MediaLAB Amsterdam - Design Process and Programme 2015

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DEFINE Goals and Intentions Define your challenge’s vision, objectives, scenarios, scopes and constraints. Ask yourself questions that relate to the why, what and who of your challenge and sense what trends, opportunities and possible constraints might affect it in the process. Get to KNOW the user Explore the background of the project, the context, the situation, location, time and social and technical context. Get to know the people involved, their wants, goals, needs and feelings. FRAME your Insights Draw conclusions from your research and make lessons learned explicit. Try to narrow down the information. Can you extract the most valuable and important elements from your insights? What impact will these insights have on your design? IDEATE and Conceptualise Generate ideas, explore possibilities, work out concepts. How can you visualize, sketch and conceptualize the requirements arising from your research insights? CREATE and Test Ways to get from concepts to production, prototyping and testing. Are your ideas valid? Can you create working prototypes from your concepts? How can you test your prototypes with users? What ways should you choose to get the optimal and most realistic test results?


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