Boost the training of your business using franchise management software

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Franchise training with learning Introduction management system... • A successful franchise business creates a transcending position where all the franchisees and employees can work with their skillful assets and simultaneously improve them. • A franchise management software helps cultivate skills and knowledge among the newly onboarded franchisees and the respective employees. • By collaborating e-learning with instructor-led learning, the software allocates standardized knowledge across your franchise business. • It ensures compliance across your franchise and offers flexible training at the same time.

Ensure standardized knowledge across the franchise with learning management system! • Create training materials for all your franchisees and employees on one single platform. • Make the curriculum in videos, web pages, and PowerPoint and share them across your franchise automatically. • With franchise software, you can even customize changes in the courses whenever necessary.

Engage learners with learning management software!

• Once you create any course, the software automatically stores it. Now, you can easily retain the training materials. It is available in one platform for all your franchisees to learn and thrive. • Roll out healthy competitions among the learners with gamification techniques. By

Evaluate learners and offer certification with learning management system! • The franchise software makes it easier to track the performance of your diverse franchisees and employees. In a single platform, you can see the results of different assessments, points that your employees have earned, and so forth. • With this integrated solution, offer award certification to

Enhance knowledge by catering to employees residing in distant locations! Well, you have variant franchise sites situated in different nations which are geographically distant from one another. Yet, there is specific and generic knowledge that you seek to deliver to your employees. To be precise, you want to enhance knowledge among your employees residing in different locations and keep them up-to-date. Such a collaboration is not easy. Here, the franchise management software acts as a savior...

On the path of enhancing knowledge...

• Keep your employees updated with the News Hub!

It automatically stores relevant and recent news related to specific industries, markets, competitors, and much more. Your employees can check them from anywhere and at any time.

• Provide a shared library!

Specific folder for each of your franchisees to fetch study materials and crucial documents. A general folder accessible to all the franchisees.

Flexible schedule of learning and customized scheduling! • The franchise software automatically stores the training courses. Hence, the employees can set their own pace and time of learning within their tight work schedule. • The solution also offers customized scheduling. Any employee can schedule thier training assessment or task in the online platform.

Final thoughts: • Now, you can create a dynamic training atmosphere by availing the franchise software. • Acquire the opportunity to establish compliance across the franchise business! “ As a business owner, staying connected and open to new approaches is vital to being able to evolve your business.”

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