The Malta Chamber Annual Report 2021/22

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Ann al Report the Malta Chamber


the Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry



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The SME Initiative Portfolio benefits from support from the European Union pursuant to the SME Initiativ under ERDF allocated to the Government of Malta and Horizon 2020 and by the European Investment B Initiative for Maltese Enterprises. All loans are subject to normal bank lending criteria and final approval fro p.l.c., 58, Triq San Żakkarija, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1130. Bank of Valletta p.l.c. is a public limited company reg carry out the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371 of the Laws of Malta). | COM 2617

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Annual 2021/22 Report


Investment in infrastructure

while keeping sustainability in mind As the entity that administers government-owned industrial estates and related facilities around the Maltese islands, INDIS Malta is striving to ensure that the required industrial infrastructure is available around the Maltese Islands, even more so within the context of the country’s economic recovery from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.


s the demand for industrial space has evolved in line with the manner with which the Maltese economy developed, so too has the role of INDIS Malta in providing adequate industrial space that caters for investors’ needs, thereby supporting their business and helping them prosper, and in so doing generating wealth and employment opportunities. While historically INDIS Malta’s portfolio of properties comprised mainly factories used by the various niches within the traditional manufacturing industry, as well as two villages dedicated to local artisans, in more recent years INDIS Malta has also started to provide other facilities such as laboratories for the life sciences industry, hangars for the aviation clusters, and office type space for the ICT and other knowledge-intensive industries.

This shift was mainly driven by the requirements of the type of new foreign investment being attracted to Malta and to accommodate further growth for those that are already operating in the country, thereby sustaining the country’s economic growth and, consequently, the creation of employment opportunities. Currently, INDIS Malta manages more than three million square metres of industrial space; however, the fast pace with which the Maltese economy was growing prior to the pandemic means that virtually all this space is already taken up, with less than 5% being readily available for allocation. This has proven to be a major stumbling block that has made it challenging to enable the economy to grow at an even faster pace in


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry

The projects that make up the infrastructure investment programme have a common underlying principle: sustainability.

recent years. Investors would want to hit the ground running and without unnecessary delays; however the lack of readily-available properties meant that they could not start operating within a short period of time as they wished to. To this end, INDIS Malta has embarked on an ambitious infrastructural investment programme with an investment of €470 million that seeks to address not only the current shortages, but also the envisaged needs for the years to come, thereby future-proofing the industrial property solutions it can offer to its clients and to other prospective investors looking at setting up in Malta. The programme comprises a wide variety of projects, and includes an expansion of the Malta Life Sciences Park, the rebuilding of the Kordin Business Incubation Centre, the upgrading of the facilities that serve the aviation industry and clustered facilities for SMEs, as well as several projects for the provision of amenities within the industrial estates or for their embellishment. The projects that make up the infrastructure investment programme have a common underlying principle: sustainability. Indeed, INDIS Malta is doing its utmost to address the shortage of industrial properties in a sustainable manner that strikes a balance between optimising the space available, while at the same time respecting the environment and the communities that live and work within. The infrastructural investment programme is based on studies that observed the type of industry currently based in Malta and what


else is being attracted, the demand being anticipated for the coming years, and what type of properties are required. In so doing, it is addressing the long-term needs of the country and prospective investors. In addition, it also incorporates several green initiatives that will make the facilities more welcoming to the people that spend long hours working there, as well as to the clients that visit them; thereby recognising the importance that the environment plays in our lives. Investments in green initiatives are not only being made in new projects, but also to improve and enhance the living and working environment in existing facilities and common areas within industrial estates. Such initiatives include the installation of green walls or green infrastructure, as well as general embellishment and more green areas. These will be further complemented by other services that will be introduced within certain industrial estates to further ameliorate their users’ experience, including through the development of administration buildings, childcare centres, health and fitness facilities, and parking areas. In order to minimise the impact on the surrounding environment as much as possible and wherever achievable, new facilities are being built on multiple levels, thereby accommodating more tenants without increasing the built-up footprint. This is also being applied to older facilities that for some reason are returned to INDIS Malta, which are then upgraded or rebuilt in a more efficient manner as multi-level facilities. n

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Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


CONTENTS 06 11 13 14 17 18 21 29 33 47 55 67 75 79 86

Investment in Infrastructure While Keeping Sustainability in Mind Indis Malta





Interview with The Malta Chamber President Ms Marisa Xuereb Interview with The Malta Chamber CEO Dr Marthese Portelli Projects Being Implemented by The Malta Chamber Ms Diana Miceli Board of Management

Council Members

Calendar of Events

Gold Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Economic Group Chairs

Internationalisation: Widening Our Horizons Mr Lino Mintoff

Published by The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry 64, The Exchange Buildings Republic Street Valletta, VLT, 1117 - Malta T: +356 2123 3873 E: Publication date March 2022 In association with

Partnerships Groups

MOU Agreements

Journey Towards a Digitally Skilled Nation for the Society, Education, Labour Force and ICT Specialists eSkills Malta Foundation Serving productivity… on a silver platter Garnish

Editors Rachel Attard Coryse Borg Production Petra Urso Design Antoinette Micallef - BoxDesign


OUR MANDATES ADVICE Government and relevant stakeholders on matters related to eSkills policies

CHAMPION campaigns and promote the Maltese eSkills potential locally and internationally

eSkills eSkills Malta Foundation

CONTRIBUTE to the expansion of ICT educational programmes and related formative initiatives;

INSTIGATE further reform in the ICT educational offerings and contribute to capacity-building of the ICT education community; and finally to

LEAD an ICT professionalism development programme;




eSkills eSkills Malta Foundation


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry



A Rollercoaster Year The Malta Chamber President Ms Marisa Xuereb 021 was very much a year of reckoning. It started off with all the hope that the delivery of the first batches of a Covid vaccine brought, particularly to the more vulnerable segments of the population. But by mid-March case numbers and hospitalisations had reach such alarming levels that we went into a second partial lockdown overnight. As summer approached, it was clear that we had to rely on vaccines to contain the pandemic, and that business had to operate, even if with some restrictions, if we wanted them to survive. The Chamber supported several business sectors with negotiating workable compromises and with securing the necessary financial support to survive this difficult period. A long list of recommendations, including many sector-specific measures, were put forward in The Chamber’s Budget proposals for 2022, and several were taken up by Government. It became apparent that a major rethink of our tourism industry was required, and The Chamber embarked on the drafting of ‘Rediscover: a New Vision for the Tourism Industry in Malta’ that was published in November 2021. While we looked to the summer with some optimism, FATF’s decision to greylist Malta meant that there was another fire to extinguish. The broad consensus was that the impact of this could be contained in the shortterm, but that getting off the list as quickly as possible was of paramount importance. The banks, the Malta Business Registry and the FIAU ramped up their efforts to enforce compliance requirements to address the concerns of effective implementation of an otherwise solid legal and regulatory framework raised by the FATF. Financial service practitioners were overwhelmed, and compliance costs shot up for just about every business. The Chamber was very much engaged in assisting both the authorities and businesses, particularly corporate service providers, in understanding the challenges on either side, and in implementing systems and procedures that were sensible, consistent, and clearly communicated. Manufacturers and importers struggled with supply-side bottlenecks that saw transport costs spike to unprecedented levels, while lead times grew longer and more unpredictable. The impact of Brexit added salt to this wound. Costs of raw materials were next to shoot up, as business scrambled to secure supplies against the backdrop of global shortages in key raw materials and critical components such as microchips. The Chamber maintained an open dialogue between manufacturers and importers, and logistics companies, ensuring that all parties understood the challenges ahead and took the necessary measures to minimise the risk of disruption to their business and to factor in the anticipated increases in costs in their pricing strategies.

“The Chamber is, and will continue to be, at the forefront of discussions on these matters to ensure that Malta continues to be an attractive location for business.”

Photo Credit: Rene Rossignaud


The world economy was recovering from the deepest recession in recent history in record time. Labour shortages became the next challenge for economic recovery, particularly since third countries were still grappling with high Covid numbers and low vaccination rates while more advanced economies were trying to ramp up their output. In August 2021, the Chamber published its position on a ‘National Workforce Strategy’, a document that provides an array of policy recommendations to attract, retain, upskill and nurture talent – undoubtedly one of the key challenges today and in the years to come. Energy costs were the next sore point, as Europe found itself having to settle for an energy taxonomy that includes both nuclear and gas while Russia kept tabs on its gas deliveries to Europe against the backdrop of rising tensions with the Ukraine. By the end of 2021, inflation was Europe’s major headache. Locally, the prospect of a hedging agreement for gas that runs up to March 2022 presented a major fiscal and political challenge. The Government’s commitment to subsidise energy costs for both households and businesses for as long as possible, together with the proposal to introduce a Government-funded compensatory mechanism for those whose living standards will be compromised by abnormally high increases in the cost of living, are key to ensuring that we do not enter into an inflationary spiral that will compromise long-term competitiveness. The Chamber was actively engaged in discussions with Government and other constituted bodies throughout 2021 to ensure that these challenges are managed with reasonableness and due consideration to competitiveness. While all this was happening, the OECD managed to secure the commitment of every country that matters for a minimum tax rate of 15% for multinationals having an annual turnover in excess of €750 million. The implementation of this will necessitate a rethink of Malta’s corporate tax framework, the development of a new strategy to attract FDI and a repositioning of our financial services industry. War in the Ukraine presents even more challenges on many fronts. The Chamber is, and will continue to be, at the forefront of discussions on all these matters to ensure that Malta continues to be an attractive location for business. n

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Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


On being proactive, timely and relevant

The Malta Chamber’s mission is clear – to be the true voice of ethical business The Malta Chamber CEO Dr Marthese Portelli

