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Research Findings:

 The family dynamic is changing – with divorce rates at 52% for first marrages, also an increase of: blended families, adoption, surrogacy etc. The nuclear family is decreasing, below 25% of all families in America.  44% of working women earn more than their husbands.

Target Audience:



Strategic Idea:


There is no such thing as a ‘normal’ family anymore. What all families have in common is that they all struggle as new parents. Fathers have been seen as doofuses (clumsy idiots) by media and other mothers in the playground. No wife wants their husband to turn into their ‘third child’. Baby Bjorns (and other similar devices) are no longer emasculating. It is a powerful tool in parenting. Not-so-desperate house dads: women find it admirable when Dads who can manage the stay at home situation with a worry free attitude and still get everything done. Evolvo: The modern dad is no fool, he had evolved Parenting 2.0.

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