Melbourne Observer. July 1, 2015

Page 46

Page 46 - Melbourne Observer - Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Movies, DVDs With Jim Sherlock and Aaron Rourke

What’s Hot and What’s Not in Blu-Rays and DVDs

● David Oyelowo gives an unforgettable performance as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the gripping Oscar winning true life drama, Selma. FILM: SELMA: Genre: Biography/Drama. Cast: David Oyelowo, Carmen Ejogo, Tom Wilkinson, Tim Roth. Details: 2014. Rating: M. Length: 128 Minutes. Stars: **** Verdict: The gripping, evocative and stirring chronicle of Dr. Martin Luther King's campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965, which culminated in President Lyndon Johnson signing the Voting Rights Act. David Oyelowo is simply dynamic for every moment of his screen time as Martin Luther King, and veteran Tom Wilkinson gives a standout performance as President Lyndon Johnson. Exemplary on every level from an intelligent and respectful screenplay, taut direction (Ava DuVernay), tight editing and knife-edged performances, Selma is a powerful emotion charged tapestry of an unforgettable journey that is almost impossible not to be moved and inspired by their extraordinary courage and sacrifice with this groundbreaking historical event in history. Footnote: This is the first ever big screen biography on Dr. Martin Luther King and took 8 years to get to the screen. FILM: CHAPPIE: Genre: Sci-Fi/Action/Thriller. Cast: Sharlto Copley, Dev Patel, Hugh Jackman, Sigourney Weaver. Details: 2015. Rating: MA15+. Length: 120 Minutes. Stars: ** Verdict: In the near future crime is patrolled by a mechanized police force, and when one police droid, Chappie, is stolen and given new programming, he becomes the first robot with the ability to think and feel for himself. It's 'Short Circuit' meets 'Robocop' in this inventive but clunky action-science fiction-thriller from the director of the superior 'District 9' (Neill Blomkamp) that doesn't quite come together as a whole due to some misdirection, miscasting, weak screenplay and wooden performances. Nonetheless, this odd-romp is not a total loss, it's oddity and flaws sets it well apart from other more traditionally formulaic science fiction fare, and along with its striking urban landscapes, impressive score by Hans Zimmer and a titanium filled bucket of bolts as a hero that does raise a warm smile, it has enough energy in its dying batteries to be fun. FILM: BIG HERO 6: Genre: Animated/Action/Adventure. Cast: Ryan Potter, Scott Adsit, Jamie Chung. Details: 2014. Rating: PG. Length: 102 Minutes. Stars: ***½ Story: Delightfully entertaining animated sci-fi action adventure of a special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax and prodigy who team up with a group of friends to form a band of hightech heroes. Reminiscent of Disney's "The Incredibles" this superhero adventure is bright, brisk, fast paced and, as you would expect, brimming with superb animation. However, even though it doesn't quite know its intended audience as it jumps from light heartedness to grief to moments of extreme darkness, this and any other minor flaws pass by at a rapid rate, and the overall result is a fun, exciting and satisfying ride. - James Sherlock

A Most Violent Year ■ (MA). 125 minutes. Available on DVD and Blu-Ray on June 25. Lovingly crafted in the kind of way we haven't seen since that towering period of American cinema, the 1970s, A Most Violent Year is low-key, slow-burn drama that pays tribute to such film-makers as Sidney Lumet and Francis Ford Coppola. Set in New York during 1981, the story centres on businessman Abel Morales (Oscar Isaac), who has spent the last five years turning his oil distribution company into a major success, despite ruthless competitors who are less-than-happy about seeing this newcomer stealing their profits. Abel is married to Anna (Jessica Chastain), whose father originally owned the business that he now runs, aggressive baggage that Abel is trying to overcome and let go of. Things begin to turn sour when Abel's trucks come under attack by unknown, armed assailants, and his company is about to face criminal prosection from the District Attorney's Office, the case headed by agent Lawrence (David Oyelowo). Despite warnings from his longtime lawyer Andrew Walsh (Albert Brooks), Abel decides to take these dangerous groups head-on. Everything about A Most Violent Year is stunning. Performances are outstanding. Isaacs, following up his excellent turn in Inside Llewyn Davis (and recently seen in the intelligent sci-fi/drama ExMachina), is even better here, carefully orchestrating his character's change as the city's corruption surfaces its ugly head. It's a performance reminiscent of Al Pacino's in the original The Godfather. Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty / Tree Of Life / Take Shelter / Miss Julie) is her typical reliable self as Anna, and other stand-outs include Brooks (Drive / Broadcast News) and Oyelowo (Selma). Bradford Young's cinematography is simply gorgeous, with jaw-dropping use of blacks and golds (a definite love letter to the late, great Gordon Willis), and concrete greys, making its subject and locations fit in perfectly with the films of Sidney Lumet, especially his epic look at New York corruption, Prince Of The City (1981). The moody music score by Alex Ebert also deliberately hones in on a very specific period style, notably that of Tangerine Dream (Thief - 1981) and Giorgio Moroder (Scarface 1983). Writer/director Chandor defies the current trend of Hollywood film-making, where everything is all about mere colour and movement, by developing his story and characters in a slow, meticulous fashion, an approach that has seen the film meet with some divisive reactions. However, experiencing the manner in which Chandor shows his audience how cinema can absorb and envelop, makes for a great display of directorial brilliance. If you haven't seen Chandor's previous two films, the wonderfully existential All Is Lost with Robert Redford, and the terrific Margin Call with Kevin Spacey and Jeremy Irons, then please race out and do so. Easily the most notable absence at

● Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain in the outstanding crime drama, A Most Violent Year. this year's Oscars, A Most Violent Year was vastly superior to most of the movies nominated, and this dazzling crime drama is one of the best films of 2015. RATING - ****½.