Photo Credit: Rene Rossignaud


joined The Malta Chamber precisely on 1st May of last year, fully aware of the huge responsibility and challenges that the role involves. For those who might have asked why I decided to join The Malta Chamber, the reasons were two-fold. The first is the fact that I always felt that I shared and related very well to the sound values and aspirations of The Malta Chamber. Secondly I felt that I could continue building on The Malta Chamber’s value through my corporate world background and policy experience. Ten months down the line, admittedly they have been an interesting ten months. My target is to be constantly proactive, timely and relevant. The Malta Chamber is an active organisation and in order to remain relevant we need to keep our working practices in check to make sure that we are adapting to the ever changing needs of today’s business environment. Upon joining The Malta Chamber, I immediately embarked on an intensive outreach programme with our members, both individually and at section level, to make sure that I have a sound and comprehensive understanding of the issues that our businesses face as well as to learn more about their aspirations and vision. Within the first weeks I also met all our employees on a one-to-one basis to understand their strengths and listen to what they had to say about The Malta Chamber. Policy and Member Relations – these are our flagships and what distinguishes The Malta Chamber from other organisations. In terms of policy we have given constructive feedback on all policy documents that were issued for public consultation. We put forward policy proposals on our main pillars of economic growth and resilience, governance, sustainability, infrastructure and digitalisation as well as human capital, and lobbied constantly and effectively to make sure that our proposals implemented and implemented correctly. We also set up ad hoc Working Groups to discuss and chart the way forward in respect of pressing matters such as the supply chain issue, that of third country nationals and the changes being introduced in respect of company law compliance. With respect to Member Relations we have adapted our approach into one which is more member centric and which is intrinsically tied to B2B networking, information dissemination, issue awareness and concern addressing. We have also taken on more EU funded projects which tie in well with policy and business support. Our membership has continued to grow. Our Collaboration Alliances increased as well. It was a challenging but very rewarding ten months. The year ahead is equally challenging. However, The Malta Chamber’s brand is a strength in itself and I am confident that together with the rest of the team, a team which is truly dedicated and hard working, we will achieve the ambitious plan that we have mapped out. Our objective remains one – to ensure that business keeps on thriving, irrespective of its size or sector it operates in. The Malta Chamber is here to help business achieve more, beyond whatever one could ever achieve alone. We remain committed to help business re-engineer itself and adapt to the new realities and the everchanging customer behaviour, whilst also continuing to be the positive influence in policy formation,

“The Malta Chamber is here to help business achieve more, beyond whatever one could ever achieve alone.” both at national and european level. We remain committed to being on top of issues and responding in a proactive, timely and relevant manner. I urge our members and the business community to reach out to us – we are your voice and fully committed to promote, encourage and facilitate trade, commerce and investment. Last but not least, I would like to thank all our Gold and Bronze sponsors without whose support we would not have been able to reach the heights that we did. n


Annual 2021/22 Report

Projects being implemented by

The Malta Chamber Ms Diana Miceli, Projects Manager

The Malta Chamber managed and participated in eight National and European Projects all aligned to four of five thematic pillars, namely Competitiveness, Digitalisation, Human Capital and Sustainability, most of which are still ongoing. The funds allocated to The Malta Chamber for these projects amounts to €553,563 and they each aim to add value to our members. The following is an outline of each project including the added value for our members: Competitiveness



The Malta Chamber was tasked with an adhoc project to launch a Call for Service Providers funded by Malta Enterprise to compile a list of Recommended Service Providers that may help businesses in various sectors to mitigate the impact of Covid on business operations. The list is applicable for the Change to Grow & the Business Re-Engineering Schemes which were both proposed by The Malta Chamber in June 2020.



MELIITA (Maltese-European Linkages for Internationalisation, Innovation and Technology Transfer) which is the EEN (Enterprise Europe Network) funded by COSME (EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs). This project provided advisory support to SMEs seeking to internationalise, innovate and upscaling their operations or re-engineering business requirements. Members benefitted from free support to maximise their potential to grow beyond our shores with the support of all organisations within the network.

TransFormWork is financed by the EU Social Dialogue Programme and focuses on the implementation of the European Social Partners Autonomous Framework Agreement on Digitalisation in 7 EU Member States. Members benefit from being informed of how the digital transformation brings about benefits and added value for employers and employees by providing new labour market opportunities, new ways of organising work and improvement in working conditions.


DS4AIR (Digital Skills for the Artificial Intelligence Revolution) is funded by ERASMUS+. The project supports innovation through the design, development and evaluation of an online training course on digital skills as a result of the AI revolution. Our members will benefit from attending a free course on digital skills particularly for the following sectors: manufacturing, retail, logistics, transport, healthcare, maritime and construction, real estate during and after project end.


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


“The results will benefit our members in such sectors to better envision and plan for the future.”



Future Skills is funded by the HSBC Malta Foundation and focuses on the identification of future skills required to ensure competitiveness in the global economy. The project will focus on the following industries: financial services & banking; information & communication, professional, scientific & technical services. The results will benefit our members in such sectors to better envision and plan for the future.

Human Capital 1.

GIVE (Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence) is financed by ERASMUS+ aims to contribute to the innovation in VET (vocational education and training) sector for the social inclusion of individuals belonging to disadvantaged groups, providing a more diverse and competent future workforce for our members.


Establishing Malta's Framework for a NetZero-Carbon Building in Malta is financed by the HSBC Malta Foundation. This project is setting the benchmarks for what a netzero commercial building should look like in Malta. This will enable our members to know what standards would make their premises more sustainable and cost effective going forward.


WE MAKE is a Business Energy Cluster 2021 Initiative funded by the Energy & Water Agency for the manufacturing sector. The aim is to obtain more energy and water efficiency being implemented by our members, resulting in their measurable financial savings and measurable reductions of CO2 emissions to meet Malta’s 2050 carbon neutrality vision.

The Malta Chamber has also submitted another seven projects for funding to the following programmes, namely: Horizon Europe, COSME, the US Embassy Malta, and other local entities always aiming to bring tangible value to our members. n

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Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


The Malta Chamber

Board of Management

Marisa Xuereb President

Chris Vassallo Cesareo Deputy President

Liz Barbaro Sant Vice President

Nick Xuereb Vice President

Ian Casolani Officer

Mark Bajada Officer

Norman Aquilina Officer


Annual 2021/22 Report

The Malta Chamber

Council Members

Alan Arrigo

Alison Vassallo

Andrew W J Mamo

Brian Muscat

Catherine Calleja

Charles A Zahra

Geoffrey Debono

Joe Pace

Kevin Rapinett

Marcel K Mifsud

Ruben Cuschieri

William Spiteri Bailey


The fact that the Malta Business Registry has journeyed so far since its inception as a stand-alone entity has been one of its most noteworthy achievements. Throughout its years of operation, the Malta Business Registry has never ceased to grow and adapt in light of Malta’s ever-evolving financial sector, which at times required transformative and seismic changes for it to advance its operations and expand its functionality. As with every element which functions successfully within a healthy and robust ecosystem, The Malta Business Registry, which serves as a sturdy bulwark for our country’s entire business operations, needs to continuously grow and attune itself to any developments arising both in Malta, as well as those arising from beyond our shores. For the Malta Business Registry to remain abreast of this constant evolution, a lot of effort both from the business community in general, as well as The Malta Business Registry itself is required. Nevertheless, to enhance the registry’s functions and make it more efficient, The Malta Business Registry strives to keep its finger on the pulse of the community it serves, continuously communicating with all parties involved. It is through this stance, which fosters an environment of collaboration and mutual respect that The Malta Business Registry judiciously took on board the survey carried out by the Chamber of Commerce, whose members submitted their suggestions on how the entity could better its services. Concurrently, The Malta Business Registry is also carrying out its own research and through detailed surveys is gathering valuable feedback from its clientele. Nevertheless, it must be said that the point of departure for this resolute direction has happened over the past few years when The Malta Business Registry has vigorously undertaken the restructuring and overhaul of the Registry of Companies. This not only lessened any unnecessary bureaucratic procedures but, moreover, through its recently acquired supervisory role, including the constant and thorough vetting of documents, company incorporation is now an even smoother and more timely process. While this transformation was and continues to take place, The Malta Business Registry has proceeded with its outreach sessions with businesses and practitioners, consistently communicating the latest updates, notices, requirements, and regulations as they arise.

Unfortunately, change is not always perceived as a positive step as there are those for whom the status quo is a comfortable state of being. However, in a modern scenario, The Malta Business Registry, to remain true to its core values, including that of providing businesses with a sense of security and peace of mind, must inevitably take on the role of watchdog, a role which at times can be perceived as overtly invasive as if the entity is some kind of policing agency. This cannot be farther from reality; The Malta Business Registry is rather a guiding partner which is ultimately striving to safeguard the Maltese jurisdiction and by extension, its businesses, and practitioners. Notwithstanding this momentous transformation, the Registry has, over the past few months, taken a more significant proactive approach with regard to EU directives and international standards, actively seeking to remain compatible and in line with these same standards and directives. This visionary stance, which has seen the population of extensive information on the registry and the on-site inspections amongst other due diligence procedures, has also enabled the Malta Business Registry to actively engage in its fight against moneylaundering. The Malta Business Registry is also striving to comply with the FATF’s action plan. It is wholly addressing the recommendations through a positive approach, which will ultimately make for a stronger, more fail-proof registry; a registry which must remain open to the exploration of new emergent technologies, and which will serve as a powerful statement within the international sphere and continue to enhance the Maltese jurisdiction’s reputability. However, the implementation of The Malta Business Registry new online portal is what one would call ‘the cherry on the cake’, another step towards a registry which is constantly and consistently growing and adapting to Malta’s market trends and regulatory environment and one which at its core ultimately strives to safeguard the interests of businesses, practitioners in the field and the Maltese jurisdiction as whole.


