Word from King David - December 2020

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In collaboration with commercial partners

Word from King David

The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


IN THIS ISSUE Message from King David


King David's Award


Message from Maria


Message from Patriarch Sergius I


Message from Sidonia




The Jewish Calendar


The Restoration of the 12 Tribes


12 Tribes Feature - Falasha


The Lord’s Feasts


Why is it important to cleanse the African Kingdom thrones?


Do you know?


Modern Slavery - From West to East


Modern Slavery


The 10 Commandments


ECF Seed & Feed Drive Initiative


The Great Green Wall of Africa


December/January 2020 Moon & Planting Cycles


Featuring Artist: Arvie Smith


Diaspora Star of the Month - Samuel L Jackson


mel@ukaa.africa |

I greet you all in the name of the one true sovereign God and in the spirit of His established kingdom. Through the world over we are now, more than ever, faced with much strife, heartache and distress. Today I write this message to you filled with divine peace and hope that can only stem from an understanding that only my Father can give. So, be of good courage. Your safety and victory is certain if you follow the ways Yeshua/Jesus, the son of God, came to teach us. For time immemorial the destiny of Africa has been heralded by poets, musicians, spiritualists and all revolutionists alike. And more heartbreakingly, in the same manner and in a manner that fails all comprehension, the blood of Africans has continued to pour out into the soil and cause our land and its destiny to become barren.

I have continued to pray unceasingly before my Father, praying for a solution to be finally realized for our continent and all its people. When I study the Bible, I see our Father God’s most wonderful intentions for all of His creation, and especially His nation. You will forgive me my children and fellow colleagues, but this we must observe, that no change that is worth-while has ever been achieved without any controversy, and the message of our Commander and Chief, our Supreme King, Yeshua, Jesus Christ, is a great reference for this. The more we are in the twilight of the last days, and the more those who search for Him in truth, the more they will now be empowered by God’s spirit of truth which shines His marvellous light upon all places. And it is now more than ever important that we seek this truth and allow it to be the strong foundation upon which we build and stand. “You cannot understand the mystery of Christ if you do not understand the history of Christ.” The same is said of any people, that a people without a history is a people without purpose or a future. Africa’s deception and its subsequent enslavement has for the longest time been a profitable business for the prince (dark forces) of this world. Hence keeping Africa and Africans in a perpetual state of amnesia has been the very key ensuring this stronghold holds firm. It is therefore an undoubtedly heart-breaking experience to see how the world only wants to know Africa through the lenses of slavery, corruption and poverty. And that most of our population don’t know their history beyond a mere 400 years ago, robbing themselves of their greatness and favour which is locked in their true history. My children, we must urgently bring all awareness to the fact that Africa’s solution lies beyond the ethers of politics, but rests firmly in God’s kingdom system. The truth is Africa’s problems are being engineered and it is therefore our duty, especially as traditional leaders, to use the rod of Moses, the staff of kingship placed by God in our hands, to break the cords of deceit and open a new path and destiny

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | www.unitedkingdomsofafrica.org | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners

Word from King David

The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020 CONTINUE... MESSAGE FROM KING DAVID for Africa. With this rod we must free God’s children out of the clutches of slavery. With the rod of kingship we must teach our people once again who is their God and remind them how to worship Him. With this rod we must break down the boundaries that separate Africans in Africa, Africans in the diaspora and Africans with their God given heritage. Africans have now stepped out of the 400 year Biblical curse. As Africans we must embrace our lineage, our heritage as being part of the 12 tribes of the Biblical Israel and stand our ground as we enter the end times. The End time prophecies are now our reality. We must unite in our belief to survive! Discard the shackles The word “slavery” conjures up images of shackles and transatlantic ships – depictions that seem relegated firmly to the past. But more people are enslaved today in Africa, than at any other time in history. Experts have calculated that roughly 13 million people were captured and sold as slaves between the 15th and 19th centuries. Today, an estimated 40.3 million people – more than three times the figure during the transatlantic slave trade – are living in some form of modern slavery, according to the latest figures published by the UN’s International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Walk Free Foundation. Women and girls comprise 71% of all modern slavery victims. Children make up 25% and account for 10 million of all the slaves worldwide. These forms of enslavement figures are a staggering reality of what we do to ourselves. Countries such as Eritrea and Mauritania are the biggest contributors to these figures and also responsible for the biggest number of refugees fleeing Africa. This is an embarrassment. The veil of deceit is lifting Dearly beloved, undeniably one of the other biggest tools that were used to cement slavery in our continent’s psyche, came as the same gift that brought us into the knowledge of Christ and salvation. This is therefore why we continue to see such a big wall of reluctance from our people, including most of my royal peers, in submitting to the knowledge of Christ, often refuting and minimizing the Gospel of Christ as a foreign and un-African or “master’s” doctrine. Statistics show that Africa is the most religious continent and yet it is the most oppressed. As the veil of truth lifts, we have so much reason to rise above the practices of slavery and to abolish it once and for all. We are God’s people with a rich heritage taking us back to the Biblical times where we were powerful Kings. Do not let anyone make you believe differently. Did we deserve God’s wrath and 400 year enslavement? Yes, we did. We turned to idolatry such as bull worshipping, ancestral intercession and witchcraft, but we paid the price and are now free to change our ways and to take up our heritage as God’s tribes. No longer are you trapped in “cultural ways”, my children. If your ways are not described as righteous in the Bible, then it is not from our God! Hear my warning!! Return to the true God and His ways!

mel@ukaa.africa |

African Resources Part and parcel of our responsibility as traditional leaders will therefore rest immensely in our commitment to teach our people that, as the human beings which God first created and fashioned after Himself, we are therefore God’s chosen nation. That our continent is not only rich in natural resources but is immensely blessed with the best natural remedies and food we must eat to live. Commerce Part and parcel of this responsibility must show a clear picture of us as leaders ensuring that all the lands in our Kingdoms are cultivated for sustenance, business and welfare purposes ensuring that no African goes hungry and an environment of success is created. This is because prosperity is an antidote to slavery. Returning Diaspora Part and parcel of our collective responsibility again includes our firm commitment and corrective action to unite Africans all over the world, that we welcome back all our children from across the seas to their motherland, that we break all boundaries across the continent, ensuring that no African is ever again a foreigner anywhere in Africa, thus uniting all regions under one state, language and currency. The Gospel of Jesus Christ as He had perfectly predicted is a gospel that is inherent with wheat and weeds. It is therefore the duty of all traditional leaders to surround themselves with wise men and women who are anointed for this time of “The Separation” to teach truth, thereby removing what is false from that which is true. With this new state of mind, we will break the chains of bondage my children, over our land and peoples and restore our God’s sovereignty, the God of Abraham and His blessings will return to our people. Remember, we have one common enemy. The ONE WORLD ORDER. Unite, and set aside your differences. Again, I pray for our Father God’s firm hand to be established upon you, your homes and Kingdoms and that God’s wisdom and protection stays with you throughout these trying times. May 2021 bring us all much peace and prosperity. God Bless


Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | www.unitedkingdomsofafrica.org | UNGM NO: 613759

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