Bristol Life - Issue 243

Page 98

l aw a d v e r t isi n g f e at u r e

Divorce – you don’t just need a lawyer Sarah Jackson at BLB Solicitors discusses how in complex divorces a good lawyer should act as team leader, pulling in financial experts when required.


lthough it is a life-changing decision, getting a divorce is the easy bit. A divorce ends the legal contract of marriage only; it does not bring an automatic end to any financial obligations you and your spouse might have to one another. Reaching a financial settlement is the most complex aspect of divorce and a good lawyer should be referring you to the relevant experts as you go about dividing your assets fairly. As the partner heading up both of BLB’s offices in Bristol, I am accustomed to dealing with clients with complex financial affairs, including multiple properties, businesses, family trusts and complex pensions. My job is to negotiate a settlement for my clients and then draft the agreement in the form of a financial court order. It is essential that, in so doing, I have sufficient knowledge to know when expert financial advice is required to ensure that my clients are not financially disadvantaged. If a lawyer thinks they can do it by themselves and they fail to bring in a necessary expert, this can result in a substantial financial cost to divorcing clients.

My network of experts in the Bristol area, built up over many years, help me to negotiate the best deal for my clients. One of these experts is independent mortgager adviser, Michelle Sharpe. Reliable mortgage capacity assessments for both spouses can be essential to ensure a fair settlement for divorcing couples, particularly in more modest-asset cases. Here Michelle outlines the service she provides. BL Sarah Jackson is Head of Family Law at BLB Solicitors.

BLB Solicitors 13-14 Orchard Street, Bristol, BS1 5EH Tel: 0117 905 5308 E-mail: Visit our website

At a time of relationship break up, decisions about future living arrangements can be difficult to agree on and emotionally charged. Usually they will depend upon who can afford what, and so detailed and unbiased information as to mortgage affordability and borrowing limits will be crucial. This is where I come in. I provide my clients with written Mortgage Capacity Reports and Lender Agreements in Principle, offering greater certainty as to future borrowing capability, which my divorcing clients find invaluable when negotiating settlements. I offer a confidential and personal service at what can be a very sensitive time for my clients and I’m there for them from initial affordability calculations right through to when they get the keys to their new home. I am completely independent which means I can find a lender who will suit each client’s needs perfectly, be that a high street bank or more specialist lender. With almost two decades in the job, I have in-depth industry knowledge and reliable industry-wide contacts. I also ensure that my clients have the appropriate protection in place to accompany their new mortgage, providing the cover they need to keep their new home. Michelle Sharpe is a Partner with Financial Themes LLP and specialises in providing independent mortgage and protection advice.


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