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry

03 march 2021

18 march 2021

14 april 2021

Care Home Operators Meet Dr Bernard Grech

Digital Transformation At The Core Of Signing Between The Chamber And BMIT Technologies

Increasing Start-Ups Support: Malta Chamber Membership Set To Increase Start-Ups’ Visibility

20 april 2021 Presenting Public Procurement Document To Hon Ian Borg

22 march 2021 04 march 2021 Presenting Public Procurement Document To Hon Silvio Schembri

The Malta Chamber And AP Valletta Sign Agreement To Work Towards A Sustainable Building Sector

23 april 2021 24 march 2021

Project Launched By The Chamber And HSBC Malta Foundation To Help Achieve National Climate Goals

Annual General Meeting 2021

17 march 2021 The Malta Chamber And JAYE Team Up To Shape Malta’s Future

26 april 2021 The Malta Chamber Collaboration With Western Union Business Solutions To Enhance Provision Of Retail Omnichannel Solutions



Annual 2021/22 Report

27 april 2021

04 june 2021

26 june 2021

Delegation Of The Malta Chamber Pays Courtesy Call On H.E. Dr George Vella, President Of Malta

The Malta Chamber Signs MOU With The Malta Chamber Of Construction Management To Support Ethical Construction Development

Meeting With Ms Josianne Cutajar On Eu, Tourism And Transport

06 may 2021

08 june 2021

The Malta Chamber Outlines Priorities For Recovery

The Malta Chamber And PT Matic Strengthen Ties

29 june 2021 The Malta Chamber Furniture Makers And MCAST Join Forces To Address Shortage Of Workers

15 june 2021 GasanMamo Insurance Supports The Malta Chamber ‘Think Tank’

01 july 2021 Meeting With Key Stakeholders And Malta Chamber Members To Discuss Supply Chain Challenges

08 may 2021 Promoting Sustainable Development In Gozo

16 june 2021 The Malta Chamber Launches A Document Led By The Education Thematic Committee Titled Education For The Future

08 july 2021 The Malta Chamber Presents Its ‘Education For The Future’ Document To The Opposition


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry

12 july 2021

28 july 2021

18 august 2021

The Malta Chamber Strengthens Alliance With Ganado Advocates

Meeting Business Owers Hosted At Kbic And Discussing Needs Within The Sectors They Operate In

Supporting And Promoting Malta’s Pension Sustainability Through Collaboration Between The Malta Chamber And STM Malta

20 july 2021 Malta Chamber And MCAST Colloquium On Future Skills

25 august 2021 The Malta Chamber Launches Its Recommendations On The National Workforce Strategy

30 july 2021 Young Chamber Network: Summer Get Together

11 august 2021 The Malta Chamber And Foundation For Transport Committed To Sustainable Mobility

24 july 2021 The Malta Chamber And Gwu To Promote Active Ageing And Address Legal Anomalies



Annual 2021/22 Report

28 august 2021

16 september 2021

New Service For Enterprises That Combines Mental Health And Entrepreneurship

B2B - BBQ2BUSINESS: The Malta Chamber Summer Get Together

31 september 2021

22 october 2021

WE MAKE: A New Project For Businesses To Implement Sustainable Investments

The Malta Chamber And Seed Sign Bronze Partnership Agreement

29 october 2021 Beyond The Glass Ceiling: A Networking Event For Women In Business Organised In Collaboration With RIDT

04 november 2021 The Malta Chamber Facilitates A Q&A Session For Members With EU Commissioner Gabriel

14 september 2021 The Malta Chamber Presents Its Pre-Budget Proposals To The Prime Minister And Members Of The Cabinet

11 october 2021 Enterprise Europe Network - Malta Training And Team Building Session To Present The Upcoming Strategy And Work Plan

05 november 2021 Seminar To Support Business Teachers

25 october 2021 15 september 2021 HSBC Malta Renews Gold Partnership With The Malta Chamber

Malta Trust Foundation Teams Up With Malta Chamber To Launch 'Your Device Your Right' Project



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Annual 2021/22 Report

Collaboration and action in a post-pandemic economy

Malta Enterprise CEO Kurt Farrugia underlines the value of the relationship between the two economic organisations as he looks back on the voluminous amount of work that was carried out during 2021.


alta Enterprise and the Malta Chamber are long-time collaborators, and with the onset of the pandemic crisis, those ties have been deepened as the two economic organisations recognised their responsibility to help the Maltese economy recover from what was a dramatic and, to some extent, ongoing economic slowdown. At Malta Enterprise we are looking beyond this crisis. While we have and are still working hard to have in place mitigating measures which have kept businesses going and able to retain their employees, we consider this unique moment of reckoning as an opportunity for a renewed, modern, digital and green revolution. The Chamber shares our vision, with the pandemic only intensifying our frequent interchange and the ways we work together to get this message out there, while offering support. It was through this collaboration that a number of joint ventures and campaigns were created; including the social media campaign Buy Local/Minn Tagħna, the debut of a new weekly TV programme L-Intrapriża, the establishment of mental health services to entrepreneurs through MENT+ and a whole catalogue of various webinars for Chamber members. We relish any opportunity to display and celebrate local talent as we are so proud of the diverse enterprises that make up the economic landscape in Malta. There are so many companies from a whole range of fields doing surprising and outstanding jobs on our own doorstep. The sharing of their stories of how they came to be, and how they overcame these novel challenges, were a great reminder that the pandemic was not all gloom and doom for

“As a government we are committed to support businesses that value and adopt environmental and social practices, as we work towards a cleaner, better quality of life.”

the whole economy. There have been sectors which registered growth - such as those in the life sciences and the manufacture of medical devices, and techbased activities including cyber security, medtech, drones and UAVs. Malta remains a very attractive location for foreign direct investment, and we have observed several local players who took advantage of this lull of activities to rehash and reinvest in their business. We showcased a selection of these companies through the show l-Intrapriża and the Buy Local/Minn Tagħna campaign which focused on local food and beverage products, with a behind-the-scenes look at their manufacturing processes. This project echoed a previous collaboration focusing on manufacturing and fabrication known as the Make It campaign back in 2019. Undoubtedly the pandemic has also had an impact on global mental health, and it was an increasingly challenging time for our entrepreneurs running a new business whilst also facing unprecedented new challenges. MENT+ was developed to provide support and teach practical skills to these entrepreneurs on how to deal with stressful situations. This online service can be accessed for free and is available on the website Where individual therapy sessions are required, Malta Enterprise is collaborating with the Richmond Foundation to fund those hours. Going online and offering more virtual

tools has also extended to how we distribute information in the wake of more limited contact opportunities to disseminate information. We held several webinars with The Malta Chamber members explaining the incentives we launched in 2021, including the Smart & Sustainable Investment Grant, the Change to Grow scheme and the Restart scheme. These are targeted to facilitate and encourage businesses to embark on a digital and green transformation as well as the needs of enterprises in the post pandemic scenario. As a government we are committed to support businesses that value and adopt environmental and social practices, as we work towards a cleaner, better quality of life. The transformation has been accelerated through the pandemic, and we want businesses out there to know that now is the time to consider and re-evaluate their impact and operations. We believe our economic players have a large part to play in bringing about this sustainable future. We look forward to another year of working with The Malta Chamber and its members, and we encourage the business community to reach out to Malta Enterprise on info@businessfirst. with their queries, and requests for guidance. Our dedicated team at Business First will be able to provide a tailor-made experience according to the stage of your current business growth and guide you accordingly. n


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry

10 november 2021

24 november 2021

03 december 2021

The Malta Chamber Launches Rediscover – A New Vision For The Tourism Industry In Malta

The Malta Chamber CEO and Head of Member Relations attend the Dubai World Chambers Congress

SME Week Event: ‘Digitalisation: The Way Forward’, Promoting The Importance Of Building Digital, Smart And Resilient Businesses


22 december 2021 The Malta Chamber And EY Malta Continue To Strengthen Their Ties

11 november 2021

25 november 2021

SME Week Event: The Malta Chamber Insists On Better Communication Between Businesses And MBR

Take the Lead – Young Chamber Network Event

19 january 2022 Supply Chain Crisis: Managing the Reality Event

26 november 2021 Joint Malta Chamber And Central Bank Of Malta Seminar Discusses The Permanency Of The Current Inflationary Trends

25 january 2022 Meeting MCAST Students: Business Industry And Craftsmanship Join Forces

16 november 2021 Hass Chapman Sharing Insights To Ycn Members During The First Session Of The 'Scaling Your Business' Series

30 november 2021 The Malta Chamber President's Reception

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Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry




Annual 2021/22 Report

Air Malta sponsors The relationship between Air Malta and The Malta Chamber dates back several years. Over time, this mutually beneficial relationship has developed and strengthened.

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry is very grateful for the support of its collaborators, who are committed to building and contributing towards measures that aim at enhancing competitiveness within the local business sphere. Coming from a wide variety of industries, The Malta Chamber’s Gold Collaborators provide an indispensable toolset of industry hands-on knowledge that when combined with the Chamber’s positioning to lobbying with policy makers, places our entity as the go-to organisation to improve Malta’s business future. Several events and initiatives have been co-organised with our collaborators to provide real time industry updates on various topics including sustainability, digitalisation, recovery and resilience, skills and internationalisation. The aim of these activities, combined with networking opportunities, provided tangible value for our members to enhance business models, development and growth. Thanks to the help of our collaborators, The Malta Chamber will continue to fulfil its mission at being Malta’s largest business representative body and the true voice of business.

While the partnership with Malta’s foremost business organisation has provided Air Malta with unparalleled access to Malta’s business community, the business sector has benefitted from the stable and regular passenger and cargo connectivity provided by the national flag carrier of the Maltese Islands within Europe and beyond. Air Malta is keen to develop this partnership further for the benefit of both organisations.


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry

Bank of Valletta

EY Malta

Bank of Valletta is delighted to be supporting The Malta Chamber as a Gold Member. This membership status is a reflection of the importance that the Bank attributes to the role of the Chamber in supporting its members in order to sustain Malta’s path to economic success.

EY Malta is delighted to renew the Gold Membership with the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry.

The support that is being extended to the Chamber through this membership is highly convergent with the Bank’s positioning as Malta’s largest and leading financial institution, and at the same time a reflection of the way the Bank is directly and indirectly supporting its strong business client base that are in their majority members of the Chamber. We look forward to continuing working closely with the Chamber in launching several joint initiatives during this year that will benefit Malta’s business community as well as the national economy.

The work carried out together over the years on various financial and economic matters has greatly benefitted the local business community, and EY is thrilled to see its continued success, especially as Malta must navigate this crucial next phase of the global pandemic. EY is also looking forward to another year collaborating on the national annual event, Future Realised, which serves as a check-point for the island and brings to fruition many great ideas on sustainability, technology, human capital and other key topics, taking place in October 2022.



Annual 2021/22 Report sponsors

HSBC Malta

RSM Advisory

The Malta Chamber and HSBC Malta have collaborated for many years, combining our expertise to support the Maltese business community and the local economy.

We are proud to have the relationship we have with the Malta Chamber. Being Gold Sponsors means that the firm can actively contribute to industry positions and lobbying efforts.

This collaboration is also beneficial to HSBC as it brings us closer to the business community and allows us to strengthen and deepen relationships with the Chamber’s members. HSBC Malta will continue to support the Chamber’s ongoing operations, while at the same time creating unique joint events through which the Bank makes its global expertise available to all members.

The most recent example is the Position Paper for the National Workforce Strategy that RSM Advisory worked on in conjunction with the Chamber last year. We are proud to have been a part of such an important initiative that aims to put forward important proposals for the future of the Maltese workforce.

The breadth and depth of these capabilities open up new opportunities for businesses of all sizes and across multiple sectors.

Moreover, our partnership with the Chamber enables learning, networking and knowledge sharing with the industry through the HR and Talent Thematic which we are involved in. We look forward to more collaboration and success.


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry




Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


Atlas Insurance

BMIT Technologies

The decision to become a Bronze sponsor was primarily taken to support the Malta Chamber, in that we believe the Chamber plays an important role in the national conversation at this very delicate time in our young nation’s history.

