Medical Forum WA 3/13

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ePrescriptions on trial 5IF "$$$ IBT HSBOUFE JOUFSJN BVUIPSJTBUJPO GPS QSFTDSJQUJPO FYDIBOHF TFSWJDFT CFUXFFO F3Y 4DSJQU &YDIBOHF and MediSecure. Both compete for doctor electronic script lodgement at a participating pharmacy: one is Pharmacy (VJME CBDLFE UIF PUIFS 3"$(1 CBDLFE Until 2017 they have legal immunity from anti-competition court action, to come up with sharing script lodgements, badly OFFEFE CZ NPCJMF EPDT BOE QBUJFOUT JO 8"

Roll out the barrel Election time means the government media industry is eerily silent while we have much squawking from the political parties (see Page 27 for one event's coverage). But just before the power was cut, the health minister with the aid of the (now diminishing) Royalties for Region cash announced that Cunderdin and Pingelly would pilot new primary health care centres – a GP working alongside allied health and maybe the odd specialist – as part of $43.4m earmarked for the Southern Inland Health region.

Research push for CBTs TICHR's Dr Nick Gottardo (Medical Forum, October edition) recently hosted like-minded researchers for a Global Symposium of Brain Tumours funded by UIF 5FMFUIPO "EWFOUVSFST 0WFS BU 8"*.3 Dr Susan Peters published study results showing a correlation between childhood

CSBJO UVNPVST BOE EJFTFM FYIBVTU GVNFT if fathers-to-be worked near diesel-powered equipment around the time of conception PS JG QSFHOBOU NPUIFST XFSF FYQPTFE 1FTUJDJEFT BOE TPMWFOUT BSF OFYU

Pens down! East Timor pathology services now boast an automated test reporting system in the DPVOUSZhT /BUJPOBM -BCPSBUPSZ BOE /BUJPOBM )PTQJUBM %JMJ 5IF -BC53", TZTUFN XFOU live last November after help from SJOG Pathology Development Program which has TFFO TJY WJTJUJOH TUBGG GSPN 8" BOE 7*$ Training up local staff is part of the gig now manual programming and transcription have been replaced.

promoting both men as Primary Care board members and suggesting recipients vote online for them as nominees for “this prestigious award that recognises contributions made to the welfare of Western "VTUSBMJBOTw 8IFO XF FORVJSFE JU TFFNFE that being connected to many people and using social media gave candidates the advantage. Only online voting counts. You could self-nominate, pay $300, and perhaps be amongst 40 winners to receive website, 'BDFCPPL 8" #VTJOFTT /FXT BOE .BSDI HBMB MBVODI DPWFSBHF -BTU ZFBS UIFZ HPU about 7000 online votes in total, the runnerup was a sole operator who we were told had strong social media connections, and the winner made it home with about 400 votes. 8" #VTJOFTT /FXT TBZT JU JT IBQQZ XJUI UIF FYQPTVSF JU HFUT BOE XF FYQFDU UIF entry fees this year. Eligibility is age <40, PXOFST FYFDT QSPGFTTJPOBMT XPSLJOH GPS B 8" company, and a minimum of two years in their current position. We were told Marcus was nominated by a previous winner and Daniel by someone in Silver Chain. O

Let it be known 5IFSF BSF OPNJOBUJPOT GPS UIF 8" #VTJOFTT /FXT VOEFS #VTJOFTT "XBSET People’s Choice and Dr Marcus Tan (Primary $BSF 8" BOE .S %BOJFM .JODIJO 4JMWFS $IBJO BSF BNPOHTU UIFN "O FNBJM GSPN Primary Care’s previous CEO alerted us,

Growing to meet Western Australia’s health care needs We are gearing up for the future with major redevelopments at our Bunbury and Murdoch Hospitals, completing in 2012 and 2015, and new public and private hospitals in Midland, opening in late 2015.


There will be more career prospects for doctors as we grow to six Western Australian hospitals, with new and expanded specialties. St John of God Midland Public Hospital will have signiďŹ cant specialist and junior medical workforce requirements.

s 59,400 more patients a year s 551 new beds s 1,230 extra staff s Extensive new facilities s Education and training prospects s For more information, visit HEAD OFFICE Ground Floor 12 Kings Park Road West Perth WA 6005 T (08) 9213 3636 F (08) 9213 3668 E


BUNBURY Cnr Robertson Drive & Bussell Hwy Bunbury WA 6230 T (08) 9722 1600 F (08) 9722 1650 E

GERALDTON 12 Hermitage Street Geraldton WA 6530 T (08) 9965 8888 F (08) 9964 2015 E

MIDLAND PO Box 1254 Midland WA 6936 T 1800 735 719 F 08 9213 3668 E

MURDOCH 100 Murdoch Drive Murdoch WA 6150 T (08) 9366 1111 F (08) 9366 1133 E

SUBIACO 12 Salvado Road Subiaco WA 6008 T (08) 9382 6111 F (08) 9381 7180 E

PATHOLOGY 23 Walters Drive Osborne Park WA 6017 T 1300 367 674 F (08) 9204 2974


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