Ernest and Clementine ■ (G). 80 minutes. Available Now on DVD and Blu-Ray. Based on the beloved books by Gabrielle Vincent, this deceptively simple and gorgeously animated film is an utter charmer, and should prove to be enchanting viewing for young and old over the school holiday period. The story centres on Ernest, a big brown bear who makes a marginal existance as a street musician, and lives in a ramshackle hut on the outskirts of town; and Celestine, a young orphan mouse who is ridiculed and shunned by others because she can't understand why bears and mice, whose worlds are kept separate and closed-off, cannot live in harmony together. When the mouse community finds out that Celestine has helped and befriended Ernest, she is labeled a criminal, so she escapes to the bear's simple abode, where the two learn true friendship and respect for one another. What could have become a heavyhanded message movie is instead treated with genuine care and intelligence by directors Benjamin Renner, Vincent Patar, and Stephane Aubier, and screenwriter Daniel Pennac, who allow the two title characters' personalities to shine through in a distinct and lovable manner. The themes inherent in the story then naturally surface and develop, making for a much more satisfying narrative. Lambert Wilson provides a memorably deep voice for Ernest, and Pauline Brunner perfectly captures Celestine's innocence and quest for kindness. Unfortunately the local release only contains the english-dubbed version, featuring the voices of Forest Whitaker, Mackenzie Foy, Lauren Bacall, Paul Giamatti and William H Macy. The animation is superb, wonderfully recreating the pastel colours and visuals of a classic children's book, helping tap into the child within us all, and is an absolute joy on the eyes. First-rate family entertainment. RATING - ****. - Aaron Rourke. DVDs and Blu-Rays kindly supplied by Video Vision, 177-179 Carlisle Street, Balaclava. For information or bookings on these titles please call 9531 2544, or check online at

Top 10 Lists THE AUSTRALIAN BOX OFFICE TOP TEN: 1. JURASSIC WORLD. 2. MINIONS. 3. INSIDE OUT. 4. SPY. 5. ENTOURAGE. 6. MAD MAX: FURY ROAD. 7. SAN ANDREAS. 8. HOT PURSUIT. 9. WOMAN IN GOLD. 10. ALOHA. NEW RELEASES AND COMING SOON TO CINEMAS AROUND AUSTRALIA: JUNE 25: EDEN, FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD , GLOBE ON SCREEN: ANTONY & CLEOPATRA, LOVE & MERCY, TED 2, WOMEN HE'S UNDRESSED. JULY 2: TERMINATOR: GENISYS, AMY, AWAKE: THE LIFE OF YOGANANDA. THE DVD AND BLU-RAY TOP RENTALS & SALES: 1. CINDERELLA (Live-Action/Family/Cate Blanchett, Lily James, Richard Madden). 2. SELMA [Drama/David Oyelowo, Tom Wilkinson]. 3. JUPITER ASCENDING [Action/ Fantasy/Channing Tatum, Mila Kunis, Sean Bean]. 4. PAPER PLANES [Family/Adventure/Nicholas Bakopoulos, Deborah Mailman]. 5. A MOST VIOLENT YEAR [Crime/Drama/Oscar Isaac, Jessica Chastain]. 6. FOCUS [Drama/Will Smith, Margot Robbie]. 7. THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING [Drama/Romance/Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones]. 8. BIRDMAN [Drama/Michael Keaton, Emma Stone, Edward Norton, Naomi Watts]. 9. CHAPPIE [Sci-Fi/Action/Hugh Jackman, Dev Patel, Sigourney Weaver]. 10. TAKEN 3 [Action/Liam Neeson, Famke Janssen, Forest Whitaker]. Also: WILD, THE INTERVIEW, THE HOMESMAN, FOXCATCHER, THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ELEANOR RIGBY, THE COBBLER, THE GAMBLER, INTERSTELLAR, THE IMITATION GAME, AMERICAN SNIPER. NEW RELEASE HIGHLIGHTS ON DVD THIS WEEK: KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE [Action/Comedy/Colin Firth, Mark Strong]. THE SPONGEBOB MOVIE: Sponge Out of Water [Family/Animated]. THE LOFT [Thriller/James Marsden, Karl Urban]. NEW AND RE-RELEASE CLASSICS ON DVD HIGHLIGHTS: HAMMER HORROR: The Brides of Dracula [1960/Horror/Peter Cushing]. HAMMER HORROR: The Curse of the Werewolf [1961/Oliver Reed]. HAMMER HORROR: The Nanny [1965/Bette Davis]. HAMMER HORROR: The Vampire Lovers [1970/Horror/Ingrid Pitt]. JEDDA [Drama/1955/Ngarla Kunoth, Robert Tudawali]. NEW RELEASE HIGHLIGHTS ON BLU-RAY THIS WEEK: KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE [Action/Comedy/Colin Firth, Mark Strong]. Turn To Page 53

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