BMIT Technologies is one of Malta’s leading IT services providers, which harnesses technology to transform any business.

As an added benefit, as sponsors of the Health and Wellness Committee, we are able to stimulate discussion and increase awareness on various issues relating to this subject and the benefits of increasing these in a business setting. Playing an active role at the Malta Chamber also offers a way to showcase our organisation and its service offerings, as well as network with business people from a wide range of sectors, not just our own.

We pride ourselves in offering customers peace of mind by enabling them to focus on their business while we abstract the complexity involved in deploying, operating and managing complex IT solutions. We do this by bringing together our bestin-class infrastructure and a talented team of people with expertise across various technologies, to deliver a portfolio of services for your business, within one of our datacentres or on the cloud. BMIT Technologies have recently deployed and upgraded The Malta Chamber's of Commerce IT infrastructure setup, bringing it up to date to meet the current standards and demands of modern and emerging technologies and security within the sphere of digital transformation. We also chair The Digital Transformation Committee, where in collaboration with The Chamber, the focus is on raising awareness and disseminating information to the business community, both at a national and at an EU level.



Annual 2021/22 Report sponsors

BNF Bank


At BNF Bank, familyowned businesses are at the heart of our strategy for the Corporate and Business Banking arms, from start-ups to SMEs to large family conglomerates.

The role and work of The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry centres around mobilising people and resources with a view to promoting a business environment.

We believe that the partnership with the Malta Chamber helps us keep our ears on the ground and listen to what the evolving needs of these businesses are, for us to continue to support in their growth and prosperity to the benefit of the whole Maltese community.

This is conducive to the prosperity and wellbeing of its members and the Maltese people whilst advancing the islands as a worthy jurisdiction for trade, services and investment within the Mediterranean region, the European Union and the rest of the world.

The sponsoring and membership in the Family Business Committee also helps us translate into action the wider needs of family businesses and make good use of our experience in dealing with key moments of the family business lifecycle, such as succession, internationalisation, acquisitions, mergers and demergers.

To this end, The Malta Chamber is continuously strengthening its policy-making capacity to shape and update its position on several priority areas. Such positions, with The Malta Chamber’s weight behind them, are regularly communicated and publicised nationwide through the media. The Malta Chamber is teaming up for the second consecutive year with national business champions who share similar principles in a particular policy area to provide the necessary resources for it to be more effective.

Your Corporate Banking Partner The value of a dependable banking partner goes beyond the delivery of financial solutions. We strive to provide a high quality banking experience to our customers, by building relationships and offering products and services, designed to enable their business to achieve sustainable growth.

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FIMBank p.l.c. is a licensed credit institution regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority and is listed on the Malta Stock Exchange.


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


eie Institute of Education


The eie Institute of Education (established in January 2000) is a Higher Education Institution licensed by the Malta Further & Higher Education Authority.

We are living in a time where real worry is setting in for many businesses who have been so badly affected by the pandemic; we are inundated by opinions on all social media platforms, and yet real tangible solutions and initiatives are few and far between.

The Institute developed a range of flexible learning programmes in partnership with leading institutes and universities worldwide. It offers qualifications (EQF Levels 5 - 7) which blend with the flexibility and versatility that most people require in their busy lives. The Institute has collaborated with several international universities and educational organisations for the past 22 years. Since we only partner with reputable bodies, it came natural for us to accept the offer to become a Bronze Alliance partner of The Malta Chamber, and to actively support the activity of the chamber’s Education Committee.

Evolve felt compelled to make a difference by channelling a good portion of its CSR contribution towards The Malta Chamber’s Quality Committee – a post-pandemic initiative that focuses on positive impact, sustainability and good governance through the adoption of quality mindsets on a personal, professional and national level. We firmly believe that The Malta Chamber is the ideal platform to effect real change, and being associated with this historic and prestigious organisation is really an honour in and of itself. This has a special place in our company’s history and hopefully Evolve’s contribution will also be meaningful to The Malta Chamber and its many beneficiaries.



Annual 2021/22 Report sponsors


GasanMamo Insurance

Ganado is proud of its long-standing relationship with The Malta Chamber which has been recently formalised through the Bronze membership.

The Malta Chamber serves as an excellent facilitator for bringing leading minds together and making its voice heard.

This relationship of mutual cooperation with The Malta Chamber has allowed the firm to contribute to key policy positions taken by the Chamber and to influence the national debate on crucial matters, including employment conditions, industrial relations and public procurement. The firm has been given the opportunity to address some of the systemic issues which we encounter in our daily professional work. The firm’s regular contact with the Chamber’s members and management has helped us understand better these issues and their impact on the private sector.

It enjoys an excellent reputation as a widely respected social partner, regularly contributing on matters of national and economic importance. As the preeminent independent voice of the private sector, it is also well placed to host impartial discussions on matters that impact Malta’s society and economy. During these uncertain times, GasanMamo Insurance wanted to have a place at the table on the discussion of developing strategies to rebuild a more resilient and sustainable economic framework post-Covid. As an employer and contributor to the economy, we felt the need to support and contribute towards the conversation on stimulating national economic growth. During these dialogues, much of the focus was directed towards coping with radical and unforeseen challenges hitting the macro-economic environment, including the pandemic, Malta’s grey listing and quality of life index.


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry



Malta Motorways of the Sea

The Malta Chamber has the interest of local companies at its core.

Malta Motorways of the Sea, as part of the Grimaldi GroupNaples, has supported The Malta Chamber since its inception.

Not only does it give further exposure to all the products and services in our portfolio by promoting Klikk, but it gives a voice to the organisation by giving the opportunity to have representatives in different committees discussing various topics, while enabling the organisation to get direct feedback from other members on corporate current affairs. The membership allowed networking with like-minded individuals through different events including those organised by the Young Chamber Network, where dynamic, young leaders and entrepreneurs meet, discussing new ideas and solutions to challenges being encountered. Finally, but of critical importance, the Malta Chamber proved to be a strong, independent voice at the forefront in supporting and defending business interests, much needed in recent global difficult times caused by the pandemic.

Having MMOS as one of the leading shipping lines continuously linked with The Chamber has proved to be a very essential tool for the general industry and has always made it easier for local importers and exporters to channel their concerns. As a matter of fact, MMOS has always been close to all the major industries serving the island for more than five decades and during the pandemic crises. MMOS will be extending the Bronze membership and will be supporting The Chamber for a further five year sponsorship.


Transport Malta: the Authority responsible for land, air, and maritime transport on the Maltese Islands

The Malta Ship Registry is the largest ship registry in Europe and sixth largest worldwide.

The Aviation Registry 9H Malta is the fastest growing aircraft register in Europe.

Transport Malta is the main mover in encouraging more sustainable modes of commuting.

Transport Malta is at the heart of all this. | Malta Transport Centre, Triq Pantar, Ħal Lija LJA 2021, Malta


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


Malta Public Transport

PT Matic

At Malta Public Transport we have enjoyed a number of benefits through our bronze membership with The Malta Chamber, such as access to networking with the executive committee and many other professionals from different industries.

PT Matic is delighted to continue supporting the Malta Chamber, once again enjoying the excellent platform of dialogue and networking within the business community that it offers.

As part of the Sustainability Mobility Committee, we collaborate with a team of experts in the mobility field to share ideas on different initiatives related to sustainable ways of moving people. This provided an opportunity for open discussions, bringing together different points of view towards a common goal of reducing congestion on our roads. Through The Malta Chamber we had the opportunity to develop ideas together with other industry professionals.

As chairperson of the Circular Economy Committee within the Malta Chamber, I have been able to experience first-hand the proposals that the members of the same committee help to put forward to authorities, while supporting businesses in initiatives directed towards eliminating waste, the continual use of resources and strengthening of the green economy.

Moreover, the Chamber offers the ideal setup for participation in various thematic areas and the important role that these play in advising policy makers while inciting change within the industry.



Annual 2021/22 Report sponsors



Seed is a firm believer in elevating the national debate through evidence-based research and analysis. For this reason, we teamed up with The Malta Chamber and produced Rediscover, a strategy for the tourism sector.

STM is best known for its provision of pensions to international customers. It has recently launched a pension scheme optimised particularly to allow Maltese employers to make provision for their employees.

Through its membership base and standing, we have jointly contributed to the national debate. The impact of our research was amplified by the Chamber’s standing and reach.

We see that the Bronze membership will provide a platform from which we can promote the benefits of Occupational Pensions to Malta employers.

Today, the Chamber is becoming a key stakeholder in the national debate on themes relating to the economy and industry with wellinformed positions and analysis. This is why we are proud to be a Bronze member of the Malta Chamber.

It also gives us the opportunity to influence developments at the highest level relating to the very important activity of saving for retirement within Malta.


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


T4B services

Western Union Business Solutions (Malta) Limited

T4B services has found that our Bronze level membership with the Chamber has been very positive in a number of areas.

As one of the leading providers of cross-border business payments, Western Union Business Solutions (Malta) Limited has been pleased to partner with Malta Chamber of Commerce to serve and support the preparedness of local business community to grow internationally.

The membership has allowed us to interact and network with other members to discuss issues and policy. This keeps us abreast of the main issues that are prevalent in the economy, this was especially evident during the Covid Pandemic. The membership with the Chamber allows us to have a strong unified voice with the authorities with regards to our sectors of interest and help influence authorities to direct policy in the direction we all at the Chamber feel is necessary. The support that we get from the Chamber is instrumental in forging our plans for the future and preparing ourselves for the challenges to come.

Partnering with the longest established chamber in Malta allows WUBS to reach more of Maltese businesses, improve our understanding of their needs and assist them with our payment solutions while providing access to one of the largest and most diverse payment networks globally. We are excited to renew this partnership for another year and look forward to continuing working together in aim to support local businesses.



Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry

group chairs



Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


group chairs

The Importers, Distributers and Retailers Economic Group ( IDREG) - Mr Marcel Mifsud Throughout the year, the Executive Board has discussed various important issues facing the sector including: ▶

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The unjust NACE-code based criteria that determined whether or not firms are eligible to receive Government’s Covid-19 support measures. Human resources and skills shortages. The implications of Act No. LXVI of 2021 to establish the Authority on the Responsible Use of Cannabis and to amend various laws relation to certain cannabis. Challenges to embrace climate neutral practices and to comply with (forthcoming) climate neutral polices. Supply chain, logistics and inflation issues.

