisa Beck, Ian Beck and Jessica Chandler; First Runnerup Richmond County’s A.R. Johnson Health Science and Engineering Magnet School, coached by Philip Grabowskii; and Second Runner-up Chattahoochee County High School, coached by Jeffery Peters, Alyssa Edwards and Dominick Edwards. This year’s highest individual scorers include, (l-r) Honors category: Jordon White of The U.S. Academic Decathlon Parkview HS (Gwinnett); Varsity category: Red Follett of Lakeview-Ft. Oglethorpe HS (Catoosa); and Scholastic Category: Jared Welser of Parkview HS (Gwinnett). also sponsored an Online National Competition for Small, Medium and Continued on next page Large Schools, based on student school May/June 2018


Several GAD Coaches received recognition for their years of service to the program. (l-r) Honored for 10 years of service: Pamela Heard; honored for five years of service: Thomas Amos, both of Westover HS (Dougherty); honored for 20 years of service: Cynthia Cox and Sarah Triplett, both of Villa Rica HS (Carroll).

tion, students earned points individually in three communication events: public speaking, personal interview and written essay. The program is unique because each nine-member team is made up of three “A,” or Honor students; three “B,” or Scholastic students; and three “C,” or Varsity students. Each year, the program features a different

Kennesaw State University serves as a partner with PAGE for the GAD program. KSU representatives who attended this year’s banquet included (l-r) Dee Rule, GAD Adult Volunteer coordinator; Dr. Arlinda Eaton, dean of Bagwell College of Education at KSU; and Kathy Rechsteiner, GAD Testing coordinator.

overall curriculum topic. Africa was this year’s topic. On Saturday afternoon, students participated in the exciting Super Quiz, during which team members competed in a quiz bowl format, keying in answers to questions. Paul Milliken of Fox 5 News served as master of ceremonies. During

the GAD Awards Banquet, Parkview High School was announced as this year’s Super Quiz Champion. Catoosa County’s Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe High School won first runner-up honors, with Richmond County’s A.R. Johnson Health Science and Engineering Magnet School named as second runner-up. n

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May/June 2018

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Upgrade Your Student PAGE Membership to ‘Professional’ Your student membership does not cover you as an employee of a school system, even if it has not expired. Be sure to upgrade your membership to “Professional,” and don’t forget to take advantage of your rst‐year, half‐price discount!

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93,000+ Members and Growing May/June 2018

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The Times They Are A-Changin’ In about six months, Georgia will have: a new governor a new senate education chair a new house education chair and a new house retirement chair. Who will serve is entirely up to you and fellow Georgians. It’s more important than ever for educators to vet candidates and to guide your representatives in determining the fate of education in Georgia. To register to vote, simply search “register to vote Georgia.” It’s easy. And it’s more important than ever.

OFFICERS President Kelli De Guire President-Elect Dr. Hayward Cordy Treasurer Lamar Scott Past-President Amy Denty Secretary Megan King DIRECTORS District 1 District 8 Dr. Oatanisha Dawson Lindsey Martin District 2 District 9 Brecca Pope Jennie Persinger District 3 District 10 Jamilya M. Mayo Khrista Henry District 4 District 11 Rochelle Lofstrand Dr. Sandra Owens District 5 District 12 Nick Zomer Donna Graham District 6 District 13 Dr. Susan Mullins Daerzio Harris District 7 Lance James DIRECTORS REPRESENTING RETIRED MEMBERS Vickie Hammond Stephanie Davis Howard


The articles published in PAGE One represent the views of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Professional Association of Georgia Educators, except where clearly stated. Contact the editor: Meg Thornton,; PAGE One, PAGE, P.O. Box 942270, Atlanta, GA 31141-2270; 770-216-8555 or 800-334-6861. Contributions/gifts to the PAGE Foundation are deductible as charitable contributions by federal law. Costs for PAGE lobbying on behalf of members are not deductible. PAGE estimates that 7 percent of the nondeductible portion of your 2018-19 dues is allocated to lobbying. PAGE One (ISSN 1523-6188) is mailed to all PAGE members, selected higher education units and other school-related professionals. An annual subscription is included in PAGE membership dues. A subscription for others is $10 annually. Periodicals class nonprofit postage paid at Atlanta, GA, and additional mailing offices. (USPS 017-347) Postmaster: Send address changes to PAGE One, P.O. Box 942270, Atlanta, GA 31141–2270. PAGE One is published five times a year (January, March, May, August and October) by New South Publishing Inc., 9040 Roswell Road, Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30350; 770-650-1102. Copyright ©2018.

May/June 2018

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