Discussions on the above served to inform the discussions held and position taken by the Chamber’s Council with relevant authorities. An additional key highlight of the Executive Board is the establishment of a new Retail Business Section to better represent and address the specific challenges facing the varied nature of players within Malta’s vibrant retail sector. IDREG is further represented in its already established and active business sections, namely: the Healthcare Importers Business Section, the Professional Community Lead Pharmacists Business Section and the Wines, Spirits, Beverages and Tobacco Business Section. The Healthcare Importers Business Section maintained a strong channel of communication and cooperation with the Central Procurement Suppliers Unit (CPSU) and the Medicines Authority (MA) respectively. Together with the aforementioned authorities, the Healthcare Business Section addressed challenges that were raised due to BREXIT and continued discussions on Market Access, Incident Reporting and Tendering issues, amongst others. The work the Committee has done together with CPSU has led to some consideration for change/s within the tender conditions being issued by CPSU with the purpose of achieving a more equitable relationship between the supplier and the customer, contrary to the existing imbalanced relationship favouring only the customer. The Committee also supported the organisation of the CPSU’s Annual Suppliers’ Conference in December 2021 and took on active roles in the working groups held during the conference. The outcomes of the discussions during the conference resulted in the agreement to further discussions with the tender task force and the establishment of two new task forces focusing on Market Access, and Incident Reporting. The Professional Community Lead Pharmacists Business Section have been working on representing the wider interests of the pharmacies, including continuing discussions with the Healthcare Importers Business Section to identify synergies in respect to the POYC.

The Wines, Spirits, Beverages and Tobacco Business Section continued to mitigate the challenges brought about by the pandemic. Although the situation has improved considerably, credit issues with their clients still remained one of the biggest factors heavily effecting cash flows and the Committee conducted a survey with its wider membership to build a stronger argument in discussions with the relevant authorities. The Committee also embarked on an internal exercise to review the local Customs website with the purpose to suggest points of improvement in the Excise Tax Reporting System in order to be more efficient and relevant to nowadays business operations. n

The Member’s of the Executive Board within IGREG are: Chairperson Mr Marcel K. Mifsud, Vice-Chairperson Mr Geoffrey Debono, Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo, Mr Andrew W.J Mamo, Mr Charles Zahra and Mr Mark Bajada, with the co-option of Mr Karl Micallef.

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tax consultants assisting clients in this regard both in Malta and also on an international scale.


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


group chairs

Manufacturing and Other Industries Economic Group (MEG) - Mr Brian Muscat During 2021, the MEG focused on developing tangible proposals to present them to the respective authorities on the topics below: •

Investment tax credits within the parameters of state aid legislation;

Electricity tariffs/utility bills;

Transportation costs;

Skills shortages and skill gaps.

The discussions during MEG meetings sought to identify low-hanging fruit and potential deliverables which can help the industry overcome challenges with targeted support from the Government. Various meetings were held with the Minister for Energy, Enterprise, and Sustainable Development Dr. Miriam Dalli, to discuss our priorities and articulate the importance of the manufacturing sector for our economy. A number of meetings were held with the Malta Enterprise about investment tax credits, where we proposed: 1. Incentives focused on the reinvestment of profits; 2. Establishing broad ranging investment allowances, 3. Incentivisation of environmentally friendly investments; 4. Achieving digital transformation through higher investment allowance; 5. Addressing the skills gap through incentives based on upskilling employees; 6. Supporting local operators to minimise the burden of the freight costs. Meetings were also held with Enemalta to discuss electricity tariffs and the management of utility bills. The topics discussed were the following: 1. Keeping energy tariffs at their current levels for the manufacturing industry; 2. Night tariffs and their structure; 3. Shielding operators from additional substation costs; 4. Support for the adoption of renewable energy; 5. Audits & support by Enemalta plc; 6. Intelligent energy systems in industrial parks.

An accord was reached whereby these meetings will be held on a bi-monthly basis. The MEG Executive Committee agreed on an initiative for collaborative research with EY regarding current opportunities and threats for the manufacturing industry as part of future surveys. The objective was to use surveys and reports as tangible lobbying tool with authorities. It was agreed that EY should have a specific agenda focusing on threats to the competitiveness of Maltese companies and that EY’s expertise should delve more deeply into sectoral details. Worthy avenues for considerations are those that provide a case for concessions under the EU’s General Block Exemption Regulations for State Aid. The MEG is firm in its belief that The Chamber can develop a framework to monitor movements in transportation costs, in a similar fashion to inflation indexing, in order to facilitate year-on-year comparisons that would be incorporated into industry reports. It was also agreed to organise a workshop in mid 2022 to present the initial results. A report is also being prepared by the Chamber on the challenges being faced by the manufacturing industry. This investigation is based on questions sent to members giving feedback representing concerns and problems addressing imported inflation and transport costs. Recently the Furniture and Carpentry business section was established, which falls under the MEG. With the support of the VicePresident of The Chamber, Chris Vassallo Cesareo, meetings were held with MCAST along with a number of information sessions to attract students to join companies that fall under this sector. Together with MCAST, a cohort of foreign students have been recruited to read for a oneyear program Diploma in Joinery and Furniture Making at MCAST. This is a pilot project that will address the crisis currently being faced by the local manufacturing industry due to shortage of skilled workers in Malta. The items established by the MEG Executive Committee for the Electoral manifesto and the action plan for 2022 are as follows: • Implemented effective tax credits; • The need to keep energy tariffs at current levels; • The need to support Maltese operators in light of aggressive

increases in transport costs; The need to address the high local transport cost component for shipping; • The need to obtain clarity on government energy hedging agreement; • The need to attain guarantees that the costs of trenching, additional transformers and substations will not be passed on to the private sector The MEG has been very active during 2021 and is adamant that this momentum will be carried into 2022 to ensure that the industry is given the support needed to ensure future growth. n •

The Member’s of the Executive Board within the MEG are: Mr Brian Muscat - Chairperson Mr Joseph Pace - Deputy Chairperson Mr Kevin Rapinett - Vice Chairperson Mr Nick Xuereb Mr Norman Aquilina Mr Ruben Cuschieri

Co-opted Ms Doreen Cutrona Mr Luke Satariano


18-20 Msida Road, Gzira GZR 1401 Tel: 2131 3283 / 2132 0845 / 2133 8087 | Email:


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


group chairs

Service Providers Economic Group (SPEG) - Mr William Spiteri Bailey T

he Services Providers Economic Group (SPEG) met on nine occasions throughout the year. The new executive board is composed of William Spiteri Bailey as Chairman with the executive board further composed of Alison Vassallo as Deputy Chair, Alan Arrigo, Elisabeth Barbaro Sant, Catherine Calleja, Ian Casolani, Matthew Sullivan and Nathalie Vella Briffa. The SPEG also held regular meetings with all the different Chairs of the Business Section falling under the Economic Group to better represent the sectoral interests of the individual sectors. There are ten Business Section Groups (BSG) falling under this economic group and all were actively addressing issues within their sectors. At the start of their term they were all asked to present a two year plan for their BSG to SPEG.

Financial Services Business Section With the greylisting and the increased emphasis on due diligence, the Financial Services Business Section, chaired by William Spiteri Bailey, has this year given importance to lobbying for the creation of a centralised due diligence entity to perform the screening of persons, entities etc. of those setting foot or doing business in Malta. Work is being done to establish what other countries have done in this regard. Other areas where the Committee is actively involved in is the opening of bank accounts, Malta’s tax system, and the work required to get Malta out of greylisting. The Committee has also held regular meetings with the MBR, MFSA and the FIAU amongst others.

Tourism Operators Business Section The Tourism Operators Business Section, chaired by Alan Arrigo, has this year, amongst other initiatives partnered up with the Tourism Regeneration Task Force to research and present a transformation map for the tourism industry in Malta through the document ‘Rediscover -A renewed vision for Malta’s tourism industry’. The Committee is also working on initiative incentivising direct marketing by licensed entities to market their product., supporting the opportunity to digitalise the Tourism sector, to enhance skills and job quality and in promoting Malta as a tourist destination, especially in the off-peak months, highlighting its safety, unique identity, cultural richness and high-quality offering.

Care Home Operators Business Section The Care Home Operators Business Section, chaired by Natalie Briffa Farrugia, concentrated their efforts amongst other things on lobbying for the funding and financial support from Government to address Care Home Losses due to Public Health restrictions related to Covid-19 and the staffing problems they are encountering in recruiting and retaining TCN workers. During the year a number of meetings were held with various authorities including the Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship and Communities on TCNs and problems relating to residence permit renewals, the Social Care & Standards Authority

(SCSA) new CEO to address the administrative burden on Care Homes and a meeting with Nursing Council to discuss the shortage of Nurses.

Yachting Services Business Section The Yachting Services Business Section, chaired by Alison Vassallo, is currently lobbying with Government to recognise the industry as part of the tourism offering. The Committee is also working on putting Maritime Education as a priority for VET institutions. Work is also being done to build stronger ties with MMLA, SuperYacht Network and Yachting Malta.

Virtual Financial Assets (Vfa) Agents Business Section The Virtual Financial Assets Agents Business Section, chaired by Chris Scicluna, has held a number of meetings with the MFSA where the reduction of MDIA related fees, and the streamlining of VFA regulatory framework were discussed. The Committee is also working to have the Maltese regulation adapted to the proposed EU Markets in Crypto-assets (MiCA) Regulation.

Logistics Business Section The Logistics Business Section, chaired by David Fleri Soler, is working on the development of a Common User Facility Free Zone, the establishment of a Free Zone Authority and the loosening of the requirement to establish a Free Zone on Public Land. Another current issue being addressed by the Committee is the Supply Chain Crises. During the year meetings were held with the Ministry for Energy, Enterprise & Sustainable Development and the Ministry for Finance on the Issue of the Freezones Task Force.

Transformation. The Committee is also working on organising a Tech Summit.

Shipping And Bunkering Business Section The Shipping and Bunkering Business Section, chaired by Peter Sullivan, is working together with the Association of Ship Agents on ship agent regulations and licensing. The Committee also embarked on gathering feedback from the members within its area to get a better understanding of their views, areas of interest and issues. The Committee is looking at the ongoing issues related to increased transport costs. It is also looking at trying to lobby on a possible way of alleviating these through an agreement with the Freeport to guarantee availability and serviceability on predetermined routes to required volume.

Employment Agencies Business Section The Employment Agencies Business Section, chaired by Lawrence Zammit, embarked on working to establish a code of practice and Charter for the industry and ensure that the established regulations are well enforced. The Committee is also working on strengthening relationship with the Department for Industrial and Employment Relations (DIER) .

Aviation And Aerospace Business Section The Aviation and Aerospace Business section, chaired by David Curmi has been newly set up. The Committee has set up to work on a number of initiatives such as the Civil Aviation Policy, issues relating to high value USD transactions and how banks can facilitate the aviation business, the proliferation and recognition of courses related to the training of staff in the aviation industry amongst others. n

Tech Business Section The Tech Business Section, chaired by Francois Grech reached out to members pertaining to its business section to form working groups in order to discuss and form action point about certain priority areas such as Members’ Outreach, Procurement, Talent and Skill, and Internationalisation. They have over the year a meeting was also held with the Chair of Digital

The Member’s of the Executive Board within SPEG are: Mr William Spiteri Bailey - Chairperson; Mr Alison Vassallo - Deputy Chairperson; Ms Catherine Calleja; Mr Alan Arrigo; Ms Liz Barbaro Sant; Mr Ian Casolani

Co-opted Mr Matthew Sullivan; Ms Natalie Briffa Farrugia


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry



Widening our horizons Mr Lino Mintoff, International Relations Advisor The period between 2021-2022 was still impacted by Covid 19 restrictions and travel bans. However, this did not hinder the work of international relations and the strengthening of international connections, partnering, and facilitating commercial collaboration between different countries. This period was, nevertheless, an opportunity to review strategies and establish the ground for future collaboration with new emerging markets.


he Malta Chamber works very closely with its sister organisation, Trade Malta, to effectively ensure that the members partnering and export needs, especially in emerging markets, are being catered for and developed further through tailor-made activities and support. The Malta Chamber participated in exchanging views with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs on priority countries and on the new foreign policy strategy. Regular meetings were also held with Ambassadors and other dignitaries from different countries to enhance the mutual relationship and explore ways of increasing the commercial opportunities between respective countries. These included meetings with the Ambassadors representing countries, amongst which, Germany, Turkey, United States of America, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Namibia, Rwanda, Algeria, Tunisia, China, Pakistan and India, amongst others. Constant communication with the Maltese resident and nonresident Ambassadors was also kept ensuring that there is an effective exchange of information and views about the commercial opportunities in the respective countries of interest. The Malta Chamber participated in the Joint Stakeholders Working Group meetings which are routinely organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs. During this period the Malta Chamber signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce during

“The Malta Chamber works very closely with its sister organisation, Trade Malta, to effectively ensure that the members partnering and export needs, especially in emerging markets, are being catered for and developed further through tailor-made activities and support.” a visit to Abu Dhabi that will strengthen the commercial collaboration between Malta and United Arab Emirates in areas of interest such as bilateral investment and partnering opportunities in sectors such as education, logistics, fintech, sustainable construction, health care and hospitality services. n


Annual 2021/22 Report

The Young Chamber Network

is taking the next step

The Young Chamber Network (YCN) is a network within The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry that brings together Malta Chamber members under 40 years of age, coming from various economic groups. Since its inception, back in August 2019, the YCN has focused on young entrepreneurs and young business minded individuals.


n 2021, YCN was relaunched with more ambitious objectives. A new steering committee was set up, composed of young energetic business leaders with a good mix of experience and expertise. The Steering Committee has also recently outlined an ambitious calendar of events for 2022 aimed at maximising the exposure of start-ups and young business representatives. Through networking events and outreach campaigns, the YCN managed to grow the younger business community within The Malta Chamber, creating a platform for young businesspeople to expand their business collaborations.

“A recent survey showed that most of the YCN members make use of YCN for networking purposes.”

YCN’s mission is to support and nurture members’ growth by facilitating their journey within the Malta Chamber, while being a catalyst to the Chamber’s continuous regeneration. A recent survey showed that most of the YCN members make use of YCN for networking purposes; one in every four seek business mentoring support; one in every three want to tap funding to grow, while half of the members would like to contribute towards policy lobbying in their area of interest. With The Malta Chamber’s support, the YCN members are provided with a better opportunity to get and discuss business insights with seasoned business leaders and are put in a position to voice their need and concerns to the highest levels in the country, while also being presented with the opportunity to forward their input towards national policies affecting their businesses. The Malta Chamber members are encouraged to stay tuned with forthcoming activities and be active part in the leading voice of business in our country. n


Annual 2021/22 Report




Economic Policy Analyst Nathan Chatland

Policy Executive Timothy Alden

Policy Executive Daniel Cassar

Policy & Technical Support Executive Julia Aquilina



IELTS Centre Manager Elena Scicluna

Exam Admin anthony Tanti

Projects Manager Diana Miceli


Membership Manager Stefan Bajada

Membership Admin Roberta Pisani

Networking Executive Melanie Cuzzoni

Accounts Executive Bernice Chircop

Comms Executive Mel Aquilina

Comms Executive Mel Aquilina

International Relations Advisor LINO MINTOFF

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The Clock Tower, Level 1, Tigne Point Sliema, TP 01 T: +356 2247 2411 E:


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


CEO Marthese portelli

Policy Development ANDRE FENECH

Member Relations KEVIN MIZZI

Media & Communications Strategist RACHEL ATTARD

Policy & Technical Support Executive Julia Aquilina

Policy Executive Daniel Cassar

Policy Executive Timothy Alden

Economic Policy Analyst Nathan Chatland

Comms Executive Mel Aquilina

Networking Executive Melanie Cuzzoni

Membership Manager Stefan Bajada

Projects Manager Diana Miceli

International Relations Advisor LINO MINTOFF

IELTS Centre Manager Elena Scicluna

Statutory Affairs & Facilities Manager JOHANNA CALLEJA

Membership Admin Roberta Pisani

Accounts Executive Bernice Chircop

Front Office & Support CHERYL spiteri

Exam Admin anthony Tanti

Facilities & Maintenance CHARLES MAIONE



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eSkills Malta Foundation


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry




Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry



Education Malta Foundation Education Malta Foundation President, Mr Charles Zammit

Education Malta Foundation was established in October 2016 as a Public Private Partnership between the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry and the Government of Malta through the Ministry for Education and Employment.


he objective is primarily to attract international education institutions to establish a presence in Malta, and to assist existing public funded as well as private education institutions to attract international students to study in Malta. It was the Government’s resolve to internationalise the education sector. Conscious not only of the benefits that such diversity should bring to the education sector itself, but also as a new economic sector for Foreign Direct Investment. This new Government approach to education was at the time reflected by the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry in its document, The Chamber’s Economic Vision for Malta 2014-2020. After being established in 2016 Education Malta was accepted as member of the European Union Directorate for Education, Youth, Sports and Culture network of Education Promotion National Agencies. This platform harnesses the EU member states’ national education promotion agencies in their task to attract students from outside the EU to study in EU member states. The Council of Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, considering the importance of the work of this National Agency, according to the Foundation’s Statute appointed two of its representatives to the Board of Governors of Education Malta Foundation. At present the President and the Director General. Over the time that Education Malta has been operating, it has benefited from the wide network of local and international business contacts of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry. This was also conductive to meetings being organised and held at the prestigious offices of the Malta Chamber in Valletta. Although the members of the Board of Governors are nonexecutive appointments, but considering the limited operational resources of Education Malta which is totally financially funded by Government, the representatives of the Chamber take active and important advisory functions when the need arises.

“Over the time that Education Malta has been operating, it has benefited from the wide network of local and international business contacts of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry.” Overall the Malta Chamber of Commerce has been a crucial partner to Government in the promotion and marketing of Malta as a centre for the internationalisation of education. Thus, leaving Government to focus more on its strategic role of Legislator and Regulator (through the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority) of the education sector. Education Malta has registered a significant contribution

towards Malta’s economic growth through its capitalisation on the strategic strengths of the two partners forming the Foundation. This public private partnership can be an example as to how the Government and the private-sector can work well together. This excellent collaboration augurs a bright and interesting future for Education Malta Foundation in the years to come. n


Annual 2021/22 Report

Malta Business Bureau


Ms Alison Mizzi - President, MBB


n 2021, the Malta Business Bureau celebrated a quarter of a century of service to the Maltese business community, providing a link between local enterprises and the European Union, while also representing the Malta Chamber and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association on a European level. Indeed, over the past 25 years, MBB, through its head offices in Valletta and representative office in Brussels, has kept members of its parent organisations abreast of developments taking place at EU-level. The MBB has a crucial role in anticipating EU policy developments, communicating them, and working closely with the Malta Chamber to evaluate the possible outcomes. Substantial work is dedicated to gathering input from members to contribute to the various consultation processes to voice Maltese business concerns at an early stage on the implications of such developments for Malta. Over the past months, MBB has been highly active on policy developments related to the EU Green Deal, the gender pay gap, adequate minimum wages, the Digital Services Act, Corporate Sustainable Reporting and more. The MBB collaborates with the Malta Chamber on several other EU initiatives for instance, on delivering the Enterprise Europe Network services in Malta thanks to a national consortium that also includes Malta Enterprise and the Malta Council for Science and Technology. Together, we help local SMEs from all sectors make the most of the European marketplace by assisting them in going international, sourcing or licensing new technologies, accessing EU funding programmes, and much more. There is also the ‘WE MAKE’ project that is a collaboration with the Energy and Water Agency. Thanks to this initiative, businesses from the manufacturing sector benefit from energy audits and receive guidance on how to optimise their energy and water consumption to operate more efficiently. This project will also offer information on various financial investments, where a forum will be created so that businesses can discuss and present best practices in the sector. In addition to this, the Malta Chamber and MBB are part of an international consortia including partners from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, and Ireland, as part of the TransFormWork project, which aims to implement the EU autonomous framework agreement on Digitalisation. This addresses issues such as Digital Skills, Modalities of Connecting and Disconnecting, Artificial

Intelligence and the human in control principle, as well as surveillance. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation of the working environment, increasing the importance of both remote working and soft skills. MBB was one of the first organisations to embark on a study looking into the implications of remote working for businesses and for the environment. This study identified some very pertinent measures that businesses and members of the Malta Chamber could efficiently introduce into their daily operations. Moreover, thanks to the LEADER project and the feedback received from select industry players, the MBB launched two innovative tools to support and promote in-company soft skills training sessions. These were later piloted during the end-of-year gathering of the Young Chambers Network. More recently, as part of the commemoration of its 25th anniversary, the MBB published a high-level Declaration on the Future of Europe. The declaration, which integrates feedback from Maltese businesses was submitted to the EU’s Conference on the Future of Europe. This presents several

proposals concerning the Single Market, Sustainability, the Future of Jobs, and European Democracy, with the aim of improving the functioning of the EU for businesses and citizens alike. In the coming months, we will continue engaging with decision-makers to ensure that these proposals made on behalf of Maltese businesses are heard. The MBB looks forward to continuing working together with the Malta Chamber for the benefit of the Maltese business community. Moving forward, our priorities will centre on the themes set at EU level, including business competitiveness, environmental sustainability, digital transformation, and the future of work. Some specific topics include legislative proposals as part of the EU Fit for 55 Package, the Sustainable Products Initiative, Sustainable Corporate Governance, the Single Market Emergency Instrument, the Revision of the Package Travel Directive, and updating VAT for the Digital Age. n For more information about the Malta Business Bureau, please visit or contact us on


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry



Malta Leading through Innovation Mr Mark Bugeja - Chairperson,


he current challenges have accelerated the need for businesses to transform, change, and reinvent themselves for the future, so that they can emerge stronger. The latest version of the EU Innovation Scoreboard indeed highlights that the EU's innovation performance continues to increase at a steady pace. Being at the forefront of integrating technology and innovation in different sectors, Malta has continued to push the boundaries in the digital sphere. This is reflected in the strong performance increase recorded for the country in the 2021 Innovation Scoreboard - that of 14.9 percentage points. Malta’s success in this sector is mainly due to the Governments’ drive and commitment towards the digital sector and the private sector’s continued investment and growth. The Government of Malta and the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry established in 2019, with the aim of promoting the country for its dynamic and thriving technology sector and establish Malta as a technology centre of excellence on an international scale. In this regard, the Malta Chamber and Government have been indispensable to as it strives to build Malta as a world-class and creative epicentre with forward-thinking aspirations and an appealing and supportive infrastructure. In 2021, set out with the main mission to continue to listen and act on the industry’s needs. pledged to remain pivotal in making sure technology and digital platforms are used in the best way possible engraining an economy which is based on digital resilience and digital innovation. The team remained committed to guide technology companies in the right direction through expert advice, solution driven services, a platform for participation in events and by facilitating connections for businesses to scale or internationalise. At, we have taken the initiative to understand the present demands of technology enterprises and start-ups and map out the requirements they may require in achieving their full potential. has taken a proactive role in supporting enterprises in obtaining appropriate financing incentives from local authorities and directing them down a clear path to growth and internationalisation. Additionally, has lobbied to redesign various budgetary grants to benefit the local

“Digital evolution requires an ongoing journey of digital transformation and innovation. I strongly believe that it is fundamental for businesses to transform and adapt their business ecosystems and models.” tech economy. Furthermore, has extensively invested in marketing Malta to international universities and collaborating with local educational institutions to increase the market's intake of experts and meet business demands and future job market expectations. has maintained communication with its members and beyond. Indeed, the number of one-on-one encounters with its members more than doubled during the first three quarters of 2021, reaching out and assisting more than 200 businesses operating within the sector. This demonstrates Tech. mt's main priority to stay in touch with the industry it was assigned to serve and to continue cultivating an atmosphere conducive to development and collaboration. As a result, a virtuous cycle of trust has developed among diverse stakeholders, ranging from government and interconnected agencies to the corporate community.

Although a lot is being done; we must also acknowledge the need to further digital transformation to ensure that Technology can become not only an enabler of growth but a main driver. Digital evolution requires an ongoing journey of digital transformation and innovation. I strongly believe that it is fundamental for businesses to transform and adapt their business ecosystems and models. Business leaders must make the leap and become the knowledge driven, innovative entity they inspire to be, and is committed to support every step of the way. Finally, our mission at remains to ensure economic prosperity and growth for the technology sector in Malta. Hence, we value the support and initiatives of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry towards’s endeavours, and pledge to continue bringing together all stakeholders to achieve a fair, comprehensive and sustainable digital society for everyone. n


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Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry




Ms Liz Barbaro Sant – Chairperson, TradeMalta


s TradeMalta’s Chairperson, a role to which I was appointed to in May 2021. I can vouch for the importance of cultivating reliable partnerships to guide businesses in their internationalisation endeavours. It does not matter if a company has several years of international business experience or if is just starting its export journey, it helps to have access to an organisation like TradeMalta that understands the complexity of exporting a product or service and that provides guidance on how to approach this intricate process in a focused and strategic manner. Whether it’s international lead generation, country and market research, market data, export promotion, exchange of best-practices or funding to support an international expansion, I can confidently say that TradeMalta is well positioned to cater for the needs of a wide array of Malta-based companies. In my role as Chairperson, I am continuously exposed to the challenges posed by the everchanging and complex nature of international trade. I am also aware, however, of the success and resilience of many Maltabased companies that are making important inroads in international markets, even during the challenging times that the pandemic has brought about. Internationalisation, I believe, is a route that more local entrepreneurs should be embarking upon, as international business brings about new revenue streams and growth opportunities that would never materialise if their business had to focus entirely on the Maltese market. With this first-hand knowledge, we work tirelessly with our members, alongside our CEO, Anton Buttigieg, and Lino Mintoff from The Malta Chamber, to promote the services provided by this public-private partnership, established in 2015 by the Government of Malta and the Malta Chamber to assist Malta-based companies with their internationalization efforts. Since I was appointed as Chairperson, I have been overseeing a process that synchronizes the internationalisation activities of both TradeMalta and the Malta Chamber. I am following this attentively to ensure that Malta’s business community is promoted in the best way possible in highly competitive markets, does not miss out on any export opportunities, and combining the strength of the two organisations so we do not miss out on any export opportunities for the sole benefit of our members.

I am hopeful that as the pandemic comes to an end, TradeMalta and the Malta Chamber, along with their strategic partners, will soon resume popular in-person activities at the Malta Chamber, such as export and internationalisation information sessions, country and market specific seminars to

name but a few. Apart from these being highly informative sessions, these events play another important role, that is, to bring together the Malta Chamber’s members to network and to actively consider collaborative business partnerships for international projects. n

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Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


MemorandumS of understanding


Annual 2021/22 Report Memorandums of understanding

17 march – JAYE


he MOU with JAYE Malta Foundation aims to promote an entrepreneurial culture among the young, the leaders of tomorrow. The MOU underlined the values of the two organisations in terms of promoting an entrepreneurial culture among the young, and providing the necessary support to all businesses.

22 March – AP Valletta


he cooperation agreement with architecture and design firm AP Valletta will see both parties co-operating actively and exploring common projects on the future of the built and unbuilt environment in Malta. ‘Building Futures’ will focus on typologies of space representative of the challenges Malta faces from a cultural, economic, social and environmental point of view, and taking a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together designers, data analysts, economists and others in a collective effort to re-imagine the current systems.

14 april – KBIC


collaboration between The Malta Chamber and Malta Enterprise, supported by the Ministry for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development, to aid start-ups in increasing their visibility. The agreement will allow innovative businesses hosted at the Korradino Business Incubation Center (KBIC) to strengthen their network. Entrepreneurs will benefit from services, rights, and obligations resulting from a partnership with the Malta Chamber. This includes the opportunity to actively participate in internal committees, join the Young Chamber Network, meet established business people, and access international opportunities.

4 june – The Malta Chamber Of Construction Management


he MOU with The Malta Chamber Of Construction Management aims at supporting the business and development of the construction industry. The two entities shall seek to cooperate actively on matters of national economic policy with respect to the community of construction management, architecture and civil engineering and the upholding of business ethics while promoting best practices amongst members of both organisations, and the general public.

24 july – GWU


he Malta Chamber and the General Workers’ Union signed a framework agreement on active ageing and intergenerational approach to ensure a healthy, safe, and productive working environment to enable workers to remain in the labour market and facilitate the transfer of knowledge and experience between generations. The two social partners acknowledged the strong need for policies in the context of the Maltese labour market to ensure that valuable human resources and experience is retained for as long as possible. They will promote good practices through a digital tool which will be made available to the public.


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


Memorandums of understanding

11 august – Foundation for Transport


he cooperation agreement with the Foundation for Transport aims at promoting forms of mobility that are sustainable, energy-efficient for, and respectful towards the environment. Through this signing, both parties agreed to collaborate on initiatives related to the electrification of the fleet which will result in reduced emissions and an advancement in the technology and expertise in this sector. These include the building of competencies and certification of people and organisations that operate in the sector, the establishment of guidelines to promote a wider adoption of charging stations, and fiscal incentives to electrify their vehicle fleet with a strong emphasis on cost effectiveness.

28 august – MENT+


n collaboration with Malta Enterprise, Business First, the Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises, and the Richmond Foundation, the agreement introduced MENT+, a mental health assistance programme aimed at businesses and enterprises. Specific training and videos were produced by the Richmond Foundation on several topics related to mental health and resilience.

31 august – WE MAKE Project


he collaboration with MBB and EWA will provide guidance to businesses within the manufacturing industry on how best to consume energy and water efficiently. This project offers information on possible financial investments, where a forum will be created so that businesses can discuss and present best practices in the sector. This will lead businesses to have more guidance on how to operate sustainably.

15 october – Your Device Your Right


ogether with the Malta Trust Foundation, the YDYR campaign is seeking to bridge this digital divide by distributing second-hand refurbished laptops to students struggling to keep up with their classmates. Chamber members were also encouraged to donate used laptops and tablets; an initiative that will double up as an environmental incentive for technological hardware to be recycled.





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Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry


The Journey Towards a Digitally Skilled Nation For the Society, Education, Labour Force and ICT Specialists

The eSkills Malta Foundation was launched in 2014 as a national coalition between government, industry and education.


t the time, having been one of the first countries to set up an effective National Coalition, Malta was considered as a ‘best practice’ in the development of digital skills. The Foundation had set out several strategic goals to achieve in the short and long term. This included the development of a coherent national strategy, implement several shortterm solutions for the current eSkills

problems, popularising and professionalising ICT Careers, energising the digital skills education ecosystem, and introducing certain international best practices. eSkills Malta Foundation is considered as a leader in the development of digital skills and is recognised as the National Coalition of Digital Skills and Jobs for Malta. Every European Union member state has one of these. →


Annual 2021/22 Report

Indeed, the foundation is not the only organisation involved in the development of digital skills in Malta, but its influence in digital skills policy is a major one. Additionally, the foundation has an important role on the development of professionalism in the ICT sector.The Digital Education and Action Plan 2021-2027 Action Plan sets out two priority areas: fosteringthe development of a highperforming digital education ecosystem and enhancingdigital skills and competences for the digital transformation.

Malta’s digital skills landscape The European Commission has monitored Member States’ progress on digital and published annual Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) reports since 2014. Each year, the reports include country profiles, which help Member States identify areas for priority action, and thematic chapters providing an EUlevel analysis in the key digital policy areas. According to the 2021 DESI, 56% of residents have at least basic digital skills; 71% of the enterprises have at least a basic level of digital intensity; Malta ranks 6th out of 27 EU member states on the DESI21. The eSkills Malta Foundation strategy 2019-2021 has come to an end and is currently being reviewed. As part of the strategy review, on behalf of the Foundation, PwC conducted two online surveys were conducted,and two virtual workshops were held with education and industry experts. This survey was distributed to the public through social media platforms to gather data on the ability to use digital technologies that are widely adopted in today’s society; 322 responses were gathered. The other survery was targeted towards businesses; 70 responses were gathered. The data gathered from the surveys provides valuable insights and considerations to be adopted withinfor the next National eSkills Malta Foundation Sstrategy, currently being developed. This upcoming strategy will be influenced by the goals set in the European Commission in the Digital Decade and the Digital Education and Action Plan.

Some findings from the public survey Almost all respondents have access to a laptop and/or smartphone. The tablet is the second most owned device among the respondents, whereas less than half of the respondents have access to a computer.

“Employers find it challenging to recruite workforce skilled in ICT. In fact, 23% stated that their organisation is unable to find skilled ICT expertise in implemented technologies, while 19% claimed that the workforce not adapting to change is an uphill thatchallenge their organisation faces. ” All respondents indicated that they have access to the internet, whether at home (99%) or through WiFi within public spaces (1%). Households that have internet access throughout the European Union was found to be 91% according to the latest figures of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2021 report. In respect of financial digital skills, most respondents indicated that their level of performance in all online tasks to be average, good or excellent. 12% stated that they are not able or not able but willing to learn to purchase goods online. 11% of the respondents are not able or not able but willing to learn to transfer money online, check their bank account online (11%) and/or use contactless payment (15%).

For online communications, 93% consider themselves to be either good or excellent at reading or sending emails, communicating via instant messaging (91%) and/or calling/video calling (91%). 90% stated that their skill set when viewing or publishing content on social media was average or above. The European Commission set the target that by 2030, 80% of EU’s citizens should have at least basic digital skills. In 2021, 56% of the Maltese residentsEU population had basic digital skills, indicating that there is quite a significant gap to close in Malta, from 56% toreach the 80% goal by 2030. Currently Malta is in the same level as the EU average. In the crataion of online content, According to the survey, 36% of the respondents have


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry

difficulties and/or are unable to create and share documents using collaborative tools. Although a staggering 71% of the respondents are able to write online content, there is still 9% of the respondentsthat are unable to write textonline content, 23% are unable to create a presentation, 22% are unable to edit a picture and 39% are unable to edit a video. Only 11% of the respondents said they are not willing to develop any digital skills in the near future, indicating that the majority of the respondents (89%) are willing to develop some of the listed digital skill(s), which are promising results for Malta’s future digital landscape.

Some findings from the business survey Most respondents (48%) rated their organisation’s digital competence as average and 6% rated their organisation’s digital competence as somewhat weak. In the digital decade, the European Commission set the

target that “90% of SMEs should reach at least a basic level of digital intensity”, meaning that SMEs should adopt at least four out of a list of 12 technologies. In Malta, 71% of the SMEs had at least a this basic level of digital intensity in 2020. Of those surveyed, 23% believe that their organisation is very far behind the companies they considerconsidered to be digital leaders. 48% believe that they are somewhat behind those companies, 26% of the respondents believe that their organisation is about on par and 3% believe that their organisation is at the cutting edge. Most business leaders respondents stated that their current employees are highly critical (52%) or critically very high (19%) to their digital efforts. Seeking new recruits is Tthe second most critical source of talentis new recruits. Regarding the use of digital technologies, 65% stated that their organisation’s employee


productivity has increased and the time their organisation’s employees spent on innovative tasks has increased (55%) by the use of digital technologies, processes and behaviours. Employers find it challenging to recruite workforce skilled in ICT. In fact, 23% stated that their organisation is unable to find skilled ICT expertise in implemented technologies, while 19% claimed that the workforce not adapting to change is an uphill thatchallenge their organisation faces. Additionally, 63% believe that their organisation faces a significant skill gap. Only 37% believe that their current employees have the skills needed to meet their current business objectives. As for the Only 3% of the respondent’s organisations provide ICT training for all members of staff, 30% provide training to all relevant employees and 27% provide training to the employees with the right aptitude. 40% of the respondent’s organisations do not provide any ICT training to their workforce. Only 13% of the respondents do not find it difficult to find quality candidates for their openICT positions.key barriers for upskilling the workforce, lack of time and availability tops the list (87%) which is an alarming issue, The others include the lack of strategic focus (32%) and the lack of structure in the delivery of training. Currently, 8.4 million ICT specialists are employed in the European Union, which equates to 4.3% of the total current workforce. In Malta, ICT specialists make up 4.4% of the current workforce. The European Commission have targeted that by 2030 the number of employed ICT specialists in the EU should increase to 20 million. Work Experience is considered essential in ICT, and 30% of the organisations surveyed find it challenging to find candidates with solid work experience when trying to recruit within ICT. Importantly, 46% stated that their organisation would not be able to compete with others, should it fail to turn transform into a digital company. In fact, 27% of the respondents statedare of the opinion that their revenue growth and profitability would suffer should they not transform. 8% stated that their organisation would go out of business should they fail to transform into a digital company. The results of the Survey are very positive, even if there are some sticky issues to solve and some crucial elements still missing, if we are to reach higher goals. The National eSkills Strategy 2022-2024 will seek to help in reaching these goals. n For more information about the eSkills Malta Foundation, visit their website and Facebook page.


Annual 2021/22 Report


A Blue Elephant Dining Experience

Various formats & decor types. Range of bases also available.

in the comfort of your own home

The Blue Elephant restaurant is now offering a private dining experience. The perfect solution to host a special meal in your own home, without having to stress about preparation, cooking, or serving… the team will handle it all. A private chef who specialises in Royal Thai cuisine along with a food and beverage attendant will take care of the whole experience. Ingredients will be sourced by the team, prepared and cooked in your kitchen for a fully authentic experience, and served by them too. All the team would need to have available is a cooker/stove, dining table and dining chairs. All crockery is provided, so there really is nothing else to prepare. One can fully enjoy the experience along with the rest of their guests, rather than getting caught up with all the work that goes into hosting a meal at home. With a specialised menu including some diners’ favourites such as Dim Sim and Massaman Lamb, a flavourful experience is certainly to be had. This experience is available for parties of a minimum of six people, up to a maximum of 16. n

If you are interested in the Blue Elephant Private dining experience, please email the team on sales.malta@hilton. Mriehel Bypass


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry



APRIL 2022



For more information please contact

Petra Urso on 9946 0380 or


Annual 2021/22 Report

Serving productivity… on a silver platter

Aaron Buhagiar, the co-founder of Garnish, the one-stop solution for office catering, explains how a simple lunch can increase productivity and camaraderie in the workplace.

With more businesses adopting a hybrid model in which employees work from home a few days a week, how can organisations ensure that employees not only perform well, but feel that their mental and physical health and well-being are taken care of? AB: Employee retention is critical to the success of any organisation. With a plethora of career alternatives available today, employees have plenty of options to choose from if they do not feel that they are treated properly at work. Employee turnover has a detrimental effect on not just the working environment and productivity, but also on costs. The good news for businesses is that it is possible to rethink work in ways that promote employee well-being and benefit the company in the long run. Encouraging holistic self-care, offering employees more autonomy over how they work, allowing them to contribute to workplace improvements, and assisting them with personal needs all contribute to employees feeling more engaged with the organisation.

Surveys have shown that employees who take a lunch break every day are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and recommend working there to others. What is your take on this? AB: Promoting lunch breaks allows teams to take a break from their job and cope with stress, which benefits their mental health and well-being. Our market research has shown that offering lunch meals is an excellent

approach for business leaders to demonstrate their appreciation for their staff. CEOs want their employees to be happy, healthy, and productive. In today's culture, health and wellbeing have become a priority. People want to eat healthy, and the workplace is no exception. Businesses must address this growing need by providing access to highquality, fresh meals. Taking care of one's health and fitness also results in lower insurance expenses and fewer sick days.

With the new initiative, Garnish Virtual Café, space or investment for companies is not needed, correct? AB: We all know that break-time flies by so quickly that you can hardly enjoy it. If you had to order in advance or leave the office to grab something to eat, you would end up missing out on your time to relax and rewind. Thanks to our technological platform together with our fully fledged kitchen, we have created the best system to cater for office needs, both individually and collectively. This will address employees’ daily needs and wants as lunch meals. The virtual café provides the means of having fresh daily meals delivered to employees’ desks. With a rotating menu, there is something different for them to choose from, from meat dishes, fish options, tasty chicken items, wholesome wraps, vegetarian options, and many more meals to make their lunchtime enjoyable.


Malta Chamber of Commerce, enterprise and IndUstry

Apart from being beneficial to employees, do you believe that providing food at work is advantageous to the company itself? AB: Surveys have shown that providing food at work as an employee perk improves employee product happiness and loyalty. We also believe that the right food improves team productivity, making them more focused and productive. Free food is also a great social tool, provoking conversations that would never have occurred otherwise. Collaboration can help improve communications, increase the speed and effectiveness of decision-making, build camaraderie, and facilitate trust throughout an organisation. A company-sponsored lunch is a highly visible benefit that your employees will recognise and appreciate. If your company hasn't been offering your employees free lunch, it's not too late. It's an easy and affordable fix with many options for delivering affordable and healthy food with selections your employees will devour.

Apart from offering lunches, what else does Garnish offer businesses to enhance the working environment? AB: Our objective is to connect employees to great food. This means we have a lot more to offer than just lunches. Breakfasts, business meetings,


“A company-sponsored lunch is a highly visible benefit that your employees will recognise and appreciate.” and catering for special occasions such as beer Fridays and summer parties are all things we can assist companies with. Our kitchen supplies and snacking programs transform any workplace space into a fun, collaborative and productive center for employees. Garnish provides business executives with the tools and resources they need to create a positive work environment that not only increases employee productivity, but also has a beneficial impact on the overall success of the organisation. n

For more information on Garnish Virtual Café, check out the website: or contact Aaron Buhagiar on (+356) 99301723